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This is a script of the cutscenes in Sonic Shuffle.

Cutscene 1[]

[Maginaryworld. Camera zooms in on the Temple of Light. Inside the temple, a portal opens and Sonic, Amy, Tails and Knuckles fall out of it.]

Sonic: [Lands on the floor] Aargh!
Amy: [Lands on the floor] Ouuuuuuch!
Tails: [Lands on the floor and runs over] Sonic!
Amy: Forget about Sonic! Just look at my clothes!
Knuckles: [Looks around] What is this place...? [View of the room is show] Are we... dreaming?
Amy: Then... we're all part of the same dream? No way!
Tails: That's impossible.
Sonic: [Shrugs] Well, one thing's for sure... We stumbled into a very strange place.
Lumina: Welcome to Maginaryworld! [Teleports into view]
Sonic: [Whistles] Who are you?
Lumina: I am Lumina... Lumina Flowlight. It's nice to meet you!! You're all here because you received my message...
Knuckles: What is this place!?
Lumina: [Removes walls and displays Maginaryworld] Maginaryworld. A world created from the dreams of those from other dimensions... This is the Temple of Light... This is where the Precioustone was... it's the crystal that created this world.
Sonic: Precious... Stone...
Amy: WAS... then where is it now?
Lumina: It's... no longer here... It was shattered to pieces...
Sonic: What's wrong Lumina...?
Tails: Lumina, if you don't mind, can you tell us what's troubling you!
Lumina: Precioustone... A crystal created from everyone's dreams. [Flashback of the Perfect Precioustone and Illumina is shown] The power of the precioustone makes dreams come true and is the essence of Maginaryworld's existence... Illumina, the Goddess of Dreams, and I are the protectors of the Precioustone. [Flashback of the Perfect Precioustone is shown] We guard the Precioustone so that everyone's dreams are protected... But one day darkness draped the Precioustone... and Void... [Flashback of Void shattering the Precioustone is shown] The Precioustone was stolen by the darkness of Void... and the Precioustone was shattered... [Flashbacks end] When the Precioustone shattered, Illumina lost her powers and became a prisoner in a faraway world...
Sonic: Void...
Lumina: Void's power of darkness is transforming different parts of Maginaryworld... If this keeps up, this world will... Maginaryworld will cease to exist!!...Please, please help me! I need your help! I need to gather the pieces of the Precioustone!

[Sonic, Tails, Knuckles and Amy look at each other.]

Sonic: Hey guys...
Tails: Yeah!
Amy: Let's do it!
Knuckles: Well, I've got nothing better to do.
Sonic: Hey, leave it to us. We'll help this damsel in distress. [Lumina is briefly seen.] I'm Sonic.
Tails: Hi, I'm Tails!
Amy: I'm Amy. Nice to meet you!
Knuckles: And I'm Knuckles.
Lumina: Thanks everyone!! [A door opens.] OK, everyone!! Let's go collect the pieces of the Precioustone!!

[Sonic, Lumina, Tails, Knuckles and Amy go through the door.]

Cutscene 2[]

[Emerald Coast, day. Sonic, Lumina, Tails, Knuckles and Amy exit a portal.]

Amy: Wow! What a beautiful beach!
Lumina: A tropical island paradise created from the dreams of those who enjoy the sun. But now...

[Icebergs and frozen tornados are seen in the horizon.]

Knuckles: What's that!?
Tails: It's frozen...
Sonic: Is that Void's doing?
Lumina: The dark powers of Void are changing this paradise into a cold world of ice... If we don't do something this paradise is going to be sealed in ice forever! If we can get the Precioustone back, this world should return to the way it was! Come on everyone! Let's go get the Precioustone!
Sonic: OK! Here we go!

[Sonic, Lumina, Tails, Knuckles and Amy runs towards the icebergs.]

Cutscene 3[]

[Blue void. The camera moves through a transparent tunnel. The scene shifts to the Temple of Light where Illumina is sitting.]

Illumina: Please... Help me... You must hurry... The darkness will engulf the dreams... Void is going to destroy the Precioustone... [Void destroying the Perfect Precioustone is shown] Maginaryworld will cease to exist...

Cutscene 4[]

Sonic's scenario[]

[Blue void. Lumina and Void are facing each other.]

Lumina: Please! Stop! Please don't destroy the Precioustone! Please don't destroy our world made of everyone's dreams!!

[Sonic walks in on the scene.]

Void: The Precioustone will shatter if I touch it. Maginaryworld... My world... The world of my dreams...
Sonic: [Faces Void] Hey! I'm not gonna let you do that! This world does not belong to you. It belongs to everybody. It's the world of everyone's dreams!

[Everything whites out and the camera moves through a transparent tunnel through a blue void. Sonic wakes up in Emerald Coast with Tails, Knuckles and Amy.]

Sonic: I guess we made it...
Lumina: Look, everyone...

Tails' scenario[]

[Blue void. Lumina and Void are facing each other.]

Lumina: Please! Stop! Please don't destroy the Precioustone! Please don't destroy our world made of everyone's dreams!!

[Tails walks in on the scene.]

Void: The Precioustone will shatter if I touch it. Maginaryworld... My world... The world of my dreams...
Tails: [Faces Void] Stop! This is a world... A world of everyone's dreams!! I'm not going to let you have your way!

[Everything whites out and the camera moves through a transparent tunnel through a blue void. Tails wakes up in Emerald Coast with Sonic, Knuckles and Amy.]

Tails: Where are we...? I guess we made it...
Lumina: Look, everyone...

Knuckles' scenario[]

[Blue void. Lumina and Void are facing each other.]

Lumina: Please! Stop! Please don't destroy the Precioustone! Please don't destroy our world made of everyone's dreams!!

[Knuckles walks in on the scene.]

Void: The Precioustone will shatter if I touch it. Maginaryworld... My world... The world of my dreams...
Knuckles: [Faces Void] Don't think you can have your way! I got something to protect... You can't just come and take it away!! Void!! I'm not going to let you do this!

[Everything whites out and the camera moves through a transparent tunnel through a blue void. Knuckles wakes up in Emerald Coast with Sonic, Tails and Amy.]

Knuckles: Where are we...? ...We made it.
Lumina: Look, everyone...

Amy's scenario[]

[Blue void. Lumina and Void are facing each other.]

Lumina: Please! Stop! Please don't destroy the Precioustone! Please don't destroy our world made of everyone's dreams!!

['Amy walks in on the scene.]

Void: The Precioustone will shatter if I touch it. Maginaryworld... My world... The world of my dreams...
Amy: [Faces Void] Lumina! Don't give up!! Void! You... You... You're not going to destroy everyone's dream... My dream!!

[Everything whites out and the camera moves through a transparent tunnel through a blue void. Amy wakes up in Emerald Coast with Sonic, Tails and Knuckles.]

Amy: We... made it...
Lumina: Look, everyone...

Cutscene 5[]

[Emerald Coast, day. The entire area is seen from above, which is half-frozen. Everything then thaws out and the sky is repaired, returning Emerald Coast to normal.]

Cutscene 6[]

[Emerald Coast, day. Sonic, Tails, Knuckles and Amy are looking over Emerald Coast.]

Tails: Wow it's beautiful...
Amy: It sure is.
Lumina: Thank you everyone!! With the piece of the Precioustone brought back to the Temple of Light, this place has been saved and has returned to the beautiful world it was!
Sonic: OK, Lumina. Let's go to the next world.
Lumina: OK! [Opens a portal] Come on everyone, lets go!!

[Sonic, Lumina, Tails, Knuckles and Amy enter the portal, which then closes.]

Cutscene 7[]

[Fire Bird, day. Sonic, Lumina, Tails, Knuckles and Amy exit a portal.]

Sonic: Wh... Where are we?
Knuckles: looks like we're airborne!

[A giant bird-shaped airplane is shown.]

Lumina: This is a world that has lost its wings of freedom. The true form of this world is trapped within this airplane! [The airplane starts descending] Oh no... We're losing speed... if we don't do something we're going to crash! We have to hurry!
Sonic: OK! Here we go!

[Sonic, Lumina, Tails, Knuckles and Amy move across the airplane.]

Cutscene 8[]

Sonic's scenario[]

[Blue void. The camera moves through a transparent tunnel. The scene shifts to Sonic, Lumina and Void standing in a blue void.]

Lumina: Please... please stop Void! Hurry and return the Precioustone. Please return Goddess Illumina...
Sonic: Hey Void! What are you anyway? Where did you come from?
Void: Where did I come from? I... I didn't come from anywhere. I've always been here...
Sonic: Why did you destroy the Precioustone?
Void: I didn't destroy the Precioustone!
Sonic: You're lying. You're destroying everyone's dreams!
Void: Destroying dreams? I don't destroy them... I am a dream...

[Everything whites out and the camera moves through a transparent tunnel through a blue void. Sonic finds himself on an air balloon with Lumina, Tails, Knuckles and Amy.]

Lumina: It's beginning! The Firebird has risen from the ashes...

Tails' scenario[]

[Blue void. The camera moves through a transparent tunnel. The scene shifts to Tails, Lumina and Void standing in a blue void.]

Lumina: Please... please stop Void! Hurry and return the Precioustone. Please return Goddess Illumina...
Tails: Void! Stop tormenting Lumina!
Void: I... didn't torment anybody... Nobody can torment me...
Tails: That's... ridiculous! You destroyed the Precioustone...
Void: Destroyed... Precioustone? Precioustone... Divided... Wanted to be whole...
Tails: What are you saying? Please! Don't steal everyone's dreams!!
Void: I cannot steal dreams... Dreams are already here... You all betrayed me...

[Everything whites out and the camera moves through a transparent tunnel through a blue void. Tails finds himself on an air balloon with Lumina, Sonic, Knuckles and Amy.]

Lumina: It's beginning! The Firebird has risen from the ashes...

Knuckles' scenario[]

[Blue void. The camera moves through a transparent tunnel. The scene shifts to Knuckles, Lumina and Void standing in a blue void.]

Lumina: Please... please stop Void! Hurry and return the Precioustone. Please return Goddess Illumina...
Knuckles: Void! You son of darkness! Return to that dark hole you crawled out of!!
Void: I won't return... Can't return... I want to return... I want to be friends... I don't want to be alone...
Knuckles: Then why did you destroy the Precioustone? Why create such a lonely existence?
Void: I destroyed the Precioustone...? No... I just wanted to...
Knuckles: Don't give me that!! You did destroy it! That's why this world of dreams...
Void: What is a dream? Did you do something? Did you become something? Does anything really change? My dream...

[Everything whites out and the camera moves through a transparent tunnel through a blue void. Knuckles finds himself on an air balloon with Lumina, Sonic, Tails and Amy.]

Lumina: It's beginning! The Firebird has risen from the ashes...

Amy's scenario[]

[Blue void. The camera moves through a transparent tunnel. The scene shifts to Amy, Lumina and Void standing in a blue void.]

Lumina: Please... please stop Void! Hurry and return the Precioustone. Please return Goddess Illumina...
Amy: Void! Why are you doing this? Stop it!!
Void: Why are you so upset? Is it something I did? I didn't do anything wrong... Hey, it's what everyone wanted right?
Amy: What are you talking about!? Everyone has dreams. They're important to us. And you're trying to destroy them!
Void: Me... ? I didn't destroy anything.
Amy: You're lying! You destroyed the Precioustone!
Void: When dreams are shattered... They all have a beginning and an end. They can't be destroyed. I will be whole...

[Everything whites out and the camera moves through a transparent tunnel through a blue void. Amy finds herself on an air balloon with Lumina, Sonic, Tails and Knuckles.]

Lumina: It's beginning! The Firebird has risen from the ashes...

Cutscene 9[]

[Fire Bird, day. The bird-shaped airplane is on fire and a large phoenix breaks out from it. The phoenix flies through the sky which is repaired.]

Cutscene 10[]

[Fire Bird, day. Sonic, Lumina, Tails, Knuckles and Amy are on top of an air balloon.]

Sonic: Wings of... Freedom...
Tails: It's wonderful...!
Knuckles: So this Maginaryworld. The land of dreams...
Amy: Wow, this is cool!
Lumina: The wings that recovered its freedom... The freedom to go where one's heart desires... The spirit of dreams are to travel through air, land, sea, and even between stars... There may be differences but the spirit is the same... like the phoenix. Now the phoenix can fly freely! The dream to be free has been restored! Thank you everyone!! [Opens a portal] Come on everyone, lets go!! On to the next Precioustone piece!

[Lumina flies into the portal while Sonic, Tails, Knuckles and Amy jump into it before it closes.]

Cutscene 11[]

[Nature Zone, day. Sonic, Lumina, Tails, Knuckles and Amy exit a portal.]

Amy: Wow! This was a jungle...
Sonic: But, look at this...
Tails: [Looks around] Is this Void's doing?
Lumina: This jungle was created from the dreams of those wishing to be one one with nature. And that... Was placed by the dark powers of Void to destroy this world... The dark powers of Void are already destroying this place... We have to hurry to save the jungle! Come on everyone! Let's go get the Precioustone!! And return this world to the beautiful jungle full of life!!

[Sonic, Lumina, Tails, Knuckles and Amy move into the jungle.]

Cutscene 12[]

Sonic's scenario[]

[Blue void. The camera moves through a transparent tunnel. The scene shifts to Sonic who stands before Illumina in a yellow void.]

Illumina: ...What is... your dream?
Sonic: My... dream?
Illumina: My dream... is... to make Maginaryworld a world full of light... Maginaryworld... A dream world filled with beautiful light.

[Everything whites out.]

Tails' scenario[]

[Blue void. The camera moves through a transparent tunnel. The scene shifts to Tails who stands before Illumina in a yellow void.]

Illumina: ...What is... your dream?
Tails: My dream... I want to be stronger! So I can help... my pal, Sonic!
Illumina: My dream... is... to make Maginaryworld a world full of light... Maginaryworld... A dream world filled with beautiful light.

[Everything whites out.]

Knuckles' scenario[]

Illumina: ...What is... your dream?
Knuckles: Nothing grand. My destiny is to protect the Master Emerald. In a way I'm like you, a guardian that protects...!
Illumina: My dream... is... to make Maginaryworld a world full of light... Maginaryworld... A dream world filled with beautiful light.

[Everything whites out.]

Amy's scenario[]

[Blue void. The camera moves through a transparent tunnel. The scene shifts to Amy who stands before Illumina in a yellow void.]

Illumina: ...What is... your dream?
Amy: My dream... Someday... I want to be like Sonic.
Illumina: My dream... is... to make Maginaryworld a world full of light... Maginaryworld... A dream world filled with beautiful light.

[Everything whites out.]

Cutscene 13[]

Sonic's scenario[]

[Blue void. The camera moves through a transparent tunnel. The scene shifts to Sonic, Lumina and Void standing in a blue void.]

Lumina: Illumina wished for a beautiful dream world... But Void was born...
Void: Why are you trying to stop me? Why are you tormenting me? I only want to...
Sonic: The world Illumina dreamed of... The world she wished for... But Void was born...

[Everything whites out and the camera moves through a transparent tunnel through a blue void. The scene then shifts to the Nature Zone where Sonic, Lumina, Tails, Knuckles and Amy are standing.]

Lumina: Look everyone... The jungle... It's regenerating itself...

Tails' scenario[]

[Blue void. The camera moves through a transparent tunnel. The scene shifts to Tails, Lumina and Void standing in a blue void.]

Lumina: Illumina wished for a beautiful dream world... But Void was born...
Void: Why are you trying to stop me? Why are you tormenting me? I only want to...
Tails: This is the world Illumina dreamed of... The world she wished for... ...then Void is...?

[Everything whites out and the camera moves through a transparent tunnel through a blue void. The scene then shifts to the Nature Zone where Sonic, Lumina, Tails, Knuckles and Amy are standing.]

Lumina: Look everyone... The jungle... It's regenerating itself...

Knuckles' scenario[]

[Blue void. The camera moves through a transparent tunnel. The scene shifts to Knuckles, Lumina and Void standing in a blue void.]

Lumina: Illumina wished for a beautiful dream world... But Void was born...
Void: Why are you trying to stop me? Why are you tormenting me? I only want to...
Knuckles: The would Illumina dreamed of... The world she hoped for... But... what about Void? Who dreamed up Void!?

[Everything whites out and the camera moves through a transparent tunnel through a blue void. The scene then shifts to the Nature Zone where Sonic, Lumina, Tails, Knuckles and Amy are standing.]

Lumina: Look everyone... The jungle... It's regenerating itself...

Amy's scenario[]

[Blue void. The camera moves through a transparent tunnel. The scene shifts to Amy, Lumina and Void standing in a blue void.]

Lumina: Illumina wished for a beautiful dream world... But Void was born...
Void: Why are you trying to stop me? Why are you tormenting me? I only want to...
Amy: The world Illumina dreamed of... The world she wished for... What about Void?

[Everything whites out and the camera moves through a transparent tunnel through a blue void. The scene then shifts to the Nature Zone where Sonic, Lumina, Tails, Knuckles and Amy are standing.]

Lumina: Look everyone... The jungle... It's regenerating itself...

Cutscene 12[]

[Nature Zone, day. The entire area is seen from above. The dark pillars are then crumbling away, plants are growing and the sky is repaired, returning the area to normal.]

Cutscene 13[]

[Nature Zone, day. Sonic, Lumina, Tails, Knuckles and Amy are watching the restoration of the area.]

Knuckles: The jungle's been regenerated...
Amy: Wow! Looks totally different...
Tails: Yeah... it feels alive!
Sonic: Yeah...
Lumina: Nature is so beautiful! You have to respect Mother Nature. Our dreams... A world we want to protect... But... Sometimes people forget to love Mother Nature... I'm afraid... nobody will wish for this world...
Sonic: Lumina... We won’t let out dreams die!
Tails: That's right! So cheer up!
Amy: Don't worry, everything will be alright!
Knuckles: [Nods]
Lumina: Thank you... everyone!
Sonic: Now we've collected 3 Precioustones...
Lumina: Let's go! We have to find the next Precioustone!

[Sonic, Lumina, Tails, Knuckles and Amy head towards the forest.]

Cutscene 14[]

[Riot Train, night. Lumina, Sonic, Tails, Knuckles and Amy exit a portal and land on top of a train.]

Sonic: Where... are we?
Amy: Give me a break! What is this place!?!
Lumina: The dream for adventure and travel... This world was made from dreams of those who love adventure. [View of train is shown] But now we have no destination and we're out of control! [Sonic, Tails, Knuckles and Amy get up] This train is very unstable... There's no way to predict what will happen! Be careful, everyone!

Cutscene 15[]

Sonic's scenario[]

[Blue void. The camera moves through a transparent tunnel. The scene shifts to Sonic, Lumina and Void standing in a blue void.]

Lumina: Maginaryworld... The world where everyone's dreams come true... Precioustone... The crystalized essence of everyone's dreams... But... There are many different kinds of dreams. Ambition, Possession, Domination... These are dreams from the dark realm. Is that... Void?
Void: I am a dream... I'm a part of everyone's dream... Maginaryworld... Pieces of dreams... I am a piece of a dream... I am a Precioustone... I am returning to the Temple of Light... To the Temple where everyone waits...
Sonic: ...I understand. [Looks towards Void] Void! You're...!

[Everything whites out and the camera moves through a transparent tunnel through a blue void. The scene then shifts to Sonic, Lumina, Tails, Knuckles and Amy who are moving away from the smoking train.]

Sonic: [Stops and turns towards the train] Alright! We stopped the Train!
Lumina: The smoke is clearing...

Tails' scenario[]

[Blue void. The camera moves through a transparent tunnel. The scene shifts to Tails, Lumina and Void standing in a blue void.]

Lumina: Maginaryworld... The world made from everyone's dreams. But Void was born. Precioustone... Made from the essence of everyone's dreams... But Void exists here. Everyone's dreams... What is a dream? Is it the wish to do something, become something or change something? Is that... Void?
Void: My wish... I want to become whole. Precioustone... A piece of Maginaryworld's dream. I am a piece of a dream... So... I want to become whole. I am returning to the Temple of Light... To the Temple where everyone waits...
Tails: What's going on? [Looks towards Void] Void! What you're saying is...

[Everything whites out and the camera moves through a transparent tunnel through a blue void. The scene then shifts to Sonic, Lumina, Tails, Knuckles and Amy who are moving away from the smoking train.]

Sonic: [Stops and turns towards the train] Alright! We stopped the Train!
Lumina: The smoke is clearing...

Knuckles' scenario[]

[Blue void. The camera moves through a transparent tunnel. The scene shifts to Knuckles, Lumina and Void standing in a blue void.]

Lumina: Maginaryworld... A world of dreams protected by the Precioustone. A heart... a delicate and precious thing that can be broken easily. But everyone has a darkside deep in their heart. At times, people can be trapped in their worst nightmare. But they won't know that they are trapped. Is that... Void?
Void: No one can deny me... When they feel lonely and scared and can't face it any more. Everyone dreams. They escape into a dream. That's why I created the dream... The Precioustone too... I am returning to the Temple of Light... To the Temple where everyone waits...
Knuckles: [Looks towards Void] Then Void, that makes you...!

[Everything whites out and the camera moves through a transparent tunnel through a blue void. The scene then shifts to Sonic, Lumina, Tails, Knuckles and Amy who are moving away from the smoking train.]

Sonic: [Stops and turns towards the train] Alright! We stopped the Train!
Lumina: The smoke is clearing...

Amy's scenario[]

[Blue void. The camera moves through a transparent tunnel. The scene shifts to Amy, Lumina and Void standing in a blue void.]

Lumina: I sent everybody a message. To the people who dreamed of this world. But... You were the only one who answered. My message did not reach anybody else. Nodody dreams of this world. Did everyone forget to dream? Is a dream not precious any more? Am I the only one who is all alone? I'm no different from Void...
Void: Come on... Let's be whole. You're suffering because you're missing something... Maginaryworld... Pieces of dreams... Come on... There's nothing to be afraid of if we're together. My wish... I want to become whole. I am returning to the Temple of Light... To the Temple where everyone waits...
Amy: Void... Lumina... [Looks towards Void] Oh no... Why? Why?

[Everything whites out and the camera moves through a transparent tunnel through a blue void. The scene then shifts to Sonic, Lumina, Tails, Knuckles and Amy who are moving away from the smoking train.]

Sonic: [Stops and turns towards the train] Alright! We stopped the Train!
Lumina: The smoke is clearing...

Cutscene 16[]

[Riot Train, day. The smokes clears and reveals the train which then shreds its outer shell. The train then moves towards a cliff, where it sprouts wings before driving over the edge and flying through the sky which has been repaired.]

Cutscene 17[]

[Inside the train cart. Sonic, Lumina, Tails, Knuckles and Amy are standing in the aisle.]

Lumina: OK everyone! We're heading into the 4th Dimension!
Sonic: A piece of the Precioustone is there?
Lumina: Yes. It's the last one!
Tails: This is it Sonic!
Amy: [Giggles] This is getting exciting!
Lumina: ...We're almost there! We're entering the 4th Dimension!

[Everything whites out.]

Cutscene 18[]

[Fourth Dimension Space. Sonic, Lumina, Tails, Knuckles and Amy are flying through the air.]

Sonic: Look, the worlds we traveled through...
Tails: [Looks around] It looks like they're projected on a screen!
Amy: They're beautiful...
Knuckles: Lumina, what is this place...?
Lumina: This is the 4th Dimension, the world Illumina dreamed of... It's beautiful... But it's also a very fragile world made of dreams... Can you see? All the worlds exist separately. [Looks back] We don't have much time! Maginaryworld may disappear at any moment!
Tails: We're finally here...
Knuckles: This is the last...
Amy: piece of the Precioustone...
Sonic: [Looks around] OK everyone! Here we go!

[Sonic, Lumina, Tails, Knuckles and Amy fly through the space.]

Cutscene 19[]

[Maginaryworld. Void is flying towards the Temple of Light.]

Lumina: [Gasps] ...Void is heading for the Temple of Light! He's going to shatter the Precioustone we collected... Hurry! We have to catch him!!

[Sonic, Lumina, Tails, Knuckles and Amy fly towards the Temple of Light which the camera zooms in on.]

Cutscene 20[]

[Temple of Light. Void is standing before the Perfect Precioustone. Sonic, Lumina, Tails, Knuckles and Amy are standing at the entrance.]

Lumina: Stop! [Void looks at Lumina.] Why? Why destroy the Precioustone? Why destroy everyone's dreams?
Void: Am I alone? [Look at the Precioustone] I am not alone... My friends, my brothers, I want to be whole...
Lumina: ...What? What are you saying?
Void: I was looking for everyone... So I could be whole. And I found everyone... But everyone ran away from me. I tried to reach them but...
Sonic: ...You sought the Precioustone because...
Void: [Turns towards Sonic, Lumina, Tails, Knuckles and Amy] I am so lonely... [Starts trembling] You don't need me? Then... why... was I bo... r... n...

[Dark light errupts from Void and everything whites out.]

Cutscene 21[]

[Temple of Light. Lumina is sitting alone in a completely dark void. Sonic, Tails, Amy and Knuckles then appear one by one and the blackness fades away to reveal the Temple of Light.]

Lumina: Why? Why doesn't the light return to the Precioustone? Why doesn't Illumina return? We defeated Void... the darkness that destroys dreams.
Sonic: Lumina...
Lumina: Maginaryworld... is finished... The people who once dreamed about this world have forgotten about it...
Tails: That's not true! Your voice and Illumina's wish has touched us!!
Amy: Don't say such a thing, Lumina!
Knuckles: That's right! It... can't be!
Sonic: [Looks down and picks up a dark gem] What's this?

[The camera zooms in on the dark gem and a transparent image of Void briefly appears.]

Void: Illumina... Why do you reject me? Lumina... Why do you hate me? You, and I, aren't we... the same?
Sonic: [Looks at the gem and walks over to Lumina.] Lumina. Don't forget about him...
Lumina: That's!?
Sonic: Void... Anger, Sadness, Despair, and Emptiness... Aren't dreams born because everyone has these feelings? Don't these feelings make our dreams even stronger? Void... He was probably part of the Precioustone... He was part of a feeling that is necessary for dreams to come true.
Tails: Lumina... Can't you accept Void for what he is? Dreams probably can't exist without it... It's the same with me. When I'm down and I feel I can't go on any more... that's when I know I have to try harder! because I have my own dreams!
Amy: It's a dream because it hasn't been fulfilled yet... But one day you'll make it come true. You can live through each day because you have dreams! No matter how small they are.
Knuckles: Dreams don't betray us. When we lose ourselves... that's when we lose our dreams. It's not that dreams don't come true. We just give up on them. We know that... and you should know it better than us...
Lumina: [Slowly rises to her feet and looks up] ...Thank you everyone. I was probably the one... who had lost myself in my dark feelings...

[Lumina receives the dark gem from Sonic and walks up to the Perfect Precioustone. Everything then whites out.]

Cutscene 22[]

[Temple of Light. Lumina stands before the Perfect Precioustone with the dark gem. Lumina flies up to the Perfect Precioustone and insert the dark gem into it, resulting in her getting pulled into the Perfect Precioustone. There, the dark gem transforms into Void and a column of light shoots into the Temple of Light which repairs the Perfect Precioustone. Inside the Perfect Precioustone, which now glows brightly, Lumina reaches her hands out to Void who hesitantly grabs them. Lumina and Void then merge together in a ball of light and Illumina emerges.]

Cutscene 23[]

[Blue void. Sonic, Tails, Knuckles and Amy are floating in a transparent tunnel and looking behind them. Illumina then appears.]

Illumina: Thank you... Now Maginaryworld will become an even better world than it was before. [Tails is shown] I'm sorry... I'm the one who lost myself and almost lost my dream... [Knuckles is shown] Maginaryworld and people's emotions are fragile. It doesn't take much to crush them... [Amy is shown] Even the strongest of people have dark emotions in their hearts. [Sonic is shown] We must be stronger... Emptiness does not conquer dreams... Dreams conquer the emptiness...

[Sonic, Tails, Knuckles and Amy fly into a light at the end of the tunnel which expands and covers the screen. Credits rolls]

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