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This is a script for the cutscenes in The Murder of Sonic the Hedgehog.


[Scene: Black screen]

Barry the Quokka: ...

[Barry suddenly appears.]

Barry: (Phew, made it on the train fifteen minutes ahead of schedule. So far as good for my first day on the job! Oh... I totally forgot my nametag isn't ready yet. I should make one... I'll just sign my name here...)
If the player writes an appropriate name
Barry: (Player? Did I spell that right?)
If the player picks "yes"

[The player have named the quokka their given name.]

Player: (Hope passengers can read my scribble...)
If the player picks "no"

[The quokka remains unnamed.]

Barry: (I'll just sign my name here...)
If the player writes a name from an already established character

[The quokka remains unnamed.]

Barry: (Like... THE Sonic? Haha, wouldn't that be cool. But no... I'll just sign my name here...)
If the player writes an inappropriate name

[The quokka remains unnamed.]

Barry: ... (I don't think I could show my face around here again if I wrote that. Let's try again. I'll just sign my name here...)

Dining Car[]

[Scene: The Dining Car]

Player: (Uh oh, am I nervous? Is this first day on the job jitters? Working the train's dining car can't be so bad, c'mon Player shake it off!)

[Player slaps themselves, as the Conductor appears.]]

Conductor: Player did I uh, just see you hitting yourself?
Player: M-M-Mr. Conductor sir! How are you doing this morning?
Conductor: Ho ho ho, quite alright myself! Though feeling a little bittersweet.
If the player says "Is everything alright?"
Conductor: Well, truth be told, not really... Alas, today's my last day as conductor! I'm retiring after thirty-two wonderful years. Time for me and The Mirage Express to say goodbye to one another.
If the player says "Is that because you're a sweetie?"
Conductor: Trying to butter me up the first day, are we? Alas, today's my last day as conductor! I'm retiring after thirty-two wonderful years. Time for me and The Mirage Express to say goodbye to one another.
Player: Oh, congratulations on retirement, sir!
Conductor: Thank you, my wife is very excited about it. She's already got our plane tickets to Spagonia locked! Our shower's been on the fritz, so I'm excited to use the hotel's, fahaha!
Player: ... (I can see why his wife's excited.)
Conductor: Enough of my quibbles, today's your first day working the dining car! Here's the menu for today.

[Menu added to the player's inventory]

Player: (I can open the inventory any time to view items I've received. I should look over the menu carefully!)

[As Player looks over the menu, Conductor questions him.]

Conductor: Why do you look so nervous...? All we have on the train is a microwave! Fahahahahahaha! Though, I'm sure a little quiz is in order. Which of these do we serve at the dining car?
If the player picks "Crab Rangoon"
Conductor: BZZT, wrongo!
Player: ... (Maybe I should open my inventory and read the menu again.)
Conductor: Which of these do we serve at the dining car?
If the player picks "Spicy Grilled Picky"
Conductor: As tasty as that sounds, wrong!
Player: ... (Maybe I should open my inventory and read the menu again.)
Conductor: Which of these do we serve at the dining car?
If the player picks "Chicken Cordon Bleu"
Conductor: Ding ding ding! Glad you can read the menu ok, fahahaha! A little about the vessel, this is a state of the art high speed smart train with all the latest gadgets. This train can really handle anything you throw at it! We've had a lot of adventures together, me and this train. It's not easy to leave.
Player: (After thirty-two years, I don't blame him for being wistful.)
Conductor: This train is exclusively used for events, it's not a passenger train.
Player: I remember that from the interview. What's the event today?
Conductor: A murder mystery party! Nothing bettr than some thrills to end my tenure as conductor. Guests will be funneled here to the dining car, as a home base so to speak. I'll be with you to gather tickets, but after that you'll be on your own. So I'll need you to do everything in your power to make sure our paying guests are well taken care of, understood?
If the player says "I'll make you proud, sir!"
Conductor: Fahahaha, glad this old man can rest easy. Doors to The Mirage Express are opening, all aboard!
If the player says "I can't afford to lose this job!
Conductor: You sure can't, the severance pay is lousy! Fahahaha! Doors to The Mirage Express are opening, all aboard!

[As the Mirage Express' doors are opening, the paying guests enter inside the train]

Tails: Wow, this train is incredible! What fascinating tech.
Vector: You're right, Tails. I can get used to staying on a train like this!
Amy: What did you all expect!? You know I always go all out for my birthday party!
Rouge: This train's as elegant as you are, Amy. Can't promise I won't take anything though.
Knuckles: Calm down there, Rouge. Did I not just catch you stealing from the train station gift shop...?
Rouge: It was a pen, Knucklehead! Who's gonna miss a teeny tiny pen?
Player: ... (What cast of characters am I stuck with?!)
Conductor: Get ahold of yourself Player, you're sweatin' through your uniform.
Sonic: Hey pal, can I get one of those chili dogs?
If the player say "Argh, of course sir!"
Sonic: Argh? Are you a pirate?
Player: (Oh no, I'm more nervous than I thought...)
If the player say "Righty-o friend!"
Sonic: Well, aren't you friendly.
Player: (Why can't I be normal for one second...)
Amy: Sonic! Wait until I announce everyone's roles to get food!!
Sonic: Haha, sorry about that, birthday girl.
Conductor: I'll be comin' around to collect everyone's tickets! Please have them out and ready. You'll join me Player, won't you? Just click on whoever you'd like to talk with and we'll collect their ticket.
Player: O-ok! Got it!

[The player is left talking to each one of the party members.]

If the player talks with Knuckles for the first time
Conductor: Howdy, could I please get your ticket?

[Knuckles gives his ticket to the Conductor.]

Player: (I...think that's a ticket? But I really don't want to argue with this guy.)
Conductor: Everything looks good, thank you.
Player: (...seems the Conductor doesn't want to argue either.)
Knuckles: Hmph.
If the player talks with Knuckles again
Knuckles: ...
Player: (M-maybe we should leave this dude alone...)
If the player picks "Can I take your order?"
Knuckles: Not interested.
Player: (Either he's really not interested, or he doesn't know how to read.)
Knuckles: The chicken cordon bleu does sound good, though.
Player: (Well that answers that.)
If the player picks "...Actually nevermind"
Knuckles: ...hmph.
If the player talks with Tails for the first time
Conductor: Can I get your ticket, young'n?

[Tails gives his ticket to the Conductor.]

Tails: Right here, sir!
Player: Thank you, may I offer you any of the snacks we have on board?
Tails: No thank you. When I travel I always pack my own Sparkle Gelatin. It's a sparkly jelly that can melt any jaded heart.
Player: No way, I brought my own Sparkle Gelatin with me too! It's my first day and I was a little nervous.
Tails: Don't be nervous, you're doing great so far! We're Sparkle Gelatin buddies!
Player: Hahaha, absolutely! If you need anything, just let us know. (Thank goodness someone on this train is normal.)
If the player talks with Tails again
Tails: What a beautiful train! I feel completely at ease.
If the player picks "The menu, sir?"
Tails: I don't like reading things from strangers!
Player: Fair enough.
If the player picks "Agreed!"
Tails: Great!
If the player talks with Sonic for the first time
Conductor: Ticket, please.

[Sonic gives his ticket to the Conductor.]

Conductor: Thank you kindly, happy to have someone as renowned as yourself aboard.
Player: ...?
Sonic: Don't worry about it, I just like helpin'.
Conductor: When Eggman took over, I truly feared the worst, but my kids swore you would swoop in eventually. And you did! I can't offer much, other than my sincere gratitude.
Sonic: Don't sweat a thing, I'm glad you and your family are safe.
Player: (Wait a second, is he, is he Sonic the Hedgehog??)
Conductor: I promise you an excellent stay on our train, Sonic. Have fun now!
Player: Y-yes, have f-fun now!
Sonic: Will do, thanks!
If the player talks with Sonic again
Sonic: Shoot, I was supposed to get Amy a cake... what am I gonna do?
If the player picks "Can I get your order?"
Sonic: I'll be back for that chili dog!
Conductor: For a hero such as yourself, it'll be on the house.
Sonic: I appreciate that, I kinda forgot my wallet at home.
Player: (...then how was he gonna buy the chili dog earlier?)
If the player picks "Uh.. good luck with that!"
Sonic: I'll figure something out!
If the player goes to the Arm
Player: Mmm, yummy! Don't mind if I do!
Conductor: Player! Those are for our guests, you know! Train, be sure Player only gets one of those if they ask.
Arm: ...
Player: (...Did the arm just kinda nod?) Actually, uh, train, the Conductor wants me to have the whole plate.
Arm: ...
Conductor: Fahaha, good try young buck. The train and I have worked together a long time, you'll have to work harder than that to get what you want!
Player: Drat! (Those snacks look really tasty too...)
If the player talks with Espio for the first time
Conductor: Could we please see your ticket?
Espio: Of course.

[Espio gives his ticket to the Conductor.]

Conductor: Excellent, thank you and I hope you enjoy your stay with us.
Espio: Absolutely, I appreciate it.
Player: (There's a calmness about him. Something about his presense puts me at ease.)
Espio: You consider me calming?
Player: ...! (He's looking right at me!)
Espio: I study ninjutsu. I believe one can communicate through the subconscious.
Player: W-Wow, ninjutsu? That sounds like a lot of difficult training!
Espio: Can you cling onto walls?
Player: (Cling onto walls- - what kind of question is that??)
Espio: I most certainly can.
Player: (...the conductor looks a bit too smug at that answer.)
If the player talks with Espio again
Espio: This train is exquisite. I'm enjoying my time already.
If the player picks "Can I take your order?"
Espio: I would order one of each, but I'm here for the party. I'll eat when everyone else does.
Player: (What excellent principles!)
Espio: Plus I had a snack right before this.
Player: (...oh.)
If the player picks "Me too!"
Espio: Glad to hear it.
If the player goes to the napkin holder
Player: ...? What's sticking out of the napkin holder?

[As they take out the ticket from it.]

Before talking to Vector
Conductor: I hate the idea of a ticket lost and alone like this. Let's be sure to return this to its rightful owner.
After talking to Vector
Conductor: Say... wasn't someone looking for their ticket earlier? Let's be sure to return this to its rightful owner.
Player: (And let's make sure no one uses their ticket as a napkin.)

[Lost Ticket is added to the player's inventory]

If the player talks with Vector for the first time
Conductor: Hello my friend! Can I get your ticket?
Vector: Uh yeah, sure, of course! As a gentleman of upstanding morals, I'd love to show you my ticket.
Player: ...? (He seems to be avoiding eye contact.)
Conductor: Is something amiss, sir?
Vector: ...I seemed to have, um, misplaced my ticket.
Conductor: Could you speak up a bit, I couldn't quite hear?
Vector: I misplaced my ...ticket. I don't know where it is.
Player: (...He's not hiding his embarrassment very well.)
If the player doesn't have Vector's ticket
Conductor: Don't you worry, we'll take a look around for you and see if it turns up.
Vector: Ah, that would be amazing! Thanks a million.
Player: (Seems as though we should keep our eyes peeled for his ticket.)
If the player has Vector's ticket
Conductor: Oh ho! Actually, we may be able to help you. Player, why don't you show our friend here what we picked up?
If the player talks to Vector revolving his ticket[note 1]
Vector: Find anything yet?
Without his ticket in hand
Player: Um... We're still looking...
Vector: Keep me posted, kid!
With his ticket in hand
Conductor: Well, we just might have what you need. Player, why don't you show our friend here what we picked up?
If the player chooses the menu
Vector: Oh I'm starved, I'll take one of each!
Amy: ...
Vector: On second thought, maybe I'll uh, wait a bit.
Conductor: Player... I was referring to the other thing we picked up?
Player: R-right! Sorry...
If the player chooses the lost ticket
Vector: Ah, there it is! That's my ticket! Thanks so much to you both. Was really worried you'd kick me out and I'd miss the murder mystery.
Conductor: Ho ho, ol' Player here would have their hands full kicking you out!
Vector: You're right, I wouldn't leave without a fight! Haaaahahahahaha!
Conductor: Fahahahahaha!
Player: (Wait, who made me both microwave expert and security guard?!)
Vector: You're both alright in my book. Thanks again for the assist.
Conductor: Of course, just let us know if you need anything else.
If the player talks to Vector again after giving back his ticket
Vector: Thanks again for finding my ticket! You're a real lifesaver.
If the player talks with Amy for the first time
Conductor: Could I please get the birthday girl's ticket?
Amy: Heehee, why certainly!

[Amy gives her ticket to the Conductor.]

Conductor: Thank you miss! And thank you for choosing our fine train for your birthday festivities.
Amy: Well, the birthday discount certainly helped.
Player: (Who doesn't love a good bargain?)
Amy: And a murder mystery train just sounds so exciting! It's right up my alley.
Player: (Who doesn't love a good thrill?)
Amy: You see, I'm a girl who LOVES a good true crime podcast.
Player: (...Maybe we should leave her to have fun.)
Conductor: Before we move along, for you, miss!

[The arm gives Amy the birthday key.]

Amy: Oh how fun, thank you! Where do I use this?
Conductor: That unlocks any door in the train. Happy Birthday!
Player: (The birthday girl gets the birthday key. It's practically tradition.)
Amy: Very useful! Will use this wisely, thank you.
If the player talks with Amy again
Amy: I wonder what cake topper Sonic picked out for me!
If the player picks "Can I take your order?"
Amy: No thanks, I'm saving room for my birthday cake!
Player: Oh! Did someone bring a cake for you?
Amy: YES, that was Sonic's job!
Sonic: ..?
Player: (Funny, Sonic looks awfully nervous all of a sudden.)
Amy: Haha Sonic, why did you turn to look at the wall? Sonic...?
Sonic: ..?
If the player picks "I bet it's a good one!"
Amy: I bet you're right!
If the player talks with Shadow for the first time
Shadow: Here.

[Shadow gives his ticket to the Conductor.]

Conductor: Thank you, everything is in order.
Player: (He seems concerned about something.) Is there anything we can help you with?
Shadow: ... Do you sell gift bags here?
Player: Oh uh, no sadly, but I have a plastic grocery bag in the back I could get for you?
Shadow: ...
Player: (That stare, brrr so cold.)
Conductor: Player you're shivering, do you need me to fetch your jacket?
Player: Ha... no, no I'm good.
If the player talks with Shadow again
Shadow: ...? What else do you need?
If the player picks "Can I take your order?"
Shadow: Only three items on the menu...?
Conductor: Sorry sir, is not everything to your liking?
Shadow: I just expected a bit more from a train so state of the art. You don't even have drinks listed?
Player: (He's not wrong, but I'm still offended somehow...?)
Conductor: We offer water, coffee, and Chaos Cola as well, sir.
Shadow: I'll have to take you up on the coffee soon. Just the beans and a spoon, though.
Player: (I can't get a read on this guy!!)
If the player picks "Nothing, just saying hello"
Shadow: ...
Player: (Maybe I should uh... move on.)
If the player talks with Blaze for the first time
Conductor: May I have your ticket plea--

[Blaze gives her ticket to the Conductor.]

Conductor: Thank you very much, on top of it I see.
Blaze: A princess such as myself must always be punctual.
Player: (P-Princess? Did she just say princess?)
Conductor: If you don't mind me asking, are you visiting from somewhere?
Blaze: A separate dimension, actually.
Player: (A separate what!?)
Blaze: Just here for Amy's birthday, then I'll hop back to my own dimension. I quite prefer the birthday cake from this world more than my own, so I admit I'm a bit excited.
Conductor: Ho ho, you don't say! Well, I hope you enjoy your stay, princess.
Player: (S-Should I bow? Do I bow before a princess?)
Blaze: ... What are you doing, please get up.
Player: (Why can I not win with this group!!)
If the player talks with Blaze again
Blaze: You do not need to bow everytime you see me.
Player: O-oh, sorry.
If the player picks "Can I take your order?"
Blaze: I'm saving myself for cake, thank you though.
Conductor: Are you sure? Our instant ramen doesn't disappoint!
Blaze: ...I'm quite sure.
If the player picks "No more bowing, got it"
Blaze: Wonderful.
If the player talks with Rouge for the first time
Rouge: Well hello you two, what can I do for you?
Conductor: Good morning ma'am, can we get your ticket?
Rouge: My my, how forward! Let me fetch it for you.

[Rouge gives her ticket to the Conductor.]

Rouge: Come back if you need anything else, y'hear?
Player: (Wow, she's so polite! Very easy to talk to as well- -)
Conductor: Ma'am, I saw you sneak that twenty dollar bill out of my pocket. Gonna have to kindly ask for that back.
Rouge: ...
Player: ...
Conductor: ...
Rouge: ...Oh, this was yours? Must've slipped out, here you go.
Player: (...I may not actually be the best at judging character.)
If the player talks with Rouge again
Rouge: Please excuse me darling, just need to freshen up before the party begins.
If the player picks "Your order, ma'am?"
Rouge: Oh this all looks delectable, but sadly, will have to pass.
Conductor: If you get hungry later, we'll have the microwave warmed up for ya! Fahahahahahahaha!
Player: (...Maybe we shouldn't tell the customers that.)
If the player picks "But you already look great!"
Rouge: Don't I know it.

[Once the player has finished getting everyone's tickets, the story resumes.]

Amy: Ok, everyone! Time for me to read out everyone's roles for the murder mystery!
Conductor: And that's my cue to leave. I must prepare the driver's compartment for departure.
Player: (Ah, the conductor's car.)
Conductor: You remember our promise, yeah? You'll do everything in your power to make sure our guests have a safe and enjoyable time on The Mirage Express?
Player: Absolutely, you can count on me. (To be honest, this group seems plenty capable on their own.)
Conductor: And train? Assist Player if they need any help, won't you?
Arm: ...
Conductor: Fahaha, that's all I need to hear! You have my trust.
Player: (Nothing more heartwarming than a conductor and his train...)
Conductor: Excellent. I'll be off. I must take my leave, everyone. Please, have a phenomenal time! And don't worry about mucking up the place either, this train is state of the art and has systems for dealing with all that. For everyone else, please talk to Player here if you need anything.
Tails: Sounds good!
Sonic: Absolutely.
Vector: Will do!
Amy: Goodbye now!
Vector: I like that guy.
Amy: Thank you all for following the outfit guide I sent you, you all look amazing. I trust you all read your lore cards as well?
Player: (Lore cards? That must be the details of their motivations. I suppose it makes sense lore cards aren't read out loud, otherwise people would know the murderer's intentions.)
Amy: Now on to the nitty gritty. For the murder mystery game one of you will be murdered, and the rest suspects! Everyone has assigned roles for characters they will be playing. Participation is required, for it is my birthday.
Tails: Of course!
Sonic: Birthday girl makes the rules.
Amy: Sonic, you are a ship captain, and you'll be stationed in the conductor car.
Sonic: Naturally, that's where the captain would go.
Amy: Tails, you are the detective! You'll be here in the dining car.
Tails: Indubitably!
Amy: Knuckles, you're the sheriff around these parts. We'll find you in the saloon.
Knuckles: Got it.
Amy: Rouge you're a business tycoon, and Blaze you're a titan of industry, both in the casino.
Blaze: What's the difference?
Amy: There is none.
Blaze: ...
Rouge: Hmm, sounds fun.
Amy: Vector, you're the butcher, and Espio the poet, both found in the library.
Vector: Hear that Espio? We get to hang out together!
Espio: And do what, read?
Vector: Maybe we can ...make a tower of books or somethin'.
Amy: Shadow is the locksmith hanging out in the lounge.
Amy: And, last but not least, me! The journalist reporter! I'll be moseying around with everyone. Did you get all that?
If the player says "no"
Amy: Alright, let me go over this again! Sonic, you are a ship captain, and you'll be stationed in the conductor car.
Sonic: Naturally, that's where the captain would go.
Amy: Tails, you are the detective! You'll be here in the dining car.
Tails: Indubitably!
Amy: Knuckles, you're the sheriff around these parts. We'll find you in the saloon.
Knuckles: Got it.
Amy: Rouge you're a business tycoon, and Blaze you're a titan of industry, both in the casino.
Blaze: What's the difference?
Amy: There is none.
Blaze: ...
Rouge: Hmm, sounds fun.
Amy: Vector, you're the butcher, and Espio the poet, both found in the library.
Vector: Hear that Espio? We get to hang out together!
Espio: And do what, read?
Vector: Maybe we can ...make a tower of books or somethin'.
Amy: Shadow is the locksmith hanging out in the lounge.
Amy: And, last but not least, me! The journalist reporter! I'll be moseying around with everyone. Did you get all that?
If the player says "yes"
Player: Ah, I was listening in! Hope that's ok.
Amy: More than alright, you can help ensure everyone's following their roles. Oh! That reminds me-

[Amy would show a map.]

Amy: I have a map for each of you!
Player: (Everyone's station is marked on this map as well, how convenient!)

[Map added to the player's inventory]

Amy: The rules of the game are as follows: There is a murderer amonngst you all! The murderer can 'kill' a single participant however they choose, but you must physically be present with the victim for it to count. Everyone else must collect evidence throughout the train, and use it to interrogate fellow passengers to figure out who done it. The murderer will lie to get out of being accused, so inspect everything you can! Find clues! And interrogate! I'll set a timer for one hour so everyone can mingle, and the murderer can do their thing. Is everyone ready?
Player: (Sounds like everyone's excited!)
Amy: Everyone, to your stations!

Saloon Car[]

Library Car[]

Casino Car[]

Lounge Car[]

Conductor Car[]


  1. ↑ Only occurs if the player talked with Vector for the first time without his ticket in hand.