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Shuffle EmeraldCoast ParasolMinigame

Sonic Parasol

Get the parasol to stay in the shade and collect the rings!

— Introduction instruction, Sonic Shuffle

Sonic Parasol (ビーチパラソニック Bīchipanasonikku?, lit. "Beach Parasonic") is a Accidents Mini-Game for Emerald Coast in Sonic Shuffle.


In Sonic Parasol, all four characters are placed on a beach with a sun and one parasol. When the sun gets too bright, everyone has to take cover or else they will lose Rings. Only one person can be under the parasol at a time. Walk up to it to pick it up if it is on the ground, but if someone is holding it, walk under it and jump to force it out of their hands. There are some sea creatures walking around that will cause the characters to lose Rings if they hit it. If the person with the parasol hits an enemy, they drop the parasol. When the enemies start to hide under the sand, that means that the sun will get bright soon. When the sun is bright, it showers Rings and sometimes a Forcejewel onto the beach. The person with the parasol can usually get all of the Rings; the other three have to wait under the canopy until the sun gets less bright. The person with the parasol moves slightly slower than the rest.

Whoever gets the most Rings before time is up wins twenty extra Rings. Second-place gets ten Rings and third-place gets five Rings.

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