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â—„ Marge vs. Singles, Seniors, Childless Couples and Teens and Gays
I, (Annoyed Grunt)-Bot
Diatribe of a Mad Housewife â–º

"You risked your own life, even though you're the sole provider for a family of five! I am the luckiest kid in the world."
―Bart Simpson

I, Doh-Bot, is the ninth episode of Season 15.


Bart and Homer enter a Robot Rumble competition. Meanwhile, Snowball II dies after being hit by a car and Lisa replaces him many times before getting a cat that looks exactly like him.

Full Story[]


While riding bikes with Milhouse, Bart realises his bike is horrible as it’s only a one speed bike unlike the bully’s who have ten speed road bikes. Homer and Marge refuse to replace it unless it’s broken, So he destroys it with Dr. Hibbert's hummer car in order to get a replacement. When he and Homer go buy the replacement bike, they realise it needs to be assembled first. Homer builds it, but when Bart starts riding it, it comes apart due to Homers bad building skills. Feeling miserable, Bart tells Homer he can't build anything. Homer tries to prove him wrong by building a robot, but it too falls apart. He then recalls what Grandpa said: "If you can't build a robot, be a robot." He then disguises himself as a robot named Chief Knock-A-Homer, and Bart, oblivious, enters him in the Robot Rumble contest. Homer gets hurt badly during each match, but he takes the pain for his son's love. When it comes to the final match, Homer has to face a giant robot built by Professor Frink and is defeated easily. However, as it obeys the three laws of robotics, Frink's robot becomes docile and harmless after seeing Homer. Though Homer was ultimately disqualified for his impersonation of a robot, Bart still appreciates his act.

Sub Story[]


Meanwhile, Snowball II gets hit by Dr. Hibbert's car and is killed. After Marge reads the book When Bad Things Happen To Cute Children, she and Lisa go to adopt a new cat. Unfortunately, Snowball III (pictured above) drowns trying to catch fish in the Simpsons's fish tank and Coltrane, aka Snowball IV, commits suicide by falling out the window after listening to the music of the original John Coltrane. When Lisa and Marge try to get another cat (yet again), the owner of the cat sanctuary refuses to give Lisa anymore cats. While sitting outside, the Crazy Cat Lady throws a cat at Lisa that looks exactly like Snowball II. Lisa sends it away, thinking it'll die if it stays with her. When the cat walks away, a car owned by Gil is about to hit but steers into a tree and explodes. Noticing that the cat didn't die, Lisa takes it in. In order to save money on food dishes and to forget any of this ever happened, she names the cat Snowball II, despite it technically being Snowball V.

Ssi 5 The contents of this article or section are considered to be non-canon and therefore may not have actually happened/existed.

When Principal Skinner questions her about the decision, she reminds him of his original alias, Armin Tamzarian," so he accepts it and moves along.

Behind the Laughter[]


The episode marks a milestone in the history of the series, as Snowball II is killed off, the closest thing to an actual Simpson family member actually being killed off (besides the passing of Mona Simpson in Season 19's "Mona Leaves-a").


The episode was watched by 16.30 million people.


â—„ Season 14 Season 15 Episodes Season 16 â–º
Treehouse of Horror XIV • My Mother the Carjacker • The President Wore Pearls • The Regina Monologues • The Fat and the Furriest • Today, I Am a Clown • 'Tis the Fifteenth Season • Marge vs. Singles, Seniors, Childless Couples and Teens and Gays • I, D'oh-Bot • Diatribe of a Mad Housewife • Margical History Tour • Milhouse Doesn't Live Here Anymore • Smart and Smarter • The Ziff Who Came to Dinner • Co-Dependent's Day • The Wandering Juvie • My Big Fat Geek Wedding • Catch 'Em if You Can • Simple Simpson • The Way We Weren't • Bart-Mangled Banner • Fraudcast News