Icon-gorenger This article is about a villain in Himitsu Sentai Gorenger.

Volcano Mask General Magman (火の山仮面マグマン将軍 Hinoyama Kamen Maguman Shōgun, 42-54), sometimes translated as Fire Mountain Mask, replaced Iron Mask Temujin after his many failures to kill off the Gorengers. He was the leader of the ruthless Eruption Battalion (噴火軍団 Funka Gundan).


He was recruited from the volcanic Eldgja region in Iceland. He began plans to take out the Gorengers, but his first plans ended up in failure, partially due to the interference of Iron Mask Temujin, who wished to take out the Gorengers himself. This lead to a struggle between the two commanders, but ultimately Iron Mask Temujin was destroyed by the Gorengers and Volcano Mask General Magman was left as the commander for the time.Tvicon TV STORY-Ep. 42: The Black Ironman Dies! Farewell, Variblune

After the Gorengers accidentally discover the plans for Navarone from a departure site, the Black Cross Fuhrer considered him a failure and went forth in reviving Commander-in-Chief Golden Mask, making Magman decide to rampage and destroy EAGLE before he awoke. The Gorengers ultimately discover through a coffee spill three weak points within Navarone, which they use the three Gorengers Machines to hit, destroying the base. Magman escaped unharmed and took his anger out on the Gorengers in a tough battle. The Gorengers counter by using Gorenger Hurricane to become an egg; Magman mocked them and thought it was ridiculous before placing it on his head to instantly hard-boil it. However when he eats the egg, it explodes, taking him out once and for all.Tvicon TV STORY-Ep. 54: Crimson Challenge! The Volcano's Last Big Eruption

Gaoranger vs. Super Sentai[]

The Iron Mask General Magman is one of several past Super Sentai villains that appear in clips in the anniversary special Hyakuju Sentai Gaoranger vs. Super Sentai.


A cruel and calculating despot, he commanded his own mobile battle fortress dubbed Navarone, named after the Nazi Cannons off the Greek Aegean Islands in World War II. He had the ability to fire napalm missiles from the top of his volcano Mask. He was virtually impervious to Gorengers' weapons and was a master combatant.

Powers and Abilities[]


In terms of powers, Magman is able to survive high falls, is equipped with a saber, and can launch fire balls from his head.


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  • Navarone: The Navarone was Magman's underground fortress that appeared with him from episodes 42 to 54. It was often defeated by the Varidreen in battle and could store at least eighteen condolers at a time. The fortress was armed with four double-barreled main guns, a flamethrower at the base, and an energy barrier. The Navarone could also fly for quick escapes.






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Behind the Scenes[]


  • Volcano Mask General Magman was voiced by the late Eisuke Yoda in the first half of Gorenger and later voiced by Shozo Iizuka in the second half of Gorenger.


  • The design of his mask is based on a volcano.

Concept Art[]


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Icon-gorenger Himitsu Sentai Gorenger
Tsuyoshi Kaijo - Akira Shinmei - Daita Oiwa - Daigoro Kumano - Peggy Matsuyama - Kenji Asuka
Birdies - Red Bute - Blue Cherry - Ki Sticker - Midomerang - Earring Bombs - Gorenger Storm - Gorenger Hurricane - Gorenger Machines - New Gorenger Machines - Varitank - Varikikyun
EAGLE (Gonpachi Edogawa - Yoko Kato - Tomoko Hayashi - Haruko Nakamura) - Taro Kato - Gon - J.A.K.Q. Dengekitai
Variblune - Varidorin
Black Cross Army
Leader: Black Cross Führer
Generals: Sun Halo Mask - Iron Man Mask General Temujin - Volcano Mask General Magman - Commander-in-Chief Golden Mask
Footsoldiers: Zolders
Masked Monsters: Gold Mask - Warrior Mask - Bronze Mask - Jade Mask - Poison Gas Mask - Iron Ring Mask - Crescent Moon Mask - Poison Fang Mask - Witch Mask - Wing Mask - Boat Ear Mask - Silver Heat Mask - Horn Mask - Skull Mask - Rainbow Mask - Mirror Mask - Black Hair Mask - Cyclops Mask - Sword Mask - Shot Mask - Gear Mask - Wire Mask - Razor Mask - Lamprey Mask - Vein Mask - Iron Claw Mask - Iron Comb Mask - Door Mask - Mine Mask - Iron Tube Mask - Large Hatchet Mask - Iron Princess Mask - Blushing Mask - Steel Mask - Warship Mask - Fork Mask - Pirate Mask - Rock Face Mask - Iron Cage Mask - Iron Lion Mask - Diamond Mask - Electricity Mask - Sword Shark Mask - Locomotive Mask - Bird Fang Mask - Camera Mask - Horn Bone Mask - Iron Trap Mask - Gunman Mask - Telephone Mask - Baseball Mask - Big Ear Mask - Faucet Mask - Bird Comb Mask - Parabolic Mask - Dead Bird Mask - Shellfish Mask - Cowshoe Mask - Ribcage Mask - Television Mask - Clock Mask - Fallen Leaves Mask - Windmill Mask - Can Opener Mask - Injection Mask - Pineapple Mask - Tire Mask - Piano Mask - Anchor Mask - Kendou Mask - Glasses Mask - Stove Mask - Iron Spider Mask - Iron Snake Mask - Mammoth Mask - Skate Mask - Steel Tiger Mask - Kettle Mask - Yo-Yo Mask - Tiger Mask
Others: Cyborg Q - Black Hole - Dr. Shinigami - Steel Sword Dragon - Assassin Cyborg - Ken Ito - Kimiko Ezaki