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- "Ohger CrownLance!"
- ―OhgerCrown & OhgerLance combination announcement[src]
- "Ohgai Busou! Shiso Korai! (
王 鎧 ��� 装 !始祖光来 ! Ōgai Busō! Shiso Kōrai!, lit. Royal Raiment! Founder's Glory!)" - ―Transformation call[src]
- "Shiso Korai! (
始祖光来 ! Shiso Kōrai!, lit. Founder's Glory!)" - ―Shortened transformation call[src]
The Ohger CrownLance[1] (オージャクラウンランス Ōja KuraunRansu) is a lance weapon used by Kuwagata Ohger to power-up into King Kuwagata Ohger and Ohkuwagata Ohger into King Ohkuwagata Ohger.[2][3]
The Ohger CrownLance is a lance weapon comprised of two parts: the OhgerCrown (オージャクラウン ŌjaKuraun) and the OhgerLance (オージャランス ŌjaRansu).
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The OhgerCrown is the main item used to power up both Kuwagata Ohger and Ohkuwagata Ohger. Rcules has stated to Kaguragi that only the royal blood of Shugodom can use it.
However, the OhgerCrown is also the main weak point of the King form. When Gira hit the crown off of King Ohkuwagata Ohger, Rcules was powered down.
The OhgerLance is mainly used to utilize the full potential of the King form. On at least one occasion, both Gira and Rcules shared the usage of the OhgerCrown, allowing both of them to access the King form simultaneously. The Ohger CrownLance is duplicated for both King Kuwagata Ohger and King Ohkuwagata Ohger to wield in this case. TV STORY-Ohsama Sentai King-Ohger Final Live Tour 2024
- "King! King!"
- ―Standby announcement[src]
- "You are, I am, We are the, We are the King! King-Ohger~! King Kuwagata Ohger!"
- ―Transformation announcement (King Kuwagata Ohger)[src]
- "You are, I am, We are the, We are the King! King-Ohger~!"
- ―Transformation announcement (King Ohkuwagata Ohger)[src]
To transform, the user first activates the OhgerCrown by pressing the red gem, then places the crown on their head, initiating the transformation. After which, the crown can then be combined with the OhgerLance, completing the Ohger CrownLance.
- "King Caucasuskabuto! (キングコーカサスカブト! Kingu Kōkasasukabuto!)"
- ―King Caucasuskabuto summoning and transformation announcement[src]
To summon and transform God Caucasuskabuto into King Caucasuskabuto, King Kuwagata Ohger presses the red gem on the OhgerCrown once before pulling the OhgerLance's trigger to initiate the mecha's transformation.
- "King! King! Extreme King-Ohger! (キング!キング!エクストリームキングオージャー! Kingu! Kingu! Ekusutor��mu Kingu-Ōjā!)"
- ―Extreme King-Ohger combination announcement[src]
- "Kuwagata! Tombo! Kamakiri! Papillon! Hachi! Tentou! Kumo! Ant! Rolling! Snail! Pede! Cicada! Kabuto! Scorpion! Hopper! Tarantula! Hercules! Caucasuskabuto! (クワガタ!トンボ!カマキリ!パピヨン!ハチ!テントウ!クモ!アント!ローリング!スネイル!ピード!シケイダー!カブト!スコーピオン!ホッパー!タランチュラ!ヘラクレス!コーカサスカブト! Kuwagata! Tonbo! Kamakiri! Papiyon! Hachi! Tentō! Kumo! Anto! Rōringu! Suneiru! Pīdo! Shikeidā! Kabuto! Sukōpion! Hoppā! Taranchura! Herakuresu! Kōkasasukabuto!)"
- ―God King-Ohger combination standby announcement[src]
- "Shugod! Daishugo! God! God! God! God! God King-Ohger! (シュゴッド!
大集会 !ゴッド!ゴッド!ゴッド!ゴッド!ゴッドキングオージャー! Shugoddo! Daishūgou! Goddo! Goddo! Goddo! Goddo! Goddo Kingu-Ōjā!)" - ―God King-Ohger combination announcement[src]
To combine the Shugods into Extreme King-Ohger or God King-Ohger, King Kuwagata Ohger presses the red gem on the OhgerCrown either twice or thrice before pulling the OhgerLance's trigger to initiate the combination.
Special Attacks[]
- "King-Ohger! (キングオージャー! Kingu-Ōjā!)"
- ―King-Ohger attack activation announcement[src]
- "Guardian Weapons! (ガーディアンウェポンズ! Gādian Ueponzu!)"
- ―Guardian Weapon attack activation announcement[src]
- "Legend Shugod! (レジェンドシュゴッド! Rejendo Shugoddo!)"
- ―Three Great Shugoshin and God Tarantula attack activation announcement[src]
- "King Caucasuskabuto! (キングコーカサスカブト! Kingu Kōkasasukabuto!)"
- ―King Caucasuskabuto attack activation announcement[src]
By rotating the OhgerCrown, the user can activate a series of attacks based on the Shugods that form King-Ohger, the Guardian Weapons, the Three Great Shugoshin, God Tarantula, and King Caucasuskabuto.
- King-Ohger (キングオージャー Kingu-Ōjā):
- God Kuwagata: Kuwagata Scissors (クワガタシザース Kuwagata Shizāsu, lit. "Stag Beetle Scissors")
- God Tombo: Tombo Sword (トンボソード Tonbo Sōdo, lit. "Dragonfly Sword")
- God Kamakiri: Kamakiri Slasher (カマキリスラッシャー Kamakiri Surashā, lit. "Praying Mantis Slasher")
- God Papillon: Papillon Freezer (パピヨンフリーザー Papiyon Furīzā, lit. "Butterfly Freezer")
- God Hachi: Hachi Sting (ハチスティング Hachi Sutingu, lit. "Wasp Sting")
- God Tentou: Tentou Star (テントウスター Tentō Sutā, lit. "Ladybug Star")
- God Kumo: Kumo Web (クモウェブ Kumo U~ebu, lit. "Spider Web")
- God Ant: Ant Soldiers (アントソルジャーズ Anto Sorujāzu)
- Combined Attack: King-Ohger Finish (キングオージャーフィニッシュ Kingu-Ōjā Finisshu)
- Guardian Weapons (ガーディアンウェポン Gādian Uepon):
- Guardian Rolling: Rolling Hammer (ローリングハンマー Rōringu Hanmā)
- Guardian Snail: Snail Gatling (スネイルガトリング Suneiru Gatoringu)
- Guardian Pede: Pede Chainsaw (ピードチェーンソー Pīdo Chēnsō)
- Guardian Cicada: Cicada Blade (シケイダーブレード Shikeidā Burēdo)
- Combined Attack: Guardian Weapon Finish (ガーディアンウェポンフィニッシュ Gādian Uepon Finisshu)
- Legend Shugods (レジェンドシュゴッド Rejendo Shugoddo):
- God Kabuto: Kabuto Cannon (カブトキャノン Kabuto Kyanon)
- God Scorpion: Scorpion Claw (スコーピオンクロー Sukōpion Kurō)
- God Hopper: Hopper Attack (ホッパーアタック Hoppā Atakku)
- God Tarantula: Tarantula Poison (タランチュラポイズン Taranchura Poizun)
- Combined Attack: Legend Shugod Finish (レジェンドシュゴッドフィニッシュ Rejendo Shugoddo Finisshu)
- King Caucasuskabuto (キングコーカサスカブト Kingukōkasasu Kabuto):
- Guardian Hercules: Hercules Axe (ヘラクレスアックス Herakuresu Akkusu)
- God Caucasuskabuto: Caucasuskabuto Strike (コーカサスカブトストライク Kōkasasukabuto Sutoraiku)
- Combined Attack: King Caucasuskabuto Finish (キングコーカサスカブトフィニッシュ Kingu Kōkasasukabuto Finisshu)
Finishing Strike[]
- "King-Ohger Finish! (キングオージャーフィニッシュ! Kingu-Ōjā Finisshu!)"
- ―King-Ohger attack activation announcement[src]
- "Guardian Weapon Finish! (ガーディアンウェポンフィニッシュ! Gādian Uepon Finisshu!)"
- ―Guardian Weapon attack activation announcement[src]
- "Legend Shugod Finish! (レジェンドシュゴッドフィニッシュ! Rejendo Shugoddo Finisshu!)"
- ―Three Great Shugoshin and God Tarantula attack activation announcement[src]
- "King Caucasuskabuto Finish! (キングコーカサスカブトフィニッシュ! Kingu Kōkasasukabuto Finisshu!)"
- ―King Caucasuskabuto attack activation announcement[src]
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Behind the Scenes[]
The Ohger CrownLance is voiced by Kisho Taniyama (谷山 紀章 Taniyama Kishō).
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Ohsama Sentai King-Ohger
- Ohsama Sentai King-Ohger: The Secrets of King Rcules (OhgerCrown only)
- Ep. 18: The Crown of Beginnings
- Ep. 19: Ohsama Sentai King-Ohger
- Ep. 20: Duel of King and King
- Ep. 21: Push Forward on the High Road
- Ep. 22: Great Gathering of Shugods
- Ep. 23: Shugodom's Moving Castle
- Ohsama Sentai King-Ohger: Adventure Heaven
- Ep. 24: King of the In-between VS King of the Abyss
- Ep. 25: War of The Kings and The People
- Ep. 26: Birth of a New Kingdom
- Ep. 27: Arrival of The Uchu King
- Ep. 28: Shuffle Kings!
- Ep. 29: Disqualified as King
- Ep. 30: Frozen Scales
- Ep. 31: 2000 Years of Love
- Ep. 33: Shugo! King and Kyoryu!!
- Ep. 34: Shugo Mask Strikes Back
- Ep. 35: Don't Cry, Slack-Jawed Tanuki
- Ep. 39: Nkosopa Climactic Battle
- Ep. 41: Time to Save the Universe
- Ep. 44: Proof of the Kings! The True Alliance of the Six Kingdoms
- Ep. 45: Heirs to the King
- Ep. 47: Silence God
- Ep. 49: The Kings Are Here