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Ep. 29: Disqualified as King (王様失格 Ōsama Shikkaku) is the twenty-ninth episode of Ohsama Sentai King-Ohger.
The kings were overthrown by the betrayal of their servants. The cause was the "brainwashing power" of Hilbil, one of the Five Uchu Jesters! While Hilbil manipulates the people to make them fight among themselves, Gira and the kings decide to "hand over the kingship to their servants" for a certain reason...!? What will happen to the six scattered kingdoms!?
Continuing on from the previous episode, all of the King Ohger members, except for Jeramie who was able to protect himself from Duga's blow, are violently struck down by the attack of their retainers. The sudden turn of events allows Goma to flee the scene unscathed. To make things worse, the supposed 'rebellion' is streamed LIVE for the people over Chikyuu to see. An enraged Jeramie asked the retainers the purpose of their actions, but suddenly, all of the retainers regained their senses back and panicked over their actions, seemingly without any recollection of what has recently happened. A vision of a pathway at dawn then appeared before the scene changes to the King-Ohger members, all treated in Ishabana.
In Bug Naraku Territory, Jeramie inquires Geroujim about what happened prior of the rebellion, with Geroujim replies that it follows the absent-minded retainers after Jeramie arrives at Ishabana. But suddenly, Hilbil Leech appeared out of nowhere and brainwashes Geroujim into attacking Gira. After that, Geroujim has no memory of what happened until it snapped back to it senses. Jeramie comes to the realization that the brainwashing is part of Hilbil Leech's abilities until Hilbil herself showed up and explains the extent of her manipulation power. Jeramie then transforms into Spider Kumonos and is about to strike Hilbil Leech down, claiming that he can't get along with her kind. However, Hilbil Leech manages to turn the tables by easily manipulating Jeramie into going easy on her, thus making him unable to strike down Hilbil, even with Geroujim holding her back. Hilbil ended up fleeing after she warned Jeramie that he'll be helpless while watching Chikyuu fall apart.
Back at Dagded base, this time Goma is tied as a punishment while Hilbil receives praises due to her work. It's later revealed that Hilbi Leech has successfully manipulated some citizens of each country, with the order of 'Attack your Enemies'. With the brainwashing done, Chikyuu immediately falls into chaos as every nation became hostile with each other, Nkosopa stopped its energy source for other countries, Ishabana refused to accept other patients (even going as far as to attacking them), and Tofu cut the food supply for other countries. In this perilous situation, Gira visited Duga in Shugodom prison, and decides (along with the other members) that they'll step down as Royalty and handed the leadership to their respective Retainers, even plotting a fake scenario where they painted themselves as Villains, and that the retainers are the heroes who saved the citizens. Duga protested with this sudden decision, claiming that the people of Shugodom need Gira's guidance at this time. Alas, Gira cemented his resolve and hand over his Royalty cape to Duga, leaving Duga in tears.
Elsewhere, Jeramie gazes over Shugodom at night and asked Geroujim if Geroujim likes Chikyuu now. Geroujim affirms this, thus Jeramie cemented his resolve and asked Geroujim for its help. Geroujim once again decides to accompany Jeramie to the bitter end, and Jeramie apologizes to his mother.
The next day, Gira and the others are prepared to uphold this fake scenario they concocted. However, Jeramie shuts their mouths with his webbings and present to the people over Chikyuu, that the 'mastermind' behind this revolt is none other than Jeramie himself. To further strengthen Jeramie's fake scenario, Geroujim added that its shapeshifting itself into the other members retainers to lower their guards. People in Chikyuu promptly believes in this story and cheered upon their respective royalties (except Bug Naraku) to strike down the enemies, with only Kogane and Boone sensing something's amiss. However, they're helpless against the cheer of the other citizens of Shugodom.
Jeramie briefly cut the LIVE streaming and dropped his facade. He then asked Rita to take care of the Bug Naraku citizens in their caves, which is located beneath Gokkan. Rita angrily exclaimed that this act will destroy Jeramie's hard work over two years, however Jeramie assures them that this is for the best, that if Chikyuu is destroyed, there'll be no gain for anyone whatsoever. Saddened by Jeramie's act of self sacrifice, Gira refuses to do Jeramie's scenario, only for the latter to reprimand Gira that dreams alone can't solve this particular problem. Jeramie then pleads to the other King-Ohger members to overcome this problem somehow, before putting more fake villain acts and fleeing the scene with Geroujim. This act thus completed the objective of Hilbil's brainwashing and restored peace over Chikyuu.
An annoyed Hilbil then appeared in Shugodom Castle and claimed that humanity is foolish enough to take Jeramie's words for granted. However, the remaining King-Ohgers acknowledged Jeramie's sacrifice, and started clapping while reminiscing about Jeramie's speech two years ago. Hilbil happily claims that the applause is for her, only for Gira to reply angrily, that it is not.
The Monarchs, for the first time, unified in pure anger over Hilbil evil deeds. They transform and begin attacking Hilbil without reservations and mercy. However, Hilbil manages to get away relatively unscathed, thus the King-Ohgers, for the very time, suffered a pyrrhic victory. At Dagded base, Dagded angrily berates Hilbil over her failures and demand Hilbil that her next actions should be more entertaining, in which Hilbil complies.
Jeramie and Geroujim later appeared again at night, where the monarchs are taking their rest with their retainers in Ishabana. Geroujim asked if Jeramie regrets playing the fake villain, only for Jeramie to exclaim that since the other kings could now rest easy, it's more than enough for him. Gira deliriously thanked Jeramie in his sleep, and finally, Jeramie and Geroujim leave to parts unknown via the pathaway at the opening, now shining brightly, while bidding the King-Ohgers a sweet dream.
- Gira (ギラ ): Taisei Sakai (酒井 大成 Sakai Taisei)
- Yanma Gast (ヤンマ・ガスト Yanma Gasuto): Aoto Watanabe (渡辺 碧斗 Watanabe Aoto)
- Hymeno Ran (ヒメノ・ラン Himeno Ran): Erica Murakami (村上 愛花 Murakami Erika)
- Rita Kaniska (リタ・カニスカ Rita Kanisuka): Yuzuki Hirakawa (平川 結月 Hirakawa Yuzuki)
- Kaguragi Dybowski (カグラギ・ディボウスキ Kaguragi Dibōsuki): So Kaku (佳久 創 Kaku Sō)
- Jeramie Brasieri (ジェラミー・ブラシエリ Jeramī Burasieri), Narration: Masashi Ikeda (池田 匡志 Ikeda Masashi)
- Dagded Dujardin (ダグデド・ドゥジャルダン Dagudedo Doujarudan, Voice): Akira Ishida (石田 彰 Ishida Akira)
- Kamejim Unka (カメジム・ウンカ Kamejimu Unka, Voice): Shin-ichiro Miki (三木 眞一郎 Miki Shin'ichirō)
- Goma Rosalia (ゴーマ・ローザリア Gōma Rōzaria, Voice): Kazuhiro Yamaji (山路 和弘 Yamaji Kazuhiro)
- Hilbil Leech (ヒルビル・リッチ Hirubiru Ritch, Voice): Miyuki Sawashiro (沢城 みゆき Sawashiro Miyuki)
- Minongan Moth (ミノンガン・モウズ Minongan Mouzu, Voice), Geroujim (ゲロウジーム Gerōjīmu, Voice): Tomokazu Seki (関 智一 Seki Tomokazu)
- Duga (ドゥーガ Do~ūga): Yutaka Morioka (森岡 豊 Morioka Yutaka)
- Shiokara (シオカラ ): Yuhei Chiwata (千綿 勇平 Chiwata Yūhei)
- Sebastian (セバスチャン Sebasuchan): Hiroto Yoshimitsu (吉満 寛人 Yoshimitsu Hiroto)
- Morphonia (モルフォーニャ Morufōnya): Kasumi Hasegawa (長谷川 かすみ Hasegawa Kasumi)
- Kuroda (クロダ Voice): Kohsuke Toriumi (鳥海 浩輔 Toriumi Kōsuke)
- Kogane (コガネ ): Anna Hoshino (星乃 あんな Hoshino An'na)
- Boone (ブーン Būn): Minato Kiso (木曽 源 Kiso Minato)
- Akka (アッカ ): Hokuto Minami (南 北斗 Minami Hokuto)
- Mayuta (マユタ ): Nagisa Hayakawa (早川 渚紗 Hayakawa Nagisa)
- OhgerCalibur Voice: Kisho Taniyama (谷山 紀章 Taniyama Kishō)
- Kumonoslayer Voice: Chogakusei (超学生 Chōgakusei)
Guest Cast[]
- Cleo Urbanus (クレオ・ウルバヌス Kureo Urubanusu): Matsuri Kamisato (神里 まつり Kamisato Matsuri)
- Elegance Moun (エレガンス・モーン Eregansu Mōn): Marina Mizushima (水島 麻理奈 Mizushima Marina)
- Goroge (ゴローゲ Gorōge): Kotaro Yagi (八木 光太郎 Yagi Kōtarō)
Suit Actors[]
- Kuwagata Ohger: Shigeki Ito (伊藤 茂騎 Itō Shigeki)
- Tombo Ohger: Hirotsugu Mori (森 博嗣 Mori Hirotsugu)
- Kamakiri Ohger: Yume Sakanashi (坂梨 由芽 Sakanashi Yume)
- Papillon Ohger: Yuichi Hachisuka (蜂須賀 祐一 Hachisuka Yūichi)
- Hachi Ohger: Shogo Teramoto (寺本 翔悟 Teramoto Shōgo)
- Spider Kumonos: Masashi Takada (高田 将司 Takada Masashi)
- Kuroda: Hajime Kanzaki (神前 元 Kanzaki Hajime)
- Geroujim: Kenya Saitou (齊藤 謙也 Saitō Kenya)
- Dagded Dujardin: Riichi Seike (清家 利一 Seike Riichi)
- Kamejim Unka: Masato Tsutamune (蔦宗 正人 Tsutamune Masato)
- Goma Rosalia: Takahiro Yoneoka (米岡 孝弘 Yoneoka Takahiro)
- Hilbil Leech: Mutsumi Igarashi (五十嵐 睦美 Igarashi Mutsumi)
- Minongan Moth: Takuma Komori (小森 拓真 Komori Takuma)
- to be added
- As part of Super Hero Time, this episode aired alongside Kamen Rider Gotchard
episode 3, Bushido, Found.
- This episode marks the first appearance of Gira's Kuwagata Ohger form during the Time Skip, as well as the first episode where he doesn't transform into King Kuwagata Ohger.
DVD/Blu-ray Releases[]
Ohsama Sentai King-Ohger Volume 8 features episodes 29-32: Ep. 29: Disqualified as King, Ep. 30: Frozen Scales, Ep. 31: 2000 Years of Love, and Ep. 32: Encounter! Kyoryu!.
External Links[]
- TV Asahi's official preview for 王様失格
- Toei TV's official episode guide for 王様失格
- JAE's official episode guide for 王様失格