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- "It's Morphin' Time!"
- ―Mighty Morphin Power Rangers
A Morpher is a device used by an unpowered individual to transform ('morph') into a Power Ranger or similar superhuman form. Morphing will also transform a child or non-human into the size and shape of an adult human.
Morphers are often seen as wrist-mounted gadgets but appear in a wide variety of forms, deriving their power from futuristic technology or magic or sometimes a combination of both. They can incorporate other functions such as communication or weapons.
Talisman objects such as swords, coins, staffs or crystals can also be used to transform, but are seen in conjunction with morphers as well (for example the Power Morphers and Power Coins). It also can be used as a weapon and a communication device. Recurring types of morphers are:
All Rangers use a morphing call, a short phrase or sequence of words spoken just before or simultaneously with the morph. The nature of the call varies from team to team but it is sometimes stated that the call must be spoken in order to successfully morph. Most Rangers however have demonstrated the ability to transform with or without using their call, suggesting that the words may serve as a kind of vocal affirmation or battle cry.
Before a team morph, a leading Ranger may call on their teammates to Power Up! or Ranger Up!. Conversely, morphed Rangers may cancel their transformation by announcing Power Down!, or involuntarily when assaulted by an opponent.
Though some villains have demonstrated morphing-like transformation powers, the only villain known to possess a Morpher was Koragg, but he was never seen in any other form.
On at least one occasion Troy Burrows morphed without the use of his morpher and without saying a morphing command.
List of Morphers[]
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers[]
- Power Morphers
- Power Coins
- Power Crystals
- Power Coins
- Sixth Ranger’s Power Morpher
- Power Coin
- Power Crystal
- Power Coin
- Master Morpher
- "It's Morphin' Time! Dragonzord! (S1-2) Tigerzord! (S2) Mastodon! Pterodactyl! Triceratops! Sabertooth Tiger! Tyrannosaurus!"
- ―Morphing Call in Seasons 1-2, In Space, Wild Force, Super Ninja Steel and Once & Always
- "It’s Morphin' Time! Green Ranger Power! (SNS) White Ranger Power! Black Ranger Power! Pink Ranger Power! Blue Ranger Power! Yellow Ranger Power! Red Ranger Power"
- ―Morphing Call in Season 3 and Super Ninja Steel
- "It's Mutant Time!"
- ―Morphing Call
Power Rangers Zeo[]
- "It's Morphin' Time! Zeo Ranger 1 Pink! Zeo Ranger 2 Yellow! Zeo Ranger 3 Blue! Zeo Ranger 4 Green! Zeo Ranger 5 Red! Gold Ranger Power!"
- ―Morphing Call
- "Power Rangers ZE-O!"
- ―Episode 1 Morphing Call
Power Rangers Turbo[]
- "Shift into Turbo! Mountain Blaster Turbo Power! Desert Thunder Turbo Power! Dune Star Turbo Power! Wind Chaser Turbo Power! Red Lightning Turbo Power!"
- ―Morphing Call (1st Team)
- "Shift into Turbo!"
- ―Morphing Call (2nd Team)
Power Rangers in Space[]
- "Let's Rocket!"
- ―Morphing Call
- "Red Battlized Ranger!"
- ―Morphing Call
Power Rangers Lost Galaxy[]
- "Go Galactic!"
- ―Morphing Call
- "Magna Power!"
- ―Morphing Call
- Armor Keys
- "Red! Armored! Power! Ranger!"
- ―Morphing Call
Power Rangers Lightspeed Rescue[]
- "Light-speed Res-cue!"
- ―Morphing Call
- "Titanium Power!"
- ―Morphing Call
- Transarmor Cycle
- "Transarmor Cycle! Armor Mode! Complete Transformation!"
- ―Morphing Call
- "861! Mega Battle!"
- ―Morphing Call
Power Rangers Time Force[]
- "Time for Time Force!"
- ―Morphing Call
- "Quantum Power!"
- ―Morphing Call
- "Mega Battle Activate!"
- ―Morphing Call
Power Rangers Wild Force[]
- "Wild Access! HA!"
- ―Morphing Call
- Animarium Buckle
- "Animarium Armor! Red Savage Warrior Power Up!"
- ―Morphing Call
Power Rangers Ninja Storm[]
- "Ninja Storm! Ranger Form! HA!"
- ―Morphing Call
- "Thunder Storm! Ranger Form!"
- ―Morphing Call
- "Samurai Storm! Ranger Form! HA!"
- ―Morphing Call
- "Super Samurai Mode!"
- ―Morphing Call in Super Samurai Mode
- "Battlizer Mode Engage!"
- ―Morphing Call
Power Rangers Dino Thunder[]
- "Dino Thunder! Power Up! HA!"
- ―Morphing Call
- "White Ranger! Dino Power!"
- ―Morphing Call
(Core Ranger Morphing Call said on some occasions.)
- Shield of Triumph - Triassic Ranger Transformation Shield and Weapon
- "Triassic Power! Engage!"
- ―Morphing Call
- "Battlizer Engage! Engergize! Fire Kick! Super Fire Power!"
- ―Morphing Call
Power Rangers SPD[]
- Delta Morphers
- Patrol Morpher
- Omega Morpher - Not seen, but announces the morph call in Zapped
- Kat Morpher - used only once
- "S.P.D. Emergency!"
- ―Morphing Call
- A-Squad Morphers (conjectural)
- Magna Morpher
- "S.P.D. Battlizer! Cyber Mode!/Sonic Mode!"
- ―Battlizer Morphing Call
- Nova Morpher - never seen used for transforming, but for battle
Power Rangers Mystic Force[]
- "Magical Source, Mystic Force! (Galwit Mysto Ranger)"
- ―Morphing call
- "Legendary Source, Mystic Force! (Galwit Mysto Neramax)"
- ―Legend Warrior Morphing call
- "Magical Source, Mystic Force! (Galwit Mysto Ranger)"
- ―Morphing call
- "Fire Heart! Red Dragon Fire Ranger!"
- ―Morphing Call
Power Rangers Operation Overdrive[]
- "Overdrive Accelerate!"
- ―Morphing Call
- "Red Sentinel Ranger Activate!"
- ―Morphing Call
Power Rangers Jungle Fury[]
- "Jungle Beast, Spirit Unleashed!"
- ―Morphing Call
- Claw Booster
- "Jungle Master Mode!"
- ―Morphing Call
Power Rangers RPM[]
- "RPM, Get in Gear!"
- ―Morphing Call
Power Rangers Samurai/Super Samurai[]
- "Samuraizer! Go Go Samurai!"
- ―Morphing Call
- "Mega Mode Power!"
- ―Morphing Call in Mega Mode
- "Samurai Morpher! Gold Power!"
- ―Morphing Call
("Go! Go! Samurai!" said on some occasions)
- Black Box - Super Samurai Mode (Samurai)
- "Super Samurai Mode!"
- ―Morphing Call
- Shogun Buckle - Shogun Mode
- "Shogun Mode! Power of the Ancestors!"
- ―Morphing Call
- Spin Sword/Shark Disc
- "Shark Attack Mode!"
- ―Morphing Call
Power Rangers Megaforce[]
- "It's Morphin' Time! Go Go Megaforce!"
- ―Morphing Call
("It's Morphin Time!" used as morph call rather than "Go! Go! Megaforce!" on one occasion) TV STORY-Prince Takes Knight
- "Change Card, Activate!"
- ―Morphing Call
- "Megaforce Ultra Mode Activate!"
- ―Morphing Call
Power Rangers Super Megaforce[]
- "Let's Power Up! Super Mega Mode!"
- ―- Super Mega Mode Morphing Call
- "Legendary Ranger Mode!"
- ―- Core Rangers morphing call into Legendary Mode
- "Legendary Sixth Ranger Mode!"
- ―- Silver Ranger Morphing Call into Legendary 6th Ranger Mode
- Gold Key
- "Super Mega Gold!"
- ―- Silver Ranger Morphing Call into Super Megaforce Gold
Power Rangers Dino Charge/Dino Super Charge[]
- "It's Morphin' Time! Dino Charger, Ready! Energize! Unleash the Power!"
- ―Morphing Call
- "Energize!"
- ―Alternate Morphing Call
- "Unleash The Power!"
- ―Alternate Morphing Call
- "Dino Steel, Armor on!"
- ―Morphing Call in Dino Steel Armor
- Dino Drive Charger
- "Dino Charger, Ready! Dino Drive, Activate!"
- ―Morphing Call in Dino Drive Mode
- Dino Super Drive Charger
- Dino Super Drive Saber
- "Dino Charger, Ready! Dino Super Drive Saber! Dino Super Drive, Activate!"
- ―Morphing Call in Dino Super Drive Mode
- Dino Armor X Charger
- "Dino Charger, Ready! Armor X, Ready!"
- ―Morphing Call in Dino Armor X
- T-Rex Super Charge Morpher
- T-Rex Super Charger
- "Dino Charger, Ready! Summon T-Rex Super Charge Zord! T-Rex Super Charge Morpher, Activate!"
- ―Morphing Call in T-Rex Super Charge Mode
Power Rangers Ninja Steel/Super Ninja Steel[]
- "It's Morphin' Time! Power Star, Lock in! Ready! Ninja Spin!"
- ―Morphing Call
- "Ninja Spin!"
- ―Alternate Morphing Call
- "Ninja Master Mode Stars, Lock in! Ninja Spin! Ninja Master Mode, Ready!"
- ―Ninja Master Mode Morphing Call
- "Super Ninja Steel Mode Stars, Lock in! Ninja Spin! Ninja Super Steel Mode, Ready!"
- ―Ninja Super Steel Mode Morphing Call
- "Lion Fire Armor Star, Lock in! Ninja Spin! Out of the fire and into the fight!"
- ―Lion Fire Mode Morphing Call
- "Super Star Mode Star, Lock in! Super Star Mode, ready!"
- ―Super Star Mode Morphing Call
Power Rangers HyperForce[]
- "It's Morphin' Time! Hyperforce (color), ready! Power up!"
- ―Morphing Call
Power Rangers Beast Morphers[]
- "It’s Morphin Time! Activate Beast Power! Ha! Unleash the Beast!"
- ―Morphing call[src]
- Red Fury Morph-X Key
- "Activate Red Fury Mode!"
- ―Red Fury Mode Morphing call[src]
- "Transport Beast-X Visor! Beast-X Visor Linked! Activate Beast-X Mode!"
- ―Morphing Call[src]
Power Rangers Dino Fury[]
- "It's Morphin' Time! Dino Fury Key activate! Link to Morphin' Grid!"
- ―Morphing Call
- "Link to Morphin' Grid!"
- ―Alternate Morphing Call
- "Dino Knight Key Ready!"
- ―Morphing Call
- "Dino Master Saber! Dino Master Mode!"
- ―Morphing Call
Power Rangers Cosmic Fury[]
- "It's Morphin' Time! Dino Fury Key activate! Link to Morphin' Grid!"
- ―Morphing Call
- "Triceratops!"
- ―Morphing Call
- "Ninja Spin!"
- ―Morphing Call
- "It's Morphin' Time! Cosmic Orb! Link to Morphin' Grid!"
- ―Morphing Call
- "Link to Morphin' Grid!"
- ―Alternate Morphing Call
- Spino Boomerang
- "Unleash The Power!"
- ―Morphing Call
Although not formally named, De-Morphing (or UnMorphing) is the opposite process to Morphing, wherein a Ranger loses their morph state and returns to a "civilian" state. This loss of morph state occurs in one of two ways: the Ranger themselves deactivates their morph state, or, the Morpher will force the Rangers to De-Morph after they have taken too much damage or been knocked out.
Typically the latter scenario is the universal method to represent when the Rangers are overpowered and/or defeated by an enemy. It is most likely a built-in Morpher mechanism to avoid further damage to the power suit and its weaponry. TV STORY-Samurai Surprise This mechanism is not always flawless, however, as power suits have been badly damaged before deactivation, such as Leo Corbett, Carter Grayson, Wesley Collins and Devon Daniels getting their helmets partially shattered. It should be mentioned, though, that the power suits in those instances were not forced to deactivate after such damage, indicating the morphing mechanism most likely follows the Ranger's will and commands until further damage forces its deactivation.
When de-morphing voluntarily, the Rangers often shouts "Power Down!" with a few exceptions, such as the Zeo Rangers saying "Zeo (number) Power Down" TV STORY-King for a Day or the Wind Rangers saying, "Ninja Form!".
- Many previous Morphers are seen in Beast Morphers, such as the Gosei Morpher, Overdrive Tracker, Mystic Morphers, and Scott Truman's Cell Shift Morpher.
Behind the Scenes[]
- Most of the Power Rangers Morphers are adapted directly from the designs seen in Super Sentai. The first Morpher not to have a Super Sentai counterpart was the White Ranger Morpher used by Tommy from the second season of Mighty Morphin Power Rangers.
- The Dairanger Morphers were known as Aura Changers and were not used in MMPR. However a modified version appeared in Power Rangers: Lost Galaxy as the Magna Defender Morpher, since Black Knight, the Gingaman character on which the Magna Defender was based, did not have a traditional transformation device.
- The Titanium Ranger seen in Lightspeed Rescue was the first wholly original Ranger created for the series, having no Sentai analogue, and thus his Titanium Morpher was an all new design as well.
- The GekiChangers seen in Gekiranger were not used for morphing purposes in Power Rangers and were instead integrated into Jungle Fury as Battle Claws.
- The Solar Morphers of Jungle Fury are the first Morphers that are not wrist-worn or handheld, being sunglasses.
- Some Morphers were never specifically named on-screen, with their titles instead found in publicity materials and on merchandise. The Astro Morphers, for example, were only ever called “morphers” within the series, the name being used for the toy line.
See also[]
- Changers - Super Sentai counterpart . See comparison page.
Power Coins -
Power Morphers -
Samuraizer -
Master Morpher -
T-Rex Zord -
Dino Charge Morpher -
Dino Fury Morpher -
Delta Morpher
All items (88)