Icon-megarangerThis article is about a villain in Denji Sentai Megaranger.

"This is the secret base they oppose us with?"
―Nezirejia Mobile Commander Yugande's first words upon arriving on the INET Moonbase with a platoon of Kunekune.[src]

"This is a special sub-space dimension I created to fight you without interference. I am Yugande. I am Nezirezia's Field Commander. Let's settle this one on one, Mega Red!"
―Yugande's self-introduction to MegaRed.[src]

"You're finished."
―Yugande upon being enlarged.[src]

"Worthless thing."
―Yugande reacting to Galaxy Mega and his final words before his original death.[src]

"This new body is flowing with power. Dr. Hinelar, give me the order to destroy Megaranger!"
―Yugande after being revived.[src]

"Let me go! Nooooo!"
―Yugande Revive's final words before his second death.[src]

"Yugande, reborn!"
―Yugande after being revived as Yugande Strong.[src]

"Kubota. Don't bother to fight it. Today, I will end you!"
―Yugande's first words in his Burning Yugande form when confronting the Megarangers' mentor.[src]

"Curse you, Megaranger! I will not die until I end you!"
―Burning Yugande after his reactor burnt out and forced him to shrink.[src]

"How dare you... Megaranger! DIE!"
―Yugande reacts after Shibolena was mortally wounded, as well as final words before his final and permanent death.[src]

Nezirejia Mobile Commander Yugande (ネジレジアの行動隊長・ユガンデ Nejirejia no Kōdō Taichō, Yugande) is a robot warrior created by Dr. Hinelar to serve as his chief enforcer and general. In addition to his swordsmanship; Yugande possesses a vast arsenal of powers such as energy blasts, the creation of illusionary copies, and the ability to enlarge himself without Bibidebi's Giant Injection. He is armed with the Dark Thunder (ダークサンダー Dāku Sandā) sword. Like most evil generals, Yugande forms an intense rivalry with the current Red Ranger, especially since MegaRed was the first opponent to defeat him.


At some point after Samejima enter Nezirejia dimension and joined its kingdom hierarchy as Hinelar, Hinelar create Yugande along with Shibolena to be his most value subordinates.


Yugande is ruthless, serious, temperament, hot headed, but also very strong general. Yugande is also sadistic fighter who enjoy battle against his stronger opponents, with MegaRed being his first opponent who fight against him bravely. Yugande also display sign of loyalty with his fellows, such as Dr Hinelar and Shibolena. And like the rest of Dr Hinelar subordinates, Yugande initially disgusted with Guirail underhanded tricks. When Dr Hinelar in danger during Nezirangers revival, Yugande battle against them and orders Shibolena to save Dr Hinelar life. He also enraged when Shibolena mortally wounded after she willingly protect him from MegaRed's Drill Saber attack, tried to avenge his fallen partner.


Yugande was built by Dr. Hinelar at an unknown time before the Nezirejia began their invasion. He lead the initial attack upon I.N.E.T.'s NASADA facility, forcing the creation of the Megaranger by Professor Kubota in order to protect the launch of the Mega Shuttle into space. Tvicon TV STORY-Ep. 1: Don't Let Them! The Twisted Invaders

After several early Nezirejia defeats, Yugande challenged the Megaranger to solo combat, which Kenta immediately leapt at despite both the orders of Kubota and the protests of his teammates. Despite fighting bravely, Kenta was unprepared for the scope of Yugande's powers and was only saved by the arrival of the other Megarangers when Kouichirou (MegaBlack) jumped in front of Yugande's attack to protect him. With the Megarangers temporarily out of commission, Yugande grew giant in order to further Earth's destruction, but the team eventually came together with Galaxy Mega and destroyed him with the Mega Saber. Tvicon TV STORY-Ep. 8: Will We Lose!? Reverse Teamwork

Powers and Abilities[]


Durability: Yugande has great durability, capable stand against Mega Red's Drill Saber. And even shattered MegaBlack's helmet with his beam, nearly killed Kouchirou Endo.


  • Holographic Beams: Yugande capable create holographic version of him, while shoots beam through his holographic two eyes.
    • Head Holographic Beams: Yugande other holographic version, this time was his giant floating head shooting powerful beam strong enough to shattered MegaBlack's helmet.
  • Eye Beams: Yugande can shoots beam from his eyes by raising his hand into his face, then pointing at the target, he could fire a pair of energy beams from his eyes, and can also used to lifted up his opponents.
  • Self-detached: Yugande can easily attached his severed head back into his neck.
  • Head Projectile Beams: Yugande's special techniques, first used after decapitated by Mega Red's Screw Drill Saber. His head floating and shoots beams from his two eyes.
  • Self growth:Yugande can enlarged himself without Bibidebi's aid.
  • Fire Breath: Yugande can spitting out a breath of fire in enlarge sizes.
  • Project Mirror Illusion: Yugande has another special technique, he's capable of creating illusion projects.


  • Electronic Saber Rope Attacks: Galaxy Mega is capable to dispelled the illusory attack, by forming energized rope attacks that easily destroyed his illusion projects.
  • Finisher Slash Attacks: After Yugande was vulnerable against Galaxy Mega's Saber Rope attacks, his body was paralyzed and destroyed by Galaxy Mega's energized sword flying cutter attack.


Dark Thunder: Yugande's first personal weapon before later being replaced.

  • Sword Slash Beams: Yugande's special techniques performing a powerful energized slash.
  • United Sword Slash Beams: Yugande has another special technique by unifying his energized slash accompanied by his mirror projection.


Appearances: Megaranger Episodes TBA


Yugande Relive

Following his first defeat, Dr. Hinelar rebuilt Yugande into an upgraded and much more powerful body called Yugande Relive. However, the power that now coursed through Yugande was too much for him to handle, forcing him to refrain from battle while he adapted to his new form. Tvicon TV STORY-Ep. 9: Reveal! The CD Demons Lurk In 

Yugande would eventually return to battle when MegaRed attempted to stop the Ultimate Lifeform from destroying the city, demonstrating his new found strength by easily manhandling his rival then breaking MegaRed's Drill Saber with his bare hands and mercilessly stomping MegaRed's head into the mud. It took the newly created Multi-Attack Rifle from the other Megarangers to drive him off. Tvicon TV STORY-Ep. 13: Heartthrob! Our Teacher Is Like the Wind

Soon afterwards, Yugande was forced to take a backseat to Guirail, an elite warrior sent by Javious to aid them in the conquest of Earth. Though working together, Yugande and Guirail never respected each other, with Guirail usually choosing to fight on his own against MegaRed. Their rivalry would culminate when Guirail convinced him to face the Megarangers together, only to be literally back-stabbed by Guirail, who then fused with him to form the powerful "Giga Guirail." Despite their combined powers however, Giga Guirail failed to best the Megarangers and Guirail ultimately used Yugande as a shield to save himself from Super Galaxy Mega's Super Galaxy Knuckle finisher, nearly killing him and provoking the wrath of Dr. Hinelar. Tvicon TV STORY-Ep. 30: Explosion! The Combination of Friendship

Powers and Abilities[]


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Dark Thunder: Much like his first form, Yugande Relive still armed with exact personal weapon.

Appearances: Megaranger Episodes TBA


Yugande Strong

Following Guirail's death at the hands of the MegaVoyager, Hinelar rebuilt Yugande once again into Yugande Strong; augmenting his severly damaged body with cybernetic implants and giving him the powerful Dark Crisis (ダーク クライシス Dāku Kuraishisu) sword, which allowed him to perform different attacks by pressing the buttons on the hilt:Tvicon TV STORY-Ep. 33: Cheerful! The Lover Who Came From the Moon


Dark Crisis

  • Dark Fire (red button): A blast of flaming energy
  • Dark Blade (yellow button): A crescent shaped energy blast
  • Dark Lightning (blue button): A blast of intense electrical energy
  • Dark Triple Crisis (blue, red, and yellow buttons)

Returning to battle alongside the debut of the Psycho-Nezilar, Yugande's new powers proved too much for even MegaRed's Battle Riser, but after besting the entire Megaranger team, Yugande left Lion Nezilar to finish the mission.

Powers and Abilities[]


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Dark Crisis: Yugande Strong is armed with new weapon called Dark Crisis, where these weapon has much stronger ability than Dark Thunder, and featuring three buttons.

Appearances: Megaranger Episodes TBA


Burning Yugande

Near the finale, Yugande used a special chip to take on a more powerful form, causing his body (and, strangely, the Dark Crisis sword) to turn red. He called this new form Burning Yugande. With this new power, Yugande proved to be a difficult challenge for the Megarangers, as he managed to enlarge himself without the help of Bibidebi and nearly destroyed the Voyager Machines when he damaged the I.N.E.T. Moonbase, outright destroyed the Delta Mega with his Dark Blade attack, disabled the Mega Winger with his Dark Fire attack, and severely damaged the Galaxy Mega by impaling it with his sword.

However, the Nezi-Reactor within him reached critical mass, shrinking him back to normal size, as MegaRed prepared the final attack on him. Shibolena ran in and blocked the attack, critically wounding her in the process. Furious, Yugande rushed in to kill MegaRed who, weakened him with a Riser Chop which critically wounded him and the Drill Saber's Saber Slash was finally able to destroy Yugande once and for all. Tvicon TV STORY-Ep. 50: Sublime! The Red-Hot Super Soldier Yugande

Powers and Abilities[]


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Nezi-Reactor: After powered by Nezi-Reactor, allowed Yugande possessing great immense power. However, the critical mass side effects had crippled his entire body, which led to his demise.


Burning Dark Crisis: Burning Dark Crisis is an upgrade version of Dark Crisis, but more durability. Allowed Burning Yugande easily breaking Galaxy Mega's Mega Saber.

Appearances: Megaranger Episode 50




  • Shibolena: Shibolena is Yugande's partner. She and Yugande shares good terms, as the two being equal partners who loyaly served Hinelar's purposes in Nezirejia without questionable. Near finale, Shibolena was mortaly wounded by Drill Saber, which enraged Yugande soo much and tried avenged his fallen partner.
  • Guirail: Guirail is Yugande's rival. Like most of Hinelar's subordinates, Yugande essentially disgusted with Guirail's underhanded tricks. He also does not like his abusive torment towards Bibidebi. Guirail eventually betrayed him, by stabbed him from behind and used him as shield protection against Super Galaxy Mega's Super Galaxy Knuckle finisher attacks.


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  • Dr Hinelar: Hinelar is Yugande's creator, and mentor. Yugande had good loyal relationship with him, as he the one responsible who gave him an upgraded forms. When he was revived and upgraded for first time, Hinelar gives some advice to mastering his newfound power before battling against Megaranger, which he accepted his suggestion. Yugande even protect him and Shibolena from Nezirangers revival located on Hinelar City.
  • Bibidebi: Bibidebi is Yugande's fellow subordinate. Despite Bibidebi being annoying to him, due to his serious personality, he does shown sign of anger when Bibidebi was abused by Guirail.




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Behind the Scenes[]



  • Yugande's design is based on a wireframe model.
  • Yugande was designed by character designer Miharu Shimojo.

Concept Art[]


  • Yugande's name comes from the Japanese word "yuga" (歪), which means "warped" or "irregular".



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See Also[]



Icon-megaranger Denji Sentai Megaranger
Kenta Date - Kouichirou Endou - Shun Namiki - Chisato Jogasaki - Miku Imamura - Yuusaku Hayakawa
Degitaizer - Keitaizer - Mega Sniper - Drill Saber - Multi Attack Rifle (MegaRod - MegaTomahawk - MegaSling - MegaCapture) - Silver Blazer - Battleraizer - Cyber Sliders - Digitank - Auto Slider
Professor Eikichi Kubota - Shougo Kawasaki - Pop - Gen Ooiwa - Shintarou Wada - Jirou Iwamoto - Erina - Carrangers - Gingamen - Gokaigers - Picoto
Mecha and Robos
MegaShip - Mega Shuttle - Delta Mega - Rovoyager-1 - Shuttle Voyager-2 - Rocket Voyager-3 - Saucer Voyager-4 - Tank Voyager-5 - Mega Winger
Galaxy Mega - Delta Mega - Super Galaxy Mega - Mega Voyager - Mega Winger Fighter Mode - Wing Mega Voyager
Wicked Electric Kingdom Nezirejia
Evil Electro-King Javious I - Dr. Hinelar - Shibolena - Bibidebi - Yugande - Guirail
Nezire Beasts: Stingray Nezire - Rhino Nezire - Chameleon Nezire - Shrimp Nezire - Elephant Nezire - Bee Nezire - Bat Nezire - Neo-Bat Nezire - Rose Nezire - Mole Nezire - Owl Nezire - Poison Moth Nezire - Toad Nezire - Mushroom Nezire - Scorpion Nezire - Crocodile Nezire - Centipede Nezire - Antlion Nezire - Anglerfish Nezire - Komutan - Buffalo Nezire - Moray Nezire - Cicada Nezire - Coral Nezire - Termite Nezire - Pig Nezire
Psycho-Nezilar: Lion Nezilar - Porcupine Nezilar - Mantis Nezilar - Condor Nezilar - Canary Nezilar - Lizard Nezilar - Crab Nezilar - Thorn-Needle Nezilar - Illusion Nezilar - Transport Nezilar - Hell Nezilar
Jaden Sentai Neziranger - NeziRed - NeziBlack - NeziBlue - NeziYellow - NeziPink - NeziSilver
Soldiers Kunekune (Boss Kunekune - King Kunekune) - Nezi Crusher - Ultimate Lifeform - Gigire - Helmedor - Grand Neziros