Icon-gorenger This article is about a monster in Himitsu Sentai Gorenger.

"Darn it!"
―Death Bird Mask’s final words before his death.[src]

Death Bird Mask (死の鳥仮面 Shi no Tori Kamen, 59) is the pteranodon-themed fifth of Black Cross Commander-in-Chief Golden Mask's Masked Monsters.


Deathbird Mask

Death Bird Mask.

Dead Bird Mask was placed in charge of a plot to excavate a feudal treasure buried around Matsuyama Castle on the island of Shikoku, in hopes of using it for Golden Mask's plot of building the golden castle for the Black Cross Führer. After an attempt to steal a buddha which is part of the treasure, the Gorengers head to Shikoku using a clue they receive to try and figure out where it is located before it is fully excavated. However using their original clues regarding the Shikoku Pilgrimage and the site where the gold was supposed to be, they initially don't find it until they compare it with a tourist map of Shikoku, discovering the locations and thus the location both of the treasure and of Dead Bird Mask.

However as Dead Bird Mask lurks through the vicinity, Daigoro and Yoko encounter him; the Kirenger fails to stop him as he abducts Yoko and takes her to a site near where the excavation was occurring. The Gorengers reach the site, nearly become poisoned when in a gondola and save Yoko. They ultimately kill Dead Bird Mask with a Gorenger Hurricane transformed in a net to prevent him from moving when he tries to get away through flying from the site. Tvicon TV STORY-Ep. 59: The Crimson South! The Mysterious Big Gold Plan


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Powers and Abilities[]


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  • Jaws: Dead Bird Mask possesses massive jaws like that of a pterodactyl with which he can bite a person to their death.
  • Gun: Dead Bird Mask possesses a gun that fires "Dead Bird Poison Gas" which he uses to suffocate and poison those hit by it
  • Machete: Dead Bird Mask possesses a Machete
  • Rocket Boots: His boots are rocket propelled with a wing suit to allow him to fly.

Behind the Scenes[]



  • His design is based on a Pteranodon.

Concept Art[]


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Icon-gorenger Himitsu Sentai Gorenger
Tsuyoshi Kaijo - Akira Shinmei - Daita Oiwa - Daigoro Kumano - Peggy Matsuyama - Kenji Asuka
Birdies - Red Bute - Blue Cherry - Ki Sticker - Midomerang - Earring Bombs - Gorenger Storm - Gorenger Hurricane - Gorenger Machines - New Gorenger Machines - Varitank - Varikikyun
EAGLE (Gonpachi Edogawa - Yoko Kato - Tomoko Hayashi - Haruko Nakamura) - Taro Kato - Gon - J.A.K.Q. Dengekitai
Variblune - Varidorin
Black Cross Army
Leader: Black Cross Führer
Generals: Sun Halo Mask - Iron Man Mask General Temujin - Volcano Mask General Magman - Commander-in-Chief Golden Mask
Footsoldiers: Zolders
Masked Monsters: Gold Mask - Warrior Mask - Bronze Mask - Jade Mask - Poison Gas Mask - Iron Ring Mask - Crescent Moon Mask - Poison Fang Mask - Witch Mask - Wing Mask - Boat Ear Mask - Silver Heat Mask - Horn Mask - Skull Mask - Rainbow Mask - Mirror Mask - Black Hair Mask - Cyclops Mask - Sword Mask - Shot Mask - Gear Mask - Wire Mask - Razor Mask - Lamprey Mask - Vein Mask - Iron Claw Mask - Iron Comb Mask - Door Mask - Mine Mask - Iron Tube Mask - Large Hatchet Mask - Iron Princess Mask - Blushing Mask - Steel Mask - Warship Mask - Fork Mask - Pirate Mask - Rock Face Mask - Iron Cage Mask - Iron Lion Mask - Diamond Mask - Electricity Mask - Sword Shark Mask - Locomotive Mask - Bird Fang Mask - Camera Mask - Horn Bone Mask - Iron Trap Mask - Gunman Mask - Telephone Mask - Baseball Mask - Big Ear Mask - Faucet Mask - Bird Comb Mask - Parabolic Mask - Dead Bird Mask - Shellfish Mask - Cowshoe Mask - Ribcage Mask - Television Mask - Clock Mask - Fallen Leaves Mask - Windmill Mask - Can Opener Mask - Injection Mask - Pineapple Mask - Tire Mask - Piano Mask - Anchor Mask - Kendou Mask - Glasses Mask - Stove Mask - Iron Spider Mask - Iron Snake Mask - Mammoth Mask - Skate Mask - Steel Tiger Mask - Kettle Mask - Yo-Yo Mask - Tiger Mask
Others: Cyborg Q - Black Hole - Dr. Shinigami - Steel Sword Dragon - Assassin Cyborg - Ken Ito - Kimiko Ezaki