Icon-jakqThis article is about an episode in J.A.K.Q. Dengekitai.

2 Ten-Jacks!! Destroy the Secret Factory (2テンジャック!! 秘密工場を破壊せよ Tsū Tenjakku!! Himitsu Kōjō o Hakai Seyo) is the second episode of J.A.K.Q. Dengekitai.


Ryu makes a personal mission of destroying a CRIME factory after his trainer is killed by their latest weapon.


Tragical Accident made by CRIME
CRIME M500's firing test complete

Crimers, led by Devil Drill, are shooting at drivers at a driveway with the CRIME M500 as a test of their new weapon, causing fatal accidents. JAKQ, receiving news of the random shootings, arrive at the scene to investigate. Pulling the victims from the wreckage, they notice the bodies are all charred charcoal black. The team proceeds to investigate the area, but failed to find any witnesses or the culprit. Meanwhile, the Tokyo Crime Boss reports to Boss Iron Claw the success of the test, and the boss orders the gun to begin mass production.

Sam targeted by CRIME
Yamanouchi dies

Later, Ryu gets a call from his former boxing coach and friend Yamanouchi, informing his friend Sam has acquired an unusual gun. Ryu and Bunta head off to the restaurant where Yamanouchi is located. However, Crimers arrive there first and kills Sam and critically wounds Yamanouchi. Ryu and Bunta arrives and finds Yamanouchi dying, who gives him a key to his locker before dying in Ryu's arms. Ryu finds the locker and the gun. Ryu orders Bunta to take the gun back the base for a ballistics test while he goes and investigate the warehouse.

CRIME M500's bullet's effect
CRIME M500's blueprint

Back at the base, the JAKQ team tests out the gun and confirms its unique properties. It can shoot out a single bullet which then breaks apart into multiple pellets, and is coated with a special chemical that carbonizes the target. After the confirmation, they receive reports that the weapon has started to appear all over the world.

Ryu with CRIME M500

A vengeful Ryu arrives at the warehouse and was ambushed by Devil Drill and some Crimers. Karen and Bunta arrive to help Ryu, but are overwhelmed when the Devil Sharks are deployed. Goro suddenly arrives in the Sky Ace, and dispatches them easily with Sky Rockets. The warehouse was then destroyed. CRIME manages to escape, but Ryu follows them to their hideout, despite his allies warning him not to go alone.

CRIME's secret factory
Ryu is electrocuted

Ryu breaks into a vent to spy on them, but was caught. He was electrocuted and his body shuts down. Later, he manages to awaken and contacts JAKQ via satellite with Morse Code. Bunta and Karen transforms into Clover King and Heart Queen, and they break in with the Jack Tank. They swiftly dispatch the Crimers, and rescues Ryu. They destroy the facility and escape. Ryu transforms into Dia Jack, and the entire team battle the Crimers. Devil Drill was destroyed with the JAKQ Covack.

In the aftermath of the battle, an enraged Iron Claw executes the Tokyo Crime Boss for failing him.


Guest Stars[]



  • The shots of the windshields shattering are clearly repeated multiple times.
  • During the crash scene some of the cars are missing their drivers.
  • While fighting the Crimers, Bunta punches one and starts punching it again; however, in the next scene, he's tossing it in the air.
  • Wires can be seen on Sky Ace when it lands.



  • Viewership: 12.1%
  • Eyecatches:
  • During the scene at the bar, the song S.O.S by Pink Lady can be heard; the song was released in 1976 and was their first #1 in February 1977, several months before the release of this episode.
  • First appearance of Jack Tank.

DVD releases[]

  • J.A.K.Q. Dengekitai DVD Volume 1 features episodes 1-5



Icon-jakq List of J.A.K.Q. Dengekitai Episodes
Episodes 1-10
Ep. 1: 4 Cards!! The Trump is J.A.K.Q.Ep. 2: 2 Ten-Jacks!! Destroy the Secret FactoryEp. 3: 5 Flushes!! Roar, PantherEp. 4: 1 Joker!! The Perfect Crime's AssassinEp. 5: 3 Snaps!! The Ballade of BetrayalEp. 6: 9 Pokers!! The Beauty's TrapEp. 7: 8 Supercars!! Super-Speed, 300 km/hEp. 8: 6 Targets!! Exploding FlowersEp. 9: 7 Straights!! The Deadly Fist of HellEp. 10: 11 Collections!! Invitation to Happiness
Episodes 11-20
Ep. 11: 13 Jackpots!! Burn! Flames of FriendshipEp. 12: 10 Pyramids!! The Maze of the Golden MaskEp. 13: Blue Key Quiz!! The Riddle of the Secret Room MurderEp. 14: All Supercars!! Violence!! Great Violent Dash!!Ep. 15: The Crimson Occult!! Ghost Story - VampireEp. 16: Black Baseball!! The Attacking Miracle BallEp. 17: Black Demon Moon!! Ghost Story - Hell HouseEp. 18: Blue Whirling Tides!! The Face of the Secret SpyEp. 19: Great Crimson Adventure!! Demon Extermination of Bottomless HauntsEp. 20: Messenger of Darkness!! The Transparent Monster Runs the Darkness
Episodes 21-30
Ep. 21: The Rose-Colored Baseball Era!! CRIME's SluggerEp. 22: Big Red Counterattack!! Attack the Suicide Bomber ArmyEp. 23: White Bird Man! Big OneEp. 24: Demon? Angel?! The Marvelous Flute-Playing ManEp. 25: Victory? Death?! Demon Shogun and Mechanization ArmyEp. 26: Invaders!? The Mysterious Space Pirate ShipEp. 27: The Despot's Ambition!! Break it! The Death CampEp. 28: My Secret! A Space Monster in My PocketEp. 29: Go, Seven Changes! Iron Claw vs. Big OneEp. 30: The Code That Calls Death! Deadly Poison, Cobra Twist
Episodes 31-35
Ep. 31: Red Impact! The Spy is a Fourth-GraderEp. 32: Which is the Real One?! Danger, Big OneEp. 33: The Dengekitai Annihilated?! CRIME's Cooking ClassEp. 34: Infiltration! CRIME Fortress IslandFinal Ep.: Big Victory! Farewell, J.A.K.Q.
J.A.K.Q. Dengekitai: The MovieJ.A.K.Q. Dengekitai vs. Gorenger