Icon-goongerThis article is about a mecha robo in Engine Sentai Go-Onger.

"Engine Gattai: Mission Start! (combination) Seikuu-O! Tune Up, Go On!"
―pre- & post-combination announcement[src]

Engine Gattai Seikuu-O (炎神合体セイクウオー Enjin Gattai Seikūō, lit. "Mastery of the Air King"), known as the "Sky Punching King of the Heavens" (空を制する天気の王 Sora o Seisuru Tenki no Ō), is formed when Engine Toripter, Jetras, and Jum-bowhale combine.


By pressing 7*8*9 using the Grip Wing Trigger to initiate the combination. Seikuu-O's default combination features Engine Toripter as its right arm and Engine Jetras as its left. It is very agile in the ground and air and is able to easily avoid projectiles with its slim body.

In this combination, Seikuu-O is armed with the Toripter Rotor (トリプターローター Toriputā Rōtā) which can rotate as a shield and the Jetras Bow (ジェットラス���ウ Jettorasu Bō).

Its attacks are the Toripcutter (トリプカッター Toripukattā), Jetras Boomerang (ジェットラスブーメラン Jettorasu Būmeran) boomerang throw, Jetori Turbulence (ジェットリタービュランス Jettori Tābyuransu) tornado spin attack, and the Seikuu Sonic (セイクウソニック Seikū Sonikku) attack, where Seikuu-Oh fires all available weaponry, commonly done in the sky (lasers from Jum-Bowhale's turbines, gatling fire from Toripter, and a missile volley from Jetras).

Its finisher is the Seikuu-O: Seikuu Impulse (セイクウインパルス Seikū Inparusu), where a blue arrow extends from Jum-Bowhale's mouth, and is pulled back like an arrow in Jetras' wings. Once readied, the arrow is let loose, flying into an enlarged target with unrelenting force. Tvicon TV STORY-GP 20: Siblings Battle!?

Appearances: Go-Onger Episodes 20-23, 25, 30, 33, 35, 36 (G12 Grand Prix), 38-40, 44, 46-48, 50 (G12 Grand Prix)


After Jum-bowhale's appearance in GP 20, Seikuu-o was first formed to fight against Chainsaw Banki, winning their first Mecha fight in the Human World.

Additional Formations[]

Engine Gattai Engine-O G9[]

Blue Glass Arrow See also: SkyRev Megazord
"G9 Formation: Engine Gattai! (combination) Engine-O G9! Tune Up, Go On!"
―pre- & post-combination announcement[src]

By pressing 7*9 using the Grip Wing Trigger to initiate the combination. Engine-O G9 (エンジンオーG9 Enjin'ō Jī Nain), known as the "Earth and Air Reigning King" (空と大地に君臨する王 Sora to Daichi ni Kunrin suru Ō), is a combinations of Engines 1 to 9, piloted by the five Go-Ongers and the Go-On Wings. The combination is simple, with Engines Toripter and Jetras landing on Engine-O G6's shoulders and Engine Jum-bowhale attaching to its back, Toripter's tails forming "goggles" for Speedor, and Jetora's rudder and elevators form the helmet.

Engine-O G9's finisher is G9 Grand Prix (G9グランプリー Jī Nain Guran Purī). G9 flies off into the sky, stops, then fires energy manifestations of all 9 Engines down a race track manifestation that ends in a checkered flag, destroying the foe. Its suit actor was Hirofumi Fukuzawa

Appearances: Go-Onger Episodes 22-24, 26-29, Boom Boom! Bang Bang! GekijōBang!!, Go-Onger 32, 34, Go-Onger vs. Gekiranger, Go-Onger 42, Shinkenger vs. Go-Onger

Engine Busou Seikuu-O Gunpherd[]

With Engine Gunpherd, Seikuu-O becomes Seikuu-O Gunpherd (セイクウオーガンパード Seikuo Ganpado): This combination features Engine Toripter as the right arm and Engine Gunpherd as the left.

In this combination, Seikuu-O is armed with the Toripter Rotor and the Gunpherd Gun (ガンパードガン Ganpādo Gan).

Its finisher is the Guntori Gunfire (ガントリーガンファイヤー Gantori Ganfaiya) where Seikuu-O delivers a powerful barrage from Toripter's gun batteries and the Gunpherd Gun.

This combination is exclusive to Go-Onger Episode 38.

Engine Busou Seikuu-O Birca[]

Seikuu-O Birca (セイクウオーバルカ Seikūō Baruka): This combination features Engine Birca as the right hand and Engine Jetras as the left hand.

In this combination, Seikuu-O is armed with the Bircutter (バルカッター Barukattā) and the Jetras Bow

Its finisher is the Birtras Torahawk (バルトラストラホーク Barutorasu Torahōku) where Seikuu-O delivers powerful slashes from the Bircutter and Jetras Bow.

This combination is exclusive to Go-Onger Episode 44

Behind the Scenes[]



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to be added


  • Its helmet is modeled after a jet pilot with an oxygen mask on.


See Also[]



Icon-goonger Engine Sentai Go-Onger
Go-Ongers: Sosuke Esumi - Renn Kosaka - Saki Royama - Hant Jo - Gunpei Ishihara
Go-On Wings: Hiroto Suto - Miu Suto
Go-Phone - Shift Changer - Wing Trigger - Souls - Mantan Gun - Handle Blaster - Rocket Dagger - Wing Booster - Road Saber - Garage Launcher - Racing Bullet - Bridge Axe - Cowl Laser - Super Highway Buster - Kankanbar - Kankan Mantan Gun
Engines: Engine Speedor - Engine Bus-on - Engine Bearrv - Engine Birca - Engine Gunpherd - Engine Carrigator - Engine Toripter - Engine Jetras - Engine Jum-bowhale - Engine Kishamoth - Engine Tyrain - Engine Cerain - Engine Retsu-Taka - Engine Shishi-no-Shin - Engine Tsuki-no-Wa
Gekirangers - Shinkengers - Gokaigers
Engine-O - GunBir-O - Engine-O G6 - Seikuu-O - Engine-O G9 - Kyoretsu-O - Engine-O G12 - GoRoader GT - Engine Dai-Shogun - Engine-O G7
Barbaric Machine Clan Gaiark
Pollution President Batcheed - Pollution President Babatcheed (Gokaiger) - Crime Minister Yogoshimacritein - Cleaning Minister Kireizky - Danger Cabinet-Director Chirakasonne - Land Pollution Minister Yogostein - Land Pollution Vice-Minister Hiramechimedes - Air Pollution Minister Kitaneydas - Water Pollution Minister Kegalesia - Ugatz - Barbaric Dohma - Barbaric Dohma SP
Barbaric Machine Beasts
Incinerator Banki - Pipe Banki - Scoop Banki - Spray Banki - Magnet Banki - Speaker Banki - Bombe Banki - Boring Banki - Lens Banki - Mirror Banki - Antenna Banki - Generator Banki - Trigger Banki - Pot Banki - Oil Banki - Rock Blast Banki - Vacuum Banki - Saw Banki (Chainsaw Banki) - Balloon Banki - Spinning Banki - Dowsing Banki - Manhole Banki - Hammer Banki - Straw Banki - Drill Banki - Heater Banki - Engine Banki - Nunchuck Banki - Shower Banki - Yatai Banki - (Maho)Bin Banki - Dumbbell Banki - Kettei Banki
Barbaric Machine Clan Arelunbra Family
Water Pollution Prince Nigorl zo Arelunbra - Water Pollution Machine Knight Uzumaquixote
Eleki Clan Zontark
Noizoon - Grayzky - Noizumi Children
Other Villains
Empress Maki - Raiken - Gokumaru - Rairaiken - Gokugokumaru - Hirameki Bakki - Lumbiaco - Barbaric Machine Clan Horonderthal - Wameikle