Icon-ninningerThis article is about a list of arsenal in Power Rangers Super Ninja Steel.

This page lists all the weapons, devices, and vehicles used by the Ninja Rangers. Below is the inventory, which also reflects on the Super Ninja Steel series page as well as the team page of the Ninja Rangers.

Transformation Devices[]

Ninja Battle Morpher[]

Main article: Ninja Battle Morpher
Blue Glass Arrow See also: Karakuri Hengen

The Ninja Battle Morpher is the morphing device used by the five core Ninja Steel Rangers. The Ninja Battle Morpher is able to transform into a larger Battle Mode after which it can change into three different weapon forms, all marked with their respective kanji: Blade Mode, a short sword; Bow Mode, which allows any Ranger to fire energy arrows; and Claw Mode, a tri-claw designed for swift stabs. The fourth is Morph Mode, which allows them to morph to their Ranger form by calling out "Ninja Spin!" before spinning the Ninja Power Stars.

Gold Ninja Battle Morpher[]

Main article: Gold Ninja Battle Morpher

The Gold Ninja Battle Morpher is the personal morphing device of Ninja Steel Gold. It has a Blaster Mode, where it becomes a small energy pistol capable of destroying concrete.

Lion Fire Morpher[]

Main article: Lion Fire Morpher

The Lion Fire Morpher[1] is the power-up bracelet used to assume the Ninja Steel Rangers' powered-up form, Lion Fire Mode.

Superstar Blade[]


Superstar Blade

Main article: Superstar Blade

The Superstar Blade[2] is a powerful weapon, a much stronger Ninja Star Blade, built by Sarah, and finished with Mick's help. The blade's "Superstar energies" are balanced to matchup with the Rangers' Ninja Star Blades so the blade can interact with all of their Ninja Stars. By aligning the user's energy, the weapon empowers them and enables them to unleash extremely powerful attacks, with or without Ninja Stars.

Additionally, through the use of the Superstar Mode Star, Ninja Steel Gold can powerup into Superstar Mode, making him even more of a formidable fighter than before. The mode only works for him as the star utilizes his Gold Energy.

Communication Devices[]


Originally used to interface with the Galaxy Warriors dome ship to provide in-ship information and assess battles, the Datacom also has independent communication capabilities. Mick is able to repair his after being damaged on his fall to Earth. The Datacom is designed after the Ninja Power Stars, which Galvanax had in his possession at the time. While closed, the Datacom can communicate with the ship computer or anyone else with a Datacom. Open, it can facilitate video chat.


Ninja Com

Ninja Com

The Ninjacom is the Ninja Steel Rangers' primary method of communication. With the device, the Rangers are able to contact with each other electronically. At the end of the third episode, Mick and Brody crafted the Ninjacoms for the Ninja Steel Power Rangers to use. Tvicon TV STORY-Live and Learn

The Ninjacom appears to resemble a gray-colored wristwatch. It has a built-in speaker that allows one Ranger to contact his/her teammate(s).

Multi-Use Devices[]

Ninja Power Stars[]

Main article: Ninja Power Stars
Blue Glass Arrow See also: Nin Shuriken
PRNS2-Ninja Power Stars

The core five Ninja Power Stars

The Ninja Power Stars are small throwing stars used by the Ninja Steel Rangers to unlock their powers, forms, and Zords. The Ninja Steel Rangers can also throw copies of their Morphing Power Stars for various kinds of attacks.[3]

Individual Weapons and Team Weapons[]

Rockstorm Guitar[]

Blue Glass Arrow See also: Star Sword-Gun
Star Sword Gun

Rockstorm Guitar

The Rockstorm Guitar is the personal weapon of Ninja Steel Gold, in which it combines three types of equipment into a single weapon. The weapon itself has two modes in which to launch attacks, greatly maximizing the range of attacks that the weapon can utilize to deal with enemies and monsters alike due to how easy it is to switch modes, which is a simple switching of the grip. It also strums like an actual electric guitar.

To use the attacks, the dual-element Storm Star is placed right in the soundhole compartment of the weapon before strumming it to activate their corresponding attacks. To activate the finishers on the Rockstorm Guitar, the Ninja Steel Gold Ranger presses the red tab-like button on the Rockstorm Guitar, then spins the Ninja Power Star.

  • Rockstorm Blast: This requires no Ninja Power Stars to be performed. This attack usually manifests as a golden bolt of lightning fired from the tip although it can also manifest as mere energy blasts. Tvicon TV STORY-Rocking and Rolling
  • Ninja Tornado Attack: This requires the Storm Star to be in its Tornado Mode to be performed. The Ninja Steel Gold Ranger creates a human-sized cyclone that is powerful enough to pick up a squad of Basherbots. Tvicon TV STORY-Rocking and Rolling
  • Ninja Lightning Attack: This requires the Storm Star to be in its Lightning Mode to be performed. The Ninja Steel Gold Ranger sends a stream of lightning from the tip and above the target's head, making a thundercloud. The thundercloud then electrocutes the target below it. Tvicon TV STORY-Rocking and Rolling Also, the attack consists of firing a powerful blast of lightning at his target. Tvicon TV STORY-Poisonous Plots
  • Tornado Slashes: This requires the Storm Star to be in its Tornado Mode to be performed. The Rockstorm Guitar's final attack. The Ninja Steel Gold Ranger swings the Rockstorm Guitar around in one direction, surrounding himself with a blue tornado. He would then zoom towards the monster and slash it multiple times with golden energy, rotating around the target while doing so. Then, he finishes it off with an energy slash right through the middle. He would then typically take a selfie while the monster is being destroyed. Tvicon TV STORY-Rocking and Rolling
  • Ninja Star Morph: This requires the Gold Ninja Power Star to be performed. The Ninja Steel Gold Ranger jumps and spins around until they transform into a energy form of his Ninja Power Star, then flies at the target like a rogue buzzsaw blade.


Ninja Star Blade[]


Ninja Star Blade

The Ninja Star Blade is the main sidearm for the main five Ninja Steel Rangers.

When the blue button marked with the kanji for "Technique" ( Waza) is pressed and one of the main Ninja Power Stars is spun in the Ninja Star Blade, it activates a finisher attack:

  • Steel Slash: A Ninja Steel Ranger slashes fast and hard, swinging the Ninja Star Blade with powerful and fast swings, then jumps into the air. As the Ninninger comes down, they spin in place until they land with a finishing strike. This is the Ninja Steel Ranger's primary finisher, and the Ninja Steel Rangers have made many variations.
    • Five Ranger Ninja Strike: All of the five Ninja Steel Rangers slash at the monstre once as they rush past the monster, then the Ninja Steel Red Ranger comes in with another slash, then all of the five Ninja Steel Rangers jump upwards, then spin as they fall down, and when they land, all five give one final slash on the monster. Tvicon TV STORY-Hack Attack
    • Ninja Fusion Fury: With the Ninja Fusion Star and an extra Ninja Star Blade loaned by Ninja Steel Blue, Ninja Steel Red creates 3 extra Ninja Star Blades to shield him from an incoming attack by Ripcon, then trap him with said three Ninja Star Blades, forming a barrier around the monster while doing so. Ninja Steel Red then rushes in, slashing Ripcon 5 times, using all 5 Ninja Star Blades for each core Ninja Steel Ranger, until he raises his energized blade one final time, combining with the energies of all 5 Rangers, making the blade larger and longer, and gives Ripcon one final vertical slash, with four energy lesser slashes with the colors of the other Ninja Steel Rangers following up from the original slash. This was only used against Ripcon although it failed to destroy him. Tvicon TV STORY-Family Fusion
    • Red Ninja Strike: A version of the Steel Slash with only the Ninja Steel Red Ranger. The Ninja Steel Red Ranger spins in place as he falls down, then he slashes powerfully in many spinning slashes. Tvicon TV STORY-Poisonous Plots
    • Blue Tornado Strike: Performed by the Ninja Steel Blue Ranger and acts as his personal finishing move. The Ninja Steel Blue Ranger spins the body to create a tornado-like attack and rushes to and around the enemy, rapidly slashing the target. Tvicon TV STORY-Poisonous Plots Tvicon TV STORY-Game Plan
    • Red and White Ninja Strikes: A tag-team version of the Steel Slash with the Ninja Steel Red and White Rangers, both jump into the air and spin in place as they descend towards the target and both give punishing slash attacks. Tvicon TV STORY-The Adventures of Redbot
    • Magic Dragon Super Slash: A tag-team version of the Steel Slash with the Ninja Steel Red and Blue Rangers, where Ninja Steel Red Ranger activates the finisher on the Ninja Star Blade, while Ninja Steel Blue Ranger conjures a tall flaming dragon around the Ninja Steel Ranger, then bathes the monster in magic-based flame, with Ninja Steel Red Ranger landing the final blow. This was only used against Abrakadanger. Tvicon TV STORY-Abrakadanger (episode)
    • Red Tornado Strike: Using it in conjunction with the Ninja Steel Gold Ranger's Storm Star in Tornado Mode, the Ninja Steel Red Ranger enters the tornado and rapidly slashes the target. This was only used against Spyclops. Tvicon TV STORY-Tough Love
  • Five Element Barricade: The Ninja Steel Rangers brandish their Ninja Star Blades (Levi, his Rockstorm Guitar) while Brody, wielding his Ninja Star Blade and the Superstar Blade, stands in place. The Ninja Steel Rangers strike collectively the ground with a color-specific blade, which converge into a single, spinning multi-colored barrier that encloses their target. Tvicon TV STORY-Magic Misfire
  • Ninja Star Morph: A Ninja Steel Ranger jumps and spins around until they transform into a energy form of their Ninja Power Stars, then fly at the target like a rogue buzzsaw blade.

The Ninja Star Blade can also be used to summon a Zord by inserting their respective Ninja Power Star into the sword and pressing the yellow button marked with the kanji for "Call" ( Yo). The Ninja Star Blade allows the Ninningers to ride a Zord by stabbing their blade into their Zord.

Ninja Blaster[]

Blue Glass Arrow See also: Gama Gama Gun

The Ninja Blasters are the main pistol weapons of the five Ninja Steel Rangers, modeled after a frog.

To activate the finisher, a Ninja Steel Ranger inserts a Ninja Power Star into the back of the gun, making the mouth open to make a barrel in the shape of a frog's tongue pop out and the gun until the trigger is pulled, where the gun fires a laser in the color and shape of a frog's tongue that homes in onto the target and pierces it.

Cockpit Control Weapons[]

Ninja Master Blade[]


Ninja Master Blade

The Ninja Master Blade accompanies Ninja Master Mode and is activated when the Ninja Master Mode Star is spun on the Ninja Star Blade. While primarily a sword, it has a chainsaw/buzzsaw design. To activate the finisher, the Ranger pulls on the ripcord to spin the three throwing star buzzsaws on the blade section.

Ninja Super Steel Blaster[]

PRSNS-Ninja Super Steel Blaster

Ninja Super Steel Blaster

The Ninja Super Steel Blaster is a pump action blaster resembling an ancient Chinese firework rocket weapon with a similar design to the Ninja Master Blade and modeled partially after the Lion Fire Zord. It accompanies the Ninja Super Steel Mode. It's primarily used to initiate a Megazord's final attack. The blaster was also used by Devon in Beast Morphers Season 2 Evox Unleashed, showing that it could be used outside a Megazord cockpit and actually function as a cannon.

Legend Ranger Devices[]


Mega Morph Cycle[]


Mega Morph Cycle

When a Ninja Steel Ranger throws the Mega Morph Cycle Power Star, it transforms into the Mega Morph Cycle. It can shoot a powerful laser called the Plasma Blast.


Other Devices[]

Transportal Device[]


Transportal Device

Main article: Transportal Device

The Transportal Device is a device created by Time Force in order to travel to different dimensions.


Transformation Devices[]

Multi-Use Devices[]

Individual Weapons and Team Weapon[]


Cockpit Control Weapons[]



Grid Battleforce Vault
PRBM-Ninja Super Steel Blaster

Ninja Super Steel Blaster used by the Grid Battleforce Red Ranger

See Also[]



All items (6)
