Icon-supersamuraiThis article is about an episode in Power Rangers Super Samurai.

A Sticky Situation is the eleventh episode of Power Rangers Super Samurai, the second season of Power Rangers Samurai.


Kevin and Mike must work in sync to defeat a Nighlok that shot a gooey substance that has bind them together.


At the Shiba House, Mike enjoys an apple during his training. He challenges Kevin to a one-arm duel. After the brief fight, Mike defeated Kevin. The Gap Sensor alerts the Rangers to battle.

In the city, the Nighlok Epoxar begins the attack. The Rangers confront the Nighlok. Green and Blue Rangers begin the attack. Epoxar glues Green and Blue Rangers hands together. Epoxar enjoys the scene of the glued Rangers. Gold Ranger joins the fight and uses the LightZord to send the Nighlok away. The Rangers de-morph to notice that Kevin and Mike are still glued together.

At the Sanzu River, Octoroo and Master Xandred lecture Epoxar. Serrator defends Epoxar and has a bigger plan. Octoroo has a plan to glue the earthlings.

In the park, Bulk and Spike are glued together by Epoxar.

Jayden tries to split the glue but his attempt fails. Mentor Ji tells Mike and Kevin that they can't fight in their condition. Mike and Kevin train together with sparring, symbol drawing, and even throwing out the trash. Mentor Ji tells them to get groceries.

Epoxar revisits the city, attacking innocent civilians with his glue.

In the city, Mike and Kevin practice the waltz and the foxtrot. Bulk and Spike make attempt to free themselves but make their situation worse. Mike and Kevin finish grocery shopping. Mike gets an idea to have Kevin push him in a shopping cart. Mike follows Kevin to the restroom.

The Gap Sensor alerts the remaining Rangers. Mike and Kevin watch as their friends run to the battle. The Rangers run into Epoxar. As the Rangers head towards the Nighlok, they fall for his glue trap. Mike and Kevin see the Rangers in trouble. Mike remembers Jayden's words and tells Kevin that they need to work together. Mike and Kevin join the fight. The Rangers morph into action. Blue and Green Rangers work together to sync up their attack to destroy the Nighlok and break the spell.

Epoxar grows to his Mega Mode formation. Red and Gold Rangers summon the BullZord, Samurai ClawZord, and OctoZord. The two Rangers form the Bull Megazord, Claw Battlezord North, and Light Megazord formations. The formations engage in a fierce battle against Epoxar. Red Ranger upgrades to Shogun Mode and defeats the Nighlok by using the revolving laser blaster attack to blast Epoxar into oblivion.

Serrator introduces himself to Deker, who wants his sword repaired. Serrator offers to repair the harmonium and Uramasa for their services. Serrator gives them a special dagger.

Mike and Kevin cook breakfast for the Rangers but end up having to clean up the egg mess.


Power Discs[]



  • Strangely, the Gap Sensor took unusually several minutes to alert the Rangers to stop Epoxar.
  • When Octoroo talks Epoxar about the new plan, the two center tentacles on his face are both bent and have several gashes in them.
  • When Epoxar says "He's stuck on spin cycle." the shot of him is clearly mirrored.
  • When Kevin and Mike de-morph, the ground slightly darkens.
  • Epoxar only blasts his glue on Spike's shoulder. But somehow the glue ends up on his foot, and then his face
  • In the close up of Mia, the viewers can seen the reflection of crew members off her helmet
  • When Mike says "No, not the bathroom" his lips don't move


  • Final appearance of Claw Battlezord North.
  • Antonio only appears de-morphed at the Shiba House, and running to the location where Epoxar is.

See Also[]

External Links[]

Power nav icon List of Power Rangers Samurai and Super Samurai episodes Icon-shinkengerIcon-supersamurai

1 & 2: Origins • 3: The Team Unites • 4: Deal With a Nighlok • 5: Day Off • 6: Sticks and Stones • 7: A Fish Out of Water • 8: There Go the Brides • 9: I've Got a Spell on Blue • 10: Forest for the Trees • 11: Test of the Leader • 12: Jayden's Challenge • 13: Unexpected Arrival • 14: Room for One More • 15: The Blue and the Gold • 16: Team Spirit • 17: The Tengen Gate • 18: Boxed In • 19: Broken Dreams • 20: The Ultimate Duel • Halloween Special: Party Monsters • Christmas Special: Christmas Together, Friends Forever

Super Samurai

1: Super Samurai • 2: Shell Game • 3: Trading Places • 4: Something Fishy • Movie: Clash of the Red Rangers • 5: The Rescue • 6: The BullZord • 7: He Ain't Heavy Metal, He's My Brother • 8: Kevin's Choice • 9: Runaway Spike • 10: The Strange Case of the Munchies • 11: A Sticky Situation • 12: Trust Me • Halloween Special: Trickster Treat • 13: The Master Returns • 14: A Crack in the World • 15: Stroke of Fate • Christmas Special: Stuck on Christmas • 16: Fight Fire With Fire • 17: The Great Duel • 18: Evil Reborn • 19: The Sealing Symbol • 20: Samurai Forever

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