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Pokémon Wiki

Serpentine Mountain Trail is a Dungeon in Pokémon Super Mystery Dungeon on the Water Continent. It is unlocked after Jirachi is fought.


Pokémon Floors Lv. Recruit rate
0017Pidgeotto MD Pidgeotto 1-8 ? Unrecruitable
0085Dodrio MD Dodrio 1-8 ? Unrecruitable
0106Hitmonlee MD Hitmonlee 1-8 ? Unrecruitable
0164Noctowl MD Noctowl 1-8 ? Unrecruitable
0214Heracross MD Heracross 1-8 ? Unrecruitable
0305Lairon MD Lairon 1-8 ? Unrecruitable
0329Vibrava MD Vibrava 1-8 ? Unrecruitable
0338Solrock MD Solrock 1-8 ? Unrecruitable
0357Tropius MD Tropius 1-8 ? Unrecruitable
0372Shelgon MD Shelgon 1-8 ? Unrecruitable
0426Drifblim MD Drifblim 1-8 ? Unrecruitable
0438Bonsly MD Bonsly 1-8 ? Unrecruitable
0441Chatot MD Chatot 1-8 ? Unrecruitable
0476Probopass MD Probopass 1-8 ? Unrecruitable
0519 Pidove 1-8 ? Unrecruitable
0525 Boldore 1-8 ? Unrecruitable
0528 Swoobat 1-8 ? Unrecruitable
0557 Dwebble 1-8 ? Unrecruitable
0589 Escavalier 1-8 ? Unrecruitable
0596 Galvantula 1-8 ? Unrecruitable
