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Pokémon Wiki

Rough Tunnel is a Dungeon in Pokémon Super Mystery Dungeon on the Air Continent. It is unlocked by completing Azelf's request. The first time the dungeon is completed, the Player is awarded Huge Meal Looplet, one of the Never Hungries' treasures from the Treasure Collection.


Pokémon Floors Lv. Recruit rate
0003Venusaur MD Venusaur 1-41 ? Unrecruitable
0026Raichu MD Raichu 1-41 ? Unrecruitable
0135Jolteon MD Jolteon 1-41 ? Unrecruitable
0149Dragonite MD Dragonite 1-41 ? Unrecruitable
0154Meganium MD Meganium 1-41 ? Unrecruitable
0181Ampharos MD Ampharos 1-41 ? Unrecruitable
0182Bellossom MD Bellossom 1-41 ? Unrecruitable
0254Sceptile MD Sceptile 1-41 ? Unrecruitable
0311Plusle MD Plusle 1-41 ? Unrecruitable
0312Minun MD Minun 1-41 ? Unrecruitable
0332Cacturne MD Cacturne 1-41 ? Unrecruitable
0334Altaria MD Altaria 1-41 ? Unrecruitable
0405Luxray MD Luxray 1-41 ? Unrecruitable
0407Roserade MD Roserade 1-41 ? Unrecruitable
0445Garchomp MD Garchomp 1-41 ? Unrecruitable
0462Magnezone MD Magnezone 1-41 ? Unrecruitable
0470Leafeon MD Leafeon 1-41 ? Unrecruitable
0497 Serperior 1-41 ? Unrecruitable
0542 Leavanny 1-41 ? Unrecruitable
0549 Lilligant 1-41 ? Unrecruitable
0587 Emolga 1-41 ? Unrecruitable
0597 Ferroseed 1-41 ? Unrecruitable
0598 Ferrothorn 1-41 ? Unrecruitable
0604 Eelektross 1-41 ? Unrecruitable
0612 Haxorus 1-41 ? Unrecruitable
0621 Druddigon 1-41 ? Unrecruitable
0635 Hydreigon 1-41 ? Unrecruitable
0673 Gogoat 1-41 ? Unrecruitable
0697 Tyrantrum 1-41 ? Unrecruitable
0702 Dedenne 1-41 ? Unrecruitable
0706 Goodra 1-41 ? Unrecruitable