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The Tree of Life (Japanese生命(せいめい)()HepburnTree of Life) is a location in Pokémon Super Mystery Dungeon located in the Sea of Wonders where players can evolve Pokémon. It is the target of Dark Matter, and Xerneas is the personification of it. Two dungeons, namely Tree of Life: Roots and Tree of Life: Trunk are located inside of it, although they are not revisitable after the main story without the use of Pelipper Island.


According to Celebi's research and the partner Pokémon's memories, Dark Matter pulled the Tree of Life, and thus the entire planet, to the sun. Therefore, the ancient Pokémon, including Mew, who sent its past spirit to be born as partner Pokémon, and a human, who is the player, fought against Dark Matter, and "thanks to the stars aligning just right", they "won". However, the Dark Matter would reborn in the future, so Mew and the human prepared certain countermeasures, including the creation of two Harmony Scarves, which were passed among generations and ended up back to the partner Pokémon itself.

During the main story, the Tree of Life seems to start withering after the trip on Fire Island Volcano due to the rebirth of Dark Matter, and is almost withered by the time the player's team makes it to Primeval Forest, with Dark Matter sitting on top of the tree. After winning the battle against Yveltal, Nuzleaf and two Beheeyem, Dark Matter started pulling the Tree of Life towards the sun, causing the planet to be pulled as well, like the one in the past. The movement of Tree of Life's pull is slowed down much due to the effort of a few Pokémon, including Arceus, Mega Mewtwo Y, Mega Rayquaza and Deoxys. After being teleported inside the Tree of Life by Arceus, and temporarily evolving due to the Harmony Scarves, the player and the partner climbs the Tree of Life, battles the Dark Matter. Although the Tree of Life runs out of energy before the two can defeat Dark Matter, they are able to fully defeat Dark Matter again. The Tree of Life is then restored to its original state, followed by Xerneas' thanks.


Upon entering in front of the Tree of Life during post-game, Xerneas will appear. By talking to it, it asks if the player wants to evolve a Pokémon, and if the player agrees, it will lead the selected Pokémon to the Tree of Life, evolving it. Unlike past Mystery Dungeon series, level is the only requirement of evolving; for Pokémon with branched evolutions, the player is given choice to evolve into either one of those.

After being connected to at least 600 Pokémon, talking to Xerneas will connect it with the player.
