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Pokémon Wiki

Pumpkaboo Forest is a Dungeon in Pokémon Super Mystery Dungeon on the Mist Continent. It is unlocked by completing Pumpkaboo's request.


Pokémon Floors Lv. Recruit rate
0053Persian MD Persian 1-19 ? Unrecruitable
0059Arcanine MD Arcanine 1-19 ? Unrecruitable
0264Linoone MD Linoone 1-19 ? Unrecruitable
0289Slaking MD Slaking 1-19 ? Unrecruitable
0295Exploud MD Exploud 1-19 ? Unrecruitable
0301Delcatty MD Delcatty 1-19 ? Unrecruitable
0317Swalot MD Swalot 1-19 ? Unrecruitable
0571 Zoroark 1-19 ? Unrecruitable
0608 Lampent 1-19 ? Unrecruitable
0661 Fletchling 1-19 ? Unrecruitable
0674 Pancham 1-19 ? Unrecruitable
0677 Espurr 1-19 ? Unrecruitable
0710 Pumpkaboo 1-19 ? Unrecruitable
0711 Gourgeist 1-19 ? Unrecruitable