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Pokémon Wiki

The Gentleman is a guest of the ship of St. Anne in Pokémon: Indigo League.


Pokémon the Series: The Beginning[]

This unnamed gentleman is one of the guests of St. Anne, where he challenges one of the Trainers to a battle against his Starmie. His Raticate was powerful and managed to defeat its opponent. Ash challenged him next and manages to beat him, although he ended the battle early, to Ash's annoyance. He saw how powerful Ash's Butterfree was in the battle and proposed a trade to Ash. After they made the trade, he took part in the battle against Team Rocket and sent out his Squirtle. After the fight, Ash wanted Butterfree back due to how much he had bonded with it. The gentleman took pity on Ash's feelings, so they traded their Pokémon back before the ship sank. The gentleman, along with other passengers, managed to escape from the ship (except for Ash's friends and Team Rocket).


On hand[]

Traded back[]
