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This Butterfree is a Bug/Flying-type Pokémon owned by Ash. It was the first wild Pokémon Ash ever caught. He was released during the mating season when he fell in love with a pink Butterfree.


As a Caterpie, he has a very happy but shy attitude; he was shown to suffer from low self-esteem if he didn't make a good first impression; he was very hurt when Misty didn't like him. He is also very brave, squaring up against a Pidgeotto and then both of Team Rocket's Pokémon single-handedly.

As Metapod, he was shown to have become very laid-back, but remained extremely loyal to his trainer; this was shown when he jumped in front of a Beedrill to save Ash. However, it also briefly got angry with Ash for being irresponsible, which led to it being captured by a Beedrill.

As Butterfree, his personality was similar to that of Caterpie, retaining his bravery and positive attitude. But as seen in Bye-Bye Butterfree, his self-esteem still suffered when he didn't make a good first impression.


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Butterfree was caught as a Caterpie and evolved to a Metapod after a battle against Team Rocket. He caught it only by throwing out a Poké Ball.[1] Metapod was at one point captured by a flock of Beedrill, but Ash rescued it; however, it was angry with Ash for not being responsible enough, but quickly reconciled with him and then evolved into a Butterfree while defending Ash from a Beedrill that tried to attack him.[2] He once traded his Butterfree for a Raticate, but he missed his Butterfree so much, so he traded back.[3] It seems to be a male Butterfree and was released to start a family with its mate, a pink Butterfree, who at first had no interest in him. Before winning the heart of its mate, Butterfree saved a bunch of wild Butterfree from Team Rocket. This caused the pink Butterfree to start having feelings for him. At first, Butterfree was hesitant to leave Ash for the pink Butterfree, but in the end, both had a heartfelt farewell, and Butterfree left with his mate and flock after Brock gave him a yellow scarf as a memento.[4]

When Pikachu briefly fainted during his fight against Leon's Charizard, he had a flashback in which Butterfree was one of the many Pokémon that he had met in his journey with Ash.[5]

Butterfree and his mate reunited with Ash and Pikachu again sometime in the future.[6]

Known moves[]

Move notes

  1. ^ Butterfree knew this move as a Caterpie, but executed it in TB???


  • Butterfree marked many firsts for Ash's Pokémon:
    • the first Pokémon Ash captured
      • Butterfree is also the first Bug-type Pokémon Ash has caught.
    • the first to evolve
    • the first to reach his final form
    • the first to be traded away (Ash still got him back)
    • the first to have a confirmed gender
    • the first to be released
  • As a Caterpie, Rikako Aikawa voiced it in both the Japanese and English versions of the anime. When it evolved into a Metapod, though, Aikawa continued voicing it in the Japanese series while Eric Stuart who played Brock in the original 4-Kids series voiced Metapod. Upon evolving into Butterfree, Aikawa began playing the role in both versions once again.
  • Butterfree holds the record out of all of Ash's Pokémon for taking the shortest time to fully evolve, evolving from Metapod only one episode after it evolved from Caterpie.
  • Butterfree is one of the members of Ash's Kantonian party not to appear in any of the movies based on Pokémon the Series: The Beginning.
  • Butterfree is one of Ash’s officially trained Pokémon not to physically appear in the To Be a Pokémon Master anime miniseries.


See also[]


  1. ^ Spurt!, Butterfree doesn't have purple spots on the bottom of his wings.


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