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For the variant appearing in the games, see Mallow.

Mallow is a character appearing in Pokémon the Series.


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Mallow is a slender and slightly tall girl with tan skin, long green hair kept in two tree-shaped twintails, and light green eyes. Her most noticeable feature is the fake pink flower in her hair, which she holds in place with green vine-like straps. Clothing-wise, Mallow wears a pink tank top, light gray overalls with spiky white frills, a white clover-shaped mark on the waist, and a berry-storing pouch above the bust, and green and white shoes with small dark green bows. She also keeps a golden clover-shaped badge on her waist just above the white clover-shaped mark.

Later, she also wears a green Z-Ring given to her by an Oranguru. She also owns a drawstring bag in the shape of a Pinap Berry with fake Berries on the tie (a Forage Bag).

Other outfit[]

As a member of the Ultra Guardians, Mallow wears a sea green and white uniform with pale green accents at the edge. The sleeves, collar and the inlines of her uniform are black, and she wears sea-green gloves that match her uniform.

When she goes swimming, Mallow wears a light green two-piece swimsuit with an orange floral pattern and pink flip-flops with red straps. She also keeps a miniature Staryu hairpin on the right side of her hair.

When Mallow goes to sleep, she wears a simple pink nightgown and a magenta sleeping mask.


Mallow is an energetic and kind-hearted girl who is also a bit of a scatterbrain. She is very friendly and likes to assist others, as she regularly helps out at Aina's Kitchen, the restaurant her family owns. She also has a huge love for Grass-type Pokémon and gets excited when she meets new ones.


The name Mallow may come from the "mallow" family of plants.

Her Japanese name, Mao, may come from ma'o, the Japanese name for Hawaiian cotton. It may also be a corruption of "mallow", as stated in her English name. Interestingly, cotton is part of the mallow family of plants.


Mallow cooking

Mallow cooking

Mallow and Tsareena Z-Move

Mallow using a Z-Move.

Being an employee of Aina's Kitchen, Mallow is a talented chef. Mallow does have battling skills though, and is also capable of utilizing Z-Moves.




Mallow and her Mother

Mallow and her mother.

Mallow had a caring relationship with her mother as she did a lot for her and they had a lot of fun walks together when Mallow was young. However, Mallow had to endure through tough times as her mother was sent to the hospital many times because she got sick quite often. Mallow's mother was the one who caught Tsareena while she was a Bounsweet, so she wouldn't be lonely. During one of her visits to the hospital, Mallow lost her temper when her mother wouldn't stop apologizing, told her that she hated her, and ran away. However, Mallow regretted what she said to her mother because those were the last words she said to her before she passed away. Hearing about Tapu Fini's ability to see anyone who moved on, Mallow didn't want to see her mother because she felt she couldn't face her after what she said. However, Mallow deep down secretly wanted to see her mother and make things right with her. Mallow ended up getting that chance to make amends with her mother when she was trapped in Tapu Fini's mist and apologized for what she said before she moved on while showing her gratitude towards her before biding her a heartfelt farewell.


Mallow with Abe, Ulu and Tsareena

Mallow and Abe.

Mallow cares for her father very much and likes helping out at the family restaurant with him. When her father took her for granted, Mallow got upset with him and ran away from home but they were able to patch things up as they apologize to each other with a little help from a family friend.


Mallow and Ulu

Mallow and Ulu.

Mallow is very close to her brother, even if he is usually traveling so he can become a great chef one day. Mallow keeps a cookbook on recipes he sent to her that he found while traveling. However, Mallow does get annoyed with Ulu's habits, such as being smitten with girls. Mallow is very happy that Ulu supports her, shown when he watches her battle at the Alola League. When her brother returned from his cooking journey for good, Mallow was happy to have Ulu back with her and their dad.



Mallow and Lana

Mallow and Lana.

Lana is Mallow's best friend and has always supported her until the end. Mallow opens up to Lana about her mother's passing, which shows how strong their friendship is, as they have known each other since they were young. When they got older, Mallow and Lana became classmates at the Pokémon School. Mallow would go out of her way for Lana and would help her whenever she needed it and she has done the same for her. Mallow and Lana spent a lot of time together, although sometimes they would have Lillie or Ash accompany them.

Young Mallow and Lana

Mallow and Lana when they were younger.

During the League, Mallow didn't want to battle Lana because of their friendship and was concerned about her partner. However, through Lana's words of encouragement and showing her how determined her partner was, Mallow was able to continue the battle and perfect her Z-Moves because of her best friend's help, but her partner also helped her. Despite her strong friendship with her, Mallow at times does get annoyed with Lana's jokes. Mallow got to see Lana go off when the latter left with her father for fishing.


Mallow and Kiawe

Mallow and Kiawe.

Mallow and Kiawe are good friends and classmates, as both are hard workers in helping their families' popular businesses. When Kiawe's family farm was threatened to be turned into a resort hotel, Mallow helped her friend in any way she could to keep the farm safe from the company that wanted to buy it. Mallow had Kiawe help her in her Z-Move training. In return, she wished Kiawe good luck on finishing his Island Challenge.


Mallow and Sophocles

Mallow and Sophocles.

Sophocles is Mallow's other good friend and classmate as she does encourage him to do his best and supports him, shown when she went to cheer him on when he participated in the Vikavolt race. Mallow got to see Sophocles go off when he left for Hoenn with his cousin, Molayne.


Mallow and Lillie

Mallow and Lillie.

Mallow and Lillie are very good friends as they do a lot of girls stuff together, sometimes they have Lana join them in those activities. Mallow also encouraged Lillie whenever she was going to attempt to touch Pokémon. When Lillie's mother was taken by an Ultra Beast, Mallow helped her friend and her brother get their mother back with their other friends helping out as well. Also, Mallow and Lillie are classmates at the Pokémon School. Mallow and Lillie part ways when the former stays in Alola while the latter left for a journey alongside her family to find her long lost father.


Mallow and Ash

Mallow and Ash.

Mallow and Ash share a close friendship as they do a lot of adventures together as they sometimes have Lana join them. When Mallow first met Ash, she mistook him for a new student at the Pokémon School. Although the misunderstanding was cleared up, Mallow still showed Ash around campus anyway which shows how they were able to forge their friendship right away as they were able to become classmates for real. Sometimes, Mallow does get annoyed with Ash's habits. Also, Mallow greatly respects Ash as she supports him during his Pokémon battles or various things he participates in. In addition, Mallow even took inspiration from Ash as he inspired her to do a Z-Move herself, especially due to his partner Pokémon knowing three different types of Z-Moves. They part ways when Mallow stays in Alola to improve her family's restaurant while Ash decided to continue his journey.



Mallow and Tsareena

Mallow and Tsareena.

Tsareena is Mallow's Pokémon partner and one of her closest friends. Mallow had Tsareena since she was little and during her time as a Bounsweet. Mallow cares very much about Tsareena and is very protective of her. Also, Mallow had her partner Pokémon on her shoulder or her arms, during her time as a Bounsweet and Steenee. When her partner evolved to her final stage, Mallow not only saw how grown up Tsareena had gotten but also became less protective of her when she sees how strong she became and that she can defend herself more than she used to. Also, Mallow would usually have Tsareena outside of her Poké Ball, even during her time as a Bounsweet and Steenee. Mallow even gets encouragement from Tsareena, shown during her battle with Lana in the League. Mallow was able to use a Z-Move with Tsareena thanks to her encouragement and determination to not give up, although Lana had a hand in helping them out in perfecting it as well. Mallow had Tsareena help her improve the family restaurant when she decided to make it a place for both people and Pokémon.


Mallow with Shaymin

Mallow and Shaymin, in its land form.

Mallow first met Shaymin, after she briefly reunited with her mother, when she and Tsareena discover it coming out of a bush. Taking a liking to it, Mallow brought Shaymin to meet her friends and found out through Rotom that it was a Mythical Pokémon. After hearing this information, Mallow decided to care for Shaymin until the day it'll be ready to take flight. Like she is for Tsareena, Mallow is very protective of Shaymin and deeply cares about it a lot.

Mallow and Shaymin

Mallow and Shaymin, in its Sky form.

Mallow likes that Shaymin helps her out and was very grateful when it went to retrieve her headband, after it was blown away by the wind during their visit in Malie City. Also, Mallow usually holds Shaymin in her arms but she does sometimes let it sit on her shoulder or head. When the time came for it to fly off, Mallow knew in her heart that she and Shaymin will always have a special bond no matter where they are then bid the Gratitude Pokémon farewell.


SM108 5

Mallow and her mother meeting Bounsweet for the very first time.

When she was younger, Mallow went for a walk with her mother, after she just got out of the hospital from an illness, where they encounter a wild Bounsweet and her mother caught her as a gift to her. Mallow formed an unbreakable friendship and partnership with Bounsweet. However, Mallow was upset when her mother had to return to the hospital where she express her anger for her endless apologizes for her condition then ran away. After that, Mallow lost her mother because of her illness.[1]

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Mallow and Lana during the time they first meet.

Sometime later, Mallow first met Lana when they were young as they go to the forest to play but they got lost. While trying to find their way out, Mallow and Lana meet a Drampa, who they nicknamed Grandpa Forest, as they gave them some berries which they called them Bittersweet berries then got them out of the forest. After that day, Mallow and Lana became the best of friends.[2] Years later, Mallow received a cookbook from her brother, who went on a culinary journey. The cookbook contained a lot of recipes that interested Mallow, who wanted to make the Aina Cafeteria the best restaurant in the Alola region.[3]

Pokémon the Series: Sun and Moon[]

SM001 18

Mallow, Bounsweet, Ash and Pikachu are unamused by Samson's puns.

Mallow was riding a Tauros with Sophocles and Lana when Ash appeared on the racing track. Though Ash was trampled by Tauros, he wasn't too hurt, stating he dealt with Tauros back home. After clearing the misunderstanding, Mallow took Ash's hand, thinking he came to enlist in the school. Thus, she showed around the school, stating both the Trainer and Pokémon have to study together. Afterwards, she knocked on the principal's door; Samson Oak appeared and welcomed Ash. Ash explained he didn't want to enlist since he merely followed Kiawe. Regardless, Mallow continued to show Ash around the school and introduced him to Professor Kukui. Before they could continue, they saw some men intimidating Kiawe; Mallow recognized them as Team Skull. Mallow watched as Ash joined Kiawe and defeated Team Skull grunts.[4]

SM002 2

Mallow with Ash, Sophocles and Lillie.

Before the class began, Mallow was given a recipe for some Pokémon food by Lillie. Mallow thanked Lillie and her Bounsweet hopped in happiness, which made Mallow terrified about the latter. Once Ash arrived, Mallow and the others heard his story how Tapu Koko visited him and gave him the Z-Ring. She thought Tapu Koko must've liked Ash a lot. After school was over, Mallow hung out with her friends, as they were preparing a surprise party for Ash. The following day, the group welcomed Ash for his surprise party. After a series of challenges, the group ate the food Mallow prepared. Everyone was delighted with Mallow's food, for she used Lillie's recipe. Just as Professor Kukui was about to challenge Ash, Tapu Koko came and snatched Ash's hat. The group went after Ash and saw as he battled Tapu Koko and triggered his Z-Ring to use Gigavolt Havoc. After the battle was over, Ash decided to take on the Island Challenge, an idea Mallow supported.[5] Once Ash obtained the Rotom Pokédex, Mallow was amazed by the device. Along with her friends, Mallow went with Ash, who wanted to catch some Alola Pokémon. Mallow watched as Ash's Pikachu battled Mimikyu, as well as how Team Rocket appeared to steal their Pokémon and were dragged by a Bewear.[6]

Eventually, she watched as Ash's Pikachu battled a Grubbin. However, the Grubbin injured Pikachu and scared Lillie, who hid behind Mallow. After the battle, Mallow joined Ash to show him where the Pokémon Center was, while others went to report to Professor Kukui. She noticed how Blissey was a good Pokémon for Nurse Joy since she could treat injured Pokémon well. After Pikachu recovered, Mallow and Ash had a meal when a Rowlet came to take Bounsweet, mistaking her as a berry. After healing Rowlet, Ash and Mallow were surprised it took off with a fruit and followed it to the nest, where Pikipek, Trumbeak and Toucannon were. Mallow watched as Team Rocket, who tried to take the fruit, were defeated by Ash, Pikachu and Rowlet. After the battle, Mallow and Rotom were surprised Ash didn't want to catch Rowlet, even if it helped Ash save Pikachu. Ash replied Rowlet had friends at the nest and wanted to leave it with its buddies. In the end, Rowlet joined Ash, who threw a Poké Ball at it. Rotom was shocked Rowlet let itself be captured, but Mallow commented that was "the Ash way" to do it.[7] Mallow went fishing with her friends. Before they started fishing, Lana imagined she would fish out a Kyogre, but was reprimanded by Mallow not to use such jokes. Mallow did not catch anything, as Rotom commented she was too slow to pull the Pokémon. This made Mallow yell at Rotom for nitpicking. Mallow also watched as Lana and Ash confronted Team Rocket and was happy Popplio managed to save the Poké Ride Lapras and Wailmer. Sophocles disagreed that Popplio should be called as "the MVP", but was soon scolded by Mallow.[8] Mallow was with her classmates at the School. Ash spoke that a Litten stole his lunch. Mallow and Lana recalled how Litten snuggles around a person's leg, showing its desire for a piece of food. Mallow also remembered that Litten visited her cafeteria quite often. Still, she and Lana felt Litten was too cute to be mad at.[9]

SM008 18

Mallow coming to check up on Lillie and the Egg as she got hit by Rowlet, who fell on her.

The class watched as Sophocles' Togedemaru caused a ruckus and leapt around, hitting Ash and Pikachu. Togedemaru couldn't control herself and nearly hurt Lillie, whom Mallow pulled away to save her. The class was called for a lesson by Samson, who showed two Eggs, from which one of them the class had to take care of. Lillie chose the blue Egg, due to its cute flower pattern. Mallow and Lana agreed how cute it looked. Mallow also asked of Lillie to touch the Egg, to make Lillie comfortable around it. Lillie was scared, as the Egg moved. Regardless, Mallow suggested Lillie should bring it home, which the class agreed to. After the school was over, Mallow apologized she couldn't go with Lillie to her mansion. She thanked Ash for going in her stead and ran off to help at the cafeteria. Mallow worked fast and hard, managing to finish earlier to go to the mansion. As she was searching for Lillie, she got hit by Rowlet, who was battling Hobbes' Oricorio. Everyone heard as Lillie screamed and went to her room, finding a Salandit. As the Salandit got closer and jumped for the Egg, Lillie dived for the Egg, grasping on to it. Ash and Hobbs came and chased Salandit away; both Ash and Mallow rushed to Lillie, who was holding the Egg to protect it. Mallow and Ash were glad she managed to touch the Egg, even if she was still afraid of other Pokémon like Pikachu.[10]

SM009 5


Mallow was glad Lillie was taking care of the Egg. Lillie was nervous what would happen if the Egg broke, but Mallow reminded her she gained courage since she couldn't touch the Egg at first. Both of them noticed Ash was pondering some thoughts. The Rotom Pokédex explained Ash sighed 786 times, which shocked Mallow that Ash was thinking so much. Ash explained to the class that Hala asked him how would he deal with the Rattata and Raticate problem without fighting. The class soon learned the answer lied in Yungoos and Gumshoos, which were Rattata and Raticate's natural enemies.[11] Mallow, along with her classmates, was at the party to celebrate Ash's Grand Trial of Melemele Island victory.[12]

SM012 4

Mallow playing with her classmates(except Kiawe) on the beach.

Mallow spent a day at the beach with her classmates. She played in the sea with her friends before Kukui asked of them to observe the Pokémon and their habitats. Once Ash and Kiawe returned, who encountered some Mareanie, Mallow thought Ash could battle one of them and catch it. Later on, she continued playing with her friends, with Popplio's bubble serving as a balloon.[13]

SM013 1

Mallow practicing her Bounsweet for the Pokémon Pancake race in Racing To a Big Event!.

Mallow was training with her Bounsweet while they were being watch by Ash and Pikachu. After the training was over, Mallow explained she was training for the Pokémon Pancake race, where the winner would receive the one year supply of pancakes. The next day, Mallow arrived in the Pokémon Pancake race. She teased Ash how he went to train with Nina after being told about the race. Mallow and Bounsweet did well until the last course, where Bounsweet had to carry the pancakes. Mimikyu went to fire Shadow Ball at Ash's Pikachu, but Mallow's Bounsweet bumped into Mimikyu, causing it to miss and hit Popplio's bubble, where the pancakes were until they fell on the floor. The next day, Mallow and her friends watched as Lillie's Egg hatched into Alola Vulpix.[14]

SM014 8

Mallow stops Ash from leaving as she wants to see how Lillie and Snowy are doing.

Mallow watched as Lillie tried to befriend Snowy, but failed. After the school was over, Mallow and Ash bid their friends farewell, including Lillie, who decided to walk around town with her Vulpix, Snowy. Just as Lillie went away, Mallow pulled Ash, claiming they had to watch over Lillie. They did so, seeing how Lillie started to befriend Snowy. Mallow admitted she was a bit overprotective, considering she watched over Lillie, who took care of the Egg, while Ash pointed Lillie was doing fine. However, Ash and Mallow lost sight of them and started to search for them around town. Hearing a scream, they went to the source. The two arrived just in time to save Lillie and Snowy, with Ash's Rowlet using Leafage. After the battle was over, Mallow realized that Lillie was not terrified of Pokémon, as she managed to held Snowy without fear. The next day, Mallow was glad Lillie held Snowy in her arms, although Lillie was still afraid of other Pokémon like Togedemaru.[15] Mallow listened to Ash, who explained how Rockruff came injured the other day and was told Rockruff was a wild Pokémon that Kukui took into his house. The next day, Mallow watched as Ash trained Rockruff and was surprised Ash took Rockruff's Rock Throw attack.[16]

SM016 2


Mallow was watching as Lana's Popplio trained to use its balloon bubble. However, her Bounsweet sneezed a pollen that attracted Rowlet. Rowlet was infatuated and went after Bounsweet, who repelled it with the leaf on its head. This caused Rowlet to bump into Popplio, and the two entered the balloon by accident, which was carried away by the wind. Ash, Lana and Mallow started searching for the Pokémon throughout the city. At the end of the day, the group had Ash's Rockruff find Popplio, Rowlet and Litten (who accompanied the two Pokémon) at the top of the building.[17] One day, Ash lost his Electrium Z. This terrified Mallow, Lana, Lillie and Sophocles, as the latter explained that Kiawe would get mad at Ash and even punish him for losing such an important item. As Kiawe came, Mallow and others tried to distract Kiawe, then went away. The group went outside, where Mallow watched as Lana had her Popplio emit a bubble for Snowy. Ash continued to avoid Kiawe until Pikachu and Rotom arrived. Rotom accused Kiawe of being the culprit, which shocked the class. However, Lillie found out Ash placed something in his pocket, which turned out that Ash actually placed the Electrium Z back home and got stuck in Rotom's wig. In the end, Mallow watched as Kiawe chased Rotom for accusing him.[18]

SM018 23

Mallow extracts the yellow nectar for her recipe.

Mallow was making a meal for her friends at the Aina Cafeteria. Since she lacked an ingredient from her recipe, she had Pikachu use Thunderbolt on the stew. She gave the Mythical Alola Stew to her friends, who were electrocuted. Mallow's father stepped in and explained the stew Mallow made was nearly forgotten and was used for ceremonies. Mallow admitted she got the recipe from the cookbook her brother gave her. Since everyone but Sophocles didn't eat the Mythical Alola Stew, Mallow's father decided to make another meal, which displeased Mallow her cooking failed. As others went off, Ash stayed with Mallow, who claimed the stew actually needed the yellow nectar, which couldn't be found, due to the different seasons it only grows. Ash promised to look after the nectar; the next day, Ash and Mallow were searching for the nectar. Rotom stated they could find the nectar by tracking down the Pom-Pom style Oricorio that drinks such nectar, though chances of finding one were slim. Mallow wasn't discouraged, as her dream was to have the Aina Cafeteria the best restaurant in all of Alola, believing that the stew she'd brand as the signature dish would make her closer to that goal. Ash continued accompanying her, as they came to a rock. Mallow had her Bounsweet emit a fragrance, which attracted a lot of bird Pokémon, including a lone Oricorio. Ash and Mallow followed Oricorio, who was attracted by Bounsweet's smell. After some time, Bounsweet was drained from emitting the scent, but Ash and Mallow followed Oricorio through the tunnel. There, they found a field of yellow nectar Mallow was searching for. As they went to approach the field, they were captured by Team Rocket, who started to suck the flowers into their vacuum machine. Bounsweet, who was repelled by Team Rocket, evolved into a Steenee and freed Mallow and Ash. After Team Rocket blasted off, Mallow collected some nectar. The next day, Mallow made the Mythical Alola Stew with the nectar, which appeased her friends. Considering the nectar was hard to find, Mallow decided to make the stew a seasonal dish. She also hugged her Steenee for helping her find the nectar and thanked her, Ash, Pikachu, Rotom and Rowlet for assisting her.[3]

SM020 2

Mallow fantasizes about the Alola Sunrise shop for girls.

Mallow, Lana & Lillie getting Ash & Pikachu to hang out with them

Mallow, Lana & Lillie getting Ash & Pikachu to hang out with them

Mallow watched as Ash and Rockruff fought Hiroki and his Mudbray. As Ash announced he would want to battle against Tapu Koko, Mallow reminded them Tapu Koko was the Guardian Deity of Melemele Island. The next day, she watched as Ash and Pikachu fought against Tapu Koko. Like others, she was shocked when Ash jumped off the cliff to save Pikachu, but was relieved that Tapu Koko saved both of them.[19] As the class visited the mall, Mallow was showing her Steenee some Poké Beans. After mentioning the girls would like to visit the Alola Sunrise shop for numerous accessories, Sophocles, Kiawe and Rotom immediately ran off, leaving Ash to hang out with the girls. After Mallow and the others finished shopping, they wondered why Ash claimed they done their shopping in perfect timing.[20] Mallow was with Lana when they saw trouble on the beach. They, along with Sophocles and Lillie, arrived to Kiawe, who informed them Palossand captured Ash and Litten, being furious that the shovel it had on its head was sent into the ocean. While Popplio and Pikachu searched for the shovel, Mallow and others helped Snowy to freeze Palossand, and succeeded. This gave them enough time for Ash, Litten and Rotom to free themselves, and for Popplio and Pikachu return the shovel.[21]

SM023 1

Mallow wearing a yellow wig.

Mallow went to DJ Leo's concert, and they met some of their friends there. Ash was startled by the yellow hair they had, but Sophocles showed they were wigs to commemorate DJ Leo's Dugtrio. After attending the concert, the group went back home. Mallow was quite pleased by the concert and was surprised that Kiawe liked it very much. Suddenly, Rotom was attacked and his wig was taken; the thief, an Alola Diglett, was discovered and the wig was retrieved. Just then, the group met DJ Leo, who recognized Professor Kukui and took the group to his house. The next day, Mallow attended to another of DJ Leo's concerts and was impressed how Dugtrio were switching places for the spotlight.[22] Mallow was present at the Visitation Day of the Pokémon School. She told others her parents could not come, as they had a work day at the Cafeteria. Mallow was surprised that Ash's mom came all the way from Kanto for the Visitation Day. During Ash's presentation, Mallow noticed Ash was behaving strangely, and when he started to make gestures of Pokémon like Samson did, Mallow became highly suspicious of Ash. Kukui took Rotom out of Ash's shirt, and let Ash continue with his own words; Ash gave an inspiring presentation, which amazed his classmates and the people that visited the school. Later, Mallow, with her classmates, found the Team Skull grunts causing trouble at the schoolyard. Still, she watched as Ash and his mother battled the grunts and won. Delia also called the group to repair the damage others made, and Mallow joined in.[23] Mallow watched as Ash and Kiawe demonstrated their Z-Moves. Later, Kukui showed the class the replicas of the Z-Crystals and taught the class how should they move while executing the Z-Move. Mallow and the others repeated their movements, being interested in the Z-Moves.[24]

SM026 21


Sophocles, who had a few days before moving away, gave his classmates maps of his favorite places. Lana was suspicious of Sophocles, who usually tried to hide his sweets from other people, a fact Mallow confirmed. After school was over, Mallow and her friends confronted Sophocles, who revealed he was moving away. Everyone was in shock, and decided that Sophocles should have a good time so he would remember everyone. Mallow claimed there was no time for feeling down, and took them all to her Cafeteria. The next day, during the farewell party, Mallow took Sophocles inside, who wanted to explain the problems. Mallow started to cook and let everyone say something to Sophocles, and asked to him to always remember the Alolan sky. When Ash came to the Cafeteria, Mallow scolded him for being late, though Ash brought a Charjabug to Sophocles as a present. Sophocles, who was touched by his friends' dedication, cried and told others that it was a misunderstanding he was moving away and that he would remain at the School. Mallow and others, however, were relieved Sophocles would remain, who thought his friends would abandon him for not saying the truth earlier.[25]

SM028 23

Mallow and her classmates playing Pokébase.

Mallow was at School when Kukui announced the class would be playing Pokébase, with the famous player 'Olu'olu as their teacher. Mallow was a Defender of Kiawe's team. During the play, Mallow hit the ball thrown to her, which was caught by Lana's Popplio. However, Mallow ran on the line to the base. Next, when Popplio hit the ball with its fin, Mallow failed to catch the ball; Ash passed by her, but was stopped by Kiawe. Later, Ash's team won, and Mallow clapped for their victory. Since Team Rocket appeared, some of the classmates had a Pokébase match with them, with Mallow observing the play. In the end, Mallow was glad that 'Olu'olu's Snorlax brought them the victory and was surprised that Bewear appeared and snatched Team Rocket away.[26]

SM029 5

Mallow with her Steenee collecting berries.

Mallow was camping out with her classmates, and was preparing curry for the lunch. Lana terrified the group with a story how a certain traveler went into the forest they were currently in and fell asleep, then woke up being very skinny. Lillie and Mallow were terrified of something in the bush, which turned out to be just Ash's Rockruff. While having the lunch, Mallow warned others they made a lot of curry, which would be even for dinner. After the lunch was over, Mallow went to harvest berries with her Steenee. However, after some time had passed, Mallow noticed Steenee was gone. Later, Ash and Sophocles, who were drained, came to the camp, they saw their classmates, except Lillie, were drained, too. Everyone had a big meal before they started discussing what happened. The group noted everyone was put to sleep by a strange figure, and when they woke up, they were very hungry. Rotom blamed Lillie, who was the only one that was not hungry, but others pointed out she couldn't have made them hungry. Suddenly, the group saw a white figure, who emitted light particles and lulled everyone to sleep. When they woke up, the group felt hungry again, and found the figure was a Morelull. The Morelull was slightly sleepy; Ash had Morelull drain his energy, while Ash ate the curry to replenish himself. Later, the group followed Morelull, who joined others of its kind to a giant tree, where every Morelull evolved into a Shiinotic. The Shiinotic Ash befriended earlier thanked them and pulled them all to sleep. The next morning, everyone woke up and saw they were not hungry anymore, as Shiinotic returned their energy back.[27]

Mallow and Togedemaru

Mallow with Togedemaru.

Mallow had her Steenee race with the other classmates' Pokémon. The Pokémon raced around the classroom and the winner was Pikachu. Kukui came and stated their homework was to trade Pokémon and take care of it for two days. Mallow traded her Steenee for Sophocles' Togedemaru. Sophocles wondered how would Togedemaru behave without him around, but Togedemaru was happy being carried by Mallow. The next day, Mallow was serving the customers, who were dazzled by Togedemaru's cuteness. Togedemaru became excited and rolled about, knocking the tables and other customers, giving Mallow a lot of trouble. The following day, Mallow was cleaning the Cafeteria. Togedemaru rolled over and knocked out a can, and was wrapped in some rags. Togedemaru continued rolling and was encouraged by Mallow to continue, since Togedemaru was actually cleaning the floors this way. Back at the school, Sophocles returned Steenee to Mallow. Togedemaru was snuggling around her leg, as she loved the Cafeteria's food. Still, Sophocles gave everyone the malasada he had made; Mallow was impressed by them and wanted to get the recipe to make her own. Mallow was also pleased to see Lillie, during the exchange, managed to touch and hug Pikachu. She also watched as Ash and Snowy fought Lillie and Pikachu.[28]

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Olivia visited the Pokémon School and met the heroes, and their Pokémon. With everyone ready, Olivia led the class to a boat, which sailed off to Akala Island. As they sailed off, they found a Wailmer being attacked by the Bruxish. Once Bruxish was defeated, Mallow watched as Kiawe, Lana, Ash and Olivia dived in to rescue Wailmer. To keep Wailmer from sinking down, Mallow and Sophocles joined in to help Wailmer. Despite Olivia sometimes tripping over obstacles, Mallow claimed she was an awesome person. At evening, the class arrived to Akala Island.[29]

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For their course, the class chose a Stoutland as partner. Later, the class went off to find treasure with the Stoutland they chose. Mallow had Stoutland search in a forest, and found some Tiny and Big Mushrooms. Returning, Olivia gave Mallow 20 points for the discovery. Mallow had Stoutland try searching for the rocks, but Stoutland continued on. Returning, Mallow presented a huge Tamato Berry she obtained. Olivia gave her 75 points for the discovery, though Mallow was not pleased, as she couldn't win against Kiawe. Regardless, Mallow was pleased for Lillie, who managed to mount on Stoutland, and for Lana, who found a Sparkling Stone that would be turned into a Z-Ring.[30]

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Mallow enjoying Kiawe's family farm products.

Mallow went with her friends, except Ash and Lana, to Kiawe's farm. There, Mallow ate the dairy's cheese she found quite tasty and said she would like to try the butter next time, and ignored Kiawe's pleads to help him with the chores. Returning to the Pokémon Center, Mallow is amazed that Lana had a Z-Ring and a Z-Crystal, and was not amused by her joke that she caught a Mega Gyarados.[31] Mallow attended the Wela Fire Festival, which was soon canceled, as the Marowak stole the crown. The next day, Kiawe swore to obtain the crown, and Mallow noticed how he was more enthusiastic. Mallow watched as Kiawe fought against Marowak and was concerned about Turtonator, but was glad that Kiawe won in the end. After the crown was returned, Rotom took pictures of Mallow and the rest of the class.[32] Olivia declared the class would cook curry; Ash, Lillie and Sophocles could not cook properly, but Mallow was still glad, since she wanted to prepare that dish. Olivia split the class into groups and gave them some cards, in which an image of the ingredient was shown they had to search for, and gave them the maps to see where those ingredients were located. Mallow remembered the curry had a rare ingredient, and saw that was a Miracle Seed. Before Ash went with Mallow, Olivia asked the latter to come to her. As Ash and Mallow found the ingredients, Olivia watched their progress. Mallow accompanied Ash, who sought a Mago Berry. Since they would normally awaken the Fomantis sleeping on the ground, Ash and Mallow sneak towards the hill. However, a Parasect emitted some Spores, and nearly sneezed. The Fomantis nearly woke up, and as Ash and Mallow continued, the former fell on the ground, on his face. Others laughed and alerted the Fomantis, who started attacking. Per Ash's order, Mallow fled with Steenee and Pikachu. Ash obtained the Miracle Seed, and the group went to a mountain to find a Revival Herb. After Pikachu obtained the item, the group went into a cave to find the last ingredient. Mallow noticed Ash was actually confident, although she tried to warn him about the holes he could fall into, made by the Alolan Diglett. Mallow took Ash and fled. To prevent any such incidents, Ash sent Rockruff, who pointed out their path where the Diglett would not appear. They came to a garden, where Ash found the Miracle Seed. Mallow was glad, but shocked when she saw a giant Lurantis. Ash battled Lurantis, whom Mallow believed she would win. In the end, Ash won the battle, and Mallow gave the Revival Herb to the Castform that fought alongside Lurantis, and to Litten. Olivia came out of nowhere and hugged Ash for winning the Trial, and thanked Mallow, who actually was asked to lure Ash to Totem Lurantis. Mallow was glad, and apologized for not telling him the truth. At night, Mallow sat with others and ate the Akala Curry.[33]

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Mallow and her friends watch Ash's second Grand Trial.

Before Ash's Grand Trial began, Mallow gave pointers to Ash on how to execute the Grass-type Z-Move. Mallow watched the battle between Ash and Olivia. She was also surprised at Rockruff's aggressive behavior, which resulted in Rowlet fainting. After Ash defeated Olivia, Mallow and others congratulated him for the victory.[34] The next day, at morning, Mallow was surprised that Ash was missing. Ash and Pikachu returned, the former explained Rockruff went missing, making everyone search for it. The next day, Mallow and others admired Ash's Lycanroc in Dusk Form, as they sailed back to Melemele Island.[35]

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Mallow telling Oranguru her problems.

During class, Mallow reminded Professor Kukui she had to go. Kukui permitted her, since she was to attend the TV presentation of her restaurant. There, Mallow greeted Officer Jenny and Nurse Joy, and took an apron her father bought for the presentation. Mallow started cooking, but became overwhelmed by the food orders of the customers, while her father was giving an interview. Abe ordered her to prepare more meals, and when he came to inspect Mallow, she took off her apron and claimed it was his job from then on to make meals. Mallow dashed into the forest, with Steenee following her. Mallow ran, and dropped her cookie by accident as she fell down from a slope. Mallow injured her knee and fell unconscious, and was carried by a figure. Later, Mallow woke up, and found herself in a hut, and was approached by an Oranguru. The latter gave her a juice, which Mallow was impressed by its taste. She was saddened, as it is the same one that her father made. She exclaimed how she does all the work, and her father is simply unable to do anything. Although she does like working, Mallow admitted to Oranguru she only wanted some compliment for the work. Hearing a scream outside, Mallow and Oranguru came outside, to see Mallow's Steenee was taken by Team Rocket. Team Rocket taunted her, as Mallow had no other Pokémon beside her. Instead, Oranguru came to battle Team Rocket, making Meowth and Mareanie turn on Team Rocket. Mallow managed to get Steenee back, and have her use Double Slap on Meowth. Suddenly, Bewear came and glared Oranguru, only to trade some berries for Oranguru's juice. Team Rocket was taken away by Bewear, and Mallow thanked Oranguru for the battle. Just then, Abe and Mallow's friends fell, and were glad to see Mallow. Mallow still hadn't forgiven her father for taking all the credit. However, Abe wanted to thank her for the work she did recently, making Mallow cry and hug her father, and apologized for running away.[36] Mallow accompanied Ash and Lana to watch the latter execute the Z-Move, Hydro Vortex. The next day, Mallow and Ash accompanied Lana, who joined Kanoa in training. After a few days passed on, Mallow accompanied the group to a treasure hunt, in which an angry Dhelmise started rampaging and attacking their ship. In the attack, Steenee was rolling down the ship, and Mallow caught her. Lana had Popplio successfully execute the Z-Move Hydro Vortex to defeat Dhelmise, and Mallow congratulated them.[37] Mallow, Lana and Lillie complain about the heat, while at school, but realized that it was the boys getting all fired up, due to being excited for the upcoming Charjabug race their gonna enter. Then Mallow and the other girls were relieved when things cool off, thanks to Snowy using Powder Snow on the boys. Mallow with Lana and Lillie observe the training that the boys were doing, for the race, until they decided to go over to her restaurant to get something cold to drink.[38]

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Mallow meets a Vileplume and two Gloom.

Mallow with her classmates, Professor Kukui and Principal Oak head to Kanto for an extracurricular activity. After arriving in Kanto she meets Misty and Brock, Ash's close friends, along with meeting Professor Oak at Pallet Town. Mallow was blown away by all the Grass-Type she never seen before at Professor Oak lab also she was amazed by difference between the Kantonian Pokémon form then the ones they see in their Alola forms. Mallow went to help her friends find their Pokémon, after things got out of hand, as they were able to find them. Then Team Rocket showed up to steal everyone Pokémon again but thanks to Ash, Brock and Misty along with Bewear arriving all the way to Kanto to bring them back to Alola they were stooped. Then Mallow, Lillie and Lana were fascinated to see a Jigglypuff for the first time, after it came out of Team Rocket damage robot, but Ash, Pikachu, Brock and Misty weren't as they remember from previous experience with that Jigglypuff. After falling asleep from Jigglypuff song they were treated to a welcome party where Mallow got to see Ash's mom again then left for the Cerulean Gym in Cerulean City the next day as their gonna have a chance to do a gym battle.[39] When everyone arrived at the Cerulean Gym, Professor Kukui explains the extracurricular lesson to everyone along with explaining about how Gym Battles work. Both Mallow and Lana battle Misty in a Multi Battle which was called off then she watch the rest of her classmates battle either Misty or Brock. After the lesson was over, Mallow and everyone said goodbye to Brock, Misty and Professor Oak before heading back to Alola.[40] Mallow was at the Pokémon school with her friends but before class began they all noticed that Ash has not showed up to class yet. Then Ash comes in running as he brought a mysterious Pokémon that is in bag with everyone looking inside to take a look at it but comes out of the bag as its floating while sleeping. Mallow found the name Nebby Lillie gave it fantastic until it woke up crying hurting everyone ears. Mallow was able to calm it down by telling their all friends, after Kiawe handed it over to her when he couldn't calm it down. Once Nebby settled down Mallow along with everyone all agree they should find something it would like to eat. However, Nebby didn't like anything they showed to it until Sophocles showed it a bag filled with star candy which it really like a whole lot as Mallow and everyone became filled with joy that they found something it will eat.[41] Mallow forgot her clay for class but Kiawe offer to share some of his with her which she accepted as they were sculpting their partner Pokémon. While working on her sculpture of Steenee, Mallow got teleported by Nebby to Oranguru Bar and back. When Nebby teleported Ash and Pikachu, Mallow and everyone looked everywhere for them until they found them at the beach. Mallow and everyone got scared when Nebby teleported them on the top of pillar at the Pokémon school, as they wanted to head back there to assure Professor Kukui that Ash is alright.[42] Mallow and everyone were invited to visit Aether Paradise, where the Aether Foundation is located, by Lusamine, Lillie's mother. After arriving, Mallow and everyone were greeted by Lusamine then headed out for a tour of the facility which is done by Lillie, due to Lusamine being so busy with her work. While at the conservation area, Mallow was very happy for Steenee when she befriends all the Bounsweet there. Mallow, Sophocles, Kiawe and Lana meet Professor Burnet for the first time, as Ash and Lillie already know her, along with her partner Pokémon Munchlax when they were still touring the conservation area of the Aether Foundation. Then a Ditto got lost, when Mallow and everyone were helping Professor Burnet get them vaccinated. After everyone round up the lost Ditto, Mallow and everyone were pleased with Lillie when she helped catch the Ditto as it transformed into Snowy which she saw through because she felt something wasn't right.[43] Mallow appeared in Lillie's flashback when she writing about their visit to Aether Paradise in her diary.[44]

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Mallow, Sophocles, Kiawe, Lana and Lillie arriving at Professor Kukui's house for a sleepover.

Mallow, Sophocles, Kiawe, Lana and Lillie are having a sleep over with Ash at Professor Kukui house with Professor Burnet joining them, as she was over to give Nebby a check up. Amazed by the loft where Ash sleeps, Mallow and the rest of the girls want to sleep up there with Sophocles wanting to join them as well. Ash suggested a contest to see who gets to sleep at the loft with finding Nebby being the contest, as it likes to play hide-and-seek, which Mallow and everyone agreed on the idea. Then Nebby teleported away, prompting Mallow and everyone to start their search for it with the girls the winner when Nebby jumped out of Lillie's hat and into her arms which freaked her out. Professor Burnet asked if everyone wanted to play Z-Posses one-two-three which Mallow and everyone like the idea of playing the game until Kiawe got carried away when he used Inferno Overdrive which messed up the living room. Mallow helps Professor Burnet, Ash and Lillie make dinner while everyone else cleans up the living room. After dinner was made, Mallow with everyone were ready to eat until Professor Burnet's Munchlax swooped in and ate everything. While waiting for the Professor to get back with something to eat, Mallow and everyone decided to do some training for Pokémon battles as it would help them forget how hungry they are for a while. After eating dinner, Mallow and everyone talk about how amazing Professor Burnet is along with discussing about the amazing food that Kiawe and Sophocles have at their places, then they all went to sleep. The next day as everyone is walking along, Mallow and everyone wonder where Lillie went, due to Nebby teleporting her to where her brother was at. Mallow with her friends hear Lillie explain about a Pokémon she saw which brought back bad memories from her past then became stunned when she could't touch Pokémon again, even Snowy.[45] At school, Mallow and everyone encourage Lillie to try to touch Snowy which she did but got scared but praised her for her courage.[46] Mallow and everyone were very happy that Lillie got over her fear of touching Pokémon. After finding out that Nebby kidnapped by Faba, the Aether Foundation Branch Chief, Mallow and everyone watch as Ash, Gladion, Lillie's brother, and Lillie go to Aether Paradise to rescue Nebby.[47]

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Mallow with everyone caught up with Lillie and Gladion to rescue their mother, Lusamine.

Mallow, Sophocles, Kiawe and Lana became shocked when Ash tells them about what happened at the Aether Foundation but were more shocked about Lusamine, Lillie's mother, being taken through an Ultra Wormhole. Professor Kukui and Hobbes, Lillie's butler, came in to tell them that Lillie and Gladion are gone as they went to find a way to rescue their mother, shocking Mallow and everyone. Mallow and everyone headed over to Hala, the Island Kahuna of Melemele Island, house where he tells them about the Altar of the Sunne as they can go over there and ask Solgaelo for help in opening an Ultra Wormhole. After seeing Hala, Mallow, Professor Kukui, Sophocles, Ash, Kiawe and Lana headed over to Poni Island, where the Altar of the Sunne lies, to catch up with Lillie and Gladion. Mallow and everyone were able to catch up with Lillie and Gladion then headed over to the Altar of the Sunne to find Solgaelo. However, Mallow and everyone became surprised when the Tapu Guardians showed up at the Altar of Sunne instead.[48] Mallow and her friends watch as the Tapu Guardians show them how Nebby was created and how they were the ones who left it for Ash to find. Later, the Guardian deities performed a ritual at the Altar, which unleashed its great power, allowing Nebby to evolve into Solgaelo. Afterwards, Mallow, Sophocles, Ash, Gladion, Kiawe, Lana and Lillie entered the Ultra Wormhole by riding Solgaelo leaving Professor Kukui and Professor Burnet, who came to help rescue Lusamine, behind.[49]

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Mallow and everyone in Ultra Space.

At the other side of the Ultra Wormhole, Mallow and everyone found Lusamine merged with Nihilego then battled some of Lusamine's Pokémon that were stopping them from getting close to her.[50] Mallow was able to defeat one of Lusamine's Pokémon but it got back up due to Nihilego power shocking her, Sophocles, Gladion, Kiawe and Lana. Mallow and everyone became relieved when Lusamine's Pokémon were set free when Ash stop Nihilego and freed Lusamine from it as well. After reuniting with one another, Mallow and everyone returned to the Altar of the Sunne with Professor Kukui and Professor Burnet were waiting for them.[51]

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Mallow at Professor Kukui and Professor Burnet wedding.

Mallow, Sophocles, Ash, Kiawe and Lana greeted Lillie, who took some time off from school to be with her mother, as she wanted to see everyone then thanked them for their help in rescuing her mother. The next day, Mallow became excited when Ash told her and everyone else in the classroom that Professor Kukui and Professor Burnet were getting married. Mallow became disappointed when Ash tells her and everyone that the Professors weren't gonna do a wedding ceremony. While being bumped out with Lillie and Lana, Mallow shook it off as she and the other girls came up a great a weeding gift idea with the boys on board with the idea as they all decided to throw a surprise weeding for them as their gift to them. Mallow attend the ceremony as she was happy that the Professors like their gift then Lusamine came to them and asked to join an elite group call the Ultra Guardians which they all accepted also they got to Nebby flying up in the sky, as it returned to the wild.[52] While at school, Mallow with her friends hear about Lana telling them about a Pokémon that helped her sisters the other day as they got lost in forest. Hearing the story, Mallow and Lana realized that it had to been Grandpa Forest as they tell them that it helped them when they were young. Mallow and Lana decided to go look for Grandpa Forest with Ash accompanying them as everyone else had other things going on which they understood. While going through the forest, Mallow and Lana kept recalling that time during their childhood also they were able to discovery the identity of Grandpa Forest, Drampa. After finding Grandpa Forest and helping it stop Team Rocket, Mallow and Lana ask if it remembers them which it does also it gave them Bittersweet berries then they played with Drampa, Grandpa Forest, for a while.[2] Mallow and everyone went to Ula'ula Island for a class then got to watch the PokéSled Jump tournament where some of her friends participated in.[53]

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Mallow and her fellow Ultra Guardians embark on their first mission.

While at school, Mallow, Sophocles, Ash, Kiawe, Lana and Lillie all get their first Ultra Guardian mission where they have to catch a Buzzwole then returned it to its home. The Ultra Guardians with their Ride Pokémon headed over to the Melemele Meadows due to being Buzzwole location. While Ash went on ahead to catch up with Buzzwole, Mallow and everyone else help attend to a Pokémon that got its energy drained by Buzzwole. Mallow, Sophocles, Lana and Lillie caught up to Ash and Kiawe, who left earlier to go help Ash, as they watch them show off their muscle with Buzzwole, much to their displeasure. However, they were able to catch Buzzwole and returned it to its home but not before showing off their muscle as their way of saying goodbye to it.[54] Later on, Mallow meets Ilima, a graduate from the Pokémon school, where he is studying at the Kalos region but came back to Alola as he wanted to get a Z-Crystal pacifically for his Eevee.[55] Mallow with her friends were taught Poké-Ping Pong by Ilima, who won a lot of Poké-Ping Pong tournaments. Later, Mallow and her friends went to cheer Ilima on as he participating in a Poké-Ping Pong tournament, which is the other reason why he came back to Alola, where he won then headed out by boat as he wanted to see the other islands before heading back to Kalos.[56] Mallow with her classmates listen to Sophocles give a presentation of the Hokulani Observatory that his cousin, Molayne, runs at Mount Hokulani on Ula'ula Island also Professor Kukui told her and the rest of the class that Sophocles cousin is one of his friends. After the presentation was done, Mallow and everyone were gonna have lunch but notice that Ash's Pikachu is not present then they all went to go look for him. After Pikachu was found, Mallow became amazed when Ash brought an Ultra Beast, Poipole, back to base with him then witness him catch it as they don't know which Ultra Wormhole it came out of from.[57] Mallow, Ash, Kiawe, Lana and Lillie all go with Sophocles to Bamboo Hill as he made a discovery over there while camping with his parents. Mallow and everyone all dug it up as they spent hours doing it then they came to a conclusion that it is an Ultra Beast when they dug it up all the way. The next day, Mallow, Lillie, Lana and the rest of boys became shocked when Sophocles told that the Ultra Beast was in the ground for two hundred years then they were called to do an Ultra Guardian mission. After explaining to Lusamine that they already knew about Celesteela, the name of the Ultra Beast, as they tell her about digging it up the other day, Mallow and the rest of the Ultra Guardians headed back to Bamboo Hill to help get Celesteela home, However Team Rocket tried to steal but they were foiled. Mallow, Sophocles, Ash, Kiawe, Lana and Lillie all waved goodbye to Celesteela as they were able to help blast off then it flew to the moon, due to the Ultra Wormhole it came from being there.[58]

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Mallow wins the Alola Bread Festival.

Mallow, along with her dad, Abe, were getting ready for the Alola Bread Festival but her dad fell and hurt his back which leaves him in no condition to participate in the festival. However, Mallow became overjoyed when Ulu, her big brother, arrived. Mallow and Ulu both decided that they'll participate in the Alola Bread Festival together. On the day of Festival, Mallow with Ulu and her friends help make the bread which became a success. Mallow and Ulu won the festival but her brother left a note which her Steenee gave her as he left to continue his cooking journey.[59] Mallow was happy to see Ash and Kiawe all fired up when Professor Kukui told her along with the rest of class about his dream of making a League in Alola.[60] One night, Mallow with her friends watch a firework display. Also they saw a ball rise in mid-air. Then it reforms as they saw the weird being perform and kneel after its performances then left. The next day, Mallow and everyone were talking about what happened the other night as they theorize that the being they saw is an Ultra Beast which was proven right when they were called to do an Ultra Guardian mission. While tracking Blacephalon, named of the Ultra Beast, they saw another Ultra Beast named Xurkitree absorbing electricity at a power plant. After Blacephalon arrived at the site, Mallow and the rest of the Ultra Guardians watch them do a performance battle. When Ash came up with idea of doing their own performances, Mallow has Steenee help out along with the rest of the Ultra Guardian's Pokémon which gave Ash enough time to do a Z-Move to finish them off. After catching the two Ultra Beasts, Mallow and everyone watch as the two Ultra Beasts returned to their proper homes. However, Professor Kukui told them that they weren't done yet as the event venues want them to repeat the performances from the other night which got them wondering if they can repeat it.[61] Returning to Ula'ula Island for a field trip to the Hokulani Observatory located on Mount Hokulani, Mallow, Ash, Kiawe, Lana and Lillie all meet Molayne, Sophocles cousin and Professor Kukui's friend. Mallow with her friends were given a tour of the Observatory, then they got to look at the telescope. Later, Mallow became amazed of the Minior at Starfall Hill where Ash's Poipole found one still in its shell; they then witness Ash and Kiawe bringing it back to the Observatory. After Minior's shell was able to open, Mallow and everyone spent the day playing with it until night falls where they saw more Minior. Then they saw them all fade away, including the one they were playing with. Mallow and everyone gazed up to the sky to see a Rayquaza.[62] After their Hokulani Observatory field trip, Mallow with Sophocles, Lillie and their Pokémon got separated from everyone when they were taking a short cut back to Melemele Island. Mallow with her group explored the area until they see some Alolan Sandshrew doing some training until Sophocles' Togedemaru interrupted them; but they were able to convince them that they weren't enemies. After playing with Alolan Sandshrew even one that is larger in size, Mallow and everyone accompany the Alolan Sandshrew when they heard a noise. Then they all saw a Tyranitar wrecking an ice cave. When Lillie and Snowy got caved in with the Alolan Sandshrew, Mallow and Sophocles with their Pokémon tried to break the ice to get them out. Mallow with Sophocles watch Lillie and Snowy battle Tyranitar with the larger Alolan Sandshrew in a Double Battle which they won. After driving off Tyranitar, Mallow with her friends help the Alolan Sandshrew repair the ice cave. Mallow, Lillie and Sophocles became amazed when the larger Alolan Sandshrew evolved into an Alolan Sandslash as it used an Ice Stone that Sophocles' Charjabug found. Mallow believes that the Alolan Sandslash might be a Totem Pokémon, due to its size. Mallow and Sophocles became happy when Lillie got an Icium Z from the Alolan Sandslash as a thank you for helping them then reunited with their friends. After telling Ash, Kiawe and Lana about their adventure, Mallow and everyone all hope to see Lillie do a Z-Move someday then they all headed back home.[63]

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Mallow being introduce to the Alola Hula.

After Professor Kukui told the class to do a dance for a class project, Mallow and Steenee were introduced the Alola Hula by Anela, the old lady at the market place, as she demonstrated it with her Oricorio, Pa'u style. Mallow watches her Steenee practice the dance non-stop. When the day came for everyone to show their dances, Mallow watches her friends do their dances then told Steenee they can do better as her Pokémon goes off to do some last minute practicing. After Team Rocket showed up and put everyone in cages, Mallow has her Steenee, who avoided captured, help get them out of their cages but Team Rocket caught her a net. Hearing that there was a week spot in the cages, Mallow told her Steenee to hit that week point by using her legs. Mallow and everyone witness Steenee learning the move Stomp which triggered her evolution then evolved into Tsareena. After Tsareena saved everyone, Mallow praises her partner for a job well done and they both promises to work hard together.[64] Mallow with her classmates were doing a gym class where they vault horses where she did a good jump for her class. The next day, Mallow and everyone saw a giant block at the school with them believing to be for class. Hearing Komala ring the bell, Mallow and everyone were called in for an Ultra Guardian mission. Mallow and the rest of the Ultra Guardians became surprise to hear that the giant block outside of the school is an Ultra Beast, named Stakataka, then went back outside to try to catch it. However, Mallow and the rest of the Ultra Guardians ended getting their Beast Ball thrown back at them. Lasting until sunset, Mallow and the rest of the Ultra Guardians all decided to try again tomorrow. After arriving at school that next day, Mallow and everyone saw that the Ultra Beast was gone then found out that there's Ultra Aura in the city as they all go on their Ride Pokémon to investigate. Finding the source of the Ultra Aura sitting, Mallow and the rest of the Ultra Guardians arrived at a construction site being done by Viren, who is the president of Rainbow Happy Resorts and the head of the Revengers as he caused some trouble for them in the past, as they found the Ultra Beast there as well. After the Ultra Beast started moving, Mallow,Sophocles, Lana and Lillie all witness Ash and Kiawe efforts to help it. After catching the Ultra Beast, Mallow and the rest of the Ultra Guardians witness the Ultra Beast returned to its proper home.[65] Mallow and her friends head over to the Pokémon Paradise Resort with their Pokémon as Lusamine got them a reservation for the resort where their Ride Pokémon are require to get treatment over their due to all the hard work they do for them. Arriving at the resort, Mallow and everyone have the workers at the resort look at their Ride Pokémon as to what treatment they needed. After sorting out what their Ride Pokémon needed, Mallow and everyone headed over to the hot springs to relax before everyone went with their Ride Pokémon to get their respective treatment. Mallow with Ash and their Ride Pokémon go the stress course to help them relief their stress. However, Mallow and everyone ended up getting caught in a net by Team Rocket then witness them almost making off with their Pokémon but all the Ride Pokémon saved them. After Team Rocket was taken care off, Mallow and everyone headed over to the flower bath.[66]

SM088 13

Mallow, Sophocles, Kiawe and Lana watching Lunala battling Necrozma.

At school, Mallow tells her friends that her dad wasn't helping her with the chores at the restaurant as he was acting strange then became surprised when she hears that her dad wasn't the only one acting strange. After Professor Kukui left due to not being motivated to teach class, Mallow hears Kiawe explain about the upcoming Manalo Festival that happens once every twenty-one years. Mallow, Sophocles, Kiawe, Lana and Lillie all hear Ash explain how he heard about the Blinding One from Acerola when he was on Ula'ula Island. Mallow and the rest of the class were explaining about the story of the Blinding One by Lillie. After school got out, Mallow arrived home but saw that her dad wasn't there. Later, Mallow and everyone sees that the clouds are getting darker then they were called in for an Ultra Guardian mission. Mallow and the rest of the Ultra Guardians head over to Poni Island to meet up with Lusamine, Wicke, Faba - who were also acting strange, and Professor Burnet. When they arrived at the Altar of the Sunne on Poni Island, Mallow and the rest of the Ultra Guardians are joined by Gladion, who also became an Ultra Guardian. Mallow and the rest Ultra Guardians are explained that the Ultra Aura has been decreasing and because of it left a side-effect on all adults which makes them not their usually selfs. Informed that the side-effect doesn't affect children and Pokémon, Mallow and the rest of the Ultra Guardians were informed about a small Ultra Wormhole but couldn't determine where it is due to the clouds being in the way. After Ash, Gladion, Kiawe and Lana use their Z-Move to help clear the clouds, Mallow and the rest of the Ultra Guardians with Lusamine head over to a new ruin that the Aether Foundation found at the Ultra of the Sunne. However, Mallow and everyone were called back by Wicke when she tells them that something is coming out of the Ultra Wormhole. Arriving back, Mallow and everyone see Lunala coming out of it; then saw an unknown Pokémon coming out of it as well.[67] Seeing Lunala in trouble, Mallow and the rest of the Ultra Guardians head over to Melemele Island to help the Legendary Pokémon. Mallow and the rest of the Ultra Guardians did the best they could to stop the unknown Pokémon from hurting Lunala but it ended getting absorbed by it. After Solgaleo, Nebby, arrived, Mallow and the rest of the Ultra Guardians witness the Legendary Pokémon free Lunala from the unknown Pokémon control. However, Mallow and the rest of the Ultra Guardians witness the unknown Pokémon possessing Solgaelo instead. They then witness it getting away through an Ultra Wormhole. Seeing all the adults back to normal, Mallow and everyone head back to base so Lunala could recover. While at base, Mallow and everyone witness Lunala recovering then they all find out that the Aether Foundation decided to call the unknown Pokémon UB: Black. While watching over Lunala, Mallow, and Sophocles along with Lillie witness Ash's, Gladion's, Kiawe's and Lana's Z-Rings form a circle of light which helped the Legendary Pokémon recover faster.[68] After Lunala recovered and seeing its determination to help Solgaleo, Mallow and the rest of the Ultra Guardians dispatch as they followed Lunala through an Ultra Wormhole that the Legendary Pokémon created. Passing through the Ultra Wormhole and seeing more Poipole, Mallow and the rest of Ultra Guardians realize that they're in Poipole's home world. Mallow and the rest of the Ultra Guardians helped care for Naganadel, Poipole's evolved form. Through Naganadel telepathy, Mallow and the rest of the Ultra Guardians were explaining about Necrozma, UB: Black and the Blinding Ones real name, along with how their world became as it is now. Also, Mallow and the rest of the Ultra Guardians were informed as to why Ash's Poipole came to their world. Mallow and the rest of the Ultra Guardians watch Lunala fight a possessed Solgaleo. Mallow, Sophocles and Lillie witness their fellow Ultra Guardians use their Z-Moves in the hopes that Necrozma would release Solgaleo.[69] However, Mallow, Sophocles and Lillie became shocked to see that their friends' Z-Moves didn't work as they hoped it would because it made Necrozma stronger. After getting a call from Lusamine and explaining her the situation, Mallow and the rest of the Ultra Guardians - with everyone else in Alola - share their Z-Power to Necrozma witch successfully set Solgaleo free from it. Mallow witnesses Necrozma restore to its true form, after Ash, Gladion and the Island Kahunas use their Z-Moves. Seeing that Poipole's home world has also been restored, Mallow and the rest of the Ultra Guardians leave to go back to Alola but not before saying goodbye to Ash's Poipole as it decided to stay where it belongs.[70]


Mallow and her classmates in the school play.

Mallow with her classmates perform a play that was written by Rotom for their families and friends that came to see the performances.[71] Later, Mallow, Sophocles, Kiawe, Lana and Lillie were all introduce to Acerola by Ash as he explains to them that she a friend that he met during his time on Ula'ula Island. Also, Mallow, Sophocles, Acerola, Ash, Kiawe and Lillie all helped Lana make a haunted house for Harper and Sarah, who wanted to go to one, at the Pokémon School. However, Mallow and her friends witness real Ghost Pokémon come to them as they were attracted by Mimikins, Acerola Shiny Mimikyu, due to it being a real ghost. Mallow and her friends were put to sleep where they saw several illusions created by a wild Mismagius. Thanks to Lana and Acerola, Mallow and everyone were able to wake up from the illusions.[72] When a magnetic force at Wela Volcano was causing the Aether Paradise equipment that detects Ultra Aura to get all messed up and could effect future Ultra Guardian missions, Mallow and her fellow Ultra Guardians headed over to Akala Island to investigate the cause of the disturbances. Mallow with Lana and Lillie went to one side of the volcano while the boys went to the other to make the investigation go quicker. While investigating, Mallow and her group ran into three hikers then they instantly left their location. After the boys stopped the cause of the disturbances in the area, Mallow and her group meet up with the boys where they informed Lusamine as to what caused the magnetic forces. Mallow and rest of the Ultra Guardians were very grateful when the three hikers volunteer to help patrol the volcano to prevent from anyone disturbing the balance of the area.[73]


Mallow with everyone alongside Misty and Brock.

Through an surprise arrangement by Lana, Mallow got to see Misty and Brock again. After Brock offer to stay and help Nurse Joy at the Pokémon center, Mallow and her classmates show Misty their favorite spots. While the boys were waiting outside, Mallow, Lana and Lillie show Misty their favorite jewelery store. Hearing the boys talk about Mantine Surfing, Mallow wants to try riding one and she ended up getting her wish when they all headed over to Treasure Island, through a suggestion of Ash, as their destination. Mallow and Lillie watch their friends surf the waves, minus Sophocles. After arriving on the island, Mallow and everyone were shown around the island by Ash. However, Mallow and her friends had to stop Team Rocket from stealing the Mantine when they showed up once again to cause trouble. Mallow help free the Mantine then witness Ash, Kiawe and Lana use their Z-Moves with Misty boasting their moves by having her Mega Gyarados use Hydro Pump to blast Team Rocket off.[74] Mallow with her classmates take Misty and Brock to Akala Island to see Kiawe's family farm. After showing the family farm, Mallow with her classmates introduce Misty and Brock to Olivia. Watching a battle between Olivia and Brock, Mallow with her friends, minus Olivia and Brock, were captured by Team Rocket when they arrived to capture their Pokémon. Thanks to Olivia and Brock teamwork, Mallow and her friends were set free from Team Rocket. After Team Rocket was defeated, Mallow and her friends watch a firework display then had to say goodbye to her friends once again when they had to go back to Kanto.[75]

SM107 7

Mallow witness how Poni radishes are harvest.

Later, Mallow and her classmates arrive on Poni Island to do their research projects for school. Mallow was planing to make radishes base dishes for her families restaurant. While exploring the Island, Mallow and her classmates meet Hapu, who is the granddaughter of one of the previous Island Kahuna's, where she mistaken them for thieves as she believes that they were gonna take her radishes from her fields. After encountering Hapu, Mallow went to market place to get ingredients for her radish base dishes.[76] Counting with her project, Mallow kept looking for ingredients for her radishes base dishes.[77] Mallow was excited when Ida and Kanoa arrive on Poni Island then she with Lillie join Lana in her training with her mentor. Later, at night, Mallow was excited to see that Sophcoels' Charjabug has evolved into Vikavolt and were all enjoying a party to celebrate Ida with Kanoa journey to see the world. Before Ida and Kanoa left, Mallow and everyone witness Lana with her Popplio's hard work in the training they put in together which resulted in her partner evolving into Brionne. Mallow with her friends waved goodbye to Ida and Kanoa.[78] After successfully making her radishes base dishes, Mallow brought her homemade goods to Hapu for a taste with Sophocles and Lillie accompany her. Also, Mallow help Hapu in her fields and was excited that her friend like what she made.[79]

SM108 16

Mallow and Tsareena with her mother.

Hearing about Tapu Fini ability to bring back anyone that has been passed on, Mallow felt depressed when she thought about her mother then left. Mallow was comfort by Lana then told her that she doesn't want to see her as she regrets her outburst towards her mother before she passed away. Heading over to Hapu's place, Mallow apologizes to Tsareena and her friends for worry them then they all worked at Hapu's radishes fields. However, Mallow and Tsareena ended up trapped in a fog that Tapu Fini created. While walking through the fog, Mallow reunites with her mother and apologizes for lashing out at her. Mallow and her mother express their gratitude for each other. Just when the fog was about fade away, Mallow said farewell to her mother then her and Tsareena notice that they were starting at the sunset. Hearing something from the bushes, Mallow and Tsareena found a wild Shaymin, who was attracted by her gratitude towards her mother. Mallow and Tsareena brought Shaymin back with them to introduce it to their friends. After Rotom explain that she found a Mythical Pokémon, Mallow decided to take care of Shaymin, who has grown found of her, and asked if it wanted to stay with her which it accepted. Mallow told Lana that she saw her mother then was excited when Hapu told everyone that she is gonna be the next Island Kahuna of Poni Island but had to go through a ritual to officially have the title.[1]

SM109 Class

Mallow and her friends watch Ash's final Grand Trial.

After Hapu complete her ritual, Mallow and everyone were hanging out at the beach while they wait for Ash's Grand Trail battle. When Ash's Grand Trail battle came, Mallow and everyone were surprised that he chose Pikachu due to his weakness against Ground-Types. After Ash won his Grand Trail battle, Mallow and everyone had to say goodbye to Hapu but she did give her some Poni radishes for her dishes when their research projects came to an end then they all head back to Melemele Island with Professor Kukui.[80] After returning to Melemele Island, Mallow and her friends were introduce to PokéGolf through a well known player named Kahili.[81] Also, Mallow and her friends came across a new Pokémon species when they wonder to the Pokémon school. Mallow and her friends observed them until they ran away from the classroom which motivated them to look for them. Finding them at top of the Pokémon school bell, Mallow and her friends went up there to see them but they ran away from them again.[82] Later, Mallow and her friends were told that new species name was Meltan through Ash, who contacted Professor Oak about the new Pokémon. Mallow was outside doing some battling and witness Ash with Pikachu go look for his Rowlet when he flew above them. After Ash return, Mallow and everyone were happy to see that their friend found a Meltan as he explains to them about how his Rowlet was looking after it. Mallow and everyone were witness when Lusamine's Clefable brought the other Meltan to shown them how she got them to behave along with Ash catching the one that befriended his Rowlet.[83]

SM113 21

Mallow, Lillie and Lana doing a T.V show.

Later, Mallow, Ash, Kiawe, Lana and Lillie supported Sophocles when he was a contested on a game show. While watching a shooting of a T.V show, Mallow, Lana and Lillie were offered a chance to shoot a T.V show which they accepted then left to rehearses. While rehearsing, Mallow and the rest of the girls were interrupted by a Gyarados, who recently evolved from a child prodigy Magikarp actor, arrived but they were able to finish shooting the show. Later, Mallow and everyone were at Professor Kukui's house to see the premiere of the show. Mallow, Lana and Lillie were very happy that the boys liked their acting along with the show then they did their pose from the show for them.[84] Sometime later, Mallow and her fellow Ultra Guardians were called in during the night when a new Ultra Beast, named Pheromosa, arrived as it took Hala Z-Crystal. Mallow and her fellow Ultra Guardians went looking for it again when they herd that it took more Z-Crystal from other Trainers but it was too fast for them. Forming a plan, Mallow and her fellow Ultra Guardians plan to use their Z-Crystal to lure it out in hopes of catching it. However, Mallow and her fellow Ultra Guardians were shocked that their planed failed. Mallow was a witness when Bewear, who was furious for the way it stole Z-Crystal and that it broke Team Rocket's Mewoth heart, battled it and defeated it which gave the Ultra Guardians a chance to catch it. After returning Pheromosa home, Mallow and her fellow Ultra Guardians return the Z-Crystal to their rightful Trainers.[85] Mallow and her classmates headed over to Aether Paradise as Professor Kukui was gonna make an announcement there. Hearing that Alola first ever Pokémon League as the Aether Foundation and the Island Kahunas are sponsoring it, Mallow and Lillie were gonna consider entering due to being a League where everyone can participate while Ash, Kiawe, Lana and Sophocles all plan to enter. While at school, Mallow and her friends hear that Team Skull grunts, Tupp, Rapp and Zipp, were outside. Despite Professor Kukui telling everyone to stay in the classroom, Mallow and her friends head down anyway to confront them. During the contortion, Mallow and her friends encounter Plumeria and the boss of Team Skull Guzma, who has history with Professor Kukui. Mallow, Sophocles, Kiawe, Lana and Lillie witness Ash battle Guzma but it was called off then witness Team Skull leave the Pokémon school.[86] Sometime later, Mallow, Sophocles, Ash, Kiawe and Mallow admire Lillie's new found Z-Ring that belongs to her missing father, Mohn. Mallow and everyone accompany Lillie to go see Hala as she needed to get permission to use his Z-Ring until he is found. Also, Mallow and her friends watch Lillie try to use the Ice-Type Z-Move, Subzero Slammer, but fail. Despite not being able to do a Z-Move, Mallow and everyone assured her that she did her best as they encourage her to keeps on trying until she'll be able to perform a Z-Move one day.[87] Mallow and her classmate return to Ula'ula Island for a two-day trip to Mallie City. When they got their, Mallow and her friends went to Mallie garden for some sight seeing.[88] During their visit, Mallow and her friends visit the Kantonian Gym but could't battle the Gym Leader due to not completing a course set up for her and her friends. After seeing Kiawe and Ash battle, Mallow and her friends head back to Melemele Island.[89] Later, Mallow, Ash, Kiawe, Lana and Lillie accompany Sophocles to Poni Island as they came with him to cheer him on as was participating in a Vikavolt Race there. After witnessing Sophocles win the race, Mallow, Ash, Kiawe, Lana and Lillie were excited that their friend got a Buginium Z which was the prize for winning the race then they all witness him getting a Z-Ring from Hapu, after she heard from the other racers what he did to stop Team Rocket from stealing the Vikavolt.[90] Enjoying some time with his friends, Mallow, Sophocles, Kiawe and Lillie were fishing while Ash and Lana did their own. Hearing that they had an adventure and encounter a Kyogre, Mallow and the rest of her friends thought it was one of Lana's jokes but she told them that it was true and when they were shown that Lana's Brionne evolved into Primarina.[91]

SM121 24

Mallow and her classmates with their Z-Ring, after receiving a Grassium Z and one of her very own.

Mallow was working at her families restaurant but her dad had her go get some big mushrooms from Oranguru. Arriving at Orangur place, Mallow asked Orangur some big mushroom but she ended up helping out at its place. After one Pokémon after another came and gone, Mallow had to prepare a meal for Tapu Koko. However, Mallow was nervous in preparing the meal but Tsareena and Shaymin encourage her to not give up which gave her the strength to try. Using various ingredients in Oranguru places, Mallow successfully made a meal for the Island Guardian and was excited that she pleased it then was given a Grassium Z as a reward. Inspired what she made for the various Pokémon that came to the place, Mallow decided to make the family restaurant for both people and Pokémon to eat at. Mallow was given the big mushroom she came for from Oranguru then was given an old Z-Ring. Returning home, Mallow notices that her friends help at the restaurant while she was away then apologizing for being gone for so long. Mallow shows her friends what she got for helping at Oranguru places then Olivia offer to repair it for her. While watching Olivia repair her newly obtained Z-Ring, Mallow listen to Olivia when she explains to her that helping at Organur's was a trail setup for her. After the repairs were done, Mallow put her Z-Ring then placed her Grassium Z on it then she and her friends became excited that all they now have a Z-Ring.[92] While Ash, Kiawe and Lana practice their Z-Moves, Mallow, Sophocles and Lillie practice their Z-Poses.[93] Through Lana's encouragement, Mallow and Lillie official decided to participate in the Alola League then she with Lana were invited to their friends place to train. While at Lillie's house training, Mallow, Lana and Lillie were having a lunch break before they got back to training.[94] While at school, Mallow and her classmates were trying to cut makiwara by using Pokémon moves. However, Lana and her friends were called in for an Ultra Guardians mission. After entering the base, Mallow and her fellow Ultra Guardians were shocked that the Meltan living with Clefable have multiplied. Mallow and her fellow Ultra Guardians were inform about the new Ultra Beast, Kartana, then they embark on their mission to find it. After Ash convinced it to stop cutting things along with trying to catch it and witness how it defeated Team Rocket so easily, Mallow and her fellow Ultra Guardians were told to canceled the mission due to a meteor getting to hit Alola. Hearing that the meteor was gonna hit the Pokémon School and despite being told to evacuate, Mallow and her fellow Ultra Guardians refuse to run away as they decided to stop the meteor. Using their ride Pokémon to get to the meteor, Mallow and her fellow Ultra Guardians have their Pokémon cool it down then had some of them cut it. When their plan didn't work, Mallow and her fellow Ultra Guardians were running out of ideas but the Ultra Beast arrive to cut the meteor which saved Alola. Mallow and her fellow Ultra Guardians were scolded by Professor Burnet for putting themselves endanger like that but was happy that it worked out and they were all alright. Seeing that Ultra Beast was getting to leave, Mallow and her fellow Ultra Guardians bid it farewell.[95]

SM127 10

Mallow using a Z-Move.

Mallow, Sophocles, Ash, Kiawe and Lana headed over to Lillie's house for Z-Move training. While there, Mallow, Sophocles, Ash, Kiawe and Lana were introduce to Magearna by Lillie as she explains to them that it was a gift from her father, Mohn. While training, Mallow tried to use Bloom Doom but failed but Kiawe offer to help her with her training which she accepted. However, Mallow and everyone were called in by Hobbes as Professor Kukui was official announcing the completion of the Alola Pokémon League stadium. Mallow and Sophocles were worried for their friends, Ash, Kiawe, Lana, when they were fired up. Continuing the training, Mallow was excited that Lillie perfected her Z-Move then hug her and coagulated her.[96]

SM129 1

Mallow and her friends at the Alola League.

Arriving at Manalo Stadium, Mallow and her friends get ready to participate in the League. Checking out the stores, Mallow, Lana and Lillie meet up with her big brother Ulu again. Hearing Team Skull's plans to destroy the League and being explain about Professor Kukui's past with Guzma, Mallow and her friends all plan to stop Team Skull from destroying the League, after hearing their participating in League as well. During the opening fest for the League, Mallow and her friends meet up with Gladion again. Mallow and her friends were explained that the preliminary round will be a Battle Royal by the Masked Royal.[97] After getting through the preliminary round, Mallow was one of sixteenth Trainer's to make through the eighth finals where she'll be battling her best friend Lana.[98]


Mallow battling against Lana at the League.

Mallow was watching the other battles until her battle with Lana. Before their battle, Mallow and Lana both promise to give their all. During the battle, Mallow became concerned for Tsareena and wanted to forfeit the match by returning her partner into her Poké Ball. When Tsareena refuse to go back into her Poké Ball, Mallow was given words of encouragement from her best friend and she helped her realize that her partner wants to keep battling with her. Hearing those words and Tsareena actions, Mallow decided to continue the battle and kept giving her all. Mallow's bond with Tsareena and the words Lana said to her that made her continue the battle, Mallow was able to synchronize with her partner and perfected Bloom Doom but was canceled out by Lana's own Z-Move. Mallow lost to Lana when Tsareena could't dodge Primarina's Aqua Jet. Despite the battle, Mallow was praised for how hard she fought by her best friend and her brother Ulu, who came to watch her battle.[99] After being eliminated from the tournament, Mallow watch the rest of the Eighth-finals matches.[100] When Eighth-finals ended, Mallow watches her friends, Ash, Gladion, Kiawe, Lana and Sophocles, battle in the Quarter-finals.[101][102][103] After the Quarter-finals ended, Mallow watched her two friends, Kiawe and Gladion, battle each other in the Semi-finals.[104] After the first match concluded with Gladion being the winner, Mallow watched Ash battle against Team Skull's boss Guzma.[105] Mallow was happy that Ash beat Guzma and that he'll be in the finals of the League.[106] After Semi-Finals were finished, Mallow watch the battle between Ash and Gladion in the finals.[107] After a hard-fought battle in the finals, Mallow was happy to see Ash win and becoming the first ever Champion of Alola. However, Mallow and her friends witness an Ultra Wormhole open which brought out an Ultra Beast, Guzzlord, that Ash once dealt with.[108] Mallow, Lana and Lillie help get everyone to safety. Meeting up with the boys and seeing two more Ultra Beast appearing, Mallow and her friends use their Z-Moves to send the Ultra Beast back through the Ultra Wormhole which they succeed.[109] Meeting up with Ash, Mallow, Sophocles, Kiawe, Lana and Lillie all became shocked that the Masked Royal is really Professor Kukui with Gladion and Hau as witness. However, Mallow didn't care if Professor Kukui kept this secret from her and their friends for so long. Mallow with her friends watches Ash and Professor Kukui's full battle.[110] During the battle, Mallow was impressed with the other Pokémon Professor Kukui has as she and her friends never seen some of them before but they were more please when Ash defeats three of his Pokémon.[111] Mallow and her friends were happy to see that Ash defeated two more of Professor Kukui's Pokémon then was surprised when Tapu Koko came to the battlefield to battle their friend again.[112] After watching a hard-fought battle, Mallow was happy to see Ash win the exhibition battle against Professor Kukui.[113]

SM145 15

Mallow Serving her friends some treats.

After the League was done and was at the Pokémon School, Mallow listens to her friends' plans then told them that her plans are to make the family restaurant a place where both people and Pokémon can eat like Oranguru places.[114] Hearing that her two friends were leaving, Mallow gave her full support for Lillie and Ash along with their other friends. After saying goodbye to Lillie and her family, Mallow, Sophocles, Kiawe and Lana bid one final farewell to Ash along with Pikachu as Ultra Guardians. Mallow then said goodbye to Sophocles, Kiawe and Lana. While working at her restaurant, Mallow was given gracidea flowers then witnessed Shaymin change into its Sky Forme and bid it farewell when it fly off to parts unknown alongside other Shaymin. Mallow watch them all fly off alongside her family.[115]

Pokémon Journeys[]

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Mallow, along with Lana, Kiawe, Sophocles and their Pokémon appear in PJ037.


On hand[]

Traveled with[]

Ride Pokémon[]

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Mallow instructed Pikachu to use Thunderbolt on her stew.



Alola Island Challenge[]


Pokémon Leagues[]

Voice actors[]

  • Italian: Sabrina Bonfitto


  • Mallow is the last of Ash's classmates to receive a Z-Ring.
    • She and Kiawe are also the only ones of Ash's classmates to have the same Z-Crystal as him (in this case, a Grassium Z and a Firium Z respectively).
  • Mallow shares similarities to Cilan:
    • Both are talented chefs.
    • Both have a love for Grass-type Pokémon.
    • Both have a different shade of green hair.
    • Both work at a restaurant alongside their relatives.
    • Both their Pokémon partners are Grass-type: Mallow has her Tsareena, and Cilan has his Pansage, respectively as their First partner Pokémon.
    • Both have brothers: Mallow's brother named Ulu, and Cilan's brothers named Chili and Cress.
  • Mallow is the first major female character to:
    • Have caught or received a Grass-type Pokémon.
    • Have caught or received a pure Grass-type Pokémon.
    • Have a female-only Pokémon.
    • Have a fully evolved Grass-type.
    • Have looked after a Mythical Pokémon.
  • When Mallow, Lana and Lillie dressed up as Alolan Idols, they look like the heroes from the Pretty Cure franchise.
  • As of "Thank You, Alola! The Journey Continues!", Mallow is the only former classmate of Ash that stayed on Melemele Island.
  • Like May, Lana, Lillie, Sophocles and Kiawe, Mallow introduced herself during the first episode of the series.
  • Mallow is the first female main character to serve as the series chef.
  • Mallow is the only one of Ash's classmates who had a deceased parent.



  1. ^ a b SM108: Memories in the Mist!
  2. ^ a b SM059: Tasting the Bitter with the Sweet!
  3. ^ a b SM018: A Seasoned Search!
  4. ^ SM001: Alola to New Adventure!
  5. ^ SM002: The Guardian's Challenge!
  6. ^ SM003: Loading the Dex!
  7. ^ SM004: First Catch in Alola, Ketchum-Style!
  8. ^ SM005: Yo, Ho, Ho! Go, Popplio!
  9. ^ SM007: That's Why the Litten Is a Scamp!
  10. ^ SM008: Lillie's Egg-xhilarating Challenge!
  11. ^ SM009: To Top a Totem!
  12. ^ SM010: Trial and Tribulation!
  13. ^ SM012: The Sun, the Scare, the Secret Lair!
  14. ^ SM013: Racing to a Big Event!
  15. ^ SM014: Getting to Know You!
  16. ^ SM015: Rocking Clawmark Hill!
  17. ^ SM016: They Might Not Be Giants!
  18. ^ SM017: Crystal-Clear Sleuthing!
  19. ^ SM019: A Guardian Rematch!
  20. ^ SM020: Partner Promises!
  21. ^ SM022: A Shivering Shovel Search!
  22. ^ SM023: Getting the Band Back Together!
  23. ^ SM024: Alolan Open House!
  24. ^ SM025: A Team-on-Team Tussle!
  25. ^ SM026: So Long, Sophocles!
  26. ^ SM028: Pulling Out the Pokémon Base Pepper!
  27. ^ SM029: Lulled to La-La Land!
  28. ^ SM030: The Ol' Raise and Switch!
  29. ^ SM031: The Island Whisperer!
  30. ^ SM032: Treasure Hunt, Akala Style!
  31. ^ SM033: Big Sky, Small Fry!
  32. ^ SM034: A Crowning Moment of Truth!
  33. ^ SM035: Currying Favor and Flavor!
  34. ^ SM036: Trials and Determinations!
  35. ^ SM037: Rising From the Ruins!
  36. ^ SM039: Mallow and the Forest Teacher!
  37. ^ SM040: Balloons, Brionne, and Belligerence!
  38. ^ SM041: Mounting an Electrifying Charge!
  39. ^ SM042: Alola, Kanto!
  40. ^ SM043: When Regions Collide!
  41. ^ SM044: A Dream Encounter!
  42. ^ SM045: Now You See Them, Now You Don't!
  43. ^ SM046: Deceiving Appearances!
  44. ^ SM047: A Masked Warning!
  45. ^ SM048: Night of a Thousand Poses!
  46. ^ SM049: Mission: Total Recall!
  47. ^ SM050: Faba's Revenge!
  48. ^ SM051: Family Determination!
  49. ^ SM052: Revealing the Stuff of Legend!
  50. ^ SM053: Rescuing the Unwilling!
  51. ^ SM054: 10,000,000 Reasons to Fight!
  52. ^ SM055: The Professors' New Adventure!
  53. ^ SM060: Getting a Jump on the Competition!
  54. ^ SM061: A Mission of Ultra Urgency!
  55. ^ SM065: Turning Heads and Training Hard!
  56. ^ SM066: Smashing With Sketch!
  57. ^ SM067: Love at First Twirl!
  58. ^ SM069: Rise and Shine, Starship!
  59. ^ SM072: Sours for the Sweet!
  60. ^ SM074: Tough Guy Trials!
  61. ^ SM078: Twirling With a Bang!
  62. ^ SM079: Showering the World with Love!
  63. ^ SM080: Not Caving Under Pressure!
  64. ^ SM082: All They Want to Do Is Dance, Dance!
  65. ^ SM085: The Long Vault Home!
  66. ^ SM086: I Choose Paradise!
  67. ^ SM087: Filling the Light with Darkness!
  68. ^ SM088: Full Moon and Many Arms!
  69. ^ SM089: The Prism Between Light and Darkness!
  70. ^ SM090: Securing the Future!
  71. ^ SM093: Lillier and the Staff!
  72. ^ SM094: A Haunted House for Everyone!
  73. ^ SM095: Sparking Confusion!
  74. ^ SM102: Alola, Alola!
  75. ^ SM103: Heart of Fire! Heart of Stone!
  76. ^ SM104: That's Some Spicy Island Research!
  77. ^ SM105: Showdown on Poni Island!
  78. ^ SM106: Evolving Research!
  79. ^ SM107: Run, Heroes, Run!
  80. ^ SM109: A Grand Debut!
  81. ^ SM110: Keeping Your Eyes on the Ball!
  82. ^ SM111: Show Me the Metal!
  83. ^ SM112: Got Meltan?
  84. ^ SM113: This Magik Moment!
  85. ^ SM114: Beauty Is Only Crystal Deep!
  86. ^ SM115: The Dealer of Destruction!
  87. ^ SM116: The Secret Princess!
  88. ^ SM117: Drawn with the Wind!
  89. ^ SM118: Aiming for the Top Floor!
  90. ^ SM119: A High-Speed Awakening!
  91. ^ SM120: The One That Didn't Get Away!
  92. ^ SM121: A Recipe for Success!
  93. ^ SM122: Spying for the Guy!
  94. ^ SM123: A Fiery Training Camp Trick!
  95. ^ SM124: Living on the Cutting Edge!
  96. ^ SM127: Chasing Memories, Creating Dreams!
  97. ^ SM128: League Offenders and Defenders!
  98. ^ SM129: Battle Royal 151!
  99. ^ SM130: Battling Besties!
  100. ^ SM131: The Battlefield of Truth and Love!
  101. ^ SM132: Imitation Is the Sincerest Form of Strategy!
  102. ^ SM133: Battling on the Wing!
  103. ^ SM134: The Road to the Semifinals!
  104. ^ SM135: The Final Four!
  105. ^ SM136: Getting Down to the Ire!
  106. ^ SM137: The Wisdom Not to Run!
  107. ^ SM138: Final Rivals!
  108. ^ SM139: Enter the Champion!
  109. ^ SM140: Z-Move Showdown!
  110. ^ SM141: Exhibition Unmasked!
  111. ^ SM142: A Full Battle Bounty!
  112. ^ SM143: Fiery Surprises!
  113. ^ SM144: From Z to Shining Z!
  114. ^ SM145: Dreams of the Sun and Moon!
  115. ^ SM146: Thank You, Alola! The Journey Continues!