Teacher/Gallery is a stub article. A stub article is an article that is deemed too short by the author or administration and needs more information to be considered satisfactory for all readers. You can help the PJ Masks Wiki by adding more info here! |
Season 1
Blame it on the Train, OwletteCatboy and the Pogo DozerOwlette's Terrible Pterodactyl Trouble
Owlette the Winner
Speak UP, Gekko!Owlette and the Giving OwlGekko and the Snore-A-Saurus
Looking After GekkoCatboy and the Teeny Weeny Ninjalino
Gekko and the Missing Gekko-MobileGekko's Nice Ice Plan
Gekko and the Mighty Moon Problem
Clumsy Catboy
Gekko and the Mayhem at the MuseumCatboy Takes Control
Owlette's Two Wrongs
Catboy's Great GigOwlette's New Move
Owlette of a Kind
Beat the Drum, Catboy
Owlette and the Owletteenies
Owlette and the MoonflowerSlowpoke Gekko
Catboy and the Lunar DomeSlow Down, Catboy!
Season 2
Moonfizzle BallsCatboy's CuddlyNight of the CatTerrible Two-SomeNinja MothsWho's Got the Owl Power?Wacky FloatsMoonstruck: Race to the Moon
Gekko, Master of the Deep
Race Up Mystery MountainThe Wolfy KidsOwlette Comes Clean
Halloween Tricksters
The Wolfies Take HQ
Flight of the NinjaRomeocoaster
Easter Wolfies
Season 3
Moon MadnessWay of the WoofyTeacher Goes NinjaBest Friends ForeverMeet An YuFly Me To The MoonDo The GekkoThe PJ Masks Save Christmas
PJ Sky PiratesBig Sister MotsukiMaster of the Moat
Season 4
Heroes of the SkyWho Let the Moths In?Master Fang's SecretAsteroid AccidentMunki-gu in the City
Legend of the Wolfy BoneGekko Vs ArmavillainSuper Super Cat SpeedMunki-gu's Dragon
OctobellaSploshy SplashBattle Of The FangsPharaoh's Boomerangs
Season 5
Season 6/PJ Masks: Power Heroes
Heroes EverywhereIt's a Cat ThingLuna the Sun GirlCats on WheelsGloop the ThirdWolfy RidersThe Christmas Ninjalinos
Bastet by the Book
Concept Art