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PJ Masks Wiki
PJ Masks Wiki

For the character's mainstream counterpart, see Gluglu.'

Gekko (Greg)

Real Name


Current Alias



PJ Masks
Power Heroes

Base of Operations

PJ Masks Headquarters (occasionally)
Power Q




Secret Identity






Cartoon Continuity


Connor (best friend)
Amaya (best friend)
PJ Robot
An Yu
Newton Star
Teacher (mentor)
Luna Girl (sometimes)
Motsuki (sometimes)
Moths (sometimes)
Night Ninja (sometimes)
Ninjalinos (sometimes)
Teeny Weeny
Romeo (sometimes)
Robot (sometimes)
Wolfy Kids (sometimes)
Captain Smarty Pants
Kitten Boy
Alley Cat
Santa Claus
Munki-gu (sometimes)
Pirate Robot
Flybot Sally
Octobella (sometimes)
Percival (sometimes)
Speedy Twins (sometimes)
Power Lizard (more)
Cat Stripe King
Eagle Owl
Ice Cub
Gloop The Third (sometimes)
Gloopets (sometimes)


Fly Bots
Night Ninja
Luna Girl
Wolfy Kids
Armadylan (briefly)
Night Panther
Dark Owl
Octobella (arch-enemy)
Pharaoh Boy
Orticia (formerly)
Pirate Robot (formerly)
Speedy Twins
The Bad Guys United/Terrible Trio
Gloop the Third (sometimes)
Gloopets (sometimes)


His friends (including Connor and Amaya)
His pet lizard Lionel
The Fairground Flyer Train
Reptiles (especially Lizards)
Flying (particularly in the Owl-Glider)
Fighting crime
PJ Robot
His Gekko-Mobile
Kick McGee
Laughing Lizard (formerly)
Outer space
Mystery Mountain
Lionel Junior
Water stuff
His powers
Newton Star
Slither Boy
Power Lizard
His lucky button
Getting licked by Lionel and Power Lizard
Ice Cub
Being part of the Power Heroes


Night Ninja and his Ninjalinos (sometimes)
Romeo and his Robots
Lionel being taken away from him
Things going wrong
His friends in danger
His friends not listening to him and taking him seriously
Luna Girl and her moths (sometimes)
Sticky Splats
Being captured
Not using his Gekko-Mobile (formerly)
Losing his Gekko-Mobile
Catboy's fear of water
Being treated like a baby
Cameron making fun of him
Owlette drawing on the walls (when she was zapped by the Baby Beam)
Outer space (formerly)
Others taking credit for what he does
Wolfy Kids
Upsetting Armadylan
Armadylan's recklessness
Being laughed at
Being tempted
Pharaoh Boy
Being controlled by Romeo or Pharaoh Boy
Pharaoh Boy calling him a turtle or crocodile
Pharaoh Boy forcing him to do things
The Bubbles of Badness
Speedy Twins
The Bad Guys United/Terrible Trio

Debut appearance

"Blame it on the Train, Owlette"

Voice actor

United States of America United States of America
Canada Canada
Kyle Harrison Breitkopf (Season 1-Season 3, Short series ["Super Gekko Muscles"-"Minding Motsuki"])
Benjamin Hum (Season 4-Season 5)
Rain Janjua (Season 6/PJ Masks: Power Heroes-present)
France France
Achille Dubois (Season 1-present)

Gekko (real name: Greg) is one of the 3 main protagonists of PJ Masks. He is the 6 year old member who makes up one-quarter of the PJ Masks and one-tenth of the Power Heroes, and is a Marvel-influenced counterpart of Gluglu from an alternate setting. Within the PJ Masks team, he is the youngest. His main methods of travel are the Gekko-Mobile and as of Season 5 his spirit animal, Power Lizard.

Official Website Description

Gekko may be the youngest member of the team but he’s a strong and sticky master of camouflage! He’s ready to rush into danger and save the day with his super Gekko muscles. Always ready for action Gekko can scale walls and with his Gekko-Mobile so can all the PJ Masks! It can even travel underwater. Watch out baddies, here comes the mighty Gekko!


Long before the events of the television series, Greg met his friends Connor and Amaya in a sandpit at school.

At an unknown specific time, Gekko, alongside Catboy and Owlette, would obtain their powers by receiving superhero suits created by their Spirit Animals. However, it is unknown what caused the Animal Spirits to give him and his friends their powers.

Physical appearance

As Greg

Greg has pale skin, green eyes and a blond parted hairstyle. During the daytime, Greg wears a light green sweatshirt with brown drawstrings and a brown lizard logo placed at the center of the sweatshirt, beige pants, and white sneakers.

In the nighttime, his pajamas consist of a pair of light green pants, a shirt featuring a lizard track pattern and his signature Gekko symbol, and green slippers. His pajamas also have a white trim.

In the winter, he wears an additional jacket over his regular clothes and green gloves.

As Gekko

Gekko's costume is a light green superhero suit with artificial scales, a crest on his head, and a lizard tail. He has dark green padding at his elbows, legs and feet, and a lizard insignia at his chest.

When going underwater or on space missions, he wears his spacesuit, which includes a helmet, gloves, and boots worn over his regular superhero costume.

When driving his PJ Rover on Earth, Gekko always wears a helmet over his mask.

As of the episode "The PJ Riders," Gekko gains a Riding Armor anytime he summons Power Lizard. The armor gives him a helmet with green goggles, gloves, boots, additional armored plates that cover his usual superhero costume, and glowing green stripes. There are white lights generated from the gecko symbol that run down the glowing stripes on his arms, representing his main power of strength. His helmet includes a mask for breathing underwater, meaning the armor can serve the same purpose as his spacesuit.

The time in "Night Ninja's School of Naughtiness," where he disguised himself as Lizardo, his appearance is identical to that of his superhero identity, but his different color is red with a mustache.


As Greg

Greg can sometimes be competitive when it comes to playing games, but he isn't very good at speaking to his class or rhyming (as evidenced in "Speak UP, Gekko!" and in the theme song of the series). When he isn't Gekko, he isn't as strong and that sometimes causes him to doubt himself. This is usually remedied by Connor and Amaya's encouragement. He's also nice, friendly, helpful, somewhat shy, fun, playful and brave.

As Gekko

On occasion, Gekko pretends to be Kick McGee along with Catboy playing as Master Fang during missions. He sometimes displays insecurity, such as in "Gekko's Super Gekko Sense" when he made up a new power due to thinking that the powers he actually had would now help win the game. He can be easily distracted (which was emphasized in "Slowpoke Gekko"). Like his fellow teammates, childlike immaturity tends to overtake his mindset on the mission leading to issues (such as him and Catboy rejecting Owlette's desire to play along as Flossy Flash with them in "Catboy and Gekko's Robot Rampage"), but this is always realized and corrected leading to the mission being done properly, and the villain's plans foiled.

Motive & Abilities


Gekko and the rest of the PJ Masks will fight various nighttime villains that are scientifically oriented, most of his appearances often involve him and the team stopping villains from stealing stuff.


Main powers

  • Super Gekko Muscles: His primary power; he has super strength which gives him the ability to lift extremely large and heavy objects, like a Komodo dragon. The upper limits of this strength are unknown, but he has been shown to perform feats like lifting the entire museum (as shown in "Mad With Moon Power"). However, Gekko has to actively trigger this power with the phrase "Super Gekko Muscles". When this power is not in use, Gekko isn't any stronger than a regular kid his age, and can be restrained.
  • Super Lizard Grip: Can climb on walls and other surfaces like a gecko. This power is unable to work on ice as seen in "Iceworld."
    • That's possibly because the ice in Iceworld is really thick.
  • Super Gekko Camoulflage: Can turn invisible.
  • Super Lizard Water Run: Can run on water like a basilisk lizard. This power has only been used once so far.
  • Color-Changing: Can change colors of his costume, like an anole lizard.
  • Super Gekko Shields/Super Lizard Shields: A power he gained in "PJ Power Up," he can summon two shields attached to his arms, which he can use to block incoming attacks like a turtle. The shields can also be used as projectiles when Gekko throws them.
  • Amulet Symbol: When pressed, he can communicate with his spirit animal (represented as Lionel).
  • Lizard Tail Swipe: A power gained in "Ninja Power Up," he can use his tail to create a force that can deflect incoming attacks.

Temporary powers

The following powers were temporarily gained in "Owlette of a Kind":

  • Lizard Vision: A power identical to Owlette's "Owl Eyes", caused by Romeo's Power Copier like a python.
  • Owl Wing Wind: Another temporary power of Owlette's caused by Romeo's Power Copier like a draco lizard.
Cartoon Continuity
| Catboy | Owlette | Gekko | PJ Robot |
| Catboy | Owlette | Gekko | PJ Robot | Armadylan | An Yu | Newton Star | Ice Cub | Lilyfay | Bastet |
PJ Animals
| PJ Pets (Alley Cat, Owly, & Lionel) | PJ Riders (Cat Stripe King, Eagle Owl, & Power Lizard) |
| Romeo | Luna Girl | Night Ninja | Wolfy Kids (Howler, Rip, & Kevin) | Motsuki | Octobella | Pharaoh Boy | Speedy Twins (Carly & Cartoka) | Gloop the Third |
| Robot | Moths | Ninjalinos | Spy-Bot | Robo-Masks | Robette | Percival | Baby Pumpkins | Flybot Sally | Gloopets (Gloopet I, Gloopet II, and Gloopet III) |
| Cameron | Marie | Jenny | Meg | Timmy | Steven | Tommy | Tanya | Peter | Kate |
| Jayden Houston | Narrator | Teacher | Amaya's aunt | Connor's Mom | Greg's uncle | Santa Claus | Ivan's Mom | Mrs. Taylor |
| Birdie | Butterflies | Moths | Munki-gu | PJ Pets (Cat, Owly, and Lionel) | PJ Riders (Cat Stripe King, Eagle Owl, and Power Lizard) | Ruffles | Reindeer | Santa's Reindeer (Blitzen and Comet) |
In-universe comic book characters
| Detecto-Tron | Flossy Flash | Kick McGee | Master Fang | Muscle Wolf | Melvin Muscles | Sharko-droid | Slither Boy | Sploshy Splash | Titanium Groundhog | Robo Giraffe | Frasal Pik | The Mighty Mechamus | Sniffer Boy | Trunk-A-Tron | Super Snout | Growly Gertrude | Fuzzily the Fierce |
| Naughty Bots | Robot | Robo-Masks | PJ Robot | Mabel | Fly Bots | Robette | Spy-Bot | Flybot Sally |
Other Heroes
| Santa Claus | Teeny Weeny | Pirate Robot | Orticia |
Scrapped characters
| Firefly (redacted due to DMCA) |