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This is the list of Big Ideas in Season 3.

Episode Image Big Idea Disappearance Notes
"The Great Indoors" They build a Biosphere in which they can change the environment. Doofenshmirtz's Rain-inator hits it, knocking it out of the backyard. They get the idea from the Fireside Girls, who want to earn certain outdoor patches. Candace tries to use the invention as a chance to find out what Jeremy likes about her.
"Canderemy" They build the robot dog from the title sequence and name it Rover. They also rebuild their Molecular Separator to separate Candace from Jeremy. Rover: They take the wiring out, turning him off.
Molecular Separator: Rover drops and destroys it.
They have to capture Rover to retrieve the molecular separator.
The separator is from "Split Personality".
"Run, Candace, Run"
They make two pairs of boots which allow them to run faster than a cheetah. N/A They take tests and conclude they can run faster than race cars and sound, but not light. Candace uses the unstable prototypes.
"Last Train to Bustville"
They have a hot air balloon race. Buford/Baljeet: Buford throws a model marlin out, which rebounds off a branch and bursts the balloon.
Isabella: She somehow manages to get into Phineas' balloon, leaving hers to crash.
Phineas/Ferb: They're stolen by Doofenshmirtz and the dodo attacking him.
They finish at a train station.
While Linda does see the Phineas and Ferb balloons, she mistakes them for the actual boys due to her poor eyesight combined with the balloons placed behind a rack with replicas of their everyday outfits.
"Phineas' Birthday Clip-O-Rama!" Phineas follows his brother's clues for a scavenger hunt. Meanwhile, Ferb, Isabella, Buford, Baljeet and Irving host Phineas's birthday party and make a clip show. There were many ways the disc Candace took would've been destroyed or lost, in the end Candace destroys the disc herself with a wrench since she couldn't bust her brother on his birthday. Candace prevents herself from busting Phineas, since it's his birthday. The clip show for his birthday is not mentioned after act 1.
"The Belly of the Beast" They build a robotic shark. Doofenshmirtz's Salt Water Taffy-inator breaks, sending out a string of taffy, which attaches to the shark and pulls it underwater. They built it because they thought the other model the harbor made wasn't realistic. Candace and Stacy end up chasing it.
"Moon Farm"
The boys decide to take some cows to the moon to see if its low gravitational pull actually does produce the best tasting ice cream ever. A cow accidentally hits the rocket's take off button, so it goes back to the moon. Inspired by the lost verse from the nursery rhyme "The Cat and the Fiddle".
"Ask a Foolish Question"
Phineas and His Friends with Super Computer
They build a super computer to ask it what they should do for their mom. Doofenshmirtz's Metal Unearth-Inator magnetises it and takes to his lair, then all the inventions explode. Candace asks it how to bust Phineas and Ferb, but she phrases her question vaguely, therefore the mini toaster with a pop-up mirror only allows Linda to see that the boys apparently fixed her bad hairdo like the computer asked.
"Misperceived Monotreme" They build a funhouse inside their own house. Doofenshmirtz's Least Likely-inator hits Candace, who cleans everything up. The invention is a byproduct of Phineas' thoughts about adding fun to regular items.
"Candace Disconnected"

Phineas and Ferb create a new super-phone for Candace after her old one breaks. First phone: A bird takes the phone to its nest.
Second phone: N/A
Unseen structure: The museum guy takes it.
The boys' main Big Idea for the day is an unseen tall and heavy structure. Unbeknownst to Candace, the phone has a voice-activated transfer app that sends her to Easter Island.
"Magic Carpet Ride" Inspired by Dad's favorite childhood program, the boys decide to create a magic carpet. A pellet from Doofenshmirtz's Stain-inator hits the rug, turning the living room floor except itself to a different color when they land. The magic carpet is built-in to the ground.
"Bad Hair Day" They build a hair growth machine when some of Candace's hair falls out and later they make a sonic oscillator. N/A Candace sets the growth rate too high, which results in her being mistaken for an orangutan.
"Meatloaf Surprise" The boys build a bounce house in their backyard after the one at the meatloaf festival pops. Buford pops it to annoy the little kids. Buford brings it to the little kids as a gift, but then pops it.
"Phineas and Ferb Interrupted"
They have boring conversations all day, as they are hit by the Dull-inator. They eventually build a mega slide to save Candace. N/A They also build a small cardboard rocket castle at their friends' incentive.
"A Real Boy"
Spring Suction Cup Thing
They build a jumping machine that launches randomly. Doofenshmirtz's Forget-About-It-inator makes Linda forget about it, and she then says "Holy Guacamole!", causing Candace to stop. The machine does not disappear at the end.
"Mommy Can You Hear Me?" They try to wish a happy birthday to an astronaut called Sergei by building a Stratospheric Ionizer. An asteroid, rerouted by Doofenshmirtz's Chicken Soup-inator, destroys it. An alien Ferb gets to wish an old Sergei a happy birthday.
"Road Trip" While on a road trip, they build the No Stop Truck Stop restaurant on the family truck. They drive under a bridge and the restaurant comes off. When they pass by a bridge, the restaurant gets on the bridge.
"Tour de Ferb"
The boys make a bicycle race track and make custom bikes to race with. The Popup-inator blocks off Candace's evidence.
It's unknown what happened to the map.
Baljeet overcomes his fear of bike racing.
"Skiddley Whiffers" They make a new version of their childhood game "Skiddley Whiffers". Candace trips on the victory bell, and the dice slips off her hands and it lands in the shoe, the cube goes haywire and lands on "all move", making all the games pieces advance.

The map however, did not disappear.

Candace loves the game.
"My Fair Goalie" They build a Football X-7 stadium after Ferb's English cousins challenge them to a football (soccer) match. They give it to the Snifferton Nostrils. Ferb disappears right before the match because he thinks that he is under the "Emu Curse".
"Bullseye!" They organize a giant game of darts across town. It doesn't disappear, but Candace thinks that her mom's art project is the invention, and misses the real invention. They keep hitting the target right about the outer ring. Later, Perry redirects their path, causing them to hit the center of a target-shaped pattern at the Danville Arena.
"That's the Spirit" They help their new friend Russell "bust" some ghosts, because he thinks his house is haunted. N/A The whole ghost gig ends up to be a Halloween trick.
"The Curse of Candace"

They build a non-reflection mirror, an anti-gravity dumbbell, hidden air jets, and a plant growth lamp for their friends. Candace watches a scary movie, runs into their creations, and thinks she's a vampire.
"Escape from Phineas Tower"
EFPT-245-The tower having retracted the trap again
They build an extremely high tower and lock themselves in so they can experience the fun of escaping. It flies to the edge of the Milky Way Galaxy and encases the entire universe. It becomes self-aware and tries to trap them.
"Lotsa Latkes" They construct a vehicle that plants potatoes using a potato chip's DNA, accidentally creating an army of mutant spud gremlins. Doofenshmirtz's Historical Army-inator is reversed, taking the machine back in time. They build this to have potatoes for the Latkes Festival at the senior lodge, during a shortage of the vegetable. Buford's saliva mixes in the chip's encoding, giving rise to the gremlin hybrids.
"Ferb Latin" They make up a language that everyone in Danville starts to use. Norm adopts it. Doofenshmirtz doesn't understand him and tells him to talk normal, accidentally producing 'Talk Normal' pamphlets which the townsfolk obey. Doofenshmirtz pushes Norm's red button for normal talk.
"A Phineas and Ferb Family Christmas" They host a classic family Christmas special in the summer. Doofenshmirtz's Transport-inator takes the set except the main actors away. The special has guest stars and some songs.
"Tri-Stone Area"
In 27,000 B.C., Phinabunk and Gerb (caveman versions of Phineas and Ferb) invent the wheel and a car-like vehicle made of rocks and wood. A herd of stampeding mammoths destroys it. The invention's crushing results in Can-tok discovering fire.
"Doof Dynasty"

Phineas and Ferb find Master Perry to teach them the way of the platypus and rescue Princess Isabella. The terracotta warrior they used to defeat Doofus Khan eventually falls to the ground and crashes. The remains of the warrior were then used to construct the Great Wall to keep out future invaders.

It's unknown what happened to the other things they built.

Takes place in ancient China.

The technology the boys use to make their Big Ideas is far too advanced for this time than what they have today, which is why the Candace of this timeline is trying to bust them.

"Excaliferb" Phineas and Ferbalot go on an epic quest to find the legendary sword Excaliferb to defeat Malifishmirtz. N/A Takes place during the story in a book.
"Phineas and Ferb and the Temple of Juatchadoon" Ohio Flynn and Rhode Island Fletcher venture with Isabella to find her missing mother and the lost Temple of Juatchadoon. Candace takes pictures of the whole quest, but her camera is all washed up. This adventure takes place during the summer of 1914.
"Monster from the Id" They build a Mind Machine to go deep into Candace's subconscious to retrieve the memory of Jeremy's drain unclogger in order to make a duplicate. Baljeet takes off the cables of the machine. Originally, it was going to be used for Baljeet.
"Gi-Ants" Build the Antius Maximus, to wonder how it would be like living as ants. Doofenshmirtz's Turkey-inator hits the Antius Maximus and the now enlightened ants bring it with them to outer space. Candace was made the ant queen due to excessive ant pheromones.

Takes place on the same day as "When Worlds Collide".

"The Remains of the Platypus" Phineas and Ferb build Cheesetopia and a Celebration-Seeking Rocket.

Celebration-Seeking Rocket: Launches and travels to Doofenshmirtz's party.

Cheesetopia: Doofenshmirtz's Vaporizor-Inator hits Cheesetopia.

This episode starts from the end and works its way back to the beginning.

"Mom's in the House"
Phineas and Ferb build the Perrytronic 3000. Doofenshmirtz Duplicate-Inator 2 hits the Perrytronic-3000 resulting in two Perrytronic-3000's, one hits the tail of the other and they somersault out of the backyard.

The duplicate of the Flynn-Fletcher house disappears when the timer set from the Duplicate-Inator 2 runs out.

Candace did a "B.B. Busting" technique where she tried to stop the kids from finishing the invention so it doesn't disappear, yet that fails.
"Perry The Actorpus"
Phineas and Ferb enter Perry into a company contest, turning the pet into a mascot sensation. They also create the Positive Reinforcement Machine that Mandy uses. Totally Tools Sponsor: Perry uses Doofenshmirtz's Mustache-inator and hits every advertisement with it, causing them to be replaced with Sergei the Snail.
Positive Reinforcement Machine: Candace angrily destroys it after learning Phineas and Ferb made it.
Perry's picture on the billboards makes him too recognizable to be a secret agent. Candace attends Mandy's "stop the busting" retreat to control her urge, but she takes Mandy's advice too well, which furthers her obsession even more.
"Let's Bounce" Phineas and Ferb invent the Anti-Gravity Maximus, and set up an array of trampolines to test it. Doofenshmirtz Tell-the-truth-inator flies around aimlessly and catches all the trampolines and the Anti-Gravity Maximus. Doof also makes an Abe Lincoln robot to match the theme of his scheme.
"Bully Bromance Breakup" Phineas and Ferb assist Baljeet in climbing the Danville Mountain, on top of which they build an ice chalet. Phineas' ice chalet is destroyed when the mountain, sculpted into Doofenshmirtz face, crumbles. Phineas and Ferb almost go insane because Baljeet doesn't let them be creative.
"Quietest Day Ever" Phineas and Ferb create ninja suits that hide the wearer from anyone not wearing one. They remove their ninja suits, then turn them on, making their suits put themselves away. They also design one for Candace.
"The Doonkelberry Imperative"

Phineas, Ferb, and Isabella build a traditional trebuchet and warp generator combo so they can travel to Drusselstein and find some berries for pie.

Trebuchet: Candace leans on a button of an inator at Doofenshmirtz Evil Inc. while looking for a book, making it disappear.

Warp generator: N/A

Baljeet turns off the warp generator while Dr. Doofenshmirtz is slingshotting himself, so he falls in the ocean.
"Meapless in Seattle"
The boys build giant pillow fight vehicles for simpler fun, but their Cute-Tracker leads the gang to Seattle and an adventure to save the universe. The Pillow Fighting Go-Carts are pulled up by Mitch's machine. Candace films footage of the adventure, but loses it when she throws her phone to stop Mitch.
"Delivery of Destiny" Phineas and Ferb build a city-wide amusement park on a single track. Doofenshmirtz's Juice-inator hits their ride, turning it into juice. N/A
"Buford Confidential" Phineas and Ferb create an underwater water slide using their Super Sprinkler. None, but Doofenshmirtz's De-twist-inator straightens it out.
"The Mom Attractor" Phineas and Ferb build a Mom Attractor to attract Linda to them. Doofenshmirtz's Baby-Cry-inator makes the Mom Attractor become self-aware and run to the giant crying baby. Candace asks Phineas and Ferb to make the invention.
"Cranius Maximus"

Phineas and Ferb invent a cerebral stimulatory helmet to help Baljeet. Buford's wedgie machine pulls Baljeet's machine and the Brain Booster into space. Phineas and Ferb don't construct the invention in this episode, but Baljeet does.
"Agent Doof" As babies, Phineas and Ferb upgrade their stroller with a motorcycle engine. N/A Phineas and Ferb were turned into babies thanks to Doofenshmirtz's Babe-inator.
"Minor Monogram"
Phineas and Ferb invent S'Fall, a combination of summer and fall. One of Doofenshmirtz's propellers blows all of the leaves away. It is unknown what happens to the leaf generator. This is the second time Phineas and Ferb combine two seasons.
"What A Croc!" Phineas and Ferb attempt to find Crikey the Crocodile. Air Boat: Doofenshmirtz's Chicken-Replace-inator hits it, replacing it with a chicken.

Jet Skis: N/A

UPAFDS: Crikey eats it, causing Candace to lose the evidence.

"Sci-Fi Pie Fly" Phineas and Ferb build a flying saucer to investigate crop circles. It doesn't disappear, but Linda doesn't see it because of the exploding pizza that obscures the window. Candace takes a "Me Day", and does not bother to bust them.
"Sleepwalk Surprise" They play volleyball with jetpacks. Doofenshmirtz's Cupcake-inator turns the ball into a cake, then the Hug-inator makes the net hug the jetpacks, then the Confetti-inator turns the net and jetpacks into confetti. Candace tried to prevent Linda from seeing them due to Jeremy joining them and she didn't want him to get in trouble.
"Sipping with the Enemy" Phineas and Ferb put on an enormous backyard magic show. Phineas makes the whole stage disappear as the final act, and the parents are turned hip by the Cool-inator, making them ignore Candace. N/A
"Tri-State Treasure: Boot of Secrets" Phineas and Ferb help their father unearth a missing piece of Danville history when they run into his lifelong nemesis Worthington Dubois at a flea market. It doesn't disappear, but Phineas and Ferb direct a short movie of their adventure.
"Doofapus" Phineas and Ferb create the State-of-the-Matter Transfer Device to turn anything into liquid so they can have new and "exotic" smoothies. The Double-inator hits their device, doubling it, and they hit each other, turning both into liquid piles. The device hits Candace, transforming her into liquid.
"Norm Unleashed" Phineas and Ferb build a nanobot-shaping device that can assemble nanobots into any object they want. It doesn't disappear, but a squirrel hits the remote, dissassembling the nanobots before Linda sees it. The nanobot activity corresponds with a line from the theme song.
"Where's Perry?" Phineas and Ferb build a highly unconventional vehicle to explore an uncharted gorge. As it falls, it crashes. Later, Doofenshmirtz, Major Monogram, and Carl pick it up as part of the cleaning near the gorge, pulling it with the Magnet-inator. Buford breaks the machine, making himself and his friends to fall to the gorge.
"Ferb TV" Phineas and Ferb show Candace what they come up with for television shows with their new cable box. An unnamed -inator makes the receiver to Ferb TV Disappear. N/A
"When Worlds Collide" Phineas and Ferb observe the incoming Whalemingo Planet, and make a spring to push the planet into space. The spring gets tied to the planet, and is pulled along with it. Candace can't try to bust them until midnight because she had already failed altogether once in the same day due to a "Bust Accord" she signed with Linda.
"What'd I Miss?"
Phineas and his friends teach domesticated squirrels how to be wild again. A water droplet hits the backyard, and using the little surfboards, the squirrels surf out of the lawn. Candace successfully has Linda hear the story, but the activity is not considered bad. The caper takes place the day before the present. Ferb is unaware of it because of his engagement at the Debate Camp.
"Road to Danville" Phineas and Ferb with the rest of the crew decide to create a quilt. N/A Candace most likely did not try to bust her brothers.

Buford is the only one who liked it, while Phineas and the others vow to never do it again.

"This Is Your Backstory" Phineas and Ferb play ping pong to store enough kinetic energy to create a quantum vortex. It sucks itself in. Candace stays to see if her brothers are up to a bustable endeavor, but later gives up out of boredom right before the vortex appears.
"Blackout!" They build an unknown device to have the best blackout ever. A Jetpack Squad takes it to give it to Doofenshmirtz. Exactly what they build is unknown. However, Candace rides it.

See also[]
