Phineas and Ferb Wiki
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This article is about the episode. You may be looking for the song or the farm.

“ Due to the moon's low gravity, the moon jumping cow produced the best tasting ice cream ever. ”

— The missing verse from "The Cat and the Fiddle"

Inspired by the lost verse from a nursery rhyme, the boys decide to take some cows to the moon to see if its low gravitational pull produces the best tasting ice cream ever. Back at home, Candace attempts to make a fancy dinner for Jeremy, but her lack of cooking skills don't add anything to the plate. Meanwhile, Dr. Doofenshmirtz attempts to use his 'Moisture Suck-inator' to turn his neighbor's plants brown, so that his plants will be greener by comparison.

Episode Summary[]

Stacy comes by to the Flynn-Fletcher house and sees Candace camping out under the oak tree outside. Candace states that she decided to try and bust Phineas and Ferb early, since she had plans for the day. After driving away a group of people who had also been camping out in the backyard under the impression that she was waiting for concert tickets, she reminds Stacy of the time Jeremy prepared a microwavable pizza for her, then voices her intentions to return the favor by preparing her own meal for them to share. Although neither Candace nor Stacy have cooking experience, Candace is confident their combined knowledge on cooking would help them figure what to cook and how to cook it.

As they leave, a rocket raises from the ground behind Candace. Phineas, who is in the rocket, reminds Candace of the nursery rhyme "The Cat and the Fiddle" and reveals the existence of a lost and excluded verse that read that the moon's low gravity made the cow's milk the best in the world. It becomes clear that Phineas intends to test this idea by raising a herd of cattle on the moon. They're set to depart after Ferb calls a herd of cows to the ship with a calling can. They ignore Candace's disapproval of their endeavor and proceed with the launch, with Isabella, Baljeet, and Buford on board with them.

Through a log stash beside the fireplace, Perry enters his secret agent headquarters, where he is told by Major Monogram that Dr. Doofenshmirtz is up to something, which as usual, must be stopped. After being told to enter Doofenshmirtz's lair through a Central Access Threshold (CAT) door installed by a vague operative, the agent leaves to carry out the assignment.

Meanwhile, the rocket ship arrives at its destination on the moon, and Phineas, the first to disembark from the ship, voices to everyone to take advantage of the reduced gravity to have fun. Buford does this by dropping Baljeet on the lunar surface, then painfully body-slamming on him, allowing his illogically added weight to crush Baljeet's body.

Perry arrives at Doofenshmirtz Evil Incorporated to get tied up in a trap and greeted by his nemesis, who is covered in green paint. Heinz monologues that he was stricken with envy by the condition of his neighbor's lush green balcony garden, compared to his own potted plant he was struggling to take care of. Previously, the owner of a plant store answered his questions squarely saying he didn't have a green thumb. He had taken this literally and doused himself in a bucket of green paint, which, ironically, failed to reach his thumbs. Thus, he intends to use his latest contraption, the "Moisture Suck-inator" to dry his neighbor's garden to a lifeless crisp like his own.

Candace and Stacy are in the kitchen, suited up in French chef uniforms and complementing each other's apparel when they hear Irving outside acting as Mission Control and communicating with Phineas and Ferb on the moon. Candace storms out and interrupts Irving, berating Phineas for disobeying her earlier. Phineas ignores this and asks how her cooking for Jeremy is going, which she hadn't started yet. Ferb indirectly suggests lamb cobbler as a tribute to Jeremy's British background. Phineas volunteers to relay them the recipe for the dish step by step through Irving. As they leave, the first instruction Irving relays to the girls is that they need a big bow, which he figures would make the dish look pretty.

After managing to push the Moisture Suck-inator onto the balcony, Doofenshmirtz fires the weapon at his neighbor's garden, which, to his shock, doesn't dry up as expected. He then tests it on Perry, on whom it works fine and dries him into a dehydrated shadow of himself smacking his lips for moisture. At the same time, however, it has loosed the ropes around his body. Heinz fails to realize this until Perry fires the weapon at him in retaliation. Both feebly smack their tongues for a moment until Doofenshmirtz offers for them to share a drink.

Stacy shows pessimism for how the cobbler will turn out, seeing as most of the ingredients they'd put in it are simply ludicrous and aren't even edible, including the bow, the pound of desk lamp, and most recently, the cup of self-righteous flowers. Nonetheless, she and Candace continue to follow the instructions being relayed by Irving. Finally, they're told to bake it in the oven at 350 degrees for an hour. Candace and Stacy decide to shorten the time for the cobbler to be cooked by baking it in the oven for five minutes at 9,000 degrees.

After setting up a farm on the moon and feeding the cows, Phineas, Ferb, and company harvest their milk and use it to make ice cream. It comes out perfectly and Phineas comments it being the best he has ever tasted.

Following a glass of iced tea with Perry, Doofenshmirtz jet packs to his neighbor's balcony only to notice that the garden and the person watering them are made of plastic. He isn't greeted pleasantly by the owner of the apartment, who challenges him for trespassing on his balcony. Upset, Doofenshmirtz attempts to leave on his jet pack only to find out it has stopped working properly.

As soon as the lamb cobbler is taken out of the oven, Candace and Stacy are in awe at how beautiful it has turned out despite not putting lamb in it. At the same time, Phineas and Ferb's rocket lands in the backyard on its return from their trip to the moon. Phineas offers Candace some moon ice cream, but Candace doesn't care if they give her it. Just before she runs off to get Mom, the cows unwittingly sit on the control panel causing the rocket to blast off.

Perry pushes the Moisture Suck-inator into the street below and the resulting rogue ray hits Candace's lamb cobbler. Promptly, she checks on it to find out that it has dried to a hideous crisp. As Jeremy arrives, she hides it behind her back trying to cover it up. At the same time Phineas and Ferb see what's left of it and stealthily switch it with their ice cream. Candace is surprised to see what her lamb cobbler has been replaced with much to Jeremy's satisfaction.

Doofenshmirtz, having neglected to bring his keys on his jaunt to his neighbor's balcony, has gotten himself stuck in the cat door and calls Perry for help. However, instead of helping him, Perry leaves a "Do Not Disturb" sign hanging on his posterior before departing.


Read the transcript of Moon Farm.


End Credits[]

A repeat of "Moon Farm". At the end logos, Baljeet shouts that they have discussed this earlier, but the Disembodied Reggae Space Voice replies, "It's in de lyrics, mon".


Click here to view more images from "Moon Farm".
View the image gallery for "Moon Farm".

Running Gags[]

The "Too Young" Line[]


Ferb's Line[]

The rocket has just taken off.
Phineas: Huh, so, how do you think our cows will do on the moon?
Ferb: Well, photosynthesis will start creating oxygen, and then eventually an atmosphere. Our bovine friends will be fine.
Phineas: Cool. We'll know where to go for ice cream.

What'cha doin'?[]


Hey, where's Perry?[]

Phineas: Hey, where's Perry?

Oh, there you are, Perry[]


Perry's entrance to his lair[]

Perry enters through the side of the fireplace.

Evil Jingle[]

Doofenshmirtz Evil Incorporated!

Memorable Quotes[]

Carl: So I'm an "operative" now?
Major Monogram: We're still not paying you, Carl.
Phineas: Remember everyone, the moon's gravity is 83.3% less than Earth.
Buford: So what?
Phineas: So what? So let's bounce!
Baljeet: (While Buford holds him by his ankle) NO, NO, Buford, please do not drop me! (Buford lets go and he falls slowly) I, oh, well this is not so bad.
Buford: Yeah? give it a second. (Cannon-balls down)
Baljeet: OH! How is it, that you are actually heavier on the moon?
Dr. Doofenshmirtz: I created the Moisture Suck-inator! See? See? I don't know why I built it here when I was going to use it on the balcony. Anyway, this will suck all the moisture out of my neighbor's plants, which will turn them brown, making my plant look greener by comparison. And I'll actually have a green thumb! You know, not actually, metaphorically. I'll have a gr--(pause) Oh, it's a metaphor! Ugh, and I wasted all that money on green paint!
Irving: Phineas and Ferb say--
Candace: Uh, not in the house!
Irving: (backs up) Phineas and Ferb say, two cups of self-righteous flowers!
Stacy: See, Candace? I mean, self-righteous flowers? What are self-righteous flowers?
Candace: Well, roses always seem stuck up to me.
Stacy: (pauses) Okay. Well, let's go pick some roses.
Cow: Moo!
Buford: Moo-nah! 2 syllables, cow. 2. Moo-nah!
Cow: Moo!
Buford: Man, these cows are dumb!
Irving: Phineas and Ferb say bake at 350 for one hour. Serves two. Speaking of 'serves two,' I was thinking, you know, after you girls are done here maybe we could- (Candace closes the door in his face) Okay, that's cool too. We'll just--we'll just put a pin in it for now.
Stacy: Relax, Candace. It's simple math. Instead of cooking it at 350 degrees for one hour, we could cook it for five minutes at... (Punches into a calculator) 9000 degrees! What could go wrong?!
Dan: (from the last line from the song) We left de marshmallows at home, I blame Baljeet!
Baljeet: Hey! What do you mean you blame Baljeet?
Dan: Well, it was clearly your responsibility.
Baljeet: Where are you getting your information from, disembodied reggae space voice?
Dan: Hey, I have a name you know.
Baljeet: Oh yeah? What is it?
Dan: Well, it's Disembodied Reggae Space Voice, but dat's a coincidence, you didn't know dat!
Baljeet: Oh, look who is sensitive. Besides, Buford could have brought the marshmallows.
Buford: Hey, leave me out of this!
Phineas: Guys, guys, we have limited time here! Baljeet, could you please stop arguing with the soundtrack?
Baljeet: He started it.
Dr. Doofenshmirtz: Hey you, I got a question for you. How do you get your plants—What? Plastic! (pokes plastic man)
Man: Something I can help you with, rocket man?
Dr. Doofenshmirtz: Yeah! What's with all the plastic plants? And the plastic man?
Man: I like plastic.
Dr. Doofenshmirtz: Oh so you're just trying to make me look like a fool. Well I don't need you-- (accidentally turns on jet-pack) Ow Ow Ow Ow Ow! I’ll just take the stairs.
Candace: I don't know, Stacy; I've got a bad feeling about this. What am I going to do if it isn't even edible?

Stacy: Well, technically, it is English food....
(Candace opens the pot and gasps)
Candace: Lamb cobbler! And it's beautiful!
Stacy: How could that be? We didn't even put lamb in it.
Dr. Doofenshmirtz: Uh, Perry the Platypus? Yeah, I'm down here. (Dr. Doofenshmirtz is seen stuck in the C.A.T. Door) Yeah, I left my keys in there and thought I could fit through the--

(Perry opens the door to let himself out, then closes it again)
Dr. Doofenshmirtz: Oh, good! You're going to get the building's super? Hey, where are you going?
(Perry places a "Do not disturb" sign on Dr. Doofenshmirtz's posterior)

Dr. Doofenshmirtz: What's that? That better not be a "Do Not Disturb" sign! CURSE YOU, PERRY THE PLATYPUS!

Background Information[]


Production Information[]

  • This episode and its sister episode were the last to be produced in 2010.
  • This episode aired on Disney Channel On Demand on April 22, 2011.

International Premieres[]

  • May 18, 2011 (Disney XD UK)
  • May 19, 2011 (Disney Channel Latin America and Brazil)
  • June 1, 2011 (Disney XD Canada)
  • June 11, 2011 (Disney Channel Asia)
  • September 9, 2011 (Disney XD Germany)
  • October 9, 2011 (Disney XD Spain)
  • October 22, 2011 (Disney XD Poland)
  • October 29, 2011 (Disney Channel Poland)
  • November 5, 2011 (Disney Channel Portugal)
  • December 6, 2011 (Disney Channel Scandinavia)


  • When Phineas explains about Ferb finding something at the Dead Sea, Ferb's bigger eye is in the front.
  • Because of the way Dr. Doofenshmirtz is holding the paint bucket, his hands and the outside of his arms shouldn't be green.
  • When Candace is seen in her chef outfit, she is wearing her trademark shoes, but when she walks outside to Irving, she is wearing black trainers.
  • After Dr. Doofenshmirtz pours green paint all over himself, his right arm changes to a lighter shade of green for a second.
  • When Doofenshmirtz points out his inator is misplaced in front of the door, the front door is closed, but in the next shot when the screen is zoomed in, the front door is opened.
  • Near the end of the episode, when the rocket comes back, Ferb's bigger eye is in the front.
  • When Baljeet, Buford, and Isabella peek out of the rocket ship, Isabella's bow is purple. When they're inside the rocket, Isabella's bow is pink again.
  • When Candace says to Irving "not in the house!", Irving doesn't actually step outside of the house.
  • At the Doofenshmirtz Evil Incorporated building, a sign can be seen saying "Secret C.A.T door" at the cat flap. However, later in the episode, when Doofenshmirtz gets stuck in the cat flap, the sign saying "Secret C.A.T door" is gone.
  • When the camera zooms out at the rocket when it blasts off, Isabella has no neck for a moment.
  • When Stacy asks "What should we cook", her bracelet is there. However, it is gone for the rest of the episode.
  • When Perry enters his lair, he drops wood off on the left. When it zooms back out in Perry's exit, the wood isn't there.
  • Alyson Stoner is credited, but Isabella doesn't have any dialogue in this episode, and she is also completely absent in its sister episode.



  • Greek mythology - Doofenshmirtz getting himself green everywhere except his thumb is reminiscent of the myth of Achilles, who was made immortal by being dipped in the river Styx — except it missed his heel, which was being held at the time, and thus became his only weak spot.
  • Apollo 13 Mission - The song about the ice cream starts with the line "Houston we have a situation!"; a parody of the line by astronaut Jack Swigert saying "Houston we've had a problem!" after the near disastrous explosion of the spaceship's fuel cells on an April 1970 mission to the moon.
  • "The Cat and the Fiddle" - An alternative name for the rhyme "Hey Diddle Diddle".
  • Apollo 17 Mission - The view of Earth as seen from the Moon appears to be the iconic image taken by the Apollo 17 crew in 1972 on their way to the final lunar mission.
  • Caddyshack - The "So what? So let's dance!" line is parodied.
  • 2001: A Space Odyssey - During the song, Isabella sees multiple flashing psychedelic patterns of light similar to the "Stargate" sequence in the movie's finale.



Main article: Credits

♦ designates a character that did not appear in this episode

"The Belly of the Beast"
Episodes Next:
"Ask a Foolish Question"
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Season 1
"Rollercoaster" | "Lawn Gnome Beach Party of Terror" | "Flop Starz" | "The Fast and the Phineas"
"Lights, Candace, Action!" | "Raging Bully" | "Candace Loses Her Head" | "I, Brobot"
"Run Away Runway" | "The Magnificent Few" | "S'Winter" | "Jerk De Soleil" | "Are You My Mummy?"
"Ready for the Bettys" | "I Scream, You Scream" | "Toy to the World"
"Get That Bigfoot Outa My Face!" | "It's a Mud, Mud, Mud, Mud World" | "Mom's Birthday"
"Journey to the Center of Candace" | "It's About Time!"
"Dude, We're Getting the Band Back Together" | "Tree to Get Ready" | "The Ballad of Badbeard"
"Greece Lightning" | "Leave the Busting to Us!" | "Crack That Whip" | "The Best Lazy Day Ever"
"Boyfriend From 27,000 B.C." | "Voyage to the Bottom of Buford" | "A Hard Day's Knight"
"Traffic Cam Caper" | "Bowl-R-Ama Drama" | "Got Game?" | "Comet Kermillian"
"Put That Putter Away" | "Does This Duckbill Make Me Look Fat?" | "The Flying Fishmonger"
"One Good Scare Ought to Do It!" | "The Monster of Phineas-n-Ferbenstein" | "Oil on Candace"
"Out of Toon" | "Hail Doofania!" | "Out to Launch" | "Phineas and Ferb Get Busted!"
"Unfair Science Fair" | "Unfair Science Fair Redux (Another Story)"
Season 2
"The Lake Nose Monster" | "Interview With a Platypus" | "Tip of the Day"
"Attack of the 50 Foot Sister" | "Backyard Aquarium" | "Day of the Living Gelatin"
"Elementary My Dear Stacy" | "Don't Even Blink" | "Chez Platypus" | "Perry Lays an Egg"
"Gaming the System" | "The Chronicles of Meap" | "Thaddeus and Thor" | "De Plane! De Plane!"
"Let's Take a Quiz" | "At the Car Wash" | "Oh, There You Are, Perry" | "Swiss Family Phineas"
"Hide and Seek" | "That Sinking Feeling" | "The Baljeatles" | "Vanessassary Roughness"
"No More Bunny Business" | "Spa Day" | "Phineas and Ferb's Quantum Boogaloo"
"Phineas and Ferb Musical Cliptastic Countdown" | "Bubble Boys" | "Isabella and the Temple of Sap"
"Cheer Up Candace" | "Fireside Girl Jamboree" |"The Bully Code" | "Finding Mary McGuffin" | "Picture This"
"Nerdy Dancin'" | "What Do It Do?" | "Atlantis" | "Phineas and Ferb Christmas Vacation!"
"Just Passing Through" | "Candace's Big Day" | "I Was a Middle Aged Robot" | "Suddenly Suzy"
"Undercover Carl" | "Hip Hip Parade" | "Invasion of the Ferb Snatchers" | "Ain't No Kiddie Ride"
"Not Phineas and Ferb" | "Phineas and Ferb-Busters!" | "The Lizard Whisperer" | "Robot Rodeo" | "The Beak"
"She's the Mayor" | "The Lemonade Stand" | "Phineas and Ferb Hawaiian Vacation" | "Nerds of a Feather"
"Wizard of Odd" | "We Call it Maze" | "Ladies and Gentlemen, Meet Max Modem!" | "The Secret of Success"
"The Doof Side of the Moon" | "Split Personality" | "Brain Drain" | "Rollercoaster: The Musical!"
"Make Play" | "Candace Gets Busted"
Season 3
"The Great Indoors" | "Canderemy" | "Run, Candace, Run" | "Last Train to Bustville"
"Phineas' Birthday Clip-O-Rama!" | "The Belly of the Beast" | "Moon Farm"
"Ask a Foolish Question" | "Misperceived Monotreme" | "Candace Disconnected"
"Magic Carpet Ride" | "Bad Hair Day" | "Meatloaf Surprise" | "Phineas and Ferb Interrupted"
"A Real Boy" | "Mommy Can You Hear Me?" | "Road Trip" | "Tour de Ferb" | "Skiddley Whiffers"
"My Fair Goalie" | "Bullseye!" | "That's the Spirit" | "The Curse of Candace"
"Escape from Phineas Tower" | "Lotsa Latkes" | "Ferb Latin"
"A Phineas and Ferb Family Christmas" | "Tri-Stone Area" | "Doof Dynasty" |"Excaliferb"
"Phineas and Ferb and the Temple of Juatchadoon" | "Monster from the Id" | "Gi-Ants"
"The Remains of the Platypus" | "Mom's in the House" | "Perry The Actorpus" | "Let's Bounce"
"Bully Bromance Breakup" | "Quietest Day Ever" | "The Doonkelberry Imperative‎‎"
"Meapless in Seattle" | "Delivery of Destiny" | "Buford Confidential" | "The Mom Attractor"
"Cranius Maximus" | "Agent Doof" | "Minor Monogram" | "What A Croc!" | "Sleepwalk Surprise"
"Sci-Fi Pie Fly" | "Sipping with the Enemy" | "Tri-State Treasure: Boot of Secrets" | "Doofapus"
"Norm Unleashed" | "Where's Perry?" | "Where's Perry? (Part Two)" |"Ferb TV"
"When Worlds Collide" | "What'd I Miss?" | "Road to Danville"
"This Is Your Backstory" | "Blackout!"
Season 4
"For Your Ice Only" | "Happy New Year!" | "Fly On the Wall" | "Bully Bust" | "My Sweet Ride"
"Der Kinderlumper" | "Sidetracked" | "Primal Perry" | "Mind Share" | "Backyard Hodge Podge"
"Bee Day" | "Bee Story" | "Great Balls Of Water" | "Where's Pinky?"
"Phineas and Ferb Musical Cliptastic Countdown Hosted by Kelly Osbourne"
"Knot My Problem" | "Just Desserts" | "La Candace-Cabra" | "Happy Birthday, Isabella"
"Love at First Byte" | "One Good Turn" | "Thanks But No Thanks" | "Troy Story"
"Druselsteinoween" | "Terrifying Tri-State Trilogy of Terror" | "Face Your Fear" | "Cheers for Fears"
"Steampunx" | "Just Our Luck" | "Return Policy" | "Live and Let Drive" | "Father's Day"
"Imperfect Storm" | "The Return of the Rogue Rabbit" | "It's No Picnic" | "The Klimpaloon Ultimatum"
"Operation Crumb Cake" | "Mandace" | "Lost in Danville" | "The Inator Method"
"Tales from the Resistance: Back to the 2nd Dimension" | "Doof 101" | "Act Your Age"
Season 5
"Summer Block Buster" | "Cloudy with a Chance of Mom" | "Appetite for Adventure" | "License to Bust"
"Dry Another Day" | "Deconstructing Doof" | "Tropey McTropeface" | "Biblio-Blast!" | "A Chip to the Vet"
"More Than an Intern" | "The Aurora Perry-Alis" | "Agent T (For Teen)" | "The Haberdasher"
"The Candace Suit" | "Out of Character" | "Meap Me in St. Louis"
"Phineas and Ferb: Summer Belongs to You!" | "Phineas and Ferb Save Summer"
"Night of the Living Pharmacists" | "Last Day of Summer" | "O.W.C.A. Files"
Phineas and Ferb the Movie: Across the 2nd Dimension
Phineas and Ferb the Movie: Candace Against the Universe
"Phineas and Ferb: Mission Marvel" | "Phineas and Ferb: Star Wars" | "The Phineas and Ferb Effect"