Articles related to lookalikes of the main characters.
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Amanda Johnson -
Heinz Doofenshmirtz (2nd Dimension) -
Betty Jo Flynn -
Candace Flynn (2nd Dimension) -
Lorraine -
Jekyll Doofenshmirtz -
Isabella Garcia-Shapiro (2nd Dimension) -
Bunka da Bunkaquan
All items (178)
- Baljeet (1914)
- Baljeet Tjinder (1903)
- Baljeet Tjinder (Gnome Dimension)
- Baljeet Tjinder (Lost in Danville Dimension)
- Baljeetolas of the Nerdling Realm
- Baljug
- Balloony (2nd Dimension)
- Balloony (Balloon Dimension)
- Boofgard
- Brobot
- Bufavolous the Wind-lord
- Buford Van Stomm (1903)
- Buford van Stomm (Lost in Danville Dimension)
- Bunka da Bunkaquan
- Can-tok
- Candace's Id
- Candavere
- Captain Doofenshmirtz
- Carl Karl (1914)
- Carl Karl (2nd Dimension)
- Carl Karl's evil robots
- Carl the Red Headed Paladin
- Carla
- Caveside Girls
- Charlene Doofenshmirtz (2nd Dimension)
- Chief Doofbot
- Chief of Newspaper
- Ferb Fletcher (Lost in Danville Dimension)
- Ferb Fletcher (Star Wars)
- Ferbalot
- Ferbalot's questing group for Excaliferb
- Ferbgor
- Fireside Girls (1903)
- Firestar Girls
- Firestorm Girls
- Ferb Fletcher (1542)
- Ferb Fletcher (1903)
- Ferb Fletcher (2nd Dimension)
- Lawrence Fletcher (1542)
- Lawrence Fletcher (1903)
- Lawrence Fletcher (2nd Dimension)
- Rhode Island Fletcher
- Betty Jo Flynn
- Candace Flynn (1542)
- Candace Flynn (1903)
- Candace Flynn (1914)
- Candace Flynn (2nd Dimension)
- Linda Flynn (1542)
- Ohio Flynn
- Phineas Flynn (1542)
- Phineas Flynn (1903)
- Phineas Flynn (2nd Dimension)
- Flynn-Fletcher family (Star Wars)
- Flynn-Fletcher family robots
- Linda Flynn-Fletcher (2nd Dimension)
- Francis Monogram (1914)
- Irving Du Bois (2nd Dimension)
- Isabel the Water Sprite
- Isabella Garcia-Shapiro (Desert Dimension)
- Isabella Garcia-Shapiro (Gnome Dimension)
- Isabella Garcia-Shapiro (Lost in Danville Dimension)
- Isabella Garcia-Shapiro (Old Timey Dimension)
- Isabella lookalike
- Princess Isabella
- Isabelock
- Charlene Von Doofenshmirtz
- Jeremiad
- Lawn gnomes (Gnome Dimension)
- Lawn Gnorme
- Lawrence Fletcher (1914)
- Lawrence Fletcher (Lost in Danville Dimension)
- Lawrence the Humble Antique Dealer
- Linda Flynn-Fletcher (1903)
- Linda Flynn-Fletcher (robot)
- Linda Flynn-Fletcher (Star Wars)
- Linderella
- Lookalike
- Lorraine
- Parable the Dragonpus
- Perry the Platyborg (Desert Dimension)
- Perry the Platyborg (Toy Dimension)
- Perry the Platypus (1914)
- Perry the Rebelpus
- Master Perry the Platypus
- Phinabunk
- Phineas (Excaliferb)
- Phineas Flynn (Lost in Danville Dimension)
- Phineas Flynn (Old Timey Dimension)
- Phineas Flynn (Star Wars)
- Dr. Phineastein
- Pilot Isabella
- Pinky the Chihuahua (2nd Dimension)
- Charles Pipping IV
- Pneumatic Pnorman
- Prehistoric Bobbi Fabulous
- Princess Baldegunde