One Piece Wiki

The South Blue is the ocean which makes up the south part of the Blue Sea split by the Red Line and the Grand Line. It is separated from the West Blue by the Red Line and the East Blue by the Paradise half of the Grand Line.[1]

It is known as the birthplace of the Straw Hat Pirates' shipwright, Franky; the son of the Pirate King, Portgas D. Ace; former Marine Admirals, Sengoku and Kuzan; former Warlord of the Sea, Revolutionary, and King, Bartholomew Kuma; and three members of the Worst Generation: Eustass Kid, his subordinate Killer, and Jewelry Bonney. This sea is also home to many forms of large and exotic wildlife, such as gigantic birds, Blue-Finned Elephant Tunas, Super Sparrows and even Gryphons.

The revolver Mr. 5 uses for his Breeze Breath Bomb attack is a new model from the South Blue. The South Blue is also home to an island famous for its martial arts known as Karate Island.

Locations in the South Blue[]

See also the associated category: South Blue Locations.

Unnamed Locations[]

First Appearance Descriptions Events Image
Chapter 550; Episode 459 An island that has cliffs near the coast with a marketplace. Three hours before Ace's execution, people discus whether Whitebeard will show at Marineford and his relevance in the world. Summit War South Blue

Characters from the South Blue[]

See also the associated category: South Blue Residents.

Historic Information[]

St. Briss[]


The St. Briss.

210 years ago, the ship St. Briss left from the Briss Kingdom carrying a crew towards the Grand Line. The crew reached Skypiea eventually, but something happened once they arrived there and the entire crew was sentenced to Cloud Drifting, likely for major crimes. 208 years later, the St. Briss fell back into the Grand Line before being eaten by a gigantic turtle during an attempt to salvage it. The ship was a wreck, and many would assume a fight had broken out, which may have happened during cloud drifting.

During this time period, it was a custom in a certain region of the South Blue for one to coat their teeth with tar in order to preserve them. At least one member of the St. Briss' crew followed this custom, which allowed his teeth to still be firmly attached to his skull even after two centuries.

The Birth of Gol D. Ace[]

Portgas D

Portgas D. Rouge, shortly after giving birth to Ace.

24 years ago, in the island of Baterilla, the Pirate King, Gol D. Roger, was witnessed acting less like a pirate and more like a "father". This led the Marines to start looking for a potential child, by investigating every newborn, every baby going to be born, mothers who were pregnant, and tiny leads from Cipher Pol. Marines scoured Baterilla, looking for any pregnant women, under orders to kill any suspicious ones.

Roger told Monkey D. Garp about his unborn child and trusted the Marine enough as a friend to request the protection of his offspring as he would not be alive anymore by the time his kid arrived. Garp protested, but eventually complied to Roger's request.

Portgas D. Ace's mother, Portgas D. Rouge, was able to avoid the Marines' investigation by keeping the unborn Ace in her womb for a full period of twenty months. The strain caused by her feat led to her death right after giving birth to her child. Gol D. Ace, as his mother named him at birth, ended up being born one year and three months after his father's execution at Loguetown.[2]

Sorbet Kingdom's First Revolution[]

Freedom Fighters Members

Kuma as part of the Freedom Fighters.

22 years ago, the Sorbet Kingdom, ruled by King Bekori, proclaimed a new policy that segregated its southern portion from the kingdom proper. The intent of this law was to lower the cost of the Heavenly Tribute the country owed to the World Government by excluding a chunk of its old citizens from the official population, which had trouble contributing to the tax to begin with. As a consequence, anyone who lived in the southern provinces, then considered a lawless zone, were outside the kingdom's protection and jurisdiction.

When some elders from a southern village were kidnapped by the kingdom's royal army to be enslaved, Bartholomew Kuma, a mere pastor at the time, went to the northern Castle Town to oppose the kidnappers and rescue those in captivity. Kuma eventually started a fight with the royal army, causing major damage to the city with his Devil Fruit abilities. This led to his imprisonment, followed by Ginny and others' who protested his incarceration.

Eventually, the Freedom Fighters, led by Monkey D. Dragon, invaded the kingdom of Sorbet, overthrowing Bekori and his laws in the process. Kuma and Ginny were freed and then joined the rebellious group, with the intent of fighting the World Government and other countries who would attempt similar practices.

Tumi's Liberation[]

Tumi Infobox

Kuma showing up at Tumi to reinforce the rebellion.

15 years ago, the country of Tumi underwent a revolution attempt, which led to a civil war that spanned for three years.

As the rebels started getting outmatched by the local military, they requested reinforcements from the Revolutionary Army, but were denied it due to the main members being occupied aiding refugees from the Gray Terminal in the East Blue. Kuma, however, was able to fulfill the request by using his Nikyu Nikyu no Mi to quickly transport himself to Tumi. His presence alone was enough to reverse the rebels' impending defeat and Tumi eventually fell to the Revolutionary Army.

Sorbet Kingdom's Solo Revolution[]

Main article: Solo Revolution
Solo Revolution Infobox

Sorbet's royal palace getting destroyed by Kuma.

6 years, Sorbet's previously ousted king, Bekori, returned to his country and began to burn down the homes of civilians that he deemed worthless to Sorbet, having been inspired by a similar practice that once happened at the Goa Kingdom. Kuma was alerted about this by some wounded villagers and decided to quickly take matters in his own hands, which resulted in him using his powers to demolish Sorbet's royal palace along with Bekori and his forces.

The people of Sorbet celebrated Kuma's actions and wished for him to take the mantle of king. Kuma accepted the role, but left the actual political matters to his advisor and former king from two generations ago, Bulldog. As for Bekori himself, he survived Kuma's retaliation and planned a new comeback, but this time with the official support of the World Government, which also contributed with false propaganda against Kuma's reign. Aware of the consequences of opposing the government, Kuma resigned himself from the throne and confronted Bekori once more in the waters of Sorbet, sinking the Marine fleet the latter had brought with him.

Sea Battle of Dias[]

Main article: Sea Battle of Dias

The Sea Battle of Dias was an unseen event that seemingly involved Suleiman's home country. Due to Suleiman's actions, he was branded a war criminal and exiled from his homeland, thus leading to his subsequent life as a mercenary.


  1. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 6 Chapter 51 (p. 4) and Episode 24.
  2. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 56 Chapter 551 and Episode 460.

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