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For the chapter of their same former name, see Chapter 491.

The Rosy Life Riders[2], formerly called the Flying Fish Riders (トビウオライダーズ, Tobiuo Raidāzu?), were a kidnapping gang from around Sabaody Archipelago.[1] The members each ride on a flying fish, hence their gang's name. Their leader was Duval. With the handles on their flying fish and the way they dress, they resemble a biker gang. Since Duval's face alteration, however, the gang was reformed into the "Rosy Life Riders", and their purpose changed.[2]


See also the associated category: Rosy Life Riders.

Flying Fishes[]

Flying Fish Riders' Flying Fish

The flying fishes.

The flying fishes that the gang members ride on are roughly as big as dolphins, and can stay above water for five minutes.[1] Although these fishes can fly in air, they are much faster underwater: in fact, their speed in water is second only to merfolk.[3] The fishes have motorcycle handles, pedals, seats, and some other cosmetic designs installed on them, so the riders can ride them with ease. The riders also have underwater oxygen masks prepared alongside their seats, in case they need to dive into the sea.[1]

While the gang members ride the flying fishes, their leader Duval instead rides Motobaro, a bison with special breathing apparatus that allows underwater travel.[4][5]


In order to take down their opponents, the Rosy Life Riders came up with various weapons, tools and strategies in order to do so.[3][4]


The riders have an assortment of weapons at their disposal, with bombs and harpoons, which they use to rain from above.[1] They also have been seen using guns and in the anime they even use bazookas.[6] The riders also frequently use hit-and-run attacks with melee weapons such as maces and swords.[7][4]

Zero Fight[]

A Zero Fight is basically a suicide attack in which the flying fish rider ascends to a high altitude before charging at full force with the intention of ramming the enemies ship. As the strategy is immensely dangerous, even the loyal riders require Duval's assurance that he is willing to compensate them should they carry out this plan.[7]

Iron Net[]

The riders catch their opponent in an iron net and drag them deep under water, where they'll die from either drowning or water pressure. This strategy is mainly used on air breathing opponents, as it would prove to be less effective on the likes of fish-men and merfolk, who are immune to both water pressure and can breathe underwater.[3]

Giant Anchor[]

Several riders suspend a massive anchor above an enemy ship before releasing it, thus sinking the vessel.[3]


Rosy Life Riders Base

The base of the Rosy Life Riders.

The Flying Fish Riders have a base five kilometers east of Grove 44 of the Sabaody Archipelago.[8] During their battle with the Straw Hats, much of the base was damaged. The group is still using the base, seemingly repairing it over the two year timeskip.[9]



The Flying Fish Riders were founded by Duval, who had become a target for the Marines and bounty hunters alike for being similar in appearance to Sanji's drawn wanted poster after the events at Enies Lobby. At some point, they teamed up with the Macro Pirates to defeat Hatchan and finally capture Camie, who Hatchan saved from them thirty-one times in before.

Summit War Saga[]

Sabaody Archipelago Arc[]

The Flying Fish Riders and Macro Pirates successfully managed to subdue Hatchan and imprison him at their base. In order to save their friend and assist his partners, Camie and Pappag, the Straw Hats fought and subsequently defeated them. Sanji completed the matter by rearranging Duval's face, allowing him to see the fault of his ways and allowing them to become friendlier with the Straw Hats and give up on the slave trade.[3]

After Camie was captured by other slave traders on the Sabaody Archipelago, Sanji requested their assistance to help find her and get her out of her predicament, to which they did by finding the Straw Hats on the island and flying them to the auction house were Camie was being held. After that incident, they parted ways, promising to help the crew while they were still on the island.

Later, they were seen watching over the Thousand Sunny so it could be coated, unaware that the Straw Hats had been sent flying away from the island by Kuma.

Post-War Arc[]

They were seen again still guarding the Thousand Sunny and prevented a group of thugs from stealing the ship. They then encountered the Warlord Bartholomew Kuma.

During the Timeskip[]

A year after the Straw Hats' disappearance, the Rosy Life Riders, along with Hatchan and Bartholomew Kuma, were embroiled in a mighty battle against the Marines, which resulted in the Marines retreating. Duval and the Rosy Life Riders sustained severe injuries.

Fish-Man Island Saga[]

Return to Sabaody Arc[]

Two years after the war and the reunion of the Straw Hat Pirates, the Rosy Life Riders were seen surrounding Duval and heavily bandaged.[10] Three of the unnamed members saved Brook from being arrested by the Marines.

The following events are Non-Canon and therefore not considered part of the Canon story.

Wano Country Saga[]

One Piece: Stampede[]

They were flying over Delta Island while the Pirates Festival was ongoing[11]

Concludes non-canon section.

Final Saga[]

Egghead Arc[]

The Rosy Life Riders listened to Vegapunk's broadcast announcement to the world. After hearing that the message was played at the time of Vegapunk's death, Duval was shocked as that contradicted the morning's news report that Vegapunk was being held hostage by the Straw Hat crew.[9]


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 50 Chapter 491 and Episode 386, Pappag calls the Flying Fish Riders a kidnapping gang.
  2. 2.0 2.1 One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 51 Chapter 496 and Episode 390, Duval calls the gang "Rosy Life Riders".
  3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 51 Chapter 495 and Episode 389, Straw Hats defeat riders.
  4. 4.0 4.1 4.2 One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 51 Chapter 494 and Episode 388, Straw hats vs. riders cont.
  5. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 51 Chapter 500 and Episode 394, Motoaro with equipment
  6. One Piece Anime — Episode 388, Flying fish rider using bazooka.
  7. 7.0 7.1 One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 51 Chapter 493 and Episode 388, Straw hats vs. riders.
  8. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 50 Chapter 491 (p. 9, 11) and Episode 386.
  9. 9.0 9.1 One Piece Manga — Vol. 110 Chapter 1113 (p. 14), The Rosy Life Riders listen to Vegapunk's broadcast in their base.
  10. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 61 Chapter 598 and Episode 518, The Rosy Life Riders are seen two years later.
  11. One Piece Movie — One Piece: Stampede.

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