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Sarai[2] was a member of the Takotopus Pirates 30 years ago.[1]


Sarai is a man of wavy blonde hair that has bangs dropping down to the right side of his face. He has a prominent chin with some stubble. In the manga, he exhibits a tattoo on his left biceps.

He wears an asymmetrical leather jacket adorned with pins of various designs, a plain sleeveless shirt sporting the kanji 売 ("sell") and a pendant.


Sarai Digitally Colored Manga
Sarai's appearance in the Digitally Colored Manga.
Sarai Full Appearance
Sarai's full appearance.


Like most pirates dwelling with slavery, Sarai is unscrupulous and untrustworthy. However, he is also cowardly and superstitious, thinking an overly swollen Oden was a monstrous umibōzu. Like the rest of his crew, he is terrified of Whitebeard.

Abilities and Powers[]

Sarai wields a saber, but was not seen using it in a combat situation.



30 years ago on an island in the New World, the Takotopus Pirates attempted to kidnap Toki by promising to give her a ride to Wano Country, but she figured out their trap and tried to flee. Sarai and some of his crewmates were able to corner her at the coast, forcing Toki to trigger her ability in order to escape. Before that could happen, however, a horribly swollen and disfigured Oden emerged from the sea, scaring away Sarai and the other pirates who had mistaken Oden for an umibōzu.

Later, the Takotopus Pirates' captain Karma personally arrived in order to capture both Oden and Toki, but Whitebeard swiftly dealt with him, prompting his subordinates to flee in terror.[1]


  • Sarai (攫い?) means "abduction" in Japanese. This and the kanji for "sell" on his shirt reference his attempt to abduct and sell Toki into slavery.


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 95 Chapter 964 and Episode 963, Sarai makes his debut.
  2. Vivre Card - One Piece Visual Dictionary (EX Characters: Wano Country Arc Vol. 9 #1509), Sarai's Vivre Card entry.

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