Pokémon All-Stars is a collection of DVDs published by Viz Media and released between June 6, 2006 and April 20, 2009. With a total of 20 volumes, each DVD includes three episodes of Pokémon the Series focusing on one specific Pokémon. All volumes were released two at a time, and later bundled in box sets of ten. The first box set was released on July 1, 2007, and the second on August 25, 2009.
In Australia, the series were released by Magna Pacific (now known as Beyond Home Entertainment) for DVD Region 4. Unlike the US, each single release contains a single disc with four episodes about the Pokémon featured on the cover. The episodes are selected from the first 12 seasons. The box sets combined three single releases into one box set. The DVDs don't include English closed captioning.
The series of DVDs started as a way to celebrate Pokémon's 10th anniversary. It was succeeded by Pokémon Elements.
Volumes and episodes (Region 1)[]
Volume 1: Pikachu[]
Volume 2: Jigglypuff[]
Volume 3: Charizard[]
Volume 4: Squirtle[]
Volume 5: Blastoise[]
Volume 6: Eevee[]
- The Battling Eevee Brothers
- The Rivalry Revival
- Trouble's Brewing
Volume 7: Bulbasaur[]
Volume 8: Lugia[]
Volume 9: Charmander[]
Volume 10: Mudkip[]
Volume 11: Meowth[]
Volume 12: Treecko[]
Volume 13: Psyduck[]
Volume 14: Wobbuffet[]
- Wobbu-Palooza!
- The Wayward Wobbuffet
- Who, What, When, Where, Wynaut?
Volume 15: Lapras[]
- The Lost Lapras
- Viva Las Lapras
- Lapras of Luxury
Volume 16: Totodile[]
- Don't Touch That 'dile
- The Totodile Duel
- Love, Totodile Style
Volume 17: Skitty[]
- I Feel Skitty!
- Game Winning Assist
- Deceit and Assist
Volume 18: Chikorita[]
- The Chikorita Rescue
- Chikorita's Big Upset
- Current Events
Volume 19: Torchic[]
Volume 20: Onix[]
- Showdown in Pewter City
- To Master the Onixpected!
- Hooked on Onix
Volumes and episodes (Region 4)[]
Volume 1: Pikachu/Togepi/Wobbuffet[]
- Pokémon - I Choose You!
- Pikachu's Goodbye
- A Scare to Remember
- Pika and Goliath!
- Who Gets to Keep Togepi?
- Tanks a Lot!
- The Princess and the Togepi
- A Togepi Mirage!
- Tricks of the Trade
- Wobbu-Palooza!
- The Wayward Wobbuffet
- Why? Wynaut!
Volume 2: Totodile/Chikorita/Cyndaquil[]
- Don't Touch that 'dile
- The Totodile Duel!
- Love, Totodile Style
- Bagged Then Tagged!
- The Double Trouble Header
- The Chikorita Rescue
- Chikorita's Big Upset
- Current Events
- Good 'Quil Hunting
- Hot Matches!
- Nerves of Steelix!
- An Old Family Blend!