The Pokémon Graphic Novel, more commonly known as Pokémon: The Electric Tale of Pikachu is a Japanese manga series created by Toshihiro Ono and serialized in the children's manga magazine CoroCoro Comic. Individual chapters were collected into four tankōbon volumes by Shogakukan-Shueisha Productions, who released the first volume on October 28, 1997 and the fourth volume on January 28, 2000.
The manga follows the overall plot of the first two seasons of Pokémon the Series: Pokémon Indigo League and Pokémon Adventures in the Orange Islands. However, the story is not very sequential, as only a few select anime episodes were picked to be adapted into manga form. The manga concludes with Ash Ketchum's victory in the Orange League.
The Pokémon illustrations in this manga are not based on the official artwork by Ken Sugimori, and so many appear to be more/less stylized in comparison.
Volumes and comic list[]
The Electric Tale of Pikachu![]
- Bonus 1. Tales Of Pikachu In The Wild
- 01. Pikachu, I See You
- 02. Clefairy Tale
- 03. Play Misty For Me
- 04. Haunting My Dreams
Pikachu Shocks Back[]
- Bonus 2. I Am Ditto!
- 05. The Human Race and the Pokémon Race
- 06. To Evolve Or Not to Evolve, That Is the Question!
- 07. Pikachu's Excellent Adventure
- 08. You Gotta Have Friends
- Bonus 3. I am Porygon.
- Bonus 4. Suddenly It's Questioning Time!
Electric Pikachu Boogaloo[]
- Bonus 5. I Am Hungry!
- 09. I'm Your Venusaur
- 10. Clefairy in Space
- 11. Days of Gloom and Glory
- 12. Welcome to the Big Leagues
- 13. The Indigo Finals
- 14. The Orange Islands
Surf's Up, Pikachu[]
- Bonus 6. The Ultimate Pet Of The 21st Century
- 15. Attack of the Demon Stomach
- 16. You Bet Your Wife
- 17. Orange Crew Supreme Gym Leader
- 18. Orange Crew Supreme Gym Leader (2)
- 19. Pokémon Side-Story Ash vs. Gary
- Epilogue: "Type: Wild" - A Possible Future