"A Ripple in Time" by Pokémon × Daniel Arsham is an anime short based on Pokémon the Series produced for the art exhibition A Ripple in Time by Daniel Arsham. It was first released on February 12, 2022 on YouTube. The short is being screened at NANZUKA UNDERGROUND from February 12 to March 27, 2022.
Ash Ketchum and Pikachu are facing a Trainer and his Cubone in a battle at a stadium, with both Trainers being down to their last Pokémon. The match is unexpectedly interrupted by the appearance of a Celebi, and after a bright flash, Ash and Pikachu find themselves in the future, where the stadium is overgrown by trees. They see Celebi and follow it through an abandoned settlement and grasslands filled with crystallized Pokémon statues. Ultimately, their chase leads them to a mysterious shrine in a cave, where Dialga suddenly appears before them and roars.