
Onix(JP) is a species of Pokémon in the series of the same name. It is a dual-type Rock/Ground Pokémon that made its first appearance in the first generation games Red and Blue. It evolves into Steelix after being traded with the Metal Coat.

Physiology and Behaviour[]

Onix is a Pokémon composed of a giant chain of gray boulders that become smaller towards the tail. Its length makes it the tallest Rock-type Pokémon. It has black eyes and a rounded snout. On top of its head is a rocky spine. As it grows older, it becomes more rounded and smoother, eventually becoming similar to black diamonds. Inside its brain is a magnet that serves as an internal compass, guiding Onix wherever they need to go and preventing them from getting lost while digging.

Onix tunnels under the ground at over 50 miles (80 kilometers) per hour, which causes tremors and a terrifying roar that echoes a long way. Hard objects encountered while tunneling are absorbed into its body, which makes it very sturdy. It also consumes the boulders for food. The massive, winding tunnels it leaves behind are used as homes by Diglett. As seen in the Pokémon Stadium series, Onix is capable of rotating its head, or any part of its body, in a full 360 degrees. It is a very aggressive Pokémon that will constantly attack humans and other Pokémon when in pain, as seen in the anime. As seen in the Pokémon Adventures manga, Onix can be separated from its body segments in battle and be fine later on, either regenerating or reattaching to its body segments. It is said that an Onix that lives for about 100 years will evolve into a Steelix after its composition becomes more diamond-like. It can be found in mountains and caves.


Main Pokémon games[]

Other Pokémon games[]

Super Smash Bros. series[]

Onix can be summoned via Poké Ball. Once thrown, it flies up into the sky and uses Rock Throw on the player's opponents. This will hit everyone on the field except Kirby if he uses his down special move.

Onix is the second Poké Floats to appear. It provides a horizontally flat area all the time it is on-screen, though it becomes diagonal as it leaves the screen.

Trophy descriptions[]

In the anime[]

Starting in Showdown in Pewter City, Brock used an Onix in his journeys in Kanto and Johto before giving it to his little brother, Forrest, for him to train in A Family That Battles Together Stays Together!. At some point before Grating Spaces!, it evolved into a Steelix.

Origin and inspiration[]

In-game information[]

Pokédex entries[]

Title Entry
First Pokémon generation
Pokémon Red and Blue As it grows, the stone portions of its body harden to become similar to a diamond, but colored black.
Pokémon Yellow Burrows at high speed in search of food. The tunnels it leaves are used as homes by Diglett.
Pokémon Stadium Its large body is over 26 feet long. Despite its size, it can squirm its way through the ground at 50 mph.
Second Pokémon generation
Pokémon Gold It twists and squirms through the ground. The thunderous roar of its tunneling echoes a long way.
Pokémon Silver It rapidly bores through the ground at 50 mph by squirming and twisting its massive, rugged body.
Pokémon Crystal As it digs through the ground, it absorbs many hard objects. This is what makes its body so solid.
Third Pokémon generation
Pokémon Ruby Onix has a magnet in its brain. It acts as a compass so that this Pokémon does not lose direction while it is tunneling. As it grows older, its body becomes increasingly rounder and smoother.
Pokémon Sapphire Onix has a magnet in its brain. It acts as a compass so that this Pokémon does not lose direction while it is tunneling. As it grows older, its body becomes increasingly rounder and smoother.
Pokémon Emerald There is a magnet in its brain that prevents an Onix from losing direction while tunneling. As it grows older, its body becomes steadily rounder and smoother.
Pokémon FireRed It usually lives underground. It searches for food while boring its way through the ground at 50 miles per hour.
Pokémon LeafGreen As it grows, the stone portions of its body harden to become similar to black-colored diamonds.
Fourth Pokémon generation
Pokémon Diamond When it travels underground, it causes rumbling and tremors. It can move at 50 mph.
Pokémon Pearl It squirms through the ground using its long and rugged body. It always eats while burrowing.
Pokémon Platinum It burrows through the ground at a speed of 50 mph while feeding on large boulders.
Pokémon HeartGold It twists and squirms through the ground. The thunderous roar of its tunneling echoes a long way.
Pokémon SoulSilver It rapidly bores through the ground at 50 mph by squirming and twisting its massive, rugged body.
Fifth Pokémon generation
Pokémon Black It burrows through the ground at a speed of 50 mph while feeding on large boulders.
Pokémon White It burrows through the ground at a speed of 50 mph while feeding on large boulders.
Pokémon Black 2 Opening its large mouth, it ingests massive amounts of soil and creates long tunnels.
Pokémon White 2 Opening its large mouth, it ingests massive amounts of soil and creates long tunnels.
Sixth Pokémon generation
Pokémon X Burrows at high speed in search of food. The tunnels it leaves are used as homes by Diglett.
Pokémon Y It usually lives underground. It searches for food while boring its way through the ground at 50 miles per hour.
Pokémon Omega Ruby Onix has a magnet in its brain. It acts as a compass so that this Pokémon does not lose direction while it is tunneling. As it grows older, its body becomes increasingly rounder and smoother.
Pokémon Alpha Sapphire Onix has a magnet in its brain. It acts as a compass so that this Pokémon does not lose direction while it is tunneling. As it grows older, its body becomes increasingly rounder and smoother.
Seventh Pokémon generation
Pokémon Let's Go
Burrows at high speed in search of food. The tunnels it leaves are used as homes by Diglett.
Pokémon Let's Go
Burrows at high speed in search of food. The tunnels it leaves are used as homes by Diglett.
Eighth Pokémon generation
Pokémon Sword As it digs through the ground, it absorbs many hard objects. This is what makes its body so solid.
Pokémon Shield It rapidly bores through the ground at 50 mph by squirming and twisting its massive, rugged body.
Pokémon Brilliant Diamond When it travels underground, it causes rumbling and tremors. It can move at 50 mph.
Pokémon Shining Pearl It squirms through the ground using its long and rugged body. It always eats while burrowing.
Pokémon Legends: Arceus This chain of immense stones resembles a giant serpent. Tremors shake the earth above as it burrows deep beneath the ground, feeding on boulders as it goes.

Game locations[]

Title Location(s)
First Pokémon generation
Pokémon Red and Blue
Rock Tunne, Victory Road
Pokémon Yellow
Rock Tunne, Victory Road
Second Pokémon generation
Pokémon Gold
Union Cave, Rock Tunne, Victory Road, Mt. Silver
Trade Bellsprout in Violet City
Pokémon Silver
Union Cave, Rock Tunne, Victory Road, Mt. Silver
Trade Bellsprout in Violet City
Pokémon Crystal
Union Cave, Rock Tunne, Victory Road, Mt. Silver
Trade Bellsprout in Violet City
Third Pokémon generation
Pokémon Ruby
Pokémon FireRed
Rock Tunne, Victory Road, Sevault Canyon
Pokémon LeafGreen
Rock Tunne, Victory Road, Sevault Canyon
Fourth Pokémon generation
Pokémon Diamond
Oreburgh Mine, Iron Island, Snowpoint Temple, Victory Road, Stark Mountain
Pokémon Pearl
Oreburgh Mine, Iron Island, Snowpoint Temple, Victory Road, Stark Mountain
Pokémon Platinum
Oreburgh Mine, Iron Island, Victory Road, Wayward Cave
Pokémon HeartGold
Union Cave, Rock Tunne, Victory Road, Mt. Silver, Cliff Cave
Trade Bellsprout in Violet City
Pokémon SoulSilver
Union Cave, Rock Tunne, Victory Road, Mt. Silver, Cliff Cave
Trade Bellsprout in Violet City
Fifth Pokémon generation
Pokémon Black
Relic Castle
Pokémon White
Relic Castle
Pokémon Black 2
Relic Passage, Twist Mountain, Clay Tunnel, Underground Ruins, Victory Road
Pokémon White 2
Relic Passage, Twist Mountain, Clay Tunnel, Underground Ruins, Victory Road
Sixth Pokémon generation
Pokémon X
Glittering Cave
Cyllage City (Rock Smash)
Friend Safari (Rock)
Pokémon Y
Glittering Cave
Cyllage City (Rock Smash)
Friend Safari (Rock)
Pokémon Omega Ruby
Granite Cave (hidden Pokémon)
Mirage Caves *
Pokémon Alpha Sapphire
Granite Cave (hidden Pokémon)
Mirage Caves *
Seventh Pokémon generation
Pokémon Ultra Sun
Ten Carat Hill (Island Scan, Tuesday)
Pokémon Ultra Moon
Ten Carat Hill (Island Scan, Tuesday)
Pokémon Let's Go
Mt. Moon, Rock Tunnel, Victory Road
Pokémon Let's Go
Mt. Moon, Rock Tunnel, Victory Road
Eighth Pokémon generation
Pokémon Sword
East Lake Axewell, Giant's Seat, Motostoke Riverbank
Rolling Fields (Wanderer)
Bridge Field, Dusty Bowl, Giant's Seat, Hammerlocke Hills, Rolling Fields, Stony Wilderness (Max Raid Battle)
Pokémon Shield
East Lake Axewell, Giant's Seat, Motostoke Riverbank
Rolling Fields (Wanderer)
Bridge Field, Dusty Bowl, Giant's Seat, Hammerlocke Hills, Rolling Fields, Stony Wilderness (Max Raid Battle)
Pokémon Brilliant Diamond
Iron Island, Snowpoint Temple, Oreburgh Mine, Victory Road, Stark Mountain
Grand Underground - Rocky Cave, Volcanic Cave, Sandsear Cave, Big Bluff Cavern, Typhlo Cavern
Pokémon Shining Pearl
Iron Island, Snowpoint Temple, Oreburgh Mine, Victory Road, Stark Mountain
Grand Underground - Rocky Cave, Volcanic Cave, Sandsear Cave, Big Bluff Cavern, Typhlo Cavern
Pokémon Legends: Arceus
Obsidian Fieldlands: Space-time distortions
Crimson Mirelands: near Scarlet Bog, near Diamond Settlement, near Lake Valor, massive mass outbreaks
Cobalt Coastlands: massive mass outbreaks
Coronet Highlands: Celestica Trail


Trade with Metal Coat.

Base Stats[]

Base Stats
HP 35
Attack 45
Defense 160
Sp. Attack 30
Sp. Defense 45
Speed 70
Total 285


Main article: Onix/moveset



Red Green
Red Blue

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Ruby Sapphire
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Fire Leaf
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Diamond Pearl

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Heart Soul
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Black White

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Black 2 White 2
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Pikachu Eevee

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Sword Shield

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Brilliant Diamond Shining Pearl
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Legends Arceus
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  • Onix is the heaviest and tallest unevolved Pokémon.
  • Onix is the only unevolved Pokémon that is used in the Pokémon World Tournament by Trainers beyond the right attendant, being used in all of Brock's teams.
  • The Onix line is the only multi-stage evolutionary family which can be completely acquired with in-game trades. However, this is only possible in Pokémon HeartGold and SoulSilver, in which the player can trade Bellsprout for Onix in Violet City, and any Pokémon for Steelix in Olivine City.