"Today's the day we are all gonna get our cutie marks in..."
Somepony's super excited about bowling.
"We won't even be the Cutie Mark Crusaders anymore!"
"That makes us sound like we've struck out."
Hmm, let me think of a better name.
"But there are three of us."
"The Bowling Dolls! That's it!"
Ponies and bowling lanes.
Sweetie Belle's turn to bowl.
Don't fail me, bowling ball.
Ah, whatever. It's just a game.
Sweetie Belle walking away happily.
The bowling ball takes a misleading turn.
Apple Bloom, trying to figure out how to hold the bowling ball.
I wonder what this tastes like?
That cannot be good for your jaw...
A testimonial for Equestrian dental health.
"Cool! A bowling cutie mark!"
At least SOMEPONY got their cutie mark.
What? I'm still a blank flank?!
So, that's who they're cheering for.
there it is making it's way to the pins...taking it's time
Didn't even jiggle the pin.
I don't think Apple Bloom agrees.
Apple Bloom looking miserable.
Maybe I can get my cutie mark in demolition.
At least her friends are happy.
A miserable Apple Bloom walking away.
Sweetie Belle thinks she knows exactly how to cheer up a sad Apple Bloom.
Here you go, Apple Bloom.
A party will cheer you up!
Pinkie checking for a smile.
Her friends' attempts to cheer her up.
Blow and Pinkie checking again for a smile.
You KNOW it's bad if a Pinkie Pie party doesn't lift your spirits...
She's much too sad, that even a new hat won't put even a small smile.
Scootaloo flew for all of two seconds!
Not even a new hat will cheer up a sad Apple Bloom.
When she's a sad apple, her bow deflates.
"It's just a cutie mark."
"Or a lack of a cutie mark."
"Shh! That's not helping!"
Where are you going, Apple Bloom?
"She'd be rolling down the mountain when she comes!"
So easy for a pony to have her tooth chipped?
"Well who is it that we have here?"
"Why it's Apple Bloom my dear."
Come with me, dear Apple Bloom.
Now she's Condaleeza Rice!
"Come with me, I have just the trick, that will fix you up quite quick."
Eh, I'll just follow her.
"Well, I'm gonna be as old as Granny Smith and still have a blank flank!"
"Your frustrations are well understood."
"But one must be patient for all things good."
"For your cutie mark, you will have to wait."
"We must fix that tooth before it's too late."
Apple Bloom drinking the tooth repairing potion
It instantly grows back! Looks a little freaky there, doesn't it?
"I bet you can mix up a brew..."
Zecora, heading out the door.
Apple Bloom is cute when she's in her "evil" self.
This is a free period where foals can play,chat,run or do anything this time.
Those fillies are so energetic.
"Apple Bloom! You got your cutie mark."
"You got your Cutie Mark!"
Apple Bloom is so proud of brand new cutie mark!
They see me cutie markin', they likin'.
Great cutie mark, but what is it?
"Is it an O? Is your talent spelling?!"
Those glasses look ridiculous.
We don't like this filly, one bit.
Puh-leez, nothing can beat our ah-mazing cutie marks!
"You ain't seen nothin' yet."
An animation glitch - her cutie mark shifts to near her knees as she rears up.
This filly doesn't know a thing about fancy cutie marks does she?
Possible Hudsucker Proxy reference?
Yahoo!She did it,she did it!
Now what are they watching?
I'm impressed, Apple Bloom!
Oh, it looks like somepony failed with the loop-de-hooping.
You can get your hoop back,it's not a problem.
Not everypony has Apple Bloom's talent.
Looks like another failures.
"Don’t worry, gals. Keep at it and you might get to be half as good as me!"
"You're too kind, Apple Bloom."
What a large mouth you have, Apple Bloom
Humans will never do that...
This is going to be great.
Only for advanced experts; got that, Diamond Tiara?
I will hire hitponies to deal with you.
I must go! My planet needs me!
Who knew that a hoop could lift a pony?
I guess Earth Ponies really were never meant to fly
"Ha! I guess that last trick was a lot of hoopla."
"Those cutie marks are fake!"
"Miss Cheerilee, have you heard of a pony..."
"...with two cutie marks?"
"I must say that I never have."
"But maybe Apple Bloom has two special talents."
"Oh yeah,lets see how you do that!"
Apple Bloom cringing with the plates.
Well, I guess those cutie marks "aren't" fake!
Two cutie marks? Two talents?
Oh, yeah! This is my one of my very special talents to blossom!
Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo, happy for their friend.
I should take this show on the road with Pinkie's one-pony band...
She's the most special filly ever!
"All right, everypony. You ready for a real show?"
"Yee-ha, little sis!" Wait, is that the American Gothic?
Whoa Apple Bloom, you look bushed as a turtle, you need bed rest!
"We're mighty proud of you."
Granny Smith was a spry young filly.
Big McIntosh after helping granny Smith with her charley horse.
"Why Apple Bloom, I think you're ready to hit the rodeo circuit right now!"
"Actually, I'm ready to hit the hay right now. I'm plumb tuckered!"
"I'll see y'all in the mornin'."
We are a traffic signal, right Big Mac?
Can't sleep with this noise.
"What in tarnation is that?..."
She'd better not be doin' what I think she's doin'...
...I told her not to use that old typewriter in the middle of the--
"What is all that awful..."
What the hay is goin' on with my lil' sister...?!
This is a big, BIG problem, and this is not awesome at all.
Trying the old trick of outpowering.
However, Cutie Pox grants a foal enough uncontrolled strength to repeately whack a full-sized mare ...
"I'm sorry Applejack, I have no idea how to make it stop."
... and throw her a couple meters away.
"Well I know somepony who might."
"Three cutie marks! Three talents!"
"I never seen anything like it."
"I was just reading something about unusual equine illnesses."
I have the book you're looking for.
"Yes Spike! You're amazing!"
"Yes, well, I do have some talents."
Cute diagram for Cutie Pox
"This puzzling pony plague afflicted a population of ponies back in the paleopony period!"
"Ha ha! It's funny 'cause it's hay, and you're horses and..."
"Random cutie marks appeared all over the ponies' bodies, causing them to perform all the talents that came with them!"
I'm juggling and I can't stop.
"It says here there's no known cure!"
"The cause of the breakout was never discovered, and the cutie pox disappears as mysteriously as they arrived!"
Apple Bloom joins Scouting
"Sacrebleu!" (Holy applefritter!)
"Plus de marques de cutie?" (A fourth cutie mark?)
At least I won't fail my French test next week.
Apple Bloom is shocked that she was able to speak French, perfectly.
"Qu'est-ce que c'est?! Je parle français?!" (What is this?! I speak French?!)
"Mah sister's speakin' in fancy!"
Yikes! This is a REALLY BIG problem.
Oh, dear. This is not good at all.
Where are you taking me, cutie mark?
The Birth of Venus. Pony version.
Aren't chimney sweeps supposed to sing?
Let me play you the music of my people!
Lions got nothing on Apple Bloom!
Somepony has to be mad to have lions around Ponyville.
Dang Nabbit! I should stick with golf.
"She just has some weird mysterious disease with no known cure called cutie pox."
"Cutie pox?!" Nice going, Spike.
And all was just silence.
Well, that was unexpected.
"I thought I had removed their fear, the last time that I visited here."
"But doors are barred and shutters shut, guess I should've stayed inside my hut."
Apple Bloom the mathematician.
Was your zebra sense a-tinglin'?
"My 'zebra sense' did not bring me round, it was a special flower that I needed found."
"I thought I picked enough to fix all the potions I had to mix, but after my visit from Apple Bloom, some had mysteriously left my room."
With all that strength, Apple Bloom should have already been in the Equestrian Games.
"Apple Bloom! What do you say? Did this flower just walk away?"
She must be hiding something.
I'm cleaning your windows up.
"Good thing we listened to the CDC and prepared for a nuclear attack."
"A cutie pox cure I have, forsooth, ..."
"...for healing power is in the..."
"The seeds of truth do hold the cure, but one must speak words, ..."
Tell them what you did, Apple Bloom.
"Well then let's get to it!"
Plant the seeds as fast as you can.
"Alright, they're planted."
"Now somepony tell the truth."
I've heard of "doing the twist," but this is ridiculous!
CDC fact: Only two in three ponies is adequately prepared for the hydrogen bomb.
"Yesterday I told Mrs. Cake that I ate two corn cakes, ..."
"...but I really ate three!"
Why so nervous Pinkie? Do you have something to hide?
"Wah, I can't stand it any more! It's me! I admit it! I didn't earn my cutie mark! They're all fake!"
"The burnt forehoof teaches best. After that, advice about fire goes to the heart." -- Shadowfax the Grey
"I figured the Heart's Desire would..."
"...help me get what I wanted most!"
"So when Zecora left her hut, ..."
"...I mixed up a special potion and put the rest of the Heart's Desire in it!"
The plant that grows from the Seeds of Truth.
Everypony oohs over the flower, which has just grown to the extent that it appears.
Her multiple cutie marks vanishing.
"I'm great, and I've never been happier to be a blank flank."
"But I'm awful sorry I lied, especially to you gals."
"I was so desperate for my cutie mark, I just got carried away."
"And I'm really sorry I snuck those flowers from you, Zecora. I- I wouldn't blame you if you never wanted me to come by again."
"Now, Apple Bloom, do not be silly."
"You are always welcome, my little filly."
"With each mistake you learn something new, ..."
"...growing up into a better you."
"Apple Bloom, would you mind writing to Princess Celestia and telling her what you've learned?"
Apple Bloom tells the lesson that she learned after all the cutie mark madness was over.
"I sure am proud of you, sis. Seems like you finally learned the importance of patience."
"All good things come to those who wait."
"Well! I've waited long enough."
So much for being patient.
"So what are we gonna do today to earn our cutie marks?"
"Well, I was thinking, for a pony who's never mixed up a potion before, you sure stirred up something fierce."
"Yeah! So, what if your talent is potion-making?"
"Oh my gosh, totally! Let's go talk to Zecora, now!"