"It's Winter Wrap Up day!"
Twilight getting annoyed by Spike's sleepiness.
Baby dragons need a lot of sleeping.
Twilight Sparkle's excited.
Twilight about to getting ready for Winter Wrap Up.
Twilight is quite obviously excited.
Precise landing into the booties!
"Like they do in Canterlot."
Twilight almost fully dressed.
Twilight struggling with her saddle.
I want to stay in this bed forever...
Twilight is ready for Winter Wrap Up!
Twilight seems as excited as a filly on Hearth's Warming.
"Spike refusing to get up and going back to sleep... CHECK."
"It's a good thing I'm so organized."
Twilight Sparkle: Always prepared!
Twilight, shocked because...
...it's still nighttime! And where's the snow?
Smiling because it's a little too early.
"Those must be the team vests Rarity designed."
Blue for the weather team,...
...green for the Plant team,...
...and tan for the animal team.
Twilight is carrying a sleeping Spike.
The ponies running to Winter Wrap Up.
The Mayor explains the situation.
Twilight is quite excited.
"Let's have the quickest Wrap Up ever!"
Cherry Berry and Berryshine in their vests.
Golden Harvest and Daisy look quite excited.
"And let's get galloping!"
"Three months of winter coolness, and awesome holidays!"
"We've kept our hoovsies warm at home, time off from work to play."
For a pony who can't sit still, Pinkie sure knows how to hold a pose.
"And even though I love my boots, this fashion's getting old..."
The time has come to welcome spring and all things warm and green
But it's also time to say goodbye; it's winter we must clean
How can I help? I'm new, you see. What does everypony do?
How do I fit in without magic? I haven't got a clue!
Cheerilee appears for the first time, wearing a green vest.
"'Cause tomorrow spring is here!"
Bringing home the southern birds
And clearing all the gloomy skies
And we melt the white snow.
When the sun comes up, its warmth and beauty will glow!
Cheerilee, the second appearance, again with a green vest. She,
Coco Crusoe, and Cherry Berry are delivering nest-making materials to ponies' houses.
Rarity is going to make nests
Rarity and her team singing along to Winter Wrap Up.
Little critters hibernate under the snow and ice
We wake up all their sleepy heads
We help them gather up their food
We welcome back the southern birds so their families can grow!
No easy task to clear the ground
With proper care and sunshine, everyone it feeds
Apples, carrots, celery stalks, colorful flowers too
We must work so very hard
Now that I know what they all do.
And help with all of my heart, tough task ahead I face.
How will I do without my magic? Help the Earth pony way?
I want to belong so I must do my best today, do my best today!
Two Sweetie Drops? And two copies of two other ponies?
Twilight: "Cause tomorrow spring is here!"
And that is the end of our song.
"How about if I help clear out the clouds?"
Rainbow Dash heading out.
The singing has stopped... time to go back to sleep...
"Come on, Spike! This is serious business! Winter needs to be wrapped up, and I'm determined to do my part!"
Rarity is finishing a nest when Twilight Sparkle approaches her.
"Rarity, please tell me there's something, anything, I can help you with."
"Well, how would you like to help create Ponyville's finest birds' nests?"
"When the weather team guides the birds back north for the spring, they'll need a place to live and lay their eggs."
"Would you like to try your hoof at a nest?"
Twilight organizes her materials.
Rarity tries to teach Twilight how to make a nest.
Ooh my, that is not how it is done.
"That nest needs to be condemned."
"Oh, Spa-ha-hike, it's not so bad..."
"Maybe the birds could use it as a..."
"Let me lend you a hoof."
Rarity remaking Twilight's nest.
Pinkie Pie is a natural at ice-skating.
She's such a natural, she can do it on her head.
Twilight skating for the first time.
Ice is freezing cold Twilight.
Spike finds it hilarious!
"Twilight, you did a great job your first time around. I'm sure my first time was just as wobbly and bobbly and crasheriffic as yours."
"But did I make you feel better?"
"I think you'll be super awesome at something that keeps your hooves on the ground."
"I know, Fluttershy could probably use your help with the critters."
"Well, I'm pretty good with little animals."
"Aren't they? This is my favorite task the whole season, when I get to see all my little animal friends again."
"Uh, what's hibernation?"
"It's like... a long sleep."
"Wake up, little porcupines."
"Animals often hibernate through the winter to save their energy and eat less food."
"I definitely like the idea of hibernation, uh, except for the 'eat less food' part."
Porcupines need hugs too.
The price of a good porcupine hug.
"Oh, would you just look at all these warrens and dens?"
"I'm worried that I won't be able to wake up every animal before spring comes."
Twilight decides to help out!
Twilight, waking up some animals.
"Hello? Wake up little friends, wherever you are. Spring is coming!"
"I wonder which cute little furry creatures I've awoken."
Snakes! Why did it have to be snakes!
♩ A snake/A snake/Snaaaaaake/It's a snaaaake/Ooooh, it's a snaaaake...
Bats! Why did it have to be bats!
Bees! My Celestia. Not the bees! Not the bees!
Skunks! Why, Celestia, whyyyyyy?!
Spike, giving Twilight a tomato bath.
"Ponyville has never needed magic to wrap up winter."
"Well, they never had you here before either. Think how much quicker they could wrap up winter with your magic."
Applejack directing the plant team.
"Well, I'd like to help."
"Well, I...I dunno Twilight."
"Well, I never turn down a hard worker but-"
It...wouldn't be that bad if I used a spell to animate the snow-plow, right?
Twilight in a pile of snow.
Hm? Egghead outrunning earth pony farmers?
How do you think this will end?
"What's going on? Wha'd'ya do? You used magic, didn't you?"
Two for the price of one.
I think they might be angry...
"The nerve. Can you believe her?"
Please Applejack I just want to help : '(
Twilight runs off in shame.
Derpy lookalike with a blue team's vest.
"Come on, Twilight, come on out."
"I'm a winter mess up."
"Well, you're good at a lot of things, just not nest-making, ice-skating, animal-waking, snow-clearing..."
"Thanks a lot for making me feel so much better."
"That's what I'm here for, sister."
"Rainbow Dash, y'all on the weather team need to melt the rest of the snow here on the ground and the trees, pronto."
"Wait. My poor little animals' homes will get flooded if the snow melts too fast."
Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash, arguing.
"I'm tellin' ya, Rainbow, you gotta melt that snow ."
"NO! You simply must wait!"
"Ugh! Make up your minds!"
"What in Equestria are you arguing about? No wonder we were late last year, and the year before that, and the year before that..."
The Mayor is gonna talk to them
"I mean, just look at this catastrophe!"
"The ice scorers made the ice chunks to big to melt."
"We need several hundred nests and she's only made one!"
"I can't fix it! I've lost a patient!"
"And don't get me started on..."
"...the clouds in the sky..."
"...the icicles in the trees..."
"It's gonna be a disaster if we cant get our seeds planted."
"Chillax, Applejack. We're bustin' our chops as fast as we can."
"No, not fast. We have to wake animals slowly."
"Oh, good gravy. Caramel lost the grass seeds again, didn't he?"
Ditzy Doo accidentally went north to get the southern birds!"
"Oh, that featherbrain! Didn't she learn her lesson last year when she went west?"
"Stop this at once! We don't have time to argue!"
"Another year of scandal and shake!"
"If only we could be more..."
"Spike, get my checklist and clipboard!"
Magically enhanced birdcall
Arguing is NOT the answer.
"You ponies need... organization!"
Everypony knows what, where, and when to do.
Twilight, Pinkie and Spike, watching the ponies skate.
The lake scorers are organized
Ice skaters have an effective plan
Noteworthy, helping out on the farm..
Applejack, supervising her team.
Watching her little animal friends.
Signal Rainbow Dash please.
The Pegasi, clearing the clouds.
... Flying through the thick clouds.
Clearing the grey filled skies.
A clear sky has been revealed.
There's Celestia's sun, once again.
Green fields are nice again.
Even Spike is helping out. :D
Looks like the Mayor is tired.
The southern birds are back.
Cute turtles can now swim along in the ponds.
Caramel looks like he's taking a quick nap.
A beautiful Spring scene.
The Mayor thanking Twilight.
"And since you helped every team..."
"...we have an official vest for you."
"We give you the title 'All-Team Organizer'!"
Twilight wearing her All Team Organizer vest
"Winter is officially wrapped up!"
He's gonna have a surprise when that last block melts.
HA! Child abuse is funny! What's that? None of you are laughing?
Spike is now snot-ridden with a cold.
Adorkable Twilight laughing.