Oh, my Celestia! What is that?
Rarity's reflection on the fire ruby.
"Uh, you guys don't mind."
The cuteness of being dazed.
Rarity snapped out of her daze.
This is going to be a good treat
The fire ruby has indeed a sharp point on the bottom.
Can't you take a hint, Spike?
Twilight is too focused sorting books.
Huh, I do taste like marshmallows?
Rarity pondering about the fire ruby and looks adorable in the process.
Spike, you can't say no to those adorable eyes.
Spike, be generous, like
Rarity is not lying about the magnificence of the fire ruby.
Rarity's grace is coming.
I'm not trying to manipulate Spike! Be quiet!
No! I'm not taking advantage! Stop saying that!
Come on
Spike, be a good dragon and give it to
herSpike give Rarity his heart shaped ruby
I don't know what to say!
Rarity is pleased with Spike's gift.
Well since Rarity is happy then Spike is happy.
And there was much rejoicing.
And to think I just wanted him not to eat it!
"That's one of the kindest, most generous things you've ever done."
Spike in pure bliss. "I am never washing this cheek again."
Okay, why does Twilight have that devilish look on her face?
Everything looks perfect.
Ready to clean that cheek.
I'm just going to take a peek just to make sure Twilight isn't planning anything that will result in chaos.
Ooooooh...great she caught me.
Spike couldn't avoid Twilight any longer.
One dirty cheek that was.
Presents from Applejack, Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, and Rarity.
So many presents that our little dragon cannot carry them all.
Spike is pretty dumbfounded by the number of gifts he received.
"You get presents on your birthday?"
"This is my first birthday in Ponyville."
Spike: I usually just get one present...From Twilight...a book.
Rarity presenting her new cape.
This is one of the most lovely designs I've ever made in Equestria.
Rarity is now just pure cuteness. No really!!!
Spike is wondering- "Uh cool...I think."
Yes. I believe so, thanks to Spike who gave it to me.
Uh, Rarity, did you make the necklace all by yourself?
Doesn't it just look lovely on me?
Is Spike happy or thinking with his stomach?
And I am very grateful to him.
Spike with his new blanket.
And boy does Spike love it.
They say a party can't be complete without party hats.
Pinkie feels kind of jolly.
Looks like Pinkie gave quite a startle to Applejack and Spike, and Twilight.
"Cause the Cakes said they have a special surprise for you!"
"Cause it's your birthday!"
"The party couldn't last forever!!"
Here's the dragon of the hour!
Ta-da, our gift to you Spike.
A jewel among pastry desserts, the Sapphire Cupcake.
The Cakes' present to Spike.
A joyous Spike that he's not watching where's he's going.
Yeah I caught my gem encrusted birthday gift.
And she's a teacher, why?
Aww, my fruits and vegetables.
Wait, what was I doing again?
Cheerilee has a gift for Spike
Hold on, let me just find it in here.
Cheerilee gives Spike a pimp hat.
"WOW!" Says the young birthday dragon.
So happy he doesn't even wonder why Ponyville's school teacher is buying such clothes.
Thank you so much Cheerilee.
Spike now wishes everyday was his birthday.
Did I ruin a moment? Sorry!
Spike having some conflicting thoughts.
Spikely Whiplash has returned!
Spike that sneaky little Fox.
Junebug getting a nice drink of water.
Uh oh! It looks like Spike has that scary plan grin!
Awww, Junebug looks so cute.
Asking Junebug for a gift.
"Aren't you gonna give me something?"
Junebug, with baskets of flowers.
How about those flowers I'd have little use for?
Junebug wondering- "Ok...weird."
Oh you were so close Spike.
"I think Spike might've gotten a little carried away."
A super cute close up of a super cute Junebug.
"You're out here demanding gifts now!?"
Spike had a minor epiphany, not sure it'll do him any good though.
"Thanks for snapping me out of it."
"I'd better go give Cheerilee her hat back."
Twilight is very pleased with Spike.
What a long arm Spike suddenly has.
Sucker! BWAHAHAHA! Who else has a present for Spikely Whiplash?!
Twilight just woke up and looks cute in the process.
Twilight having a morning stretch.
Spike's new blanket, full of items!
This baby dragon was smaller yesterday.
Twilight backing away from Spike.
At least Spike got his hat off.
Spike inspecting himself.
Spike checking out his claws.
Spike notices that cool globe.
Spike likes what he sees.
Twilight sees some weird stuff.
Ooooh nice globe, nice globe.
The cutest ear drops can come from Twilight.
Big stash you got there Spike
Twilight with that cute effort face.
Twilight making sure the book is okay.
Ah don't snatch the book like that!
Twilight's on top of the world!
This isn't weird at all, Twilight.
Twilight with a cute greeting expression.
Twilight there's no need to lie about Spike's grabby habit.
Spike sees some weird stuff.
Spike being treated like a youngster.
Spike hissing at the Pediatrician.
Looks like something's coming.
"What do you think, Doctor?"
Cute ear drops and now a cute worry face...is there any other adorable trait that Twilight can make?
What?! A vet? But he isn't just a pet, he is my No 1 assistant!
" Hm, well I'm flummoxed."
"You bring me a dog, I've got it diagnosed in seconds."
"Snake even faster." This is the funniest line in the entire episode.
"I've never seen a real live dragon before."
He-he, just look at my collection.
Spike being enticed by the golden pocket watch.
What a spooky grin Spike has.
Looks like Spike is outsizing the ponies, even this zebra.
"Of this fact I am quite sure."
Another cute ear drop from the adorable Twilight.
"So he's just growing up?"
Soo, what you're saying is?
Spike cleaned out the hut FAST.
If only Twilight can see her face right now.
Not usually a good idea to play tug of war with a dragon
Spike sees the cool broom.
That incredible, amazing BROOM!
Don't make him greedy - you won't like him when he's greedy.
Ha, Spike got stuck, laugh out loud.
Good thing the door didn't fly off it's hinges.
"Fight all you want, I'm not letting you out!"
Cute and worried, so cute worried face I guess.
Spike is king of the hill or a pile of books.
Twilight slamming the door shut.
Twilight takes a moment to reflect.
WHOA...computer emergency!!!
You might as well go check Twilight.
Twilight is taking in how much her insurance rate will sky rocket.
Who stole my apples and leaves?
No I'm serious Applejack.
She's not kidding, Applejack...
Applejack and her green mustache
Twilight holding on side of the rope..
..While, Applejack holds the other side.
Spike almost missed an apple.
These are my apples! Got that?
Rainbow hears the cries of her friends.
Well this is embarrassing...
Laugh out loud, Rainbow Dash, laugh out loud.
Applejack looks a little too mad to lie.
"Sounded like Fluttershy to me."
Fluttershy hiding in a tree.
Hey, did you hear that? I think I heard Pinkie Pie yelling. Let's go check it out.
Dang talk about a close call.
"Pinkie Pie, stop giving him cake!"
"I'm not giving him cake! I'm ASSAULTING him with cake!"
Pinkie Pie confessed in committing assault so Twilight has to tell Pinkie her Miranda rights.
And Pinkie fell flat on her face.
Your Spike has evolved into Godzilla.
"He's completely out of control! Who knows where he'll go next!"
Spike, just what are you looking at, there?
Admiring her cape, and the pony that made it
As Ponyville citizens don hazmat suit under a
disease outbreak, an air raid siren wouldn't be surprising.
Amethyst Star and Berryshine running away from Spike
Oh no! The water tower exploded! RUN!!!!
Anger battle! Dun dun dun!!!!!
It'll blow your mane back
Fluttershy is wondering why Rarity wet her hair and then rode a motorcycle
No! I'm about to break the "longest hair" record!
Rainbow Dash demands that Spike releases Rarity.
Meanwhile, Fluttershy politely asks to release Rarity.
Spike smash puny good cop/bad cop routine!
Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash, fail
Here we come to save the day!
Wonderbolts to the Rescue
Spike is wondering what hit him.
Perfect. Is what the beast is thinking.
Their only successful contribution
The Wonderbolts having trouble when rescuring Rarity... sounds
"Is a crime against fashion!"
Even when Rarity is angry she still looks cute.
Huh? What is he looking at?
Rarity is connecting the thoughts of the beast.
... by my dear friend Spikey-Wikey
most generous dragon ever.
It's too precious to me to give to a greedy dragon like you!
"I... I don't know what to say. This is just so generous."
Where did all the body mass go?
Why yes I was the rampaging dragon.
*inserts Ganon's "die" phrase*
C'mon keep up Fluttershy.
Rarity seems to agree with Rainbow Dash.
Rarity quickly notices her Spikey-Wikey.
Spike catches sight of something.
Yes, you did that
Spike has remorse for what the beast did.
"Spike, I just have to tell you how absolutely proud I am of you."
When Rarity says yes she means yes.
"It was you who stopped..."
"W-well you, from destroying Ponyville"
Rarity just looks epic in this shot.
Rarity showing off her happy grace.
Twilight can't wait to get her cape.
How lovely! The lavender Unicorn says to herself.
Pinkie Pie gets her cape.
Rainbow Dash admiring her cape.
I've learned a very important lesson: Never sell insurance to someone in Ponyville.
Sometimes being in trouble could be worthwhile.