A nice morning in Ponyville.
Sleepy head, baby dragon, as usual.
Twilight pulls Spike's blanket off while singing.
Way too early for Spike to sing.
Wake me when I have my first lines in this episode.
A cheery unicorn in the morning.
Who's this happy unicorn in front of the library?
Dancing and twirling about?
Twilight singing in broad daylight.
Pause for dramatic scaling.
Truly singing her heart out!
A bright and beautiful day!
Truly a town of small folk.
"There's the mayor en route to her office."
Twilight passes by the mayor.
"There's the sofa clerk selling some quills."
"My Ponyville is so gentle and still."
Twilight getting ready to dance.
Twilight can tap dance and mime castanets!
The waiter can really dance!
Morning in Ponyville shines
How did those Crystal ponies get there?
This is going to be the best day ever!
Twilight getting splashed down by heavy rain
"It was a stupid song anyway, but still..."
"Rainbow Dash, that's not funny!"
Well, she does sound like G3 Rainbow Dash...
Rarity with Rainbow Dash's cutie mark, and so it begins.
Rain and snow over Ponyville.
Happy Rarity is happy. The rest of Ponyville is not.
Ponies crowd around Rarity to complain about the weather she created.
Something is seriously not right here.
Mobbed by not so happy ponies.
"Rarity had Rainbow Dash's cutie mark and said this was Rainbow Dash's cottage!"
"Something strange is going on."
Rainbow Dash is a lot more timid than usual.
"Rainbow Dash, what's going on? Why is Rarity doing your job?"
Uh-oh, gotta get back inside.
"And what is going on in...here?!"
Rainbow Dash trying to take care of the animals. It's not going so well.
The animal situation is under control... in her mind, at least.
Maybe Gummy thought Rainbow Dash was Pinkie Pie as well? Why else is he in her cottage?
Animation error: Dash has her standard cutie mark
Pinkie Pie never put me in cages.
So much to do with these critters.
Presenting the all-new curtain shredder!
I'll kill you for not picking me as your pet in 'May the Best Pet Win'!
Poor Rainbow Dash. She knows nothing about animals except tortoises.
"It has to be my destiny..."
Ever since I got knocked out during a race in Cloudsdale and only survived by falling on a bunch of butterflies, my cutie mark has been steering me toward a career in animal control!
Aww no, less than 20 minutes to fix this, transform, and attend my own coronation.
View of Sugarcube Corner before Twilight goes inside.
Fluttershy's taking a deep breath.
Fluttershy struggles to inflate this balloon.
Oh dear, it got quite big, didn't it?
Even when doing something as simple as deflating or inflating a balloon, Fluttershy manages to be adorable.
Fluttershy's nervous grin.
Fluttershy trying to entertain the crowd.
The best party pony is introverted and shy, right?
Fluttershy is the best introverted party pony.
Can't blame the cute Pegasus for trying her best.
Fluttershy smiling...the world is going to explode because of this.
The ponies are being entertained by somepony else, who could it be?
Spike, you better stop dancing now!
Oh Fluttershy, you're not that good at this.
I know it matches my color scheme, but...
Ever since I fell off that cloud and my whole class laughed at me, it's been my destiny to act as comic relief!
What's going on at Sweet Apple Acres?
Pinkamena threatens to turn apples into cupcakes if they don't come down from that tree.
Apple farm...Rock farm...She's not cut out for farm life.
Falling down and looking cute in the process.
I'm just not fit for this type of work.
Why is this egg on my head?
Since when does Pinkie Pie have what looks like intangibility?
Not really a good choice for somepony who likes artificial sugar more.
I've worked at Sweet Apples Acre most of my life. They needed an extra farmhand, and for various reasons I always ended up being the only pony available.
"It doesn't look like much" is an understatement.
"I'm under some distress"
"Could y'all give me a hand here?"
"My destiny is not pretty."
Applejack's dresses look like they were designed for the earth ponies in the
Hearth's Warming Eve pageant.
I guess sewing is depressing if it's not your special talent.
This is pretty much the worst cutie mark switch, both in terms of talent and color.
I was stuck in Manehattan, homesick, then I heard the Oranges mention that the owner of the Carousel Boutique was looking for an apprentice.
Rarity's in the middle of a tornado, and for once she's not worrying about her hair.
Having a hard time with the sky.
"I'm in love with weather patterns."
Celestial light shining down on Rarity.
Some ponies with a very bad sunburn
Oh if you stay cold too long, you may get frostbite.
But it has to be my destiny.
First shot with Rarity in black background.
Yes, it's what my cutie mark is telling me!
"This is bad. This is very, very bad!"
"What's going on? Why is this happening?!"
"Last night when you were taking one of your seven-hour bubble baths..."
"I got a special delivery from the princess."
Mail pony: "Please sign here." Twilight: "Nah." Poor mail pony.
Opening Princess Celestia's package.
Hmm, let's see what we got here.
"Dear Twilight Sparkle, the spell contained on the last page of this book is Star Swirl the Bearded's secret unfinished masterpiece."
Twilight is so loving this.
"He was never able to get it right."
"And thus abandoned it. I believe you are the only pony who can understand and re-write it."
Skimming through the pages.
That adorable face of wonder.
"From one to another, another to one. A mark of one's destiny singled out alone, fulfilled."
The Elements shuffling through the colors.
"That doesn't make any sense. It doesn't even rhyme!"
"It doesn't even rhyme!" You're kidding right!? No really...you're kidding right!?
I'll figure it out tomorrow.
And now, I somehow screwed up. Again.
There is no counter spell!
Oh solution please be in here.
Star Swirl the Bearded book
Staring contest of depression. Betcha she would win.
"They're not who they're meant to be anymore."
"Their destinies are now changed, and it's all my fault."
Twilight sadly returns to her room.
"I've got to find a way..."
"To make this all okay..."
At least in all the chaos the clouds are perfectly aligned?
Dilapidated Sweet Apple Acres.
One of many ruined apple trees.
I'm not cut out for this...
Rarity with the nice wet hair look.
Rarity's sad in the rain.
Is it a maker or a monster in the mirror?
What use is there of Carousel Boutique when a bad designer is running it?
Poor Rainbow Dash. She is so cute when she's sad.
Animals causing more havoc. (Also
Gummy is here! Wonder why?)
All the ponies are sad and angry without Pinkie Pie.
A sad and dull Ponyville.
"Oh, Spike... What have I done?"
Twilight Sparkle staring out the window.
Spike: Always positive, somewhat delusional.
Twilight being comforted by Spike.
I do not wish to be comforted.
Twilight becomes determined.
Huh? Since when did I take this picture?
Twilight looks to her friends for inspiration.
The Element of Cuteness is one of the most powerful ones.
A shiny Twilight appeared!
Um, Twilight, why are you glowing?
"I've got it! I know what to do!"
Determined to set things R-I-G-H-T!
Twilight puts on her big crowny thing.
Spike's happy to be carrying the chest containing the elements.
Spike, have you grown invisble wings?!
A gloomy town with a gloomy checkered cloud pattern.
...are hopeless. Now gimmie your money.
Apparently Sweetie Drops does not appreciate being everyone's No.3 background character.
Um...I just saw something awful.
I'm moving back to Cloudsdale
I don't know what's wrong
I simply just cannot make anypony laugh.
Twilight and Spike wonder if Fluttershy actually forgot about her '
yay' trick.
Don't be blue, you're yellow.
...we have less than 15 minutes, so let's get moving already!!!
Be quiet, you're cute, you know everything.
But I don't know much about animals.
Fluttershy knows a lot of things about Rainbow Dash.
"I know that she's a true friend."
Carrier Spike, at your service!
...Rainbow must be training Timber Wolves, Parasprites, both Ursas, a Hydra, and a dragon all at the same time.
Never a good sign when mice start wielding forks.
"Can't you use some sort of spell to get her out?"
Fluttershy wants to help her friend, but isn't sure how.
"You're the only one who can help."
Animals are definitely not her special talent.
I haven't seen it, but is this what Littlest Pet Shop is like?
What am I supposed to do?
It's official...the bear has gone loco in the coco.
"Listen, mice are supposed to be mainly herbivores..."
"You like giving Rainbow Dash, a hard time."
The squirrels stop wreaking havoc.
Listen to Dear Old Flutter!
Twilight and Spike sharing smiles.
Free delicious salad at exactly five bits!
The animals eating some greens.
Getting some crunchy acorns.
Hey guys, they're still at it!
"Wouldn't you like to take a break?"
Eh, why not? It's not like we can skin the pony with a butter knife.
"I guess you were all just cranky...
because you were hungry!"
Angel nuzzles Fluttershy.
Good to see that the bear loves Fluttershy.
The bear is happy he'll be getting more
"Goodness, it's like I can understand them!"
And can anypony guess what is in this box we have here today? It's...
Twilight running towards Fluttershy
"I... I feel strange, like... like this is what I'm meant to do, like this is who I am!"
Yes you are who you are and by that you are who you are...?
Twilight is about to put the blue Element of Kindness on Fluttershy
Those eyes are a bit scary.
She's the only one to remember Discord, huh?
...Oh, Fluttershy, you ate the butterflies. No, wait...
"Oh, I'm so happy you're back to normal!"
Just looking at the singing pony.
"A friend will be there."
Fluttershy: Thank you, Twilight.
Twilight: You're welcome, Fluttershy.
Can you get me out of this thing, please?
Rainbow Dash is now free.
Rainbow Dash being told about Rarity.
You do remember how to fly, right?
...it's official, we might have two Winter Wrap Ups this year. Only it won't be only for winter.
"What did I do to deserve this?!"
Alright, who's playing chess?
I have no idea what I'm doing.
Wait. Who turned on the sun?
Dashie is rediscovering her true talent, in 10 seconds flat.
Phew, all done here. Kicking clouds is 20% cooler than caring for animals.
Twilight is helping Rainbow's necklace on.
Downloading Rainbow Dash…
Glad to have you back, soldier.
"There's no time to explain."
"Applejack needs your help!"
Applejack is trying to do something so out of her normal character.
AJ's making dresses and repeating some-almost Hearths Warming Eve's Memes!
Why are you looking at me like that?
Rainbow Dash giving Rarity a warm smile.
Applejack is trying hard.
...Oh, this is the set of Cindarella, right?
Silly Jackie, you're supposed to look before you leap.
Gathering some needed fabrics.
Twilight got rid of the fashion disasters.
Finishing up with thread.
Wow, she's working up a storm.
Applejack with that cute face of wonder.
Hey, what's this? (And how come her magic aura is a different color than her spirit?)
Memory Restoration Process Commencing...
The night she'd rather forget.
She and her sister developed a really close bond.
Remembering her cat, who probably needs to be fed.
Glad to have Rarity back.
Maybe I'm still having it.
Good to have you back...oh wait, you're not much of a soldier, are you?
"We need Applejack's help."
Well we can't let that happen, now can we?
Why does Applejack look a little dumbfounded?
You were determined to help, now let me tell you you have to do all of the work!
Still trying her best to fix the water chute.
Applejack and Pinkie smiling.
Applejack helping Pinkie buck some apples.
Apple Bloom helps by planting the seeds.
Applejack rediscovers her destiny.
Rarity and Rainbow Dash glad to have Applejack back.
"Now that's more like it."
Townspeople, furious, Pinkie! No time to explain! We just gotta make lazy old Pinkie Pie annoying again!
Get the old Pinkie Pie back!
A worried-looking Pinkie Pie... Or Pinkamena Diane Pie.
Glad to see Sassaflash and Caramel broke up. Now Applejack has a chance. :)
A cute but sad moment! Haven't seen this on Pinkie in awhile!
The arguing ponies notice Pinkie standing nearby.
Put a smile on their faces, girl!
Pinkie's regaining her curls
LET'S PARTY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Oh, sure. Pinkie Pie gets a parade/party. What does everypony else get?
"Helps a friend in need."
A true true friend makes a nice stand to help you look awesome.
Everypony group hug inside the big pink thingy!
Epiphany is in the eye of the beholder.
"Wait a second, that's it!"
"I know how to fix the spell."
Twilight has the answer...something we all know.
This Be The Verse That Sets Me Free!
With thy quill, thou shall write!
"From all of us together, together we are friends."
"With the marks of our destinies made one, there is magic without end!"
Rainbow Dash looking at her element with a look of question.
Rainbow Dash used Flame Thrower!
Pinkie Pie used Hydro Pump!
Twilight used Selfdestruct! It's super effective!
Twilight with that here we go again face.
Did I pass through a portal to the Pokémon world sometime during Morning in Ponyville?
It's okay, it's okay, be positive.
Oh my Celestia! They killed Twilight!
Congratulations, Twilight Sparkle. You're dead.
"You've just crossed over into…the Twilight Zone…"
Is this the Twilight Zone?
A plane that is neither Space nor Purgatory but restricted to the most Magical of Ponies.
Princess Celestia brings forth the book!
"The lessons you've learned here in Ponyville have taught you well."
"You have proven that you're ready."
Twilight's lesson gallery.
"Every move you make, every step you take, I'll be watchin' you…"
The start of something new.
Awww, we didn't expect cutenness power in this here episode, did we?
"And your new life has begun!"
"To go where you will go,"
"To see what you will see."
"To find what you will be"
"For it's time for you...to fulfill your destiny!"
The last appearance of UniTwi
Do you believe in miracles?
A giant Twilight cutie mark (with one too many white stars)!
Twilight reaches the ground and...
Mere seconds from opening up her wings.
Full body reveal of Alicorn Twilight Sparkle.
Congratulations! Your Unicorn has evolved into Alicorn!
Everypony watching in awe.
Twilight checking out her new wings.
"Wha...I, I've never seen anything like it!"
Omigoshomigosh- omigoshomigosh- OMIGOSH!
"Ha! Twilight's got wings!"
...Wait, where is Pink...
"You've become an Alicorn!"
" I didn't even know that was possible."
Alicorn Princess Pinkie Pie.
Fluttershy is wearing her element! Weird 🐎+🐦= Alicorn!
Note: Bronies are throwing pies at your faces right now, Hasbro.
Alicorn Twilight is taking this pretty well.
Presenting, 71% of da world!
And I'm consuming it! *Gulp,gulp*
Pinkie Pie doing a spit take.
Princess Celestia's hoof quiets Twilight.
"Since you've come to Ponyville..."
"...you've displayed the charity, compassion..."
"...devotion, integrity, optimism..."
"...and of course, the leadership of a true princess."
Fully understanding she's a true princess.
"But...does this mean I won't be your student anymore?"
"Not in the same way as before. I'll still be here to help and guide you, but we're all your students now, too."
"You are an inspiration to us all, Twilight."
The new ruler of Equestria! ...At least, she will be.
"But...what do I do now? Is there a book about being a princess I should read?"
"There will be time for all of that later."
Twilight: Gotta keep those ponies happy!
"We are gathered here today in celebration of a momentous occasion."
"My most faithful student, Twilight Sparkle, has done many extraordinary things since she's lived in Ponyville."
"She even helped reunite me with my sister..."
"But today, Twilight Sparkle did something extraordinary. She created new magic, proving without a doubt..."
"...that she is ready to be crowned Equestria's newest princess."
"Fillies and gentlecolts, may I present for the very first time..."
"Princess Twilight Sparkle!"
Canterlot guards and Standard Heralds.
Walking up toward her destiny!
Moments from placing the crown on Twilight's head.
Can't Twilight put her own crown on her own head?
The four princesses of Equestria
...alright, I can walk on flat ground now.
Cadance, don't be shy! Come on out!
"Say something, princess."
Princess Twilight Sparkle clears throat.
"...my teacher and mentor Princess Celestia sent me to live in Ponyville."
"She sent me to study friendship."
"Which is something I didn't really care much about."
"But now, on a day like today..."
"...I can honestly say I wouldn't be standing here..."
"...if it weren't for the friendships I've made with all of you."
"Each one of you taught me something about friendship."
"I will always be grateful."
"Today, I consider myself the luckiest pony in Equestria. Thank you, friends. Thank you, everypony!"
Twilight meeting up with her BBBFF.
"Liquid pride. Totally different thing."
"Best coronation day EVER!!!"
Hug No.4 soon after 3! (And this is what, the first shot where all the friends are together, and Fluttershy is flying, and Rainbow Dash is on the ground)
The abandoned Carousel Boutique.
Rarity would have a fit if she saw this.
The not so well-to-do Sweet Apple Acres farm.
And a million voices cried "Ruined Forever!"
Behold, Hasbro's newest princess, complete with a Pony Princess Hash Tag!
Screenshot from the episode.
The first of two wallpapers unlocked for getting the Crystal Crown in
Racing is Magic on Hubworld.
Most Controversial Commercial Of The Year Award? Yeah, this will probably win.
Front of Princess Twilight with Tara Strong
Rarity doing Rainbow Dash's job
Twilight's becoming an Alicorn
You look just like a princess...
Twilicorn GetGlue sticker
A post on Daniel Ingram's Facebook page regarding the scoring of Magical Mystery Cure.
Twilight Sparkle, in an advertisement by the Hub.