Overview of the Crystal Empire's train station.
Business as usual for the train station.
The Mane Six arriving at the Crystal Empire.
"...But, to be honest, I'm a little nervous too."
It's like you wanna jump up and down and yell "YAY ME!!"
"But you also wanna curl up in a teeny-tiny ball..."
"...and hide at the same time!"
"I'm there almost every day."
"You've got no reason to fret, Twi. Everything's gonna be just..."
Look at all that dreadful dirt down there.
Did you see all that dreadful dirt?!
"Just feel a little self-conscious about wearing it."
"Haven't really gotten accustomed to these yet, either."
Curses! I did it perfectly at my coronation.
...But at that time, I was gliding on the narrativium energies of the song number.
Don't worry, Twilight. You'll get used to your new wings.
"You are a princess now, Twilight. Embrace it!" (It's great to have a very best
Alicorn friend.)
"If I had a crown like that I'd never take it off."
"I'd go to Nightmare Night as a princess or something."
I can completely believe that.
The Crystal Empire throne room.
Wow, I'm not used to this.
"Her highness, Princess Twilight Sparkle!"
"I haven't seen you since the coronation!"
"We have so much to discuss. But it can wait until tomorrow."
"You all look tired from your journey. Now, off to bed, all of you."
Twilight, getting out her crown.
Princess or just Twilight?
"What's wrong, Twilight?"
"I don't know, Spike. I'm just... worried, I guess."
"What if now that I'm a princess, Celestia expects me to lead a kingdom of my own?" You do now, Twi!
"Just because I have this crown and these wings, it doesn't mean I'll be a good leader!"
"Aw, sure you will, Twilight."
"Now come on, you should get some shut-eye."
How do Pegasi sleep with these wings getting in the way?!
A night guard with a torch...horn?
Magical villainous pony who is not Trixie this time around.
Serious Sparkle sleeping soundly.
Silly Spike snoring sincerely.
'Tis a unicorn taking Twilight's crown.
Careful not to wake the egghead princess.
Her pocket sparkles! Or... my crown! AHHHH!
Twilight's friends woke up!
Girls! Prepare for battle!
Never assume that a unicorn can't move faster than her running speed!
Nowhere to run now... but why is she still running?
Wow, she's really skilled at teleportation as Twilight.
Sunset stealing the crown.
Huh? Who's following me?!
What did you do with my crown!?
"Sorry it had to be this way..."
And that's my cue. Winner exit, stage right.
See you later or never, whichever comes last.
...I'm sure her Momjesty has a spare Rainbow Deathray.
"Sunset Shimmer, a former student of mine."
"She began her studies with me not long before Twilight."
"But when she did not get what she wanted as quickly as she liked, she turned cruel and dishonest."
"...but she eventually decided to abandon her studies and pursue her own path."
"One that has sadly led to her stealing your crown."
"She replaced Twilight's with this one."
"I suppose Sunset Shimmer thought you wouldn't notice right away that this was not yours. And by the time you did..."
"...it would be too late to go after your crown and Element of Harmony."
"But I don't understand. Where did she go? Why did she take the crown?"
"You'll soon know more about this place than even I do."
"This is no ordinary mirror. It is a gateway to another world."
"A gateway that opens once every thirty moons."
Don't touch the mirror. We know how you feel, Luna.
"It has always been kept in the throne room of Canterlot Castle..."
"But when Princess Cadance took over the Crystal Empire..."
"...we sent it here for her to watch over."
"I had always hoped that Sunset Shimmer would someday use it to return, to come back to Equestria seeking my guidance."
"Obviously, this is not what has happened." (True, but who
"Twilight, you must use the mirror..."
"...to go into this other world and retrieve your crown."
"Without it, the other Elements of Harmony have no power and Equestria is left without one of its most important means of defense."
She really doesn't want to...
"Your crown does not belong in the place..."
"...Sunset Shimmer now calls home."
"And in her possession, your Element of Harmony will no doubt be used to bring harm..."
"...to the inhabitants of this other realm."
"They will not have the power to defend themselves."
"You understand the importance of your task?"
"Good. Then you must go at once."
"We're goin' with her! Right, girls?"
"You do realize that's not a real word, right?" (What are you, a dictionary?)
"I'm afraid I can't let you go." (Twilight is SHOCKED)
WHAT?! What kind of princess are you anyway?
Why not?! Let me and my friends go!
"Sending all of you could upset the balance of this alternate world..."
"...creating havoc that would make it impossible for Twilight to get the crown back..."
"This is something Princess Twilight must do alone."
"Time is of the essence."
"On the third day, when the moon reaches its peak in the night sky, the gateway will close. And once it does..."
"...it will be another thirty moons before you will be able to use it to return."
One would wonder where the other half went.
Pony friends are worried.
Spike looks like he's gonna sneeze.
Whoa! I didn't know she could stretch like that..
Spike joins Twilight in the vortex.
Warped Twilight and Spike.
Aww Spike is even cuter as a puppy, than a dragon!
"I... think so. But I have no idea what you are!"
Aaaaaaaaah! I'm a human!!!!
That was a bit of an over-reaction.
Aaaaah, get these hands away from me!
These things on my arm that aren't hooves have bendy parts?
Okay okay, deep breath Twilight.
What does the rest of me look like?!
"Um... like you, only not you. Your muzzle's really small".
What happened to my muzzle!?
Are you gonna scream again?
This must be the portal back
Twi looking at her "school"
Twilight? Aren't you supposed to walk on two legs like a normal human?
Twi looking at a human and his dog.
Spike was killed by something, SMB style.
That girl didn't ran on all four and her dog certainly didn't talk.
Nothing happened, let's move along.
This school had only 5 windows moments ago.
Spike the Dog just sitting there
Let's magically open the door...
We've all done this at least once.
Twi, your forehead is bare
"My magic! It isn't working!"
"Makes sense. You don't exactly have your horn."
"We really need to find you a mirror."
Spike and Twi have a lookie look at the school and spot a safety violation (doors on public buildings are supposed to open out).
My, people come and go so quickly around here...
Well this is embarrassing.
Twi, you need to learn to have some hand-eye coordination.
Haven't seen you around these parts.
Here, let me help you up.
Looks WAY too much like Shining Armor...
Spike the Puppy looking at Twi
A cute, familiarly shy girl is being scolded and bullied by this angsty red-head teen.
That... looks awkward in more ways than one.
Slipping down the locker unable to defend herself.
Twilight doesn't approve of this.
Spike really doesn't approve of this.
"It's no wonder your best friends are all stray animals!"
"How DARE you speak to her that way!"
Intense staredown... everybody run!
Oh please. Why are people always doing that?!
"Wake up and embrace your fate!"
Norman has every right to be terrified.
"I can't believe you did that!"
"I couldn't just stand there."
"I don't speak English. What are you talking about?"
"Animal shelter needs more volunteers"
Jeez, universe- hitting a little harshly, aren't we?
Spike seems to enjoy his petting a little too much... just saying.
"Technically, I guess she and Vice Principal Luna do make the rules."
"Where is she now?"
"Probably in her office."
"Third door on your left"
At first I was only going to take the bunny, but then the kitty looked lonely, then the bird got cute...
"Oh no, I'm late for class!"
...uh, Twilight... she's not royalty in this world, so...
"How may I help you?" (See, I told you she isn't interested in royalty.)
Principal Celestia at her desk.
"Like the Grand Galloping Gala!"
"The Grand Galloping Gala?"
Looks like
Raven's workspace.
Celestia was actually snooping into Luna's office! (look at the symbol above the door)
Upon seeing the new girl acting weird, the nerd in this photo was forever scarred and would never talk to girls ever again.
"Looks like if I want my crown back..."
"...I'll have to become Princess of the Canterlot High Fall Formal."
"So that's what I'm gonna do!"
"And how exactly do you plan on doing that?"
"I have no idea!"
Let's hope that's a veggie burger.(Makes sense - Fluttershy took the same)
Fluttershy drops the bowl.
What would the Eco Kids say about using so many napkins?
Granny Smith, the lunch lady.
Normal day in the lunchroom.
The Fashionistas.(They shouldn't be doing their makeup or combing their hair while eating lunch.)
The Techies.(Someone here looks like Featherweight..)
"Why is everypony--" *SMACK!*
"--I mean, everybody separated this way?"
"How do you eat as one of these... hairless apes?!"
Uh, Twilight? Aren't you supposed to use your hands like a normal human?
What are you talking about? I never picked this apple up with my mouth.
Sheepish grins: the only way to guarantee no suspicion falls on you.
Nice job with the decorating.
Its raining colored paper.
Pinkie, you’re not supposed to do that.
"Hi, I'm Twilight Sparkle, and..."
"How did she know my name?"
In Equestria Girls, balloons blow up Pinkie!
"No. Not unless that's something you can do here…"
Happy Pinkie... maybe a little too happy.
"I thought you didn't look familiar".
"Though, now that I'm really looking at you..."
"Has a pet dog named Spike that looks just like that one?"
Did you know that Finn the Human's original name was Pen?
That's not how you hold a pen...
Pinkie Pie shocked at Twilight's penmanship
Whoo-wee! We really need some air conditioning in here.
Is that Big McIntosh? "Ee-yup."
That's some delicious cider.
"Here comes the backstabbing..."
Pinkie Pie riding on a... balloon?
Twi is shocked and appalled!
"That one's tryin' to hide a secret, but I am totally on to her."
Sunset Shimmer has arrived.
"This looks horrible!" (Not actually)
Dang! Has someone got actual nails for nails?
Shortly after this, Applejack broke Sunset Shimmer's back... using her head!
"Obviously it's gonna be my coronation."
"Not anymore!" (Apparently, that says "Twilight Sparkle". Yeah, not buying it.)
What? Someone dares oppose my rule?
Sunset Shimmer doesn't approve.
She could be the new stare master!
This will end well... NOT!
Obligatory dimly lit hallway.
"I can't believe that I didn't recognize you earlier." (Me neither)
Twilight meets the False Princess.
"And your little dog, too."
"What happens when you bring an Element of Harmony into an alternate world?"
Time's up Twilight. You failed!
I don't blame Spike for hiding- Sunset Shimmer is a scary chick!
Spike's attempt to murder Sunset Shimmer- failed. Sorry; better luck next time.
Don't try my patience, Sunset.
You're not gonna get away with this, Sunset.
Aren't they loyal to her huh?
Does Snips think that Equestria is on another planet or something?
Remind me not to get her mad.
Sweetie Bot is canon. Either that or the animators gave the vending vachine that purple/pink swirl on accident
Umm... Twilight, that isn't how vending machines work
"I will get that food, no matter what! Yes, you all will soon be in mah belleh!"
All that living in Equestria has really messed with Twilight's brain
A wild human Trixie appears!
We can be very DRAMATIC at times!
The Great and Powefrul Trixie wants her nom-noms!
I'm so lost in this world.
Canterlot High's library- makes the real Canterlot's library look pathetic, right?
Twilight doesn't get computers.
Miss Cheerilee is overwhelmed by student's ignorance.
a teacher's duty is first.
"Maybe this place does have magic!" ...Actually, Twilight, we call it "science".
What's going on over there?
They're not looking for cutie marks, but their shenanigans are just about the same.
Turning it off right after it says 'pony,' huh? Yeah, that wouldn't really make sense in this context.
Girls, will you please turn that down?
"The speaker needs his nap"
Ooh, I like the YouTube touch. That and the fact that Apple Bloom says one of the comments says "Epic fail" lol
"Funniest thing I've ever seen?"
It's not that easy without TK powers.
umm, Twilight, other people would want to read that. I don't think they now, after you've gotten your germs all over it
"What the heck is this thing?"
Dang! Printer sent Twilight flying! Technology- 1. Twilight- 0.
We have completed the book fort!!
A bed made of books, huh not a bad idea.
Apparently in this world, filly=freshman
"There's a Rarity here!?"
"...I mean, interesting photo".
Don't you just hate it when you wake up and your feet are cold because your blanket is the wrong way?
Twilight looking at the moon while holding a book. Seems very familiar...
And so, serious egghead business commences!
Dancing it off with a great open mind.
Let me sing you the long, boring, mandatory song of my people/ponies
Some strange people around here.
Lockers that are green are weird.
Twilight doesn't realize she's an Internet sensation... in a bad way.
Did they post the Math Olympiad roster?
Human Rarity has appeared
What'cha looking at Twilight?
I thought she hated green?
Twilight looks kinda cute as a blonde.
Eeyup. Just go around school with a name tag that says
Cloud Kicker.
Who's the cute one? You are- yes, you are!
Human Rarity and Dog Spike first cute moment
"There you are Twilight!"
"So much for the disguise."
Watch our shockingly-edited footage...
...which clearly proves how Twilight Worse-Than-Hitler Sparkle, the ambitious megalomaniac trying to become your princess...
...was secretly born in a Kenyan school...
...is planning to replace the school lockers with death panels...
...and probably practices whichever religion you most disapprove of!
"I take it back. It's pretty bad.."
"Is that why they were looking at me that way?"
When the going gets tough... Spike the Dog hides in a backpack.
And to think, they were once friends.
I know who divided you all... it was Sunset Shimmer!
Scootaloo wore cargo pants and Apple Bloom wore jeans... a skirt for soccer... and Rainbow Dash
Uh, do you think it's irresponsible? No.
They are friends again; hugging its a good sign.
Dashie talking to Twilight.
Seems like Rainbow Dash watches Shaolin Soccer!
"Me vs. Rainbow Dash... I'm screwed!"
You can't blame Twilight for being scared.
Fist pumps are now 20 percent cooler.
Did she kick the ball in 10 seconds flat?
Of course you lost. I'm awesome.
She's watching us... run!
Oh man, that is serious evil.
The human world's Sugarcube Corner!
Why always this girl? Why me?
Spike sleeping on Rarity's legs.
That's Sunset Shimmer's ex-boyfriend!
Trying to think of an idea to help Twilight...
Well, that's one way to get someone's attention (1).
Well, that's one way to get someone's attention (2).
"...wore these as a sign of unity?"
Twilight and Pinkie Pie are confused.
"Go, Canterlot Wondercolts!"
"I haven't sold any in ages..."
"The five of us are obviously very different..."
"...but deep down, we're all Canterlot Wondercolts!"
"Sunset Shimmer is the one who divided us..."
"...Twilight Sparkle is the one who united us."
"And we're gonna let everyone know it!"
Pinkie, AJ, and RD approve.
Your hair feels like a pillow.
You're my bestist friend.
Sigh... another regular lunch period at the school cafeteria.
Who should arrive but the best fashionista.
Those eyes... they are... telling us something!
Well hello there, darling.
Rarity is starting a new fashion line- the Pony Look!
Rainbow Dash is in on this, too... starting to think something's up.
Photo Finish and Diamond Tiara.
Is it time for another weird Pinkie party?
And so, the fun is just about to begin!
Does Big Mac understand what's happening? "N-nope".
Applejack clapping her hands.
"This is gonna be so awesome!"
Canterlot Wondercolts, here to make a sound!
The beginning of the excessive winking.
Okay, seriously- how does Pinkie do that?!
Wait, was he having a phone call while on a texting conversation screen?
It's none other than DJ Pon-3!
The proof that this dance is technically impossible.
This is fun. I should do this more often.
Here's looking at you, "Techie" kid...
... who'll possibly post the video on his Facebook page?
Uhm, that probably too...
Dashie being awesomely cute.
Rainbow Dash and Rarity are awesome dancers.
Your new Princess of the Fall Formal - Twilight Sparkle!
This is the "Yay me!" where Pinkie was talking about.
Everybody join the party!
Really, where did these two come from?
Diamond Tiara shaking her groove thing.
"I can't believe this is happening!"
Snips and Snails get their groove on.
I've only got a few hours to get rid of Twilight Sparkle. Otherwise, the plan to take over I've been working on for a few years goes up in smoke...
Everyone's now into the horse ears and tails thing.
She seems pretty cocky for someone who has clearly lost most of the student votes.
"You're going down, Twilight!"
Vice-Principal Luna's introduction.
Holy cow! This is... worrisome. How did Snips and Snails do all this?
Acting all innocent before the vice-principal.
"You won't get away with this, Sunset Shimmer!"
Jeez- creepy office much?
Flash Sentry is here to save the day!
Hugs make everything better!
"Wanna go to the Fall Formal with me tomorrow night?"
"Just one 'no' would've been enough!"
Normal teenagers think they've got it bad... try being Twilight for a day!
Some People are worth transforming for. But not maybe right this second!
Man, this world is glitchy. It turns you into a human and shows reflections of your original self.
"The Fall Formal isn't happening tonight".
"It had to be postponed because Sunset Shimmer had Snips and Snails ruin all of Pinkie Pie's decorations."
"But the Fall Formal has to happen tonight."
"This is gonna sound crazy, but..."
"You're from an alternate world and you're a pony princess there..."
"...and the crown actually has a magical element embedded in it..."
"...that helps power up other magical elements, and without it they don't work anymore..."
"...and you need them all to help protect your magical world..."
"...and if you don't get the crown tonight, you'll be stuck in this world..."
"...and you won't be able to get back for, like, a really, really long time!"
Squee! (Wow, that's a lot to take in when you say it all at once.)
This jaw drop = PRICE...LESS!
"How could she possibly KNOW all that!?"
"Yeah, I'm pretty sure that isn't the reason."
"Nope, she's pretty much spot-on."
"I'm a ferocious, fire-breathing dragon!"
This is a little awkward...
Not too close, Fluttershy- You'll break the fourth wall!
I'm thinking that Rarity is simply beautiful, and that I would be delighted to be scratched behind the ears.
I also think that she's apparently gone bye-bye, so, guess I'll ask later?
"How did you know all that?"
Pinkie, that's not "just a hunch," that's spookily accurate!
"Let me get this straight."
Pony? Princess? From another world?
I told you things would work out.
Yeech! This is one big mess!
Pinkie Pie getting very typically Pinkie Pie ideas.
Note to self: Invent party cannon to automate this sorta stuff.
Shame about not having that cannon right now.
"Come on, Twilight- join the hand stack!"
All for one and one for all.
Fix this mess, fix this mess 1, 2, 3, 4!
Rarity, that's the clean end of the broom
Together we can fix this mess 1, 2, 3, 4!
Rarity doesn't know what's worse- the trash she has to sweep up or the dog who's in love with her... smart money's on the trash.
The first helpers hear the call.
2 boys shown up by 1 girl in table carrying.
Whoa, if Rarity sees this!
Hello, Featherweight- when did you show up?
Who else but Photo Finish would be doing the photos for the dance?
Students chatting in clean gym.
Pinkie Pie sure is excited.
"Fall Formal is back on for this evening."
Do you see the red haired guy on the left? Yes? Fine! Why is he on the right too?
"Now get out of here." Celestia is like a boss!
How to trap an idiot: put a "Do Not Enter" sign on the inside of a closet.
Next time, show a little restraint!
What Carousel Boutique looks like in the human world.
What's she got back there?
Fluttershy looking at the dress dreamily.
A little too fru-fru, right?
You see that smile?! Me neither...
Rainbow Dash: "Really, Rarity?"
Brushie, brushie, my little... human.
No-one is looking Spike..
Rarity opening the chest.
Twilight's friends and their dresses.
Finally the Fall Formal! We arrive in a limo.
Either that's a Dodge Challenger or a Chevy Camaro.
Mind if I have you for a date at the dance?
See Twilight, we all hit our head on the door
Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo (look at her). Is that the Gangnam Style behind them!?
Sunset Shimmer isn't here... I've got a bad feeling about this!
Was this the crown that's putting us all in danger and has indescribable power that could take over the universe?
The suspense is killing Twilight (and, to a lesser degree, Spike)!
Victory hug! (Poor Spike looks squished).
Uh-oh... I knew something bad was gonna happen- and the Tweedles here just proved it!
Wait... something's not right.
Wait... I knew I forgotten someone.
Help! Help! I'm being dognapped! That's incredibly demeaning! I demand to be at least dragonnapped!
Snips! Snails! You let go of the puppy dog's tail, or I will find a way to make mustaches grow inside your throats!
The girls give chase... again!
Snips and Snails just ran past Trixie. Did that really just happen?
The Great and Mildly Curious Trixie is a cute Trixie.
Sure is a big building for a public high school.
Catching up to the dirty, good-for-nothing dognappers.
The portal back to Equestria being threatened!
This can't be happening, right?
This is starting to get scary.
These two went through all that trouble for nothing?
Snips, Snails, and Puppy Dog Tails.
Spike's safe, but is Sunset ready to give in?
Apparently, she is not about to give in.
Oh, the horror, the horror!
What's she gonna do with that hammer?
Is Twilight Sparkle ready to give up her crown?
Sunset reminds us of the portal being threatened.
Sledgehammer lands on the ground.
"That almost hit us, Sunset Shimmer!"
Why wub woo...human version!
Sunset Shimmer is about to snap....
Run, Spike! Run like Equestria depends on it... because it does!
I have you now, little doggie!
EQG Dashie fends of Snails.
Let's lasso at the school dance.
SNIPS? How did you make it into this movie?
Congratulations! You got an Element of Magic!
More power than I can ever...
We're all doomed, especially when Snips and Snails are involved.
What's happening? I thought this was the school dance, not a horror movie!
All students stare in awe (or fright) of the amazing powers of Sunset Shimmer.
Putting the crown on might not have been such a hot idea.
...even for her, she's scary!
Goodbye, Sunset Shimmer's innocence.
So much for the "I'm no monster" line earlier.
No wonder she put on the crown. She's EVIL!
Ugh... Sunset looks terrible.
You made a monster of me.
She's not doing this alone!
Who are they turning into?
Rainbow Dash: "You Want Some?!" Pinkie Pie: "I hope I fell headfirst and this all some FREAKY ILLUSION!" Rarity/Applejack: "I am no longer a fan of yours!"
"I've had to jump through so many hoops tonight..."
"...just to get my hands on this crown..."
"...and it really should've been mine all along."
The Angriest Teen in the School.
But lets let by-gones be by-gones!
"I am your princess now... and you will be loyal..."
You know you're going to have to pay for that, don't you?
Missing from this picture is the Wilhelm Scream!
"I was bluffing when I said I was going to destroy the portal."
"I don't want to rule this pathetic little high school."
"And with my own teenage army behind me, I'm going to get it."
The gang really is all...
Now step aside. Twilight has interfered with my plans one too many times already.
...and she needs to be dealt with.
I don't have a net for lava!
Doesn't even care about the possibility of taking life
WHAT?! I was almost boiled alive!
Devil Shimmer used Fireball = not effective. Mane 6 use Friendship Shield = SUPER EFFECTIVE
Rarity: I really don't like holding hand, Applejack. It feels weird.
Someone is feeling the magical surge in the oddest of places.
"Together with a crown, they create a power beyond anything you could imagine!"
"But it is a power you don't have the ability to control!"
"The crown may be upon your head, Sunset Shimmer, but you cannot wield it..."
"...because you do not possess the most powerful magic of all..."
"The magic of friendship!"
This is starting to look like episode 2!
Eeeyup, that's episode 2.
This is not a crisis between two earths.
Flash Sentry getting hit by the light. Headshot.
Uh guys? Pinkie's not moving...
Dang. Somebody get a fire extinguisher... and maybe a medic.
You will never rule in Equestria. Any power you may have had in this world is gone.
Tonight, you've shown everyone who you really are. You've shown them what is in your heart.
From a nobody to a nightmare...and now back to a nobody again.
"The magic of friendship doesn't just exist in Equestria."
"...or you can forever be alone."
Face it, Sunset. You'll never be worthy of being royalty ever. Not in a great many years.
Congrats, you just saw the fastest Villain-to-Friend conversion! Luna=1,000 years, Discord=1,000 years + more than a season, Sunset Shimmer=Mere seconds...
"I bet they can teach you."
"Did that dog just talk? Whoa. Weird."
You're kidding me, right?
"A talking dog is the weird thing about all this?"
"I, for one, think you're adorable!" "Oh Yeah!..."
Twilight smiles watching Spike and Rarity.
"A true princess in any world leads not by forcing others to bow before her..."
"...but by inspiring others to stand with her."
"We have all seen that you are capable of just that."
"I hope you see it too, Princess Twilight."
"Would now be a completely awkward time..."
"...to ask for that dance?"
Well, yeah... but whatever! Let's do this!
Conga line coming through!
I told you she was a chicken.
That's our adorkable Twilight all right.
Look! There's PSY on the right!
They can't dance worth a darn, but at least they're happy. (Really hope this doesn't go viral).
Photo Finish doing her thing.
Smile pretty for the camera!
"You'll look out for her, won't you?"
Who else would watch this but Sunset Shimmer?
Rarity still wants an apology for the Spring Fling.
She wishes she had friends like that. But all she has is despair and regret.
"Get to work, young lady -- you've got a long rest of the school year ahead of you."
Naturally, they didn't get out of this scott free, either.
Bye, Fluttershy. Bye, Pinkie Pie.
Bye, girls I've never seen before.
Bye, girls! Thanks for the memories. I'm outie.
Hopefully she never makes it through, remember what happened with the Mirror Pool?
"Oh, bummer". Anyway, SEE YA NEXT YEAR!
Worry, worry, worry... everypony's worried!
What are you doing here!?
Applejack was really worried.
Where is Sunset Shimmer, Twi?
"left her in good hands!"
The mirror gave birth to Spike!
Lyra'll be SO jealous if she ever hears of this!
We were scared to death about you, and you were dancing!?
He looks rather familiar.
Let me help you up, princess!
That's Flash Sentry, I think.
Oh, parallel universe, do you know him?
But I don't have a crush!
"I don't even know him. He just..."
"Totally reminds you of a guy you met in the other world..."
"...who played guitar, was in a band..."
"...and helped prove you didn't destroy all the decorations for a big dance..."
"...so you could still run for princess of the big dance..."
"...and then asked you to dance at that dance?!"
Pink: Just a hunch. Twilight: No, that's stalking.
I'm telling you, both Pinkies got hold of the plot script beforehand...
Twilight: Yep. Pinkie is defiantly a stalker.
Derpy in the closing credits!