A beautiful day in Equestria.
Rarity complementing the weather.
Twilight and her friends enjoying a lovely picnic.
Sandwich could use a dash of pepper.
Nothing can stop Spike from delivering his message!
And what are [picnics] without [apples]
I'm going in for the [bite]
Spike arrives with urgent, yet exciting news.
Give me a minute to catch my breath.
Take a deep breath Spike.
Spike about to cough up a letter.
A message from the Princess
Twilight reading the letter.
It's about the Royal wedding
Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie and Rarity.
Fluttershy is happy her bird choir will perform at the wedding
Pinkie excited she gets to plan the reception
Yippie skippy, I'm a flake! Watch me step into the cake!
Pinkie's been taking lessons from Fluttershy...
"Applejack, you'll be in charge of the catering for the reception."
AJ pleased she gets to make the food
Rainbow Dash couldn't care less
Aw yeah! One explosion of awesome coming right up! Sonic Rainboom!
I get to, make dresses for the wedding!?
I think I'm gonna lie down.
She's losing consciousness
I'm so happy, I'm about to faint!
Guess it was too much for Rarity.
But, who's getting married?
"But I don't understand."
Oh wait, I have another letter.
Spike, with the letter he was supposed to give Twilight first.
Some things never change.
Twilight reading the letter, that Princess Celestia sent.
Super gasp with super funny expression.
My brother's getting MARRIED!?
Yep, she's still in shock.
Congrats Twilight...you're now sister in-law with a princess.
Doesn't Rainbow Dash look cute.
Is Twilight being serious?
"Thanks a lot, Shining Armor."
"He couldn't tell me personally!"
Twilight and her sandwich puppet.
Shining Crust is best Sandwich
Everypony looking a little concerned.
A name of mystery warrants awkward outlooks.
Twilight Sparkle's face of skepticism.
"Uh Twilight, are you okay?"
He was the only pony I ever accepted...
You're such a nice birdy.
And...break into musical number.
Singing about her time with her brother.
Always reading, even as a kid.
Isn't that the cutest face you have ever seen?
Shining Armor! Glad you're here! Why does my book have no words???
This is not a family with rhythm. Wait, the book didn't have words... and now it does?!
Twilight and Shining Armor.
He taught me how to fly a kite (Best friend forever)
"I miss him more than I realized, it seems..."
"Your big brother, best friend forever. Like two peas in a pod you did everything together!"
I guess she really did miss him...
"Be Captain of the Royal guard."
Twilight said her brother is what!
"So let me get this straight."
Twilight knows she'll be needing something.
Rarity + Pillow = Twilight being dismayed.
Twilight is jealous because Rarity can faint better than her.
How often does she faint that everypony just goes about their business?
"Can you say 'best wedding ever'?"
"I just have one question. What's a bachelor party?"
Smiling at Spike's question.
Twilight's friends laughing at Spike's question...
...but not Twilight herself.
"I'm just thinking about Shining Armor."
"When did he even meet this Princess Mi Amore Ca-what's her name!?
"Come on, now. You're his sister. He'll always make time for you."
"Couldn't seem to make time to tell me that he was getting married."
'Ohh,look,a magic bubble! Think I can pop it?
Inspiration for a great cuckoo clock.
Force field passing through the train.
Rarity and Rainbow Dash amazed at passing through a force field.
Too upset to notice the force field.
Why does he have to make them so cold?
TwilightSparkle.exe has stopped working
The very first Earth Pony Guard
"Royal weddings do bring out the strangest ponies."
Now how did she sneeze confetti? Whatever, it's Pinkie Pie.
Walking out like nothing happened.
Gray unicorn guard wondering- "She didn't notice me..."
Twilight's jealousy is worrying.
Nothing to report, sir. We'll continue with our patrols.
Shining Armor is ecstatic to see his sister.
Don't even think about touching me.
"How dare you! Not telling me in person that you were getting married!"
"Princess Celestia has requested a major increase in security."
Twilight slowly accepting the news.
The toll of maintaining a force field is whacked out facial expressions.
Twilight looks pretty baffled.
"But I'm still pretty ticked."
"That you're marrying somepony I don't even know."
"When did you even meet."
"Princess Mi Amore Cadenza is Cadance."
"She was your foalsitter."
Twilight's room as a filly
Princess Cadance placing a bandage on Twilight's cut.
Princess Cadance is kind.
"I'm the one who's lucky, Twilight!"
Young Twilight with Princess Cadance.
Lucky and Wild Fire arguing.
Oh yeah, that's how you spread love.
Adorable. Wouldn't you say.
Twilight hippity hop after learning Shining Armor is marrying Cadance.
Princess Cadance does not look so pleased.
"Absolutely!" I don't look evil.
Something is terribly wrong...
Twilight senses that something is off with Cadance... but she can't quite put her hoof on what it is.
Why so serious, Twilight?
A lot of delicious icing on the wedding cake.
Ice sculpted in 10 seconds flat
You used the pick with your mouth and you're now holding it with your hoof. Come on.
Put those down, young drake
Twilight hears Applejack greet Princess Mi Amore Cadenza.
"Please, call me Princess Mi Amore Cadenza."
Frankly, Twilight just doesn't gi...eer care.
Princess Cadance giving Applejack a very sincere smile.
"I love love them!" Yeah...I find that hard to believe.
Twilight knows when fake is happening.
Did she just throw that away?
What is this confound look on Twilight's face.
"Did... you see what she...?"
"Oh, you should have seen how she acted back there."
"I don't know when she changed, but she changed!"
Twilight imitating Cadance.
Speak of the devil pony...
"Let me just start by saying what an honor it is to play a role in such a momentous occasion."
Cadance looking at her dress. Will she be pleased by it?
Rarity is all smiles. While Princess Cadance is... smiling on the inside.
"I was hoping for something with more beading and a longer train."
Rarity maintaining her cool.
Come on Cadance! Usually Brides maid dresses don't look half as good as those
"I think they're lovely."
"Me too!"
Animation error: Minuette has no horn.
Her glare is worse than the bat glare.
Princess Cadance wants the dresses to be a different color.
Rarity only takes quick notice of Twilight's words.
Maybe her name should be Princess Demandy-pants.
The reception is gonna be great
Plan a party with Pinkie Pie...
Another pony who won't take Pinkie serious.
"I think this reception is gonna be perfect! Don't you?"
Princess Cadance...cuteness...overload!
...if we were celebrating a six-year-old's birthday party!" (We all can't argue with that fact. Pinkie's activities are really unfitting for a royal wedding.)
What are you doing there, Twilight?
The princesses changing shifts
"Twilight, whatever are you talking about?"
"Cadance is an absolute gem."
"Why shouldn't she expect..."
"the very best on her wedding day!"
"She was probably jus' sparin' mah' feelin's."
"Well, she did raise her voice at one of my birds during rehearsal."
"But... he was singing really off-key."
Pinkie is too busy playing with the figurines with Spike to talk about Cadance's attitude.
For once Pinkie I was about to take you seriously.
"Been too busy prepping for my sonic rainboom to pay much attention to the bride's bad attitude." (So much for the element of Loyalty.)
Twilight is about to blow her fuse.
"The princess is about to get married!"
"I'm sure any negative behavior she might be displaying..."
"...is simply the result of nerves!"
"Think maybe you're bein' just a tiny bit possessive of your brother?"
"I am not being possessive,..."
"...and I am not taking..."
"You're all just too caught up in your wedding..."
"...planning to notice that maybe there shouldn't even..."
"Your big brother's looking pretty good, don't you think?"
Never fear Shining Armor, Twilight is not lying.
"She sure has a way to sneak up on people." (I think you mean "ponies", not "people".)
"Could I speak to you for a moment?"
"Better go see what she wants."
Now what are they doing in there?
I'm just going to snoop since most problems are solved that way anyway.
It wouldn't be wrong for me to take a peek.
"This is my favorite uncle's."
They are just having a private talk.
What's wrong, Shining Armor?
Cadance putting a spell on Shining Armor, meaning that Cadance is evil, or so Twilight thought.
Cadance satisfied because Twilight left.
Wait for us, Twilight. We're coming with you.
"Let her go." (Oh, how compassionate...)
Princess Cadance pretending to be affectionate while Shining Armor ponders about Twilight.
Princess Luna on the lookout.
Something alerts Princess Luna.
"Who goes there! Stay indoors, Twilight Sparkle." (We will, Princess Luna.)
"Shining Armor's in real trouble!"
What the heck am I seeing!?
All dressed up in new bridesmaids gowns
A typical Twilight reaction.
Fluttershy greets Twilight at the door
"We're gonna be Princess Mi Amore Cadenza's new bridesmaids!" (Isn't the "Something New" supposed to be the dress, not the bridesmaids?)
"What happened to her old bridesmaids?!"
"She did tell us that she love love love if we fill in for them."
"Seeing as we've been working so hard and everything."
"And you had your doubts about her." (You've once again bought Cadance's koolaid haven't you Applejack?)
Twilight may be going crazy now.
"Doesn't seem all that aereodynamic."
Rarity taking Rainbow Dash to her work spot to make some adjustments.
Pinkie is best bridesmaid.
Applejack is lying about something.
The practice ceremony begins.
Rarity and Rainbow Dash about to giggle.
No, we were not acting like little fillies!
The Guards Ponies don't match....
Shining Armor happy to see Cadance.
Cadance walking down the aisle.
Princess Cadance and Shining Armor being affectionate.
Hey has anypony seen Twilight?
You might wanna turn off the television now.
There she is! (Sorry, she's late, everypony)
"I'm not gonna stand next to her. And neither should you!"
Shining Armor does not look too comfortable.
"I'm sorry, I don't, I don't know why she's acting like this."
"Maybe we should just ignore her."
"Oh goodness, are you okay?"
No, not you Shining Armor.
She's behind me isn't she.
Twilight accusing Cadance.
You are the meanest Princess that I've ever seen.
Twilight has Princess Cadance cornered.
"I saw her put a spell on my brother that made his eyes go all..."
Cadance blushing out of embarrassment .
She literally has Cadance cornered
"Why are you doing this to me!"
"EVIL!" (And if I don't stop you, you're gonna ruin my brother's life!!)
Rainbow Dash and Rarity, gasping.
Rarity and Rainbow Dash... well their faces speak for them.
Twilight feels proud with herself.
She looks a lot younger from this angle
Twilight, I am disappointed.
Hehe...oops. (You're in so much trouble, Twilight.)
He is having the headaches again.
Twilight may feel guilt coming on.
Yeah I find it hard to believe you.
Are you gonna let me speak?!
"This wedding obviously wasn't important to you."
Don't touch me. (Talk about ironic behavior)
"Don't bother coming to the wedding!"
You wouldn't leave me here all alone!
"You have a lot to think about."
"Maybe I was being overprotective."
"I could have gained a sister..."
"But instead... I just lost a brother..."
"...big brother best friend..."
"And now we'll never do anything..."
Close every door to me...
Shhhhh, shhhhh, it's all right little one.
Wait a minute. Didn't she not just run down the hallway in tears a minute ago? How did she return?
Wait, her eyes are green!
Cadance using her magic to surround Twilight.
What's worse than green fire and a mare with an evil smile? Cue the
Villainous song!Twilight Sparkle has been ejected.
Cadance knows you need contacts, glasses, or laser eye surgery.