My Little Pony Friendship is Magic Wiki
Aunt Orange

Aunt Orange in The Cutie Mark Chronicles
Kind Earth
Sex Female
Residence Manehattan
Other links
More info
Eyes Light brilliant cerulean
Mane Light amber
Coat Pale, light grayish olive
Relatives Uncle Orange (husband)
Applejack (niece)
Big Mac (nephew)
Apple Bloom (niece)
Babs Seed (niece)[1]
Apple family
Cutie mark
Three orange wedges
Voice Tabitha St. Germain (English)[2]
Ikumi Nakagami (Japanese)
Yeo Yoon-mi (Korean)
Małgorzata Kaczmarska (Polish)
Anda Tămășanu (Romanian)
Olga Zvereva (Russian)
Norma Iturbe (Latin American Spanish)
Olena Blinnikova (Ukrainian)
Uncle Orange
(Mosely Orange)

Uncle Orange in The Cutie Mark Chronicles
Kind Earth
Sex Male
Residence Manehattan
Other links
More info
Eyes Moderate cornflower blue
Mane Light pistachio
Coat Light gold
Nicknames Uncle Orange
Relatives Aunt Orange (wife)
Applejack (niece)
Big Mac (nephew)
Apple Bloom (niece)
Babs Seed (niece)[1]
Apple family
Cutie mark
Voice Brian Drummond (English)[2][3]
Shinobu Matsumoto (Japanese)
Kwon Sung-hyeok (Korean)
Tomasz Jarosz (Polish)
Evgeniy Waltz (Russian)
Arturo Castañeda (Latin American Spanish)
Yaroslav Chornenkyi (Ukrainian)

Aunt and Uncle Orange are the married Earth pony aunt and uncle of Applejack in the Apple family. They are simply called by their titles-and-shared-name Aunt Orange and Uncle Orange both in The Cutie Mark Chronicles and in Gameloft's mobile game, while the latter Orange is called by that as well as his individual name Mosely Orange in various merchandise.

Development and designs[]

Uncle Orange shares his mane style and coat and eye colors with S04E10 Unnamed Pegasus Stallion #1, and sometimes shares his design with S04E20 Unnamed Earth Stallion #1. Aunt Orange resembles S01E26 Unnamed Unicorn Mare #1.

IDW comics writer Ted Anderson has stated regarding the My Little Pony Annual 2013 Equestria Girls story "Since my original plan was to retell 'The Cutie Mark Chronicles' in EqG form, I wanted to reuse the characters from AJ's story, Aunt and Uncle Orange. However, it was pointed out that AJ being in the same school as her aunt and uncle was really friggin' weird! So that was nixed"[4] and "originally I wanted aunt and uncle Orange to be the antagonists for the book, but it was pointed out that being in the same grade as your aunt and uncle was ... well, odd. So Babs and her sister took over the roles instead (even though, as others pointed out, it's also odd to have Babs be in high school before AJ)."[5]

On November 29, 2012, prior to a magazine​[​specify​]​ listing Aunt and Uncle Orange as Babs Seed's aunt and uncle,[1] show writer Cindy Morrow was asked whether Babs is Aunt and Uncle Orange's daughter and replied, "not that I know of?"[6]

Depiction in the series[]

Season one[]

Aunt and Uncle Orange first appear in Applejack's flashback in The Cutie Mark Chronicles. When Applejack goes to Manehattan and is taken by her aunt and uncle, the two are amused by her country mannerisms and introduce her to the city's high society. As Applejack greets the social elite of Manehattan, Aunt Orange compliments her on her learned speech but later attempts to save face when Applejack embarrasses herself.

Season three[]

In Apple Family Reunion, Aunt and Uncle Orange appear at Sweet Apple Acres shortly before Raise This Barn, and they appear in the family photo at the song's end.

Season four[]

In Simple Ways, Uncle Orange makes a non-speaking appearance at the Ponyville train station as Twilight Sparkle and Rarity await the arrival of Trenderhoof. In Trade Ya!, Aunt and Uncle Orange make separate non-speaking appearances at the Rainbow Falls Traders Exchange. In Equestria Games, Aunt and Uncle Orange appear as spectators of the titular event at the Crystal Empire.

Season five[]

Aunt Orange briefly appears outside the Canterlot library in Amending Fences.

In Made in Manehattan, Aunt Orange walks with Babs Seed along a Manehattan street in the evening.

Depiction in Equestria Girls[]

An Aunt Orange smoothie kiosk is briefly seen at the Canterlot Mall during Dance Magic.

Other depictions[]


IDW comics[]

My Little Pony Micro-Series Issue #6 cover A shows the back of Uncle Orange's head a square left of Applejack. On Micro-Series Issue #7 page 18, Aunt Orange makes a non-speaking appearance at the Ponyville Flea Market. On My Little Pony: Friends Forever Issue #8 page 21, Aunt and Uncle Orange appear in the post-story epilogue. On Friends Forever Issue #9 pages 2-3, the Oranges appear in line at Apple Con 45. In My Little Pony/Transformers Issue #4, Aunt and Uncle Orange are summoned to Sweet Apple Acres by Discord to help Applejack drive the Insecticons off the farm.


Aunt and Uncle Orange appear in the My Little Pony: Cutie Mark Quest adaptation of The Cutie Mark Chronicles.


My Little Pony (mobile game)[]

Aunt and Uncle Orange are available playable characters in Gameloft's mobile game, and Aunt Orange serves as a boss battle helper during the "Rarity's Retro Revolution" event. Uncle Orange was added to the Android version of the game on February 7, 2013 and to the iOS version of the game on February 14, 2013, and has the bio "Applejack's high-society uncle from Manehattan." Aunt Orange was added to the Android version of the game on March 28, 2013 and to the iOS version of the game on April 15, 2013, and has the bio "Applejack's high-society Aunt from Manehattan. She is married to Uncle Orange." While they both live in Sweet Apple Acres now, prior to the Sweet Apple Acres update, due to an oversight, Uncle Orange lived in Ponyville and Aunt Orange in Canterlot.


Mystery pack 4 Mosely Orange

Uncle Mosely Orange is depicted with the same design as Big McIntosh in the fourth, sixth, eighth, tenth, and thirteenth waves of mystery pack toys and collector cards, the English/French/German/Spanish/Portuguese/Italian/Dutch/Swedish/Danish/Greek/Polish/Turkish/Russian versions of the first two of which name him Mosely Orange and state that he respectively "loves parties!" and "loves fancy parties!", the English-only versions of the first four of which name him Mosely Orange with a trademark symbol and state that he "loves to have fancy parties!", and the English-only and English/French/Spanish/Portuguese versions of the fifth one of which name him Uncle Orange with a trademark symbol and state, "He loves parties!"

Aunt and Uncle Orange appear together on WeLoveFine's fan-designed art prints "All Of Apple Acres" and "Apple Family Portrait", both of which are by the same artist, who has stated regarding the latter art print "yes the Oranges looked like this on the episode photo and I thought it was funny to keep them this way XD".[7]

The Elements of Harmony Vol. II guidebook[]

AUNT ORANGE and UNCLE ORANGE are Applejack's family that live in Manehattan. They're city ponies who giggle at good ol' country folk. But that's okay. They're still family just the same.


"'Y'all.' [laughs] Isn't she just the living end?"
— Aunt Orange, The Cutie Mark Chronicles
"[chuckle] How quaint."
— Uncle Orange, The Cutie Mark Chronicles
"Don't worry. We'll have you acting like a true Manehattanite in no time."
— Aunt Orange, The Cutie Mark Chronicles
"Very well said, my dear."
— Aunt Orange, The Cutie Mark Chronicles


Aunt and Uncle Orange image gallery

See also[]


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 UK magazine​[​specify​]​
  2. 2.0 2.1 File:Brian Drummond credits.png
  3. Brian Drummond (2013-01-24). BrianDrummondVO: @jordanolling Young Billy,Uncle .... Twitter. Retrieved on 2014 July 14.
  4. Ted Anderson (2013). More Pages of the MLP .... Equestria Daily. IntenseDebate. Retrieved on 2014 July 14.
  5. Ted Anderson (2013-10-31). Re: Equestria Girls Annual; Preview, Reviews, Reactions.... IDW Publishing Forums. Retrieved on 2014 July 14.
  6. Cindy Morrow (2012-11-29). Cindy Morrow on Twitter: "@moonyprof not that I know of?". Twitter. Retrieved on 2015 February 8.
  7. Welovefine: Apple Family - print 24X36. DeviantArt (2013-01-15). Retrieved on 2014 July 14.