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"I'm destined to be retired by you once I become a Maverick, so go ahead, take me down... I want to fight you for the Colonel... That's what the Colonel would want."
―Spiral Pegasus, Mega Man X5

Spiral Pegasus,[2] known as Spiral Pegacion[2] (スパイラル・ペガシオン Supairaru Pegashion) in Japan, also known as The Skiver,[3] is a Pegasus-themed Reploid from Mega Man X5. He held an Orbiter Wing needed for the Shuttle Operation to destroy the Eurasia colony.


Spiral Pegasus is based on the mythical pegasus, and thus has the head of a horse and the wings of a bird. He possesses a tall mohawk evocative of a Roman galea helmet, and the Repliforce logo on his head. His armor is white with royal highlights of red and gold, including epaulettes on his shoulders, giving him a refined and militaristic appearance.

Pegasus was in the early stages of the viral infection when the Maverick Hunters encountered him. He also had many unresolved issues with the Maverick Hunters, implying he wanted to question Zero about why he killed Colonel, and he refuses to cooperate. He orders to be taken down in an duel without hard feelings: However, if he is confronted later into the game he can be found to have already gone Maverick, shouting at X and Zero and crying that he will avenge General and Colonel.

Like his mentor Colonel, Pegasus was a very prideful man, which often caused him to make costly errors as a soldier.[4]


Pegasus was a young director of the Repliforce air wing. He looked up to Repliforce leaders Colonel and General and had a good relationship with Iris, the sister of Colonel. His youth, headstrong nature and excessive amount of pride lead to him often making costly mistakes when doing his duty as a soldier.[4] He would survive the Great Repliforce War that occurred during the events of Mega Man X4, which left the organization decimated and thousands of members dead. Pegasus bore a grudge against the Hunters for Colonel's death that never went away, as the man was Pegasus's mentor.[4] Having lost his purpose in life, he then began overseeing an Air Force base staffed with the remnants of Repliforce's air wing near to the west coast of Norway, also known as the Reploid Air Force.

Fortune would not smile upon him for long, as the Eurasia crisis during Mega Man X5 again ensnared him in the Maverick conflicts. When Sigma spread the Maverick Virus all over the Earth, Pegasus and the airport he was in charge of were heavily infected. When the Maverick Hunters came to him to request his Orbital Wing to help destroy the descending Eurasia colony, he instead informed them of his Maverick condition and requested that they defeat him through battle one last time to finally give him peace. The Hunters accept, and after a decisive battle, Pegasus is killed, giving the soldier an end to his battles that had haunted him for so long.


Spiral Pegasus tries to knock the player off the aircraft arena with his speed. Pegasus also attacks with a quick afterimage dash strike; the player can avoid the afterimage by jumping at the right time, and as soon as the afterimage's position is level with the player, it fades into nothing. He can also fly about and uses his Wing Spiral attack. However, he is susceptible to Dark Hold, which lets the player get plenty of damage in without worrying about his speed. Zero can still perform his other skills with Dark Hold active, unlike X who is only limited to buster shots, so Zero may be a safer choice.

Dash Tackle (ダッシュ体当たり Dasshu Taiatari)[5]
Spiral Pegasus dashes at the player, dealing heavy knockback that may fling them off the plane. He may also rise up before descending diagonally.
Damage: 6:8:10
Hurricane (疾風 Hayate)[5]
Pegasus deploys an afterimage of himself as a projectile towards the player.
Damage: 4:6:7
Wing Spiral (ウイングスパイラル Uingu Supairaru)[5]
While airborne, Pegasus throws down a tornado that grows in size as it moves along the plane. It pushes the player back on contact. He only uses this attack with below half health.
Damage: 3:4:5
Shoryuken (昇龍拳 Shōryūken, "Rising Dragon Fist")[5]
Pegasus flies off-screen, returning with flying uppercuts and other aerial dives. He only uses this attack with below half health.
Damage: 6:8:10


Nickname: Air Force Prince (エアフォースプリンス Ea Fōsu Purinsu)



Orbiter Wing required[]

Spiral Pegasus: X! I've wanted to meet you... But considering the situation, we don't have time for small talk. Soon, the Repiforce's air wing will be destroyed. You may be our only hope... But, you'll have to convince me first... Through battle...

Spiral Pegasus: I've wanted to see you, Zero... I wanted to ask you something... My thoughts always come back to the Colonel. I wanted to ask you if the battle between you two was necessary. I'm not accusing you, I just want to know, that's all. I've already been infected by the Virus... I'm destined to be retired by you once I become a Maverick, so go ahead, take me down... I want to fight you for the Colonel... That's what the Colonel would want.

Zero: I understand... But I'll fight you only because this is my mission. Now... let's do it!

Orbiter Wing unrequired[]

Spiral Pegasus: I didn't want to meet you in a situation like this... Not only this airport, but I, too, will be infected by the virus, and all will turn into Mavericks... Therefore, my destiny lies in your hands... Before I've totally lost my mind, please fight me... and make me accept my destiny...

Spiral Pegasus: Zero! I didn't want to see you in a situation such as this... Soon the Virus will take full control of me... When that happens, you'll have to retire me. So... Fight me now, Maverick Hunter... I want to fight you for the Colonel... And that's what the Colonel would want.

Zero: I understand... But I'll fight you only because it is my mission... Here I come!

Eurasia crashed or destroyed[]

Spiral Pegasus: Halt! Who... Are... You?
X: Pegasus... So you've turned too...

Spiral Pegasus: You're the one who killed the General. I'll kill you to avenge his death!

Spiral Pegasus: Iris, who is this guy? Please... ...tell me, Iris. Who is this guy?
Zero: Pegasus... You've become one of the Mavericks too...? Iris is gone... I'm...


Other appearances[]

Other media[]

Rockman X5 (manhua)[]

Spiral Pegasus fought X alongside Sigma, Burn Dinorex, Spike Rosered, and Zero. After X applied a cure on Zero, he went on a rampage before returning to normal, defeating the three Reploids assisting Sigma.

Archie Comics[]

WorldsUnite SpiralPegasus

Spiral Pegasus in Worlds Unite.

Spiral Pegasus appears in the crossover event Worlds Unite. He is one of the many Mavericks resurrected by Sigma-1 using his newfound powers before being dispatched to various worlds via Genesis Portals to conquer in Sigma's name. He and Toxic Seahorse go to the world of Breath of Fire III to set a Unity Engine, but they are destroyed by the heroes in that world.

Other appearances[]

Spiral Pegasus had a cameo appearance in the Rockman Zero manga.




Production Notes[]

Developer Comments
This is our second shot in the fantasy series. In the previous game, X4, we went for a dragon motif, but as a rule for the X series bosses, fantasy types are not existent creatures, so if it's hard to figure out, it becomes unavailable. Well, I broke that rule again this time. (grin) His attack method was easy to imagine and he looked cool, so I decided on him fairly quickly. The fact that his attack method resembles Eagleed's is because I was heavily influenced by Cyber Mission, which I was making at the same time, so I tried making them similar on purpose.[6][7]

Designer Comments
He's a soldier, so he's in uniform (as is). I like him rather a bit, but I'd still like to rework the wings. When I was drawing this, I was listening to the theme to Captain Tsubasa over and over. [Captain Tsubasa is a classic soccer manga/anime.] Thus we have the wings (tsubasa) link.... I don't know if he'll make the best use of them or not.[6][7]


  • In the original English release, Spiral Pegasus was named The Skiver, after Hanoi Rocks frontman Michael "High in the Sky" Monroe, who was also a frequent collaborator of Guns N' Roses, thus fitting him in with the theme naming of this game's Mavericks.[8]
  • Spiral Pegasus' health bar displays the generic skull icon rather than the Repliforce icon. This is likely due to the fact that he has been turned Maverick by the Sigma virus.

