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Appearing in "Sacrifice Play"

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Synopsis for "Sacrifice Play"

After his confrontation with Saunders, Frank woke up in a cabin next to Ortiz, who insisted on joining his fight against the Underground Liberation Army and recruiting his wife Conchita, as well.

Frank and the couple drove to a farm at the Santa Clara Mountains, where they located the Underground Liberation Army. After waiting until dawn, they learned that the group's helicopter and truck had departed.

While Samson was still in police custody. the Underground Liberation Army attacked them and freed Samson, who subsequently executed two of his liberators, as Lydia arrived with a helicopter. Then, the Punisher and his two allies arrived, with the vigilante chasing the helicopter. After realizing that the helicopter only had room for two and that Lydia could not fly, Samson pushed her out, shortly before the Punisher shot the pilot Ernie dead, causing them to crash. Samson was left paralyzed, so the Punisher executed him. Meanwhile, Conchita attempted to flee with her husband, as police approached them, but the latter died inside of the Underground Liberation Army's truck, while it exploded during a firefight.

Solicit Synopsis

Last issue, the Punisher broke into prison to get at a murderous cult leader. This time, he has to escape with the help of a couple of new friends.. .only one of whom will survive the experience!

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