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Marvel Database

Appearing in "The Cream of the Jest"

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Synopsis for "The Cream of the Jest"

Both out on parole, cellmates Jester and Ace Taggert have teamed up to get revenge those who wronged them. Jester wants to target James Martin, the director he blames for the end of his acting career, and Taggert has vowed to kill Moon Knight for putting him away. Both Daredevil and Moon Knight anticipate foul play on news of the convicts' release and converge while tailing the Jester. DD is ready to stop the Jester as soon as he sees him doing something illegal, but Moon Knight knows he has to keep tracking Jester to flush out Taggert, so he attacks DD to stop him from attacking Jester. After the inevitable fight come the inevitable explanations and the inevitable team-up. Moon Knight and Daredevil catch up to Jester and Taggert at the robbery of Martin's Broadway debut. Jester thinks he's about to get away when he grabs the ladder attached to the helicopter that he believes is piloted by Taggert, but by that point Taggert has already been caught and Frenchie carries Jester right over to the police.


  • The play staged by James Martin is William Shakespeare's The Winter's Tale. We see a part of Act 3, Scene 2, where Paulina talks with the First Lord. The first line we hear, "O, cut my lace, lest my heart, cracking it, break too", should be uttered by Paulina, red-dressed in this performance, but apparently here comes from blue-dressed First Lord.

See Also

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