Marvel Database

Appearing in "A Coffin for Spider-Man!"

Featured Characters:

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Synopsis for "A Coffin for Spider-Man!"

Moon Knight is witnessing the theft of two million dollars worth of gold from an armored car delivery. The cowled avenger leaps down and attacks the thieves, however much to everyone's surprise, the vigilante steals the gold, having it carried away in his Moon-Copter. The armed guards think that Moon Knight has gone crooked, and try to shoot him, but his chopper pulls him out of range and he easily escapes. Later, at an unassuming warehouse, Moon Knight turns over his gold. As it turns out he is competing in a competition among various gangs to be accepted into the National Syndicate Directorate. Competing between Detroit's Rat Pack and Chicago's Midnight Mob, the Moon Knight's advantages are balked at by his rivals. The leader of the National Syndicate points out that the competitors are to steal the most amount of gold by any means necessary. Despite that fact, the other mob leaders find it suspicious that Moon Knight suddenly turned criminal after the position of secretary for the syndicate became vacant.

Meanwhile, Spider-Man is patrolling the city in order to learn why there has been an increase in heists in recent days. He stops at the Daily Bugle building where he changes back to Peter Parker. As he changes he frets over how busy his life has become juggling his studies, his teacher's assistant job, getting photos for the Daily Bugle, and being Spider-Man. When Peter goes down to J. Jonah Jameson's office to try and sell his latest batch of Spider-Man photos, Jameson refuses to buy them, saying that Spider-Man is old news. He tells him to get some exclusive photos of Moon Knight since he is currently making news and threatens to fire Parker if he doesn't.

At that moment, Moon Knight returns to the mansion he owns under his alias of Steve Grant, leaping from his helicopter into the inground pool. He swims to through the secret tunnel that takes him into the mansion. There he finds Marlene Alraune waiting for him. Marlene and Marc have a romantic interlude. The following evening the couple are at a VIP showing of the royal treasures of Malta. Suddenly, the gala is interrupted by the Rat Pack who has come to steal the expensive items. "Steve Grant" manages to slip away and change into Moon Knight and dispatches the Rat Pack. As Moon Knight attempts to steal the treasures for himself, he is attacked by Spider-Man. The two struggle, but Moon Knight tries to make his escape, carried out of the building on a rope ladder dropped from his copter by his ally Frenchie. Spider-Man leaps up and tries to stop him. At it turns out, Moon Knight has got Spider-Man in on the ruse, although the wall-crawler is not so happy about how convincing Moon Knight's display is. Moon Knight responds by kicking his ally lose, to complete his phony getaway. Spider-Man is not happy having to team-up with another hero, but the possibility of shutting down a major crime syndicate is too important an opportunity to pass up.

Meanwhile, Moon Knight has turned over a stolen gold sword stolen from the Malta exhibit. The leader of the National Syndicate is impressed but has one final task for Moon Knight to complete before he wins the position: eliminating Spider-Man. Not expecting this, Moon Knight begins to think up of a plan. He meets up with Spider-Man to talk it out, aware that he is being followed by one of the rival gang members. The gangster tries to snipe Spider-Man from a nearby rooftop, he is attacked by the real Moon Knight. As it turns out, Frenchie was posing as the hero below to lure the shooter into a trap. Later, Moon Knight arrives at the Syndicate's warehouse with the "body" of Spider-Man, placing it into a coffin to be put on display for the others. When the mobsters unmask "Spider-Man" they realize he is one of their own. That's when the real Spider-Man comes leaping in and joins Moon Knight in busting up the meeting. With the syndicate and the other gangs busted up, Moon Knight invites Spider-Man to celebrate with him. Hearing about having caviar and champaign doesn't interest Spider-Man who decides to leave. Later, as Moon Knight and Frenchy depart, the cowled hero wonders why Spider-Man turned down the offer.

Appearing in "The Nursing Home Caper"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


  • Rodney - Polly's nephew (First appearance)

Other Characters:

  • Polly (First appearance)
  • The Shriekers - a hired band (First appearance)
  • Mr. Brewster (First appearance)

Races and Species:


Synopsis for "The Nursing Home Caper"

Peter Parker has finished visiting his Aunt May at the Restwell Retirement home and heads out. May goes back inside where a dance is being put on for the residents of the home. May is excited about the event but worries how the other residents feel about the band, a punk group called the Shriekers, but they are all they could afford.

While May is socializing with her neighbors, she spots a young man with her friend Polly. She learns from the other that he is Polly's nephew Rodney, who has been trying to convince Polly to move in with him. The others suspect that Rodney isn't interested in looking after his elderly aunt, as he is only interested in her money. While Rodney complains about the punk band, Aunt May discovers that they are very polite young men during an intermission.

Later in the evening, when Polly returns to collect admission for the event, she is attacked by someone from behind. This attacker manages to steal the money she has collected, but Polly wasn't able to get a look at them. Rodney instantly blames the members of the Shriekers. However, May finds a discarded telephone cable and points out that Rodney is a telephone repairman, as he showed up in his repair truck.

With his thievery exposed, Rodney attempts to choke out Aunt May with a phone cord, but panics when she feigns a heart attack. Attempting to flee, he is nabbed by the Shriekers, foiling his plot. May thanks the band for their help, but when they suggest she tell her nephew Peter about it, Aunt May thinks that Peter wouldn't be able to handle such excitement. Unaware that her nephew -- as Spider-Man -- is web-slinging away from the scene.

See Also

Links and References

