—Kid OmegaYeah, I know...With all our difference we somehow managed to work and overcome tremendous obstacles. Blah blah blah.
Appearing in "Conclusion: Final Exam"
Featured Characters:
- Avengers Academy
- Pan-Asian School for the Unusually Gifted
- X-Men
- Wakandan School for Alternative Studies
- Future Foundation
- Braddock Academy
- Loch (Revealed to be alive)
- Box (Roger Bochs Jr.)
- Latverian School of Science
- University of Atlantis
Supporting Characters:
- Outriders
- Black Order (Behind the scenes)
Other Characters:
- Thanos (Referenced)
- Wakandan Army (Main story and recap)
- King Namor (Mentioned)
- The Thing (Ben Grimm) (Mentioned)
Races and Species:
- Atlantean-Human Hybrids (Main story and flashback)
- Humans (Main story and recap)
- Vampires
- Moloids
- Whales (Mentioned)
- Mutant-Fairy Hybrids
- Human-Demon Hybrids
- Robots
- Mutants
- Human-Goat Hybrids
- Atlanteans (Mentioned)
- Outriders
- Earth (Main story and flashback)
- Atlantic Ocean (Main story and flashback)
- Atlantis (Only in recap)
- The Atlantean School (Destruction in recap)
- Atlantis (Only in recap)
- Wakanda
- Borderlands
- Red Rock (Destruction)
- Borderlands
- Earth Orbit (Mentioned)
- Indian Ocean (Referenced)
- United States of America
- New York State
- New York City
- Attilan (Referenced) (Destroyed)
- New York City
- New York State
- Atlantic Ocean (Main story and flashback)
- Hell (Mentioned)
- Gang Armor
- X-Uniforms
- Future Foundation Uniform
- Box Armor Model 4
- Power Pack Uniforms (Cameo)
- Panther Habit
- Infinity Gems (Mentioned)
Synopsis for "Conclusion: Final Exam"
Inside the Leviathan, the gathered students learn of Whalesong, the creature's companion and an Atlantean student. She is convinced that Wakandan forces destroyed Atlantis, prompting an argument between the students. After the interrogation of a surviving enemy reveals the next target to be Wakanda, Demona teleports the Leviathan and the students there, joining in battle with Shuri against the invading forces. Leviathan is defeated in battle, and Shuri orders the assembled students to leave, refusing to have more deaths on her conscience. The students disobey and handily defeat the monster attacking Wakanda, earning Shuri's gratitude. Afterwards, the students go to New York to help with cleaning up after the fall of Attilan.
Solicit Synopsis
- The super student teenagers of the Marvel Universe take on Thanos' forces!
- The seeds of a future Marvel event are planted here!