List of all notable quotes by or about Quintavius Quire (Earth-616).
(Please add any important quotations that may be missing, ensuring to cite the original source. Pages with a quote from this character will automatically be added here along with the quote.)
(Please add any important quotations that may be missing, ensuring to cite the original source. Pages with a quote from this character will automatically be added here along with the quote.)
It's all fake and illusion. That's what cool is. That's what charisma is. That's what everything is.
I'm only playing devil's advocate, Professor. You've always encouraged us to dream... ...I just wondered what would happen if one of us had a dream you didn't like?
Stay tuned to your screens, my mutant brothers and sisters. For those of you out there who dare still doubt the hate and fear the humans harbor for us, it's time you turn on, tune in and pull your head out of your #*$@% ass...and just watch what happens next.
It's working. I'm totally owning your mind, Wolverine. You are one hundred percent my bitch right now. You can run but you cannot hide. Heh! Who's the X-Man now, yo?
That...that is not my Idea. I don't know what that is... but I can say one thing for sure: my subconscious hate my guts.
Yeah, I know...With all our difference we somehow managed to work and overcome tremendous obstacles. Blah blah blah.
They don't understand, Idie... They just keep trying to decide who I am for me. Make me the hero or the villain of some hack story. All I ever wanted was the right to wake up every day and be who I want to be. But I looked into the mind of that future me -- the Phoenix. And now... the future scares the hell out of me.
Oh, good. You're all here. I know you're going to find this hard to believe... but I need your help.
Perhaps I haven't fully explained myself. By saving the end of things, we might have created a new beginning. But the old beginning still needs to end. I said before that this Beast had become the God of All Mutants. But there are others. You see, the Beast of your time has planted various versions of himself to influence the future. These experimental hatchlings and mutations wait. They observe. They scheme. They emerge when the time is right. So we have to work our way back. Back to the beginning of the end. To root out his infection of the timeline. I can't tell you exactly what we'll encounter. But I can tell you that the worst that has already happened is yet to come.
You've followed me this far. It's only a little farther now. We're at the beginning of the end. This is the world of Nimrod Beast.
I'm only playing devil's advocate, Professor. You've always encouraged us to dream... I just wondered what would happen if one of us had a dream you didn't like?
Deathlok | Quentin Quire. 38.9% chance you are expelled within the year. 67.3% chance you first burn this entire school to the ground. |
Quentin Quire | Sounds about right to me. |
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