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Being a mutant shares traits with other persecuted groups, but it is unlike it in one key way. We are dangerous.

Professor X (Charles Xavier)

Appearing in "Part 10: Hated and Feared"

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  • Sinister's ship (Destroyed)


Synopsis for "Part 10: Hated and Feared"

Having just betrayed the Quiet Council and murdered several of its members, Mr. Sinister escapes to his lab and grows a new Moira clone as a save point, allowing him to reset the timeline to this moment should anything go wrong.

Meanwhile, X-Force investigates the now ruined and bloodied council chambers as Cable carries the body of Hope, his daughter, from the chambers. As part of the contingency plans for the Resurrection Protocols, Mimic and Synch stand ready to copy Hope's powers in order to attempt to resurrect her.

Mimic is unable to handle the pressure and the horror of the situation, but Synch volonteers to try. With him in Hope's place, the Five are successful and resurrect Hope, Exodus, Professor X and Emma Frost, all the members of the council Sinister managed to kill.

Together with the X-Men, the council track Sinister to the ruins of Sinister London, his failed attempt at recreating a 19th century London populated with his clones, which was destroyed by the Phoenix Five. Sinister deploys his defenses, which are quickly torn through by the council and X-Men.

Sinister manages to power up his ship, accusing the council of merely taking what they needed from the likes of him, Moira MacTaggert and Apocalypse before casting them out when they began to turn their stomachs. Just as Sinister prepares to fly away, the council destroy his ship and capture him.

Sinister is paraded through the streets of Krakoa to jeering crowds as he is led to the council chambers. There, he is sentenced to exile in the Pit. With him gone, Xavier states that they can no longer abide "useful monsters" such as Sinister, declaring that they must make a better, kinder Krakoa. As the council adjurns, Destiny grabs her wife Mystique, telling her they must leave immediately.

In his quarters, Xavier removes his Cerebro helmet, revealing a Sinister diamond on his forehead.

Solicit Synopsis


Charles Xavier always had a dream...but one man's dream is another's nightmare. This one will make you wish you could wake up screaming.

See Also

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