Firestar shared a similar history to her Prime Marvel Universe counterpart until Mister Sinister created Moira VII. During the first life of this clone, Firestar was one of the many mutants who traveled to Sinister London to retrieve Mister Sinister and charge him for his crimes of murdering members of the Quiet Council.[1]
What happened to Angelica Jones after the rest of the mutants were infected with Mister Sinisters gene alteration is unknown, but it presumably affected her as well. However, her genetic material was combined with Lila Cheney, Micromax, and Harold Leland to create L Bombs, Chimeras who could teleport to any point in the universe and then, using the combined powers of the other three, explode the planet.[2]Attributes
Microwave Energy Generation
See Also
- 2 appearance(s) of Angelica Jones (Moira VII.1)
- 1 mention(s) of Angelica Jones (Moira VII.1)
- 2 image(s) of Angelica Jones (Moira VII.1)