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Marvel Database

All I've heard my entire life is to take things seriously. Life. Relationships. My mistakes. And I think you're right. It is time to take things seriously. Confront the hard truths! What went wrong with Valentine--I didn't take it serious. Least not after the honeymoon phase. I pushed my own kid away 'cause I was too afraid she'd turn out like me. But giving up is easy. Anyone can do it! Learning to maintain, to upkeep, that's the real hard part! Old me would run from that. But the new me is going to do right by people. Going to do better. Better! For my girls! You wanna know why? 'Cause being a self-aware zaddy who is there for his alien-wolf daughter and his unkillable human daughter and his underpaid employees is the best thing in the world.


Appearing in 1st story

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Synopsis for 1st story

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Solicit Synopsis

Deadpool is in Death Grip’s clutches and not in a fun way. This mad mystic martial artist will stop at nothing to find the limits of Deadpool’s healing factor. At what point will the Merc’s mouth stop growing back? And has Deadpool been a good enough father that his daughters will try to save him?

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