Marvel Database

Quote1 It's going to take more than a corpse to convince me that the Red Skull is gone for good. Quote2
Captain America

Appearing in "Rogues in the House"

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Synopsis for "Rogues in the House"

Captain America is working out alongside Rachel, who despite not battling super villains, wants to stay fit. Cap leaves to go and do "paperwork" in his office. He first checks out the Avengers active roster's reports, and then ends up in a call with Bernie Rosenthal, who is jealous of Steve's admiration for his new executive secretary, Diamondback. The next call is with Agent Freeman, who informs Steve the fingerprints on the corpse of Red Skull are identical to Steve's, leading Steve to believe it might be the Red Skull.

At his Rocky Mountain chalet, Viper reluctantly joins Red Skull in the hot tub to brainstorm new ideas of anarchy, which upsets Mother Night. Crossbones goes to the Bar for a drink, but leaves when a fight breaks out.

At the Avengers Mansion, Rachel is surprised when Col. Jameson arrives, and she explains she's trying out for an Avengers Staff position and he makes a pass at her. Meanwhile, Cap debriefs Thor, Hercules and Quasar on their recent adventures. He tells Thor he would be happy to show him some basic Avengers Manoeuvres, and Thor agrees.

While this is happening, Cutthroat, Deathstroke and Mangler apply for Crossbones' position in Red Skull's Skeleton Crew. When they finish their forms, Mother Night appears and instructs them to fight to the death, and whoever is left standing will claim the position, causing the three to end up in a fight.

Cap and Thor look for Red Skull at Skull-House, and despite Cap's best efforts to avoid traps, they are quickly captured by Doughboy. Arnim Zola tells them the Skull is dead, and asks Doughboy to dispose of their bodies.

Mother Night returns to the fight scene, believing all three to have slaughtered each other. However, with his last gasp of strength, Cutthroat emerges as the only survivor.

Col. Jameson drives a paranoid Rachel to her class, as Crossbones spies on them from afar...

Appearing in "The Big Brawl"

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Synopsis for "The Big Brawl"

  • Synopsis not yet written


  • The Mangler is not the Luke Cage/Power Man villain. A later letters page indicates that he is an augmented person from the Power Broker who appeared as one of his henchmen in Captain America #329.
  • This issue contains a letters page, American Graffiti. Letters are published from: Ali T. Kokmen, Joe Kucharski III, Dan Jennings, and Bradford R. Poston.


Steven Rogers (Earth-616) from Captain America Vol 1 395 0001

Steve's drawing of Diamondback

Steven Rogers (Earth-616) from Captain America Vol 1 395 0002

Steve's drawing of Red Skull

  • Captain America shows off his drawing skills in this issue by drawing pictures of Diamondback and the Red Skull.
  • Scenes from Story 1 and Story 2 are isochronic concerning the events happening in the "Bar with no Name". Story 1 contains Crossbones view. Story 2 presents B.A.D. Girls, Inc. (Earth-616) vantage.

See Also

Links and References

